Anti Terfs - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Just so like... it's clear... anyone who censors words that contain "man" or "men" to anything like "xxn" that's TERF shit.

Any reference to women/womanhood that solely revolves around having a uterus or "womb" is TERF shit.

Any sentence where the OP says they support people being "trans identified" with quotes around ""transwomen"" or ""transmen"" is TERF shit.

I'm seeing a lot of you baby Tumblr gays out there not knowing what these specific TERF dogwhistles look like.

"Wombxxn" is an incredibly dumb way of spelling "woman" that treats the word "man" like a slur and also reduces women to their ability to give birth.

"Trans identified" is their way of saying "this person calls themselves trans, but I don't believe they are."

Saying "People should be allowed to identify however they wish, but we still need to protect women/children" IS TERF SHIT.

Learn to identify this garbage, because not all TERFs are going to spell out their intolerance for you. Some of them are going to try and seem reasonable and polite and normal, and it's fucking dangerous to our community.

Also unpack any internalized transphobia and your transmedicalism, because both those things will have you quickly siding with TERFs and bigots.

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1 year ago

Getting a new follower and finding out they’re a terf is kind of like getting a new follower only to realize it’s a porn bot, but a thousand times worse.

Porn bots don’t give a fuck about my content or who I am, but this terf actually scrolled through my blog and thought, “yes, this is a person whose opinions I’d like to see more of.” It makes me feel super fucking gross and that I’m probably not doing enough to support trans women.

So just for the record: trans women are women. The existence of trans women does not detract from my womanhood or the womanhood of anybody else. This is not a blog for people who believe otherwise. Take your transphobia elsewhere.

And, to my followers: please help me stay accountable. If I reblog something that marginalizes trans people (or sex workers or POC or anyone else), please let me know so that I can make amends.

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4 years ago

Hey Guys!

I wanted to put this here because it’s important.

This is a Trans/Nonbinary friendly blog. Anyone of the LGBT+ community is welcome and we don’t stand racism or homophobia in anyway. If anyone ever tries to bullying anyone *cracks fingers* we will have problems.

This blog is a safe safe for everyone, including myself. I wanted to draw that line in the dirt. Racists and terfs aren’t allowed here.

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3 years ago

the reason 99% of this website has “no terfs” in their descriptions and yet transmisogynist ideas run so rampant is that almost no cis lgb people on this website know actually what transmisogyny is and what terfs actually want.

like you see thousands of those annoying “respect trans women juice” and no actual thinking about what it actually means. and i think that’s partly because of the name we use - trans exclusionary radical feminists. what does being “trans exclusionary” means ? the problem of terfs isn’t that they “exclude” trans women, it’s what they think of trans women.

because… a lot of transmisogynists are trans ! usually some version of afab-non-binary-transmasc-adjacent-lesbian-or-bi. so when you call them terfs, they say they can’t be trans exclusionary, since they are trans. and they also reblog trans women’s donation posts or news about harassment, they usually don’t deny that trans women are women, they also protest the bathroom bill, they also criticize the gender binary system. so everyone cheers, and since terfs don’t do those things, it means they are ok.

but they still adhere to a worldview of “women and trans women”, so to speak. that trans women’s gender are “trans women”. that being a trans woman is in itself a particular position of gender. which means that they don’t include trans women butches when they talk about butches, for example. they don’t include trans women when they talk about women’s problems. trans women have their own problems, their own experience, that is distinct from women.

so, big news ! if you ever, in any case, use the words lesbian, butches, women, etc. and you don’t include trans lesbians, trans butches and trans women in this discussion, then you’re a transmisogynist. that’s it ! saying “no terfs” isn’t enough. you need to include trans women in your worldview, in your feminism, in how you talk about women, all the time, and not only when talking about trans issues. anything else will get you a bunch of crypto-terfs followers.

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it's always so fucking funny to me when terfs are like "how can you say trans women and women are the same thing! being born as a man makes you different!" because like. yes. trans women and cis women are different. so are black women and white women. and straight women and queer woman. and women from different countries and different socioeconomic statuses. there's diversity in the experience of womanhood? what a wild concept

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2 years ago

if you don't agree, please feel free to exit or unfollow me for your sake and mine.

