Trolls Branch - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

The irony of this is just too perfect




And thank you to these wonderful people who allowed me to use their ocs: @disastrousduckss @glitterp0prhaps0dy @xixi-isbest @galaxyspark-6e16 @whatisthispl4ce I hope I did your awesome ocs justice

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8 months ago

Hi, I just wanted to say that ur Hypnosis Au is wicked cool šŸ˜Ž. I've read ur fanfic and I can't wait to read the next chapter šŸ˜

I found it quite interesting when Viva referred brozone as that family. Will it play a significant part in ur au lore? And will branch begin to take notice how the trolls respond or interact with his big brothers?

Or how viva and peppy observe how poppy introduces herself to branch?

Or how branch's brothers actually take notice of how he's is "immune" to their gifts?

Or how exactly does Au Lore truly begin?

Sorry if I'm rambling abit šŸ˜…

I just think ur au is awesomesauce šŸ˜Š

I'm so happy I make one chapter just for fun I didn't expect to get a question so I'm so happy you're asking all this and don't worry I ramble too

And let's just say there's always going to be lore hidden somewhere within each of these chapters you just got to find it, some of them will be a bit more lore heavy than others but I will always try my hardest to put small clues into each chapter when it comes to the lore

Anyway here are the answers to some of these questions

When it comes to Viva referring to Branch's family as "that family" that is going to be important because of the dynamic between her and Poppy vs branch and his brothers, (specifically for her Arc) She finds their relationship very sweet because she fails to notice the toxicity of her relationship with Poppy and the relationship between the brozone Bros. (I mean why would she notice it she's friends with Clay after all they have very similar mindsets)

Branch doesn't notice how people react to his brothers just yet because we're still in his childhood phase but he will notice it as he gets older and reminisces about the past

Ask for how trolls interact with the brozone Bros let's just say I have a few fun ideas for how brozone uses their power on the tribe before they leave (cuz currently they're still inside the troll tree)

Viva and Pepe will be there when Poppy finally gets a chance to talk to branch but that doesn't mean that she won't feel uncomfortable with having her family watching them (one cares about Branch, the other one obsessively thinks he's adorable, and Poppy just wants a friend)

As for Branch being immune to viva's power that's actually a point in the story that I want to dive into a little more, because Poppy and Viva have very similar powers however the way that they use them will be different thanks to branches influence. Viva's power is specifically to Make Trolls Happy which can be a good thing but at the same time can be seen as a toxic trait similar to toxic positivity, Poppy's power on the other hand is a bit different but I'm going to keep it a secret for now

At first Brozone genuinely don't even realize when branch is being immune to their powers because their baby brother is so innocent and sweethearted how could they notice, it's only when other trolls Powers don't work on him do they realize something's up (on the other hand, trolls who are better at observing others like their grandma, Poppy, and Creek for example do notice something up with Branch whenever it comes to their powers they just choose not to say anything because it's not hurting anyone, and because of their own personal curiosity)

Here's a little bit of my own info dump

So when brozone does find out about branches little immunity to other powers at first they're shocked and genuinely don't believe Viva when she tells them at first but when it starts to affect their lives that's when they see this as a problem, but rather than blaming Viva for it they actually ask her how in the world did it happen did they trigger this, to figure out how they can work around it not realizing that they can't

Branch being immune to other people's powers isn't a superpower that he has (remember branch is the only one born without powers even those that negate other trolls Powers he doesn't have that), it's just Branch showing his true colors in his own way without even realizing it. I plan on explaining it in a future post and in the story

I plan on explaining viva's power a bit more in the story itself alongside the bro zone Powers and a few other characters who play an important role in Branch's story

Ask for King Pepe well he's not a terrible father I'm just going to make this clear now but he does have his moments of being not the best, for clarification when he tries his hardest to be a good dad he ends up failing one of his kingly duties but when he tries to be a good King he ends up failing as a father and unfortunately he can't seem to find a good work around and it's not exactly his fault I mean anyone would struggle to be a good dad and a good King in his position

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8 months ago

Love it this is so cool specially the designs I love them

Had A Silly Dream Where JD And Floyd Came Back To The Troll Tree Before The Last Trollstice But After

Had a silly dream where JD and Floyd came back to the troll tree before the last trollstice but after singing killed their grandma and decided to doodle and expand upon it a bit

Clay never left the tree but was too scared to return to the families pod since he didnā€™t want things to go back to how they were before, he did try to find his brothers during the escape but got separated by the cave in.

John Dory was the one to find Clay and see him get caught by the cave in, when he came out of the tunnel without Clay and holding his wristband they all just assumed he was dead. Even so JD still searches for Clay with the hope that he mightā€™ve escaped and is alive out there.

