Redpill - Tumblr Posts
Please tell me you didnt mean to reblog a radfem post, this is so disappointing
Well... how can I explain?
From my knowledge, terfs/radfem along with some spectres of manosphere like redpill, blackpill and by some extension incel too, these are the few places and communities where I see people discussing about the roles of both sex including their social construction and althought I still didn't had patience enough to fully study it I personally think that some topics from radical feminism are surprisingly accurate and interesting af to me and necessary to society even if in parts
honestly that wasn't even my most unpopular take, I have some takes I'm still typing and rewriting to post here (including themes like gender dysphoria and the direct relation to mental problems)
recently I saw a post on talking about foids females standarts not being objectively THE BEST even when talking about reproductory instinct and honestly that gave me so much hope
maybe not about ascending but about things finally changing for me and my homies
also it reminds me of how redpill is currently mainstream which had taken some years which means that from my expectations it should take 7-10 years for blackpill to start finally being talked openly just like redpill is currently
maybe not so openly or maybe even more, who knows
Your looksmatch would never date you because she thinks she's a 10 even if she is barely a 6 and due to simps+feminism
water is wet
also I hate the fact that redpill and blackpill aren't common themes here
Don't play dumb, everyone knows the difference between a man with a high body count and a woman with high body count
A guy has to be attractive, paying for everything from the date to be seen as a provider, always having attitude enough to be seen as an active guy yet careful enough to not be seen as an overly active guy and a fucking ton of efforts just to have a DATE, let alone anything beyond while a woman just has to exist and she'll have simps around her
A key that opens all the locks in the world is incomparable to a lock that's constantly opened to all the keys in the world
gonna get pussy when he wakes up—100%

Healthy, full armpits

Conservative men + republican fathers are top tier

Country boy things
People hate on mgtow, people misunderstand the redpill.
Its not a 'hate all women' or 'hurr durr misogyny', or 'all women should die because they don't wanna have sex with me, boo hoo."
Redpill, Mgtow, is simple.
Men have to settle.
Women don't.
Mgtow settles for a fully stocked mancave, and the peace to enjoy it.
Women are free to monkey branch, and climb the corporate ladder, and do every unfeminine thing to chase what social media programs women to chase.
But when all a woman has are 30 cats to remember her life by, Mgtow and repill are not going to be there to pick up the kitty litter.
I’ve noticed a pattern of men doing sexist shit then turn back on it to act like they don’t care and are above women. As an exemple: moid loooove to watch hentai or porn, they literally can’t live without it and love to show the whole world how they like to disrespect women. Then they will gather together as a group of dudesbros saying they don’t care about women and how they’re stronger than the « hoes who trick them with their sexual assets », playing the martyr card as if they didn’t sexualised us in the first place and they’re doing something brave by not looking at porn and being to focused on « getting money and playing dumb fps games with the BoisTM ». As if they won’t jerk off to loli porn two hours later. They love to say they don’t care about women by always talking about women but since moid lack self awareness they believe they’re cool. You’re either a disposable slut for their enjoyment and should always be on your knees for them either an annoying whore with no worth that run after them while they’re busy being Kewl with the fellas, because even if they try to convince themselves they don’t care about women their weak pathetic ego like to imagine women drool over them so they can’t reject them to feel some twisted sense of power over them. Probably Redditor that got rejected in 2004 by Samantha. There’s just no winning with such mental gymnastics. You’re going to be put down anyway even if you never asked them for sex nor droll over them they will make this shit up to beat it down later. I hate moids.
Sorry? I don’t want to ignore this but I’m not totally sure how to answer it either.
Women always had the right to their money.
The fundamental right never changed, even if the law took time to express these fundamental rights.
Besides, as the housemaker, Women also had access to the money the Husband made. If the Woman does it right, she'd have all the control over the household's finances because that was the Woman's role in the home.
There, then, lies the rub: Men are perfectly chill with women making the decisions in the home. Men's role has always been to provide the money, while Women used that money to provide for the family.
Nowadays, Women want to compete with Men. They want what they perceive Men to have, even though they may already have it anyway.
Men are already competing with each other, they don't need to compete with their own Women too.
Mgtow and redpill have just decided we DON'T WANT to compete, and we will toast your efforts with a cold one while you throw your best years away into the gutter.
I’ve noticed a pattern of men doing sexist shit then turn back on it to act like they don’t care and are above women. As an exemple: moid loooove to watch hentai or porn, they literally can’t live without it and love to show the whole world how they like to disrespect women. Then they will gather together as a group of dudesbros saying they don’t care about women and how they’re stronger than the « hoes who trick them with their sexual assets », playing the martyr card as if they didn’t sexualised us in the first place and they’re doing something brave by not looking at porn and being to focused on « getting money and playing dumb fps games with the BoisTM ». As if they won’t jerk off to loli porn two hours later. They love to say they don’t care about women by always talking about women but since moid lack self awareness they believe they’re cool. You’re either a disposable slut for their enjoyment and should always be on your knees for them either an annoying whore with no worth that run after them while they’re busy being Kewl with the fellas, because even if they try to convince themselves they don’t care about women their weak pathetic ego like to imagine women drool over them so they can’t reject them to feel some twisted sense of power over them. Probably Redditor that got rejected in 2004 by Samantha. There’s just no winning with such mental gymnastics. You’re going to be put down anyway even if you never asked them for sex nor droll over them they will make this shit up to beat it down later. I hate moids.
Sorry? I don’t want to ignore this but I’m not totally sure how to answer it either.
Ah, a Woman no longer talking, every Mgtow's dream come true.

