155 posts
Mermaids Baby
Mermaids baby
(are they fused with their shadows or is this them without their shadows I'll let you decide)

Our own little aquarium
Gave them their og colors back bc they look pretty snazzy with them
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More Posts from 4aceclover
So cute it's like little nightmares meets pixie hollow or something

Little Nightmares characters as Tinkerbell Fairy Talents!
After speaking over it with @ciipher-arts (who knows more about the Tinkerbell movies than I do) With her advisement, I decided to assign talents via colorscheme instead of any other truer association with their darker original powers.
I caught COVID this past week and sketched these out while I was sick in bed. It was therapeutic.
*Mono's color scheme is a fight between olive green and brown depending on the lighting, so here I decided he'll represent brown. *Noone, the last character, is from the Sounds of Little Nightmares. We don't know what she looks like outside of having a dress and a head silhouette. (And the silhouette has a purple background) So It's likely this depiction is inaccurate, but there were no other orange-schemed characters that fit the "animal" talent. Plus, Noone always loved moths as a child, so it may as well be her. (I'll make an official design page for her at some point, but I heavily based her design off of Jane from Peter Pan 2)
Six, Mono, the runaway kid, the girl in the yellow raincoat, the pretender, Noone, Low, Alone (C) Little Nightmares
Is it weird that I want to write a fanfiction like a one shot of this
![[Breek] When The Bf Gets Possesive](https://64.media.tumblr.com/5967468ea8cdb95c954801c3799272b9/bd7879fe7ba866a5-cb/s500x750/36a6ab586e5f8fbc6c883510c99cfa123090578d.png)
[Breek] When the Bf gets possesive
Yay more flower language more specifically applying specific flowers to these kids do you not realize how hard it is to find the right flowers that match these guys especially Shawn
First day of spring, my lovelies 🌸
And you thought i would leave you without a semi-topical art?