(And happy pride month I guess :/ )

If You Don't Agree, Please Feel Free To Exit Or Unfollow Me For Your Sakeand Mine.
If You Don't Agree, Please Feel Free To Exit Or Unfollow Me For Your Sakeand Mine.
If You Don't Agree, Please Feel Free To Exit Or Unfollow Me For Your Sakeand Mine.
If You Don't Agree, Please Feel Free To Exit Or Unfollow Me For Your Sakeand Mine.
If You Don't Agree, Please Feel Free To Exit Or Unfollow Me For Your Sakeand Mine.
If You Don't Agree, Please Feel Free To Exit Or Unfollow Me For Your Sakeand Mine.


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3 years ago

what a good day to remember that butch lesbians (ESPECIALLY trans, poc, and/or fat butch lesbians) aren’t fucking predatory 

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1 year ago

Guys can we PLEASE be harsher towards JKR and Harry Potter? We need to be a bit meaner towards them now, full offense

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8 months ago

This just looks full on like gay men spreading hate, and lesbian women trying to keep their space comfortable & incusive. Can't relate to the original post at all. We have to stop confusing attraction of all kinds with only sexual attraction.

Being a lesbian can entail more than just liking female genitalia.

Please remember there are aromantic and/or asexual lesbians out there.

Still, we also have to make sure that lesbians, for which liking female genitalia is a big part of their sexual identity, don't feel excluded.

Not wanting to have sex with a woman who has biologically male genitalia is valid. Hating them for having it is not.

Feeling feminine while having male genitalia is also valid.

Though I do not fully agree with all post shown from r/actuallesbians at 100%.

There are lesbians who don't mind releationships with trans woman. There are some who do, and there are reasons that aren't anti-trans for that.

Thats also valid.

Dont spread hate.

words cannot express how much i hate that gay men get to keep their safe spaces and lesbians can't. popular gay man subreddit vs popular lesbian subreddit. they're allowed to make nasty misogynistic remarks about tifs but god forbid you criticize tims


Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular
Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular
Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular
Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular


Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular
Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular
Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular
Words Cannot Express How Much I Hate That Gay Men Get To Keep Their Safe Spaces And Lesbians Can't. Popular

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8 months ago

'One of the most polluting people on the earth'

well im pretty sure she's responsible for less pollution than the male, white shareholders of the 100 companies responsible for most of earths pollution.

Im sure most 'information' about her being a 'self serving' feminist are are bullshit. When has Taylor Swift done something that self-serves only her? Does she slut shame other woman? Does she pay unfair wages based on gender?

Taylor Swift speaks about gender based problems in the music industry becouse that is her main expirience. She has critisized the medias & the publics view on her multiple times for having double standarts on women and men in the music industry and for celebraties in general. This is not a problem applying to only her, but to all women in the public eye.

Saying that she can't speak about her problems just becouse she is the biggest female star right now is ridiculous. Especally then, she should raise her voice.

Yes, Taylor Swift is a billionnaire.

And Yes, she should speak about Palastine and voice her opinion publically.

But I wont' stand by when people are attacking young women for liking something, and I wont stand aside when people are shifting the blame.

(Im not talking about those crazy, racist, obsessive (mostly american) 'Fans' who can't see reason and follow their celebraty like a sect leader. Those can die for all I care)

While Taylor Swift is not the perfect example of a feminist leader, she has done something.

She has positioned herself against the right wing assholes, and supported the equality act.

She purchases carbon credits, which is not a lot, but more than many of her collegues have done.

She has no racial or sexist slurs in her music, which many of the great male musicians of this time do. They get no shit for it, its even normalised. Fuck them for supporting patriarchy AND gaining benifit. These Fuckers are shameless, and we should be way angrier at them for treating abusive language like it can be thrown around easily.

Instead of hunting down and shouting the names of the men mostly responsible for climate change, and calling out large musicians for using sexist language, we are calling attention to Taylor Swift. Why?

Why argue with white terfy obsessive 'fans' who can't see reason and won't change their mind?

Why blame young girls for liking a big celebraty?