I’ve noticed a pattern of men doing sexist shit then turn back on it to act like they don’t care and are above women. As an exemple: moid loooove to watch hentai or porn, they literally can’t live without it and love to show the whole world how they like to disrespect women. Then they will gather together as a group of dudesbros saying they don’t care about women and how they’re stronger than the « hoes who trick them with their sexual assets », playing the martyr card as if they didn’t sexualised us in the first place and they’re doing something brave by not looking at porn and being to focused on « getting money and playing dumb fps games with the BoisTM ». As if they won’t jerk off to loli porn two hours later. They love to say they don’t care about women by always talking about women but since moid lack self awareness they believe they’re cool. You’re either a disposable slut for their enjoyment and should always be on your knees for them either an annoying whore with no worth that run after them while they’re busy being Kewl with the fellas, because even if they try to convince themselves they don’t care about women their weak pathetic ego like to imagine women drool over them so they can’t reject them to feel some twisted sense of power over them. Probably Redditor that got rejected in 2004 by Samantha. There’s just no winning with such mental gymnastics. You’re going to be put down anyway even if you never asked them for sex nor droll over them they will make this shit up to beat it down later. I hate moids.
Sorry? I don’t want to ignore this but I’m not totally sure how to answer it either.
You know and I know that Princess Peach being an action girl is not an homage to her comics of games appearances because Princess Peach's archetype was generally, and always was, the damsel in distress, and it was Mario's quest to save her from Bowser.
Princess Peach's action-girl image is feminist propaganda aimed at upstaging Mario's traditionally heroic role and undermining the masculine character that Mario embodied as the hero of his game.
It's the trend nowadays.

If there is less rape, than there is less prosecution of rapists.
Or, you could just be honest and say you don't want less rape, but less accountability for making poor life choices.
“If owning a gun and knowing how to use it worked, the military would be the safest place for a woman. It’s not. If women covering up their bodies worked, Afghanistan would have a lower rate of sexual assault than Polynesia. It doesn’t. If not drinking alcohol worked, children would not be raped. They are. If your advice to a woman to avoid rape is to be the most modestly dressed, soberest and first to go home, you may as well add “so the rapist will choose someone else”. If your response to hearing a woman has been raped is “she didn’t have to go to that bar/nightclub/party” you are saying that you want bars, nightclubs and parties to have no women in them. Unless you want the women to show up, but wear kaftans and drink orange juice. Good luck selling either of those options to your friends. Or you could just be honest and say that you don’t want less rape, you want (even) less prosecution of rapists.”
— A Short Post on Rape Prevention (via brute-reason)

Why is it surprising when a man critiques a woman's body when it is all she brings to the discussion?
Act like a product, be treated like a product.
are we still genuinely not grasping that the way you treat women you don’t like is directly related to the way you treat women you DO like bc clearly the moment they slip up their bodies/looks are fair game …
Condoms, let's see them
Dove Bronzewing: CONDOMS. Let's see them!
Pyrrha Nikos: W-What do you mean?
Dove: Let me see the condoms you're about to put on Cardin's wiener!
Dove snatched the condom Pyrrha handed over hesitantly and began to scrutinize the innocent package with the eyes of a craftsman. A subtle smirk of victory sharpened the raptor's cunning that featured heavily on Dove's face before Dove opened and poured his beer into the condom.
The triumph on Dove's face was matched by the look of revulsion and horror on Cardin's as beer leaked out through the multitude of holes that Pyrrha had pierced through the condom. At the same time, Pyrrha pounced on Cardin and begged the bewildered Huntsman to put a baby in her belly because Jaune couldn't satisfy her.l
Dove: Zip it, psycho! Go and be happy with Jaune's micro-penis! Get out!
Dove's voice rose to a high-pitched squeal as Pyrrha ran, humiliated, from CRDL's dorm.
This is what watching modern day gender debates between tik tok relationship gurus, arm chair twitter psychologists,terfs, radfems, trads, incels, manosphere guys and people that have neopronouns is like to me
You tell your lefty friends you hate us because we think we’re stronger and better than you.
But really, you hate us because you KNOW we’re stronger and better than you.
Join us or serve us. Two simple choices.