Flowers used:
🌿 Emi:
🌸 Daisies are the simplest flowers and in russian are used to describe someone very plain and easygoing.
🌸 Clover was used by her to make that little apron she wore during debut.
🌸 Red rose for Kate
🌿 Ricky:
🌸 Clover in his instance is used as Patrick's flower. Besides good luck, it also means happiness, which my boy needs very much.
🌸 Daffodil is pretty self-explanatory (also means rebirth and hope)
🌸 Pink tulips are also pretty self-explanatory (and mean deep unconditional love and also rebith and new beginnings)
🌿 Lou
🌸 Gerbera for Louise
🌸 Pink tulips bc look above
🌿 Ram
🌸 White yarrow for Shirley (means healing)
🌸 Baby breath means innocence
🌸 Grape vines mean gossip, fitting her role
🌿 Shaun
🌸 Bluebells are said to attract fairies, and mean gratitude and humility
🌸 Blue asters are star-flowers, meaning wisdom and faith
We have to remember to respect everyone's coping mechanisms they might sound different to us but they're still valid
It is okay if:
★ You regress to cope with stress. ★ Regression is a coping mechanism for trauma. ★ Being little is the only way you feel safe. ★ You're an adult and prefer children's coloring books. ★ You're a teenager who likes to read picture books. ★ You find it comforting to be cared for like a child or toddler. ★ It is relaxing to drink from a baby bottle. ★ It soothes you to use a pacifier/pacy ★ You sleep with stuffed animals/stuffies. ★ You prefer watching kids' movies and shows to adult ones. ★ Kids' music calms you down. ★ You have a favorite item that you carry everywhere to comfort you. ★ You talk in a small, baby voice when regressed. ★ Want or don't want attention when regressed. ★ You like wearing pajamas with cartoon characters on them. ★ You need a nightlight to keep all of the monsters away. ★ You are a non-binary regressor. ★ You are a small, or big regressor. ★ You are clingy with one or more people when regressed. ★ All you want is to be loved like a child when being loved like an adult makes you unhappy.
It is okay if you apply to any or all of those things and more. If being little makes you feel safe and loved, it is okay if what you like is different from another person your age. Everyone regresses differently, and your way is always going to be okay! 🤗
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Shadow house theory
So I have an interesting theory that I don't think many people have actually taken into consideration, this one centers around our deer Blue Rose Mistress Barbara and her living doll Barbie.
Specifically Barbara herself and the amount of soot that she produces. Is it possible that what we're seeing in those moments or she's producing so much soot that it gives her a lot of pain is her having an emotional / mental breakdown
First things first what is an (emotional) mental breakdown (I'm sticking with mental but this can also apply to emotional breakdowns as well)
A period of severe emotional distress during which a person may feel paralyzed and entirely incapable of coping with challenges
Some of the symptoms of this may include (but are limited to):
Mental changes-
Emotional numbness
Loss of interest
Mood swings
Panic attacks
Sleep disruptions
Social withdrawal
No motivation
Personality changes-
Avoiding social events
Feeling hopeless and or helpless
Loss of interest
Physical changes-
Change in appetite
Chest pain
Now let's go back and look at Barbara as a whole specifically how her character is presented to us and her relationships with some of the other characters
What do we know about Barbara explicitly well she-
Tends to get annoyed by things very quickly even for no reason sometimes
Has trust issues
Constantly comparing yourself to the previous starburst and everyone around her
Is constantly putting on a brave face when in reality she's nervous and terrified about everything she does
Says anything she does or tries to do will inevitably end up in failure and that it was all for nothing
Because of the way Barbie tends to look all the time she's seen as very hostile and someone you don't want to get too close to or piss off
Made it to where the star bearers didn't have to help in cleaning
Holds in a lot of her emotions
Has seizures which causes her immense pain as she releases her soot
Has no control over her soot expulsion
Is highly emotional like Kate
Used to be a lot like emilico
Her flower represents unacquainted love
Always puts her in the star bearers first even if it means hurting others in the children wing she supposed to be taking care of
Is easily manipulated
Doesn't realize that the cream she was given that was supposed to help Barbies scar heel is actually a poison
Is being used by Thomas as a living battery until she dies meaning she was never going to become an adult
And this is just the surface level stuff about this poor girl her relationships with others show what kind of person she used to be and is now
One of the first pieces of evidence to support the fact that she might be having mental breakdowns every time she releases her soot it's because of this manga panels from chapter 50

This panel reveals that because Barbara holds in all of her feelings about how she feels inadequate as a star-bearer, her fear and so many other things it, and how much it affects her soot at the same time.
We've seen time and time again that the shadows can only produce soot when they're feeling negative emotions, however one easy to overlook detail is the fact that depending on what influence they gain from their living doll it will determine their Emotional State
For example Matilda and Louise there both happy-go-lucky girls with very kind-hearted living dolls, therefore their soot quantity is much lower, than someone like John who because of the influence he received from his living doll which was Shaun's impulsiveness, he has a much higher quantity as he uses his emotions to make decisions. He's more intuition than he is brain.
Characters who have extremely low soot quantities usually have higher amounts of positive emotions we see that in both Shirley and Matilda they both have low soot quantities but they have some of the best personalities, they're kind-hearted, sweet, lively and mischievous
And considering the show and manga have made it clear that at one point Barbie and Barbara were a lot like Emilico and Kate it suddenly makes it clear why Barbara has so much soot coming out of her the only thing she was lacking was Kate's confidence.
(And remember before ever meeting Christopher and MaryRose she was always super emotional, but she had much better control over her emotions, something we see when MaryRose offers a hand to her and she thinks she's teasing her causing her anger to expel a lot of soot around her body, but not nearly to the point we see now in the story!)
And it would also explain why it's so painful for her it's a form of a seizure, because of her anxiety & social withdrawness, it ends up causing her to have a panic attack which is in the form of these seizures. Since her soot makes up around 60% of the power Shadow house produces in a day, it's incredibly painful for her to keep that all in. Which is another way of saying how it's incredibly painful for someone to keep all of their negative emotions in and have them explode at random points, which would also explain her mood swings, exhaustion, and her trying to avoid any sort of social activity with people she doesn't trust (which is a form of paranoia). All of this is because she's constantly bottling up her feelings and having them explode which many people can say (myself included) bottling up your negative feelings is exhausting