Im not saying that there aren't any reasons to critizise Taylor Swift. But there is a place and time for that. (And better arguments than those the media has preyed on, come on)

But that place shoudn't take up so much space in media, not when there are more important problems.

So please stop talking about Taylor Swift, she's not the problem.

Patriarchy is.

(Im also pretty sure the media is feeding us with that hateful shit so we stop thinking about important stuff.

Oh, another femicide? Mass extinction? Male white 'supremacy' is killing the planet for money & the worker class is massively exploited?

But look, Taylor Swift is on another trip, polluting the air with 1000% more than the average person!

(Good thing it keeps us from realising companies are using billions on billions of CO2 to keep production costs down.)

Swifties need to get a grip and understand their idol is one of the most polluting people on the planet, doesn't care for them, and is a self-serving white feminist at most. She's a billionnaire too. When 90% of the antiracist crowd made up from PoC says something, I listen. And as a queer person I just don't care, she's not doing anything for us either. She's also weirdly silent about Palestine, you know?

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7 months ago

I just think it's crazy that we argue over who get's to claim which label, basically trying to categorize other peoples (mostly some strangers!) emotions & feelings and asking if they are reeeeaaaalllyyyy shure weather they belong into that specific box or not.

Like. Having not heterosexual feelings and/or not heteroromantoc feelings and/or not feeling cis. is Enough! to be queer and queer = valid. Every kind.

Strangers don't have to accept that for it to be true. Peoples feelings are more complicated and individual than labels.

If a man who calls himself gay has slept with women before, and woudn't mind doing it again, why are we fighting over maybe calling him pan or bi.

Like, we don't know what being gay means for him. Mostly Sexual & Romantic Attraction, maybe. But some people can in fact sleep with people they are not attracted to (sex positive / neutral asexuals ase best example. They can still enjoy sex.)

History has records of man presumed to be gay having children! -.- Not all of them have been bi or pan, some sure but not all.

Some people in Queer Platonic Releationships Sleep with each other.

Some friends do so to.

There are many reasons to have sex. Not all are Sexual attraction.

(Please remember, Sexual Attraction is not equal to one persons willingniss to participate in such actions)

(This also doesn't mean that anyone has to sleep with a person they don't want to sleep with. Ever.)

(Not every person may not mind sleeping with a person not of their prefered gender. (Sex negative asexuals, as example.

But please, internet, consider people being people who are full of history, emotions and values, and their reasons for doing what they do are diverse and most importantly NONE OF OUR BUISNESS, no matter how entiteled to their whole life's story we feel becourse they share the same rainbow flag in their bio.

So please, shut the fuck up, queer label police.

If anything in this post seems hurtful or confusing, please don't hesitate to ask/make me aware of it.

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6 months ago

Hot Take on Fanfiction Today!

I myself love fanfiction! I fact, I mostly prefer them over canon works, and consume those daily. I have my OTP's, a favourite writer and a list of fandoms I regulairly visit.

One thing I always make sure if is that the characters i ship are fictional, for example; anime / book characters or the protagonist of a movie series.

Real life people are Actors, Musicians, Celebrities. I will never, ever read work about those.

Those are real life people. Unlike fictional characters, they have real emotions and can give / withdraw consent. Consent which we don't have when we post our works publicly.

I honestly don't care if they ever said something along the lines of 'I don't mind fanfics' or 'I favour those'. That is not real consent for posting a hardcore p*rn fic with their names on it for thousands of strangers to see.

And im so fucking sick of seeing works like those spread out all across the internet.

It may not 'hurt anyone', but it's a direct breach and attack on their privacy and human dignity.

I don't care about soft fluffy cuddel fics with self insert charas. Those are questionable, but acceptable. But Real People Fanfics? If you want to write those, just share them with your friends, and don't post them for all the world too see.

You're just dehumanizing the celebrity you claim to care for, and using them (or the idea of them) for nonconsensual p*rn.

Don't normalise that shit please. It's not ok.

(If there is a point I did not see, or a really good counter argument, please write me. Otherwise, stfu)

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6 months ago
I Just Made My First Agender Pride Bracelet!

I just made my first Agender Pride Bracelet!

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