2much4me-4ever - Do i have to do this?
Do i have to do this?

Useless Lesbian AroAce Spec Agender , all pronouns are oki hope non of my friends sees this shitthe profile is The Nacked Maya by Goyaobsessed with butterflies

94 posts

I Can't Get Over How (intentionally) Brilliant The Lines From God Games Are.

I can't get over how (intentionally) brilliant the lines from God Games are.

Apollo [I]

Athena apeals both to his reason ("they tried to do him worse") and his personal priorities ("the'yll thread with caution first", "sing another verse") as the god of arts, giving him both a solid argument and a scapegoat so he doesn't seem to shallow

Hephaistos [II]

Hephaistos is bothered by Odysseus betrail, and one of the most popular story's he is involved in is the betrail through Aphrodite's infidelity (she's his wife, in some versions), and being thrown from the Olymp becourse he was too 'ugly', only regaining respect for his craftsmanship.

Plus the wordgames!! ('trust is forged' and 'build a future')

(((Also, his voicing(?) just perfect. He seems to heave, and the voice sound a little mechanic? which could be playing into the disabillity he is sometimes portrayed to have)))

Aphrodite [III]

She hold a grudge against Odysseus for breaking his mothers heart, showing both her petty side and portraying her as a godess of all love. Additionally, we can't forget that this was shortly after the Trojan war, which she technically started by winnig a competition against Athena and Hera, so there is definitly bad blood between the two. (Still, a little dissapointing)

Ares [IV]

Brilliant! Part!

Ares and Athena are both rivals as the god of war and the godess of (battle) strategie, and their connection is portrayed perfectly by her challenging chant of his name at the beginning of his part!

He also doesn't really cares a lot more about the 'cowordly' tactics of Odysseus (Athena), which lessen the brutality and bloodshed of war. The vocalisation of ["didn't even TRY TO KILL SKYLLA"] is just *chefs kiss* (Still, he is a god of the people, and of armies and rebellion as a whole, so it makes sense for him to rafe at Odysseus betrail rather than the groups.

[Hera] V

Hera just Rocked

The motherly vibes, the royal tone. (One person on Tumblr said Athena listed traits of Zeus ["He's kind of funny","Eh"] to make Hera think of him before delivering the last (and first) blow, which sound plausible, but idk) There is not much to say, so straight toooo

Zeus [+I]

I think it's safe to say Athena knew (or at least guessed) her father woudn't be satisfied if he won. Zeus is made to portray a King, and those are predictable and prideful. She must have known beforehand he would let her 'play a game' or challenge something of her, and that he would be able to take that hit to his pride.

I think she gambeled that, while he coudn't just balantly favour her, or let her hurt his pride, a begging, (maybe half dead) daughter would be enough for his role to allow him to take mercy on her.

(Especally when all the other important gods are present)

(Not saying that he knew what she was up to, that guy definitly shat on her when he fired that lightning.)

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More Posts from 2much4me-4ever

6 months ago

Do I personally think they are cringe? Yes.

Am I a (self) sex repulsed asexual? Also Yes.

So please, sisters, brothers, compainions of all kind, take this burden upon you so I shall not carry it, and ride that fictional dick/pussy until dawn.

My Contribution To This Meme

My contribution to this meme

6 months ago

Biggest indicator of US decline: You could buy 6 BigMacs with 1 hour of minimum wage in 1980, but today you can't even buy one, despite minimum wage more than doubling.

Biggest Indicator Of US Decline: You Could Buy 6 BigMacs With 1 Hour Of Minimum Wage In 1980, But Today

It's over.

6 months ago

I was, in fact, very concerned by the recent Deadpool Wolverine Movie.

When they fist displayed the Wolverines actors body I was worried as fuck becourse the 'muscular male body' type is unhealthy as fuck and you can only have those type of muscles through STARVING. The actor obviousl trained a lot, but he defenitly did the water-diet thing to get those shots, and thats fucked.

We as a society should not normalise or hypersexualise, and therefore encurage, this type of body. The character Laios and those Wrestlers look definitly more healthy, and their body types should be the norm for healthy and muscular male bodies.

(This is not, in any way, related to other body types, my point is that we shoudnt glorify and drool over something only achivable through torturing oneself.)

(Also, as a (mostly sex) repulsed person, please tag ur thirst traps properly. Sex bots are bad enough.)

Getting a bit sick of all the "ooh I'm so glad Laios has a soft body!" "Laios is built like an average guy" style posts. Because he doesn't and isn't.