And the fact that she doesn't want anyone to see her in this state in her mind she doesn't want people to see how weak she is, (which is honestly heartbreaking) because it's basically her being the most vulnerable. That's why she lets Barbie insult her so much, it's so she can get rid of more of the soot, but it's also her way of basically acknowledging how she feels about herself. She truly believes every horrible thing Barbie says to her is true, she thinks that way and Barbie reciprocates those feelings to her face when she's in this state, which only makes it worse, (but both of them don't even realize this because their kids who haven't been taught anything about their own mental health). Plus this also explains the way Barbie behaves. The story at one point made it clear that she used to be a lot like Emilico standing up for people who were weaker than her making friends with people who were like Rum, but after Christopher left the adult wing and they were betrayed by Rosemary and MaryRose she completely changed how she behaved in order to match what she believed a strong face should look like and act like.
We even see the consequences of her explosive anger and unpredictable mood swings (and to be honest evidence of herself hatred)

Once she realizes that she can't do what she wants to do for the children's wing on her own after feeling betrayed by MaryRose and Christopher supposedly going to the adult wing she felt helpless which caused her to lose control of her emotions causing an extreme soot explosion injuring the one person who stood by her side trying to calm her down
This perfectly highlights how in a mental breakdown you end up accidentally hurting people close to you, and I honestly believe that this was the straw that broke the camel's back when it came to herself hatred. It was already bad enough that everything else around her happened, but that was stuff she just couldn't control, but right here is where we see her lose control over her emotions and her soot, causing her to hurt the person dearest to her. You know for a fact she blames herself for this even if Barbie herself never told her how much this hurt her, tried to tell her it wasn't her fault, or even tried to dismiss the situation as a whole, Barbara probably blames herself because it was indeed her fault
(an interesting fact I just realized is that if Barbie really did try to tell Barbara that she doesn't mind that she hurt her because she knows it was an accident, "she didn't mean to hurt me" then that mentality is a lot like pink pearl (volleyball) in the sense that she's making excuses for why Barbara did what she, did but she's not acknowledging her own pain, she's not acknowledging the fact that she was badly hurt)

This panel from chapter 107 absolutely confirms the fact that not only does she bottle up her motions to a dangerous degree, but has feelings for someone she doesn't even know that he could be dead. She knew about unification before this, but she doesn't know that unifying with Barbie would mean she would lose her, and that's important because it shows just how desperate she is to see Christopher again. She's willing to put her own living doll's life on the line if it means seeing someone she doesn't even know is dead
She bottled her own feelings, pushing down her feelings of love she felt for Christopher and because she never once acted on those feelings they were told him before he went to the adult wing she had to carry on those feelings of love, betrayal, paranoia, fear and anxiety with her this whole time.
All she wanted was for comrade to be by her side someone she can look up to and admire someone who would be there for her but she kept on getting hurt because she opened up herself to somebody else.
But ironically enough the manga is giving us someone else that she doesn't even realize she's opening up to in the form of Patrick someone who could be the next person who could help her
(after all her Arc is all about finding someone that she can trust and love with her feelings without being hurt again, and his Arc is about finding a way to deal with his feelings of love while trying to protect people who are weaker than him. Both of their ark's work because she needs somebody to save herself from these dark feelings that she has, and he failed once to save somebody who was in love with him. Now with Barbara in a compromising position that she's in she could be the next person that comes his way, but this time unlike Margaret he could actually end up saving her, bringing both of their stories together. After all why would they make so many parallels between Emilico and what Barbie used to be if they weren't planning something big with this story)
So what do you guys think am I over analyzing this or do you think I might have a little bit of a point this is just me looking into this kind of stuff it broke my heart seeing Barbara and such a scary state in the more I thought about it the more it really did look like it was trying to call out the mental state of these kids