Terfsafe - Tumblr Posts
Leftist males are amazing with calling literally everyone a terf
TERF= Trans Exclusionary RADICAL feminist
Meaning= a Radical feminist is a woman who recognizes the root of the patriarchy. The word Terf is so applied to ALL radical feminists since we recognize that trans ideology is rooted in misogyny and gender stereotypes.
Conservatives uphold the patriarchy therefore they cannot be TERFs since their missing the EF part.
Hope this helps (not in a good way though) :>
Leftist moids: Kink is a great way to cope with trauma!! Everyone engaging in it is completely aware of what's happening and is consenting to it!!
Same leftist moids: we're gonna dress up in children's clothes and fetishize people who can't give consent or don't want it like Radical Feminists,Children,Women,babies,animals, etc!! Oh! And also ur a nazi puritan terf if you try to do anything about it. 💋 xx
Hi, I found your blog through "#kill all males" and had a question for you: If a 14 year old male flirts with a woman while she's working, makes her uncomfortable, and wolf whistles at her, does he deserve to die for that?
not really since at fourteen He's not really posing any threat (except if he's more built for his age or smth) but he'd definitely be fined and spend some time in community service as well as be lectured on his actions in a youth detention center for a few weeks and if he continues so then we'll take some real action
(ps English is not my native language so bare with me)
The radical feminist feeling of feeling insecure, so you go on Tumblr and write body positivity. Just for fetish content to pop up 💀

If I see another "Radical Feminist" with a boyfriend I'm gonna fucking lose my damn mind‼️‼️🫦
To be a Radical Feminist is to attempt to dismantle the patriarchy, how are you gonna achieve this by giving into Patriarchal norms such as being in a heterosexual relationship or having sex with men? Shit like this makes the movement sound like tranny hate and nothing more 💀
For a "transfemme" you sure hate a lot like a homme 😂

This is how fetishists see children btw;

This is pedophilia. These people want to rape children but it's illegal so their doing it to brainwashed vulnerable adults. The fact that this type of shit is open makes me wanna vomit. These are people who most likely go outside,work jobs,ECT and that means that there's a high chance, that they come into contact with children almost everyday. I pray this becomes illegal and child rape fetishists are executed. Disgusting pieces of filth.
How to quickly know the original poster is male:
if you genuinely believe that trans men and cis men are enemies and need to be pitted against each other: you drank the terf juice.
if you believe that pre transition or never transition transfems "look too threatening" or "too cishet" or "unsafe for other queers to be around": you drank the terf juice.
if you misgender butch trans women and multigender transfem lesbians and remove them from lesbian spaces: you drank the terf juice.
if you police transfems and call them "loud," "aggressive," "mean," or "rude," just because they have deep voices or high testosterone bodies: you drank the terf juice.
if you genuinely believe that all men and mascs need to be barred from entry into non binary, lesbian, and other queer spaces: you drank the terf juice.
if you genuinely believe all cishet men are inherently queerphobic, evil, and dangerous to be around: you drank the terf juice.
if you genuinely believe trans and cis men are inherently violent and dangerous because they're men: you drank the terf juice.
if you genuinely believe that cis-passing trans men aren't queer and/or don't belong in queer spaces because they look and sound "too cis" or 'threatening': you drank the terf juice.
if you genuinely believe that anyone who is AMAB and/or has a penis is inherently violent: you drank the terf juice.
if you genuinely believe it's okay to profile strangers to assume they're cis or het (or ANYTHING): you drank the terf juice.
literally ALL of these things are terf ideologies and actions. in order to accept ourselves and be accepted, we must accept that just like how our identities are not inherently violent- neither are cis and het folks'.
blaming cis mens' gender instead of their actions and behaviors for their dangerous and queerphobic actions removes the responsibility from the individual man. that was one man who did something wrong.
hold that individual person accountable for their actions and leave their gender and/or birth sex out of it- they're irrelevant to the situation.
making trans women, intersex trans women, transfems, nonbinary people, genderqueer people, etc. uncomfortable by policing how they look and sound is not the way to go. policing transfems and preventing them from queer spaces is not the way to go. policing trans men and mascs and preventing them from entering spaces they belong in is not the way to go.
excluding queer men and mascs from the communities they rightfully belong in isn't helping anyone. cis gay men need community. cis asexual men need community. cis aromantic men need community. cis polyamorous men need community. genderqueer, non binary, and gnc cis men need community. cis bisexual/mspec men need community. trans women who are also men need community. trans men need community. intersex men need community. the list goes on.
community means working together, not fragmenting ourselves off into the tiniest micro pockets imaginable for the sake of "Safety". running afraid from every. single. man and masc you encounter will not keep you safe- femmes and women are capable of abuse. we cannot fall into this "woman good man bad" trap. being afraid of a group of people wholesale doesn't help you heal from whatever trauma you have. it's going to keep you scared for the rest of your life. it's best to move on and stop judging strangers for features they can't help or didn't ask for.
"Radfems are just yt middle aged conservatives who only care Abt themselves!!!1!!11!"
Radical Feminists:

Grown ass 32 year old and a creepy pedophile incel💀

I hope these people aren't member's of society
When you find an account which is like...the PERFECT balance of radical feminist beliefs. Enough male hate to not be conservative, enough trans hate to not be a tirf, enough of anti sw posts to not be a Libfem, enough writings to make thought progress and enough petition offerings to make enough practice progress.
NOOOOOOO 😭 and that's why y'all should be careful by which friends you pick.