Getting A Bit Sick Of All The "ooh I'm So Glad Laios Has A Soft Body!" "Laios Is Built Like An Average
Getting A Bit Sick Of All The "ooh I'm So Glad Laios Has A Soft Body!" "Laios Is Built Like An Average
Getting A Bit Sick Of All The "ooh I'm So Glad Laios Has A Soft Body!" "Laios Is Built Like An Average
Getting A Bit Sick Of All The "ooh I'm So Glad Laios Has A Soft Body!" "Laios Is Built Like An Average
Getting A Bit Sick Of All The "ooh I'm So Glad Laios Has A Soft Body!" "Laios Is Built Like An Average
Getting A Bit Sick Of All The "ooh I'm So Glad Laios Has A Soft Body!" "Laios Is Built Like An Average

Laios is built like a fucking professional wrestler. He isn't like, super chiseled or anything but he does not have an "average" body, he his built like someone who does a LOT of physical effort and training.

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6 months ago

Hot Take on Fanfiction Today!

I myself love fanfiction! I fact, I mostly prefer them over canon works, and consume those daily. I have my OTP's, a favourite writer and a list of fandoms I regulairly visit.

One thing I always make sure if is that the characters i ship are fictional, for example; anime / book characters or the protagonist of a movie series.

Real life people are Actors, Musicians, Celebrities. I will never, ever read work about those.

Those are real life people. Unlike fictional characters, they have real emotions and can give / withdraw consent. Consent which we don't have when we post our works publicly.

I honestly don't care if they ever said something along the lines of 'I don't mind fanfics' or 'I favour those'. That is not real consent for posting a hardcore p*rn fic with their names on it for thousands of strangers to see.

And im so fucking sick of seeing works like those spread out all across the internet.

It may not 'hurt anyone', but it's a direct breach and attack on their privacy and human dignity.

I don't care about soft fluffy cuddel fics with self insert charas. Those are questionable, but acceptable. But Real People Fanfics? If you want to write those, just share them with your friends, and don't post them for all the world too see.

You're just dehumanizing the celebrity you claim to care for, and using them (or the idea of them) for nonconsensual p*rn.

Don't normalise that shit please. It's not ok.

(If there is a point I did not see, or a really good counter argument, please write me. Otherwise, stfu)

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6 months ago

More on God Games cause the way it's written narratively is so interesting to me, especially with the Gods chosen to be in God Games, along with some of the motifs used and the way the gods are characterized.

God Games is basically framed as Athena going through different levels of Gods, Apollo is Level 1, Hephaestus level 2, Aphrodite and Ares level 3, Hera level 4 and Zeus is the final boss. we see this in how much time each god has along with how hard it was for Athena to convince them. It also subtly shows skill again and level ups through Athena arguments by using Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

With Apollo and Hephaestus, Athena starts with Logos, her arguments are factual and logical, not accounting for the contexts of those situations. With Aphrodite and Ares she needs to use Pathos, appealing to the lovers emotions rather then their logic cause that would not convince them, which in turn make Hera easier as Athena appeals to Hera's feelings on marriage and family. Then there's Zeus, with Zeus Athena uses Ethos, but not in the typical way it's used, Ethos is usually using your own authority in an argument to gain trust, what Athena does is appealing to Zeus's own ego and status of authority by begging him to let Odysseus go, sacrificing her own pride.

Then there's the gods chosen, a lot of people have pointed out that if Zeus didn't want to let Odysseus go then why didn't he get Poseidon or Helios in the argument, or any other God it would be harder to convince. In all honesty in Zeus wanted to make it insanely difficult the line up should have been Aphrodite, Ares, Poseidon, Helios, Persephone (trust me she has reason to be there, mainly due to her role in the Odyssey), then Zeus himself. So why didn't he?

To put it simply it was more of a risk, Poseidon is equal in power to Zeus, Helios is also insanely powerful, and while Persephone isn't necessarily powerful, she has status over Zeus and is honestly just terrifying in general (seriously people need to stop acting like she's just this uwu flower girl). They also have reason and authority to stand against Zeus, so when it comes to the end, where Zeus strikes Athena down, they would have had the ability to step in. The closest god in God Games that could do that would be Hera and even then it wouldn't have helped much.

Now the motifs, there's a specific instance I want to point out and that is Ares's entrance specifically the fact that the quick thought motif is still going when he enters. Which implies that they haven't left quick thought, just that the area has changed, which makes sense considering quick thought is very obviously a part of Athena's war domain. It makes sense Ares not only has access to it but also have the ability to change it to his domain, and considering a majority of interpolations of quick thought make it this night area, I think it would be cool if when Ares enters it turns to day, a strategic strike at night and a brutal fight at day. It also puts into more context why Ares asks "Is she dead?", that lightning strike was so powerful it affected their domain.