They know Bruce is alive but after JD got the post card he assumed Bruce didnā€™t want to be found

Some more doodles that kind of show their dynamic

Had A Silly Dream Where JD And Floyd Came Back To The Troll Tree Before The Last Trollstice But After
Had A Silly Dream Where JD And Floyd Came Back To The Troll Tree Before The Last Trollstice But After


JD always brings home souvenirs for the brothers both as an apology for being gone for so long and also because of this:

Had A Silly Dream Where JD And Floyd Came Back To The Troll Tree Before The Last Trollstice But After
Had A Silly Dream Where JD And Floyd Came Back To The Troll Tree Before The Last Trollstice But After
Had A Silly Dream Where JD And Floyd Came Back To The Troll Tree Before The Last Trollstice But After

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7 months ago

Can't say he doesn't deserve it but man does this hurt should my heart be breaking or not that's the question

I had a small idea while listening to a Sofia the first song- this au has Big Sister Barb and Adopted Rock troll Branch!

These kinds of aus have so much angst potential :)

I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted
I Had A Small Idea While Listening To A Sofia The First Song- This Au Has Big Sister Barb And Adopted

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7 months ago

Branch before and after he starts his journey

(this is my first time doing online drawing rather than doing traditional pen and paper drawing so apologies if it looks really bad the story I'm writing will do a better job at explaining each of these gifts and items he's wearing and how he obtained them apologies again if this looks really bad)

Before his journey After his journey

Branch Before And After He Starts His Journey

Before Branch ever starts his journey because he's in the troll tree and pop village he wears more clothes that highlight this fact about him for example his skin is still like his brothers it's a more tealish blue than the regular blue he has and his eyes are still up Bright blue

He's wearing Floyd's vest

A special hair clip made by Kimset that's supposed to be a memorial clip from RosiePuff

A flower hair clip made by Viva

A special birthday crown made by his brother's Grandma and Poppy

The only part of his hair that is in blue is the strand that sticks out

However after he starts his journey he puts all of his special accessories back in his room as he doesn't want to lose them, his skin starts changing depending on the lighting and his emotional state because again he's a very moody troll, and instead they accessories surrounding him on the right are actually special gifts that he takes with him

Fingerless gloves that can turn into normal gloves by pulling the cover on top (was inspired by his brother John Dory to make these gloves)

Special goggles he got for his birthday but he tinkered with him a little bit to make them transition and night vision goggles

A dragonfly hair clip he got from Sky Toronto, (Sky knows about he's close relationship with Keith) so he got them special accessories when the boys were lost in the rain together

A special black leather jacket he made in memory of the two friends he made in Bergen Town Bridget and gristle (I'll talk about their connection in a future chapter)

Wears a special fishnet stocking he made doesn't even realize that Floyd has one that's similar because Floyd's are usually pinkish black instead of just black

Gifts during his personal world tour (specifically the accessory gifts the instrument gives will come later)

Rock troll nose ring

Country troll bandana

Techno troll glow sticks

Funk troll star earring

Classical troll handbag (a special storage kit, it was the classical trolls that taught him about wish stones and how to get one)

Bounty Hunter troll guitar pick (a special one made by the K-pop trolls but with the little bit of the other bounty Hunter magic inside of it)

Branch carries with him a special journal he made for this trip in order to help him remember the music that he's being introduced to, as he loves music so much he wants to bring them all together. He doesn't even realize the impact he has on other trolls because of his warmth, honesty, and kind-hearted nature

And don't even get me started with just how dangerous these gifts are not for branch but for others who try to harm him

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7 months ago

This is too believable to the cannon moviesā€¦ I love it

So sorry I made you think I was a hacker (even though I only left a comment on a post.) I have no information on you except the fact that you writing this fic. As I asked in the comments before, how would brozone react if branch went toe to toe with a dangerous wild animal and killed it in front of them? I REALLY NEED TO KNOW HOW THIS WOULD GO.


I'm sorry if I can't reply to your comment on another post, for some reason Tumblr won't let me, I try and it tells me I can't, so yes, if you have something to say, I can read you in the comments, but maybe you can write it in the questions or in some private message, because I can't answer.

It's just that your comment took me by surprise, because it was planned in a future chapter to make Branch violent, because you can't tell me that for two those years Branch didn't kill at least 1 creature 5 times his size or more, he's a survivor, at least I think he carries a hunter's knife just for protection.

But I'll gladly answer your question!

Ok this isn't part of the story, but it's (haha) canon in it.

So the brothers go camping, John Dory's idea, as a signature to get Branch away from his friends and spend more time among brothers, of course it ends with Branch sitting bored all the time while his brothers do the rest at camp.

Branch wants to check the area and see that everything is safe, nope, that's Clay's job; Branch wants to make the food for everything, double not, that's Bruce's job; Branch wants to see if there's no predator around, don't even think about it, that's John Dory's job.

