Just putting random things that pop into my head on here. I'm terrible at finishing the fics I write so don't expect too much from me.
65 posts
I Finally Decided On A Logo That I Can Put On Any Art I Do. It's Kinda Basic But I Like It. What Do You
I finally decided on a logo that I can put on any art I do. It's kinda basic but I like it. What do you think?

brohowdidigethere liked this · 7 months ago
white-nikol liked this · 8 months ago
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Day 17 Equilibrium
“What are you doing Danny?” Sam asked as she and Tucker came home from work.
“Did you know that there is no dark side of the moon because the moon is rotating just like the earth?” Danny said staring up at the ceiling from his position on the floor.
“Dude. You okay?” Tucker asked as he plopped down on the couch next to Danny.
“Ya. Just floaty.” Danny said while moving one of his hands like he was sticking it out of a car window.
“Floaty?” Sam asked as she walked around the kitchen, getting some tea ready.
“I am not a cat.” Danny pouted.
“Of course not. You're a ghost.” Tucker said, grabbing his laptop and booting it up.
“But I'm not. And I am. But I’m not a cat. I’m something else.” Danny let his hand drop and sat up to stare out the window.
“Yes? You’re a halfa. Seriously dude. What are you on?” Tucker asked glancing over at Sam for a clue.
“Scarecrow man made a mess while I was out but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that I am something and nothing and dead and alive and I don’t know what that's called. What is the word? Tucker, what is the word?”
“I don’t know dude. Bird?”
“BIRD! Bird bird bird. Bird is the wordy word.” Danny giggled.
“Here Danny. Drink this.” Sam said handing a cup of chamomile, ecto tea. “His should even you out.”
“Bro. You are so high. Scarecrow must have a new formula or something because you weren’t nearly this bad last time.” Tucker said.
“THAT’S NOT THE POINT TUCKER! I am something that is perfectly balanced between two opposite things but I can’t remember what the word equilibrium is.” Danny whined.
“SAM YOU ARE A GENIUS! Yes, I am the equilibrium! The balance between! The gateway!”
“You are equilibrium.”
“You are also Danny”
“You are tired.”
“Go to sleep.”
“You are terrifying sometimes. I hope you know that Sam”
“Why yes I do Tucker. And thank you.”
“So are you carrying him to bed or am I?”
“Who do you think Tucker? Chop chop. Get to it.”
So I think I'm going to start using the Dannymay calendar as a writing warmup for me. This is kinda fun.
a gallon of milk but with this kind of cap:

Hay, does anyone know when Tucker Foley's birthday is? I tried googling it but can't find it. I found Danny's ( February 12, 1989) and Sam's (April 23, 1990) but all I'm getting for Tucker is that he was born in 1991. Any help?
One of the things I found buried in my drive.
I noticed that we humans tend to start giggling uncontrollably over some of the silliest things no matter how old we are. So, it got me to wonder what would happen if an alien came across a group of humans having a giggle fit.
As xe was walking down the main passageway of the ship when xe heard a series of chirping noises coming from one of the lab rooms.
Feeling mild concern xe opened the door and peeked into the room to see five of the humans sitting at a table just staring at each other before emitting strange chirping noises before calming themselves only to begin chirping once more the moment they regained their breath.
“Human-Dan?” Xe asked cautiously walking up to the small human pack during a lull in the chirping.
“Ya Elihu?” Human-Dan said looking up while trembling before beginning to chirp again with the other humans joining in.
“Are you and the other humans okay? Xe has never seen or heard humans act this way.” Xe said eyeing the humans as xe’s dorsal scales bristled in discomfort.
“Ya. We’re fine.” Human-Jane said before beginning to chirp again.
“Then what is this strange chirping noise you are making and why can you not seem to stop.” Xe asked stepping back when xe’s question caused humans to begin chirping uncontrollably again.
“Sorry, sorry. We’re just giggling.” Human-Dan explained.
“It’s something we humans do. Kind of like laughing but quieter.” Human-Jane said.
“What has caused you to start this… giggling? And why can’t you stop?” Xe asked before the humans began to tremble again.
“BECAUSE!!!” Human-Dan shouted pointing at a picture of a blue-footed bird on the human’s tablet before the humans began to make the chirping noise again.
“IT’S A BOOBY!!!” One of the other humans shrieked which turned the chirping noises the humans were making into the barking noise the humans call laughter.
Xe swiftly left the room after that towards the medical bay to report this frightening new noise to the medic. The range of noises humans can make sometimes for no apparent reason is both amazing and terrifying.