I really hope the filter doesn't get enough use until it's expiration date.
If you for the life of you, cannot orgasm without your partner doing weird shit to you then you have a paraphilia.
Lets stop making fetishes sound like something normal,name it for what it actually is. And by recognizing it as a medical disorder, it's more common for these people to go and seek out help.
You yap and yap about how "consent is all that matters" but you fail to realize how many subs in the community are trauma victims and most victims of abuse are Female. Secondly, no it's not consensual because your imitating and or fantasizing about a group who doesn't want it.
Nuns don't want to be sexualized
Little girls don't want to be raped by their fathers
Teenage girls don't want to be raped by their teachers
Also,where in my post did I mention neurodivergence? You don't need to be Neurodivergant to be used. This can happen to anyone. Strange how you call us stupid yet you support Patriarchal ideas and fail to understand why Feminists aren't fond of males and just because a Woman makes a decision doesn't mean that it's a feminist one, Women, due to male manipulation can still contribute to the Patriarchy. Also strange how the main audience I argue with about this are male. Out of us, your the stupid one. Get in the bin pedophilia,rape apologist moid.
This is how fetishists see children btw;

This is pedophilia. These people want to rape children but it's illegal so their doing it to brainwashed vulnerable adults. The fact that this type of shit is open makes me wanna vomit. These are people who most likely go outside,work jobs,ECT and that means that there's a high chance, that they come into contact with children almost everyday. I pray this becomes illegal and child rape fetishists are executed. Disgusting pieces of filth.
You can't have a religion stating how everything is going to end help in progression 😭
I might get doxed for this but here goes: I’m a TERF. I like this term because it’s actually concise and accurate. I am a radical feminist and I exclude transgenderism from my feminism because I see it as being in opposition to my definition of feminism. You may disagree and (respectfully) argue in opposition but I have come to this opinion after a solid ten years of on the ground trans activism. Yes I have quite literally been going to protests and rallies, contributing money, working for orgs, etc since I was 10 years old. And I have recently come to the conclusion that I have devoted my life to something that, to put it in a vulgar manner, makes no fucking sense.
Essentialism is the idea that something (i. e. a gender identity unaligned with one’s sex) exists just because it must and therefor requires no further definition or evidence. An example of this is when religious extremists say, “A woman’s place is bearing children because it has to be” and they are incapable of expanding their argument further beyond ‘that’s just how it is’ or references to the Bible. Do you see where I’m going with this?
There is no science behind having a “male brain” or a “female brain” this is a misogynistic lie that was debunked decades ago.
I have a female body and this is a scientific fact. Gender is an essentialist ideal that is not provable beyond circular logic. “I am a woman because I am one” is the same argument as “Jesus exists because the Bible says so”. It holds the same validity.
So why are we making laws based on religion? What happened to separation of church and state?

Just a cat wondering how not everyone has already grasped that, gender ideology and the trans movement is just another way of men preventing women from being in communion with each other thus, further destroying their evil societal system known as the patriarchy. They knew we're too powerful. So, they got some men to dress up as us, reduce us to what their species thinks we are and bash us for trying to preserve our hard earned rights for ourselves. Typical male narcissism, wanting to keep every accomplishment to themselves.
A reminder that if we as Women want to progress, we need to bite back at the dogs.
We're not gonna progress by staying quiet
We're not gonna progress by submitting to men
We're not gonna progress by letting misogony into our lives
We're not gonna progress by letting men invade our spaces
Make posters, assemble protests, join protests, glue stickers on the lampposts,sign petitions, do something even if it's small. Every action counts, even by small actions we're letting other Women and Girls know to not back down and that we're here for them.
Oppression is over a millennium overdue, It is time to take action.
"He touches me in ways which makes me uncomfortable" Dump him
"He hates it when I talk to other men" Dump him
"He grows out his facial hair" Dump him
"He tries telling me what to do with my life" dump him
"He doesn't let me go out with my friends" Dump him
"He raises his voice at me" Dump him
"He makes me uncomfortable" dump him
"bu-" just fucking Dump him.
You as a Woman, have no right in telling adult men what to do, it's their lives and none of your business. Men are stubborn and won't listen anyways, they do respond though. With violence, Dump his insecure nonchalant porn sick unromantic ass and get on with your life. There's an infinite amount of things to do in this world and you're gonna spend it all on some moids? Please...
Actually shooting people can be a kink and can help with trauma from being shot. So if you try to kink shame. Your a disgusting bastard, fuckmoid. Have a terrible day WERM 😘
To daddy doms: Let’s not fixate on the other person for a second, you like to pretend your sex partner is your child? I see, no I get it. Hey, unrelated but could you take a good look at this for a second?