Floyd's job is to keep Branch entertained and happily minded sitting on a log, waiting for the others to finish so they can all have fun together (and if JD took photograph instead of guarding the place, it's a secret that the others will take to the grave).

So he was having lunch or dinner, it was already dark and JD thought it would be funny vs. horror story to scare Branch (but Floyd and Clay ended up scared because Branch has nerves of steel and refused to scream when Bruce jokingly scared them, although Branch did have a mini cardiac arrest because of it), They were having fun.

Of course I wasn't.

John Dory didn't check the place properly, neither did Clay, so with all the screaming and the fire and the smell of the food, he found something very big, very big.

John Dory tried to push the creature away, but failed, he kept his brothers behind him, but out of the corner of their eye the brothers only saw a blue, black and green blur pass at full speed by their side directly at the animal.

Blood, a cry of anger and pain, none of the brothers really knew what happened, but the next moment Branch is standing on the carcass of the animal, with an axe in his hand and panting from the effort.

"Are you okay!?" Branch wiped the blood off the animal, and as the brothers looked at him, astonished, frightened? Terrified? (I chewed nothing for Branch's safety, but Branch is fine just small scratch and bruises, but nothing serious)

Although Branch was more concerned about knowing if his brother was okay, each brother was having a mental breakdown, Floyd was holding Branch, a suffocating hug from which Branch could not let go, Bruce checked that his little brother was not seriously injured despite not seeing anything he was still looking with Clay who cleaned up the blood he could from Branch.

John Dory, on the other hand, stayed behind his brothers watching them take care of Branch (who was quiet trying to calm them down), just staring blankly, he felt sick, HIS LITTLE BROTHER SHOULDN'T KNOW HOW TO KILL THINGS, HE'S A BABY, HE'S INNOCENT, HE'S FRAGILE, HE'S WEAK.

John Dory can only think of how to deal with it.

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7 months ago

Aw thank u for taking the time to answer my questions šŸ˜‰

I find it fascinating how each writer/creator can come up wit their unique versions of the fandom(s).

*dramatic bow and tips my hat off to u*

U really do have quite the imagination and the way u take the time and thoughtfulness to breathe in life to ur characters to life is awe inspiring šŸ˜


And I hope u don't mind more questionsā“

I actually thought at the end of chapter that it was creek who found branch instead of king peppy. Since creek is such a free spirited troll I assumed that he likes to roam freely and explore unsupervised.

How exactly would the other strings be even aware of Branch's existence in the first place unless the strings have sort of mental connection wit one another? Which would explain a lot actually.

Do u think that now peppy had "introduced" the pop string to branch, will the string try to attach itself to branch wit any chance it could get?

And do u mind sharing the ideas u had in mind (only if it's comfortable with u)

First of all I love getting questions from you guys so don't be shy to ask more it's going to take me a while to upload more chapters though cuz school is the worst

Anyway on to answering those questions

Okay so your idea of Creek being the one to find Branch was indeed true. I have a huge hatred towards Creek specifically of how they handled him in both the TV show and movie so I wanted to change up his role a little bit in my story

And as for the other strings and branches connection to them it's not just Branch being introduced to the string themselves, branch has to be introduced to the person the strings are connected to specifically (the person who's most likely going to rule over the kingdom they reside with)

For example when he eventually meets Barb he manages to break down her distrustful walls enough to where she's willing to show him the string, he's the first non-rock troll to actually see it and when she uses it to demonstrate her powers she says to him that he's the first troll besides herself that The Rock string has actually reacted to. That's sort of how it works for each of these strings, they know that someone is out there that can help the next future leader deal with their issues but they have to be patient

Branch and Creeks relationship is important as Creek acts as a foil to a lot of characters heck Viva herself also acts as a foil to Clay but I'll explain that later on

And one little side note King Pepe never introduced Branch to the pop string, he brought the pop string out of its hiding spot when he saw that it started playing music all on its own. The string recognized branches existence, but Branch was asleep when he pulled it out. Meaning he didn't know that the pop string was even in his vicinity, Viva herself kept it hidden from him since they're not supposed to show other trolls the string just yet (at this point Poppy herself doesn't even know about the string for obvious reasons)

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5 months ago

I don't know if I ever told or posted about it but I did update the trolls au story that I have been working on and now that I have some more time off I plan on making more chapters but I can't promise anything

I'm trying my hardest but life is a hell sometimes

(and anyone who has read that chapter then they know it's supposed to follow the aftermath of King Pepe realizing Viva was with branch)

I hope you guys enjoy the story though

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there, I colored something.

A sort-of completed drawing of my favorite little manšŸ’• (ITS ACTUALLY GOOD, OMG-)

There, I Colored Something.

Oh yeah. Context:

NAH FAM, not yet. Itā€™s not even finished~

Youā€™re just gonna have to WAIT for me to finish it (or DIE TRYING) >:3

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Bah Dee DahšŸŽ¶

šŸŽ¶Certainly you remembAH-šŸŽ¶ (THAT I ā¤ļø HER SM)

Bah Dee Dah
Bah Dee Dah

šŸŽ¶BAH Dee DahšŸŽ¶ (anyway, hereā€™s Poppy doing dishes + fUNNY SHIRT-)


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it just occurred to me that I have an absurd amount of out-of-pocket Trolls memes and cursed images wasting away in my photo library. . .

hmmmm time to do something about that


Hah. Itā€™s only just begun

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I have a problem, and itā€™s name is Broppy:

but itā€™s a great problem so Iā€™m A-ok with it šŸ˜œ

I Have A Problem, And Its Name Is Broppy:

if you love them way too much, clap your hands!!šŸ‘šŸ‘ :DDDDDD

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Did someone want a Broppy washing Dishes Comic concept? Idc here it is

Did Someone Want A Broppy Washing Dishes Comic Concept? Idc Here It Is
Did Someone Want A Broppy Washing Dishes Comic Concept? Idc Here It Is
Did Someone Want A Broppy Washing Dishes Comic Concept? Idc Here It Is
Did Someone Want A Broppy Washing Dishes Comic Concept? Idc Here It Is

(Donā€™t worry, Poppyā€™s okayšŸ©·šŸ’™)

Hehe, I might actually finish this comic; more on that in the next post. Iā€™ma call it ā€œBubbles, Dishes, and Surprise Kissesā€ because why not, fight me bro

But not really cuz I donā€™t want ta hurt cha. So enjoy the comic, drink some water, and have some kisses, MUAH MUAH!~

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Good rant. RespectšŸ«¶

Kinda a rant, not really? Just my opinion.

Spoilers. Read with caution āš ļø

I've heard some people say they feel as if Poppy and Branch shouldn't be getting married as it's too early. In most situations, I would agree. Considering me and my husband were together 8 years before getting married-- however, a large factor in that was high school sweethearts, and we started dating when I was 15.

I believe that Poppy and Branch have ALWAYS harbored feelings for each other - even before the events of the first movie. I've read plenty of fanfictions, and many represent Poppy constantly trying to include branch - which can be confirmed with all the invitations he has from her and kept.

Branch wants more than ANYTHING to go back out with the trolls. However, he feels a sense of responsibility to keep everyone safe without getting too close. I mean, from the first movie, we know he lost his grandma in a traumatic way, and now, with the third movie we learn, he was abandoned by his brothers. Everyone he's ever loved has left or died- which is a very valid and real reason to avoid any type of connection.

When Chef found the trolls in the first movie, Branch represented himself as not caring when, in fact, he cared so much. I think if Poppy hadn't put the whole tribe in the bunker, he eventually would have as well. If you've read or have the art book from the first movie, you know he followed poppy pretty shortly after she left to ensure her safety as well. Especially since the entire village was safe.

My point being, they have always had a connection to one another , and neither understood until spending more time together.

The first movie they had a huge adventure that was essentially life and death - henceforth growing closer to one another. Branch found he could be happy, and he helped pick up Poppy when she lost hope.

The second movie, they had another huge adventure that really explored their differences- while not being bad - but made them realize they don't need to be similar to connect in a loving way. Branch is reserved, cautious, and super caring. Poppy is extremely extroverted, ignorant in some situations, but kind and loving.

The third movie will explore things that they are learning about each other. Branch being a part of a boyband, Poppy having a sister. I'm sure we will also see Poppy comforting Branch and being there for him. "I have been by your side since the moment we met, and you've been by mine."

Considering how much they have gone through with each other and have grown not only as individuals but together makes me think it's absolutely not too soon, and I think they should certainly tie the knot.

On another note, Branch will be a great king.

Other insights are certainly welcome.

Kinda A Rant, Not Really? Just My Opinion.

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11 months ago


Mini comic of the Brozone. Branch's brothers helping him propose to Poppy.

Mini Comic Of The Brozone. Branch's Brothers Helping Him Propose To Poppy.
Mini Comic Of The Brozone. Branch's Brothers Helping Him Propose To Poppy.
Mini Comic Of The Brozone. Branch's Brothers Helping Him Propose To Poppy.
Mini Comic Of The Brozone. Branch's Brothers Helping Him Propose To Poppy.
Mini Comic Of The Brozone. Branch's Brothers Helping Him Propose To Poppy.
Mini Comic Of The Brozone. Branch's Brothers Helping Him Propose To Poppy.

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