4fter-hours - 4fter-Hours

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Alejandra Had Never Been This Close To A Landwalker Before. Part Of Her Was Scared Wanting To Swim Away

Alejandra Had Never Been This Close To A Landwalker Before. Part Of Her Was Scared Wanting To Swim Away

Alejandra had never been this close to a landwalker before. Part of her was scared wanting to swim away from him due to all the stories they were all told since they were born. But she was so fascinated by him too and her curiosity was outweighing her fear. So she slowly came over closer to him, leaning on the rock ledge of the pool.

"Huh?" Alejandra asked cocking her head to the side unsure about how to answer the man. Hold her breath? Why would she have to hold her breath to swim? "I don't remember. Maybe ten minutes? Are you okay?" She asked taking in his demeanor. " Did you swim here too?" It was something she found hard to believe seeing his lack of fin, but it would be a new fact that she could add to her collection. Maybe thats how all the things she had collected so far had ended up on the ocean floor? "Do you have anything shiny?"

Alejandra Had Never Been This Close To A Landwalker Before. Part Of Her Was Scared Wanting To Swim Away
Alejandra Had Never Been This Close To A Landwalker Before. Part Of Her Was Scared Wanting To Swim Away
"Hello?" Dominic Called Out In Response. This Was Officially The Worst Case Scenario. Stranded In A Cave

"Hello?" Dominic called out in response. This was officially the worst case scenario. Stranded in a cave with no hope of getting out. It wasn't the first time he'd done a dumb thing and ended up on death's door. This one though, he wasn't so sure he would get out of it. Until of course another person made their way into the cave.

He didn't think anything was broken but Dominic wasn't sure whether there would be any possibility that he could get out. The rope he'd used to enter the cave from the hole in the ground had snapped when he was a few feet above the water. He dropped in and spent a good hour trying to climb out.

Soon enough, Dominic abandoned hope and contemplated scratching out his last will and testament on the beautiful bio-luminescent cave walls but ultimately decided the leave no trace protocol was more important than his legacy. He perched on the small rock ledge that surrounded the water and idly daydreamed.

He sat up straight when he heard someone else. "Oh shit, how long did you have to hold your breath to get here?" If it wasn't too long, he could swim his way out.

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More Posts from 4fter-hours

7 months ago

update (August until tbd)

okay. i know people hate these, but this update is long overdue and I'm sorry. Right now life is pretty heavy and I know a lot of you have noticed that I'm lacking in the communication department I am very sorry about that. Long story short, we (my husband, my mom and I) are basically caring for our eldest niece while my brother and his wife focus on the younger one and her ailments. Our niece starts kinder and our kiddo starts high school and they both have a bunch of extra curriculars we're all trying to divide and conquer so that neither of the two feel like they're being ignored by anyone in this transition. With all of that and my project at work to have the new clinic be up and running, training new employees and making sure everything is up to par for the health department inspection coming up (and catering to doctors egos) I just haven't the time or energy seeing as I get home way later than I would love to. so i'm going to be sparsely on the dash until some sort of balance occurs. if you want me to drop anything or would rather not wait until i can answer something, i completely understand and you can just let me know and i can drop it. but yeah. hope you're all doing well <3


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7 months ago
"Oh, Yeah," Elizabeth Laughed. "Charlie Would Kick Your Ass. You Only Learn Through Pain." Which Was

"Oh, yeah," Elizabeth laughed. "Charlie would kick your ass. You only learn through pain." Which was so true in her life that it seemed like all she had come to know. A constant that she held onto like a comfort blanket. "It'd be tough but you'd be better for it in the end. I could talk to him when we get back. Maybe have him take it a little easy on you." A smirk on her face.

She didn't storm off, Elizabeth never stormed away from an argument. Taking her time, her right hand fingers itching against the scars on her left palm. After she grabbed a bottle of rubbing alcohol from the bathroom she made her way back to the kitchen, a type of storm going off inside of her. Part of her was telling her to go back and apologize, that he hadn't meant anything about it. The other part of her told her to create more distance and keep him far away. That the closer he got, the more dangerous to her freedom it would be.

As she filled up the biggest Ziploc she could find with one part of the alcohol and three parts water, she made sure to seal it carefully and placed it in the freezer. But now she was left with time. Time, in which her brain continued to chastise her and praise her, simultaneously about how she was handling all of this. Unsure of which one to listen to. Everything in her wanted to give into the danger of this all, she had missed it. The other part of her told her that she couldn't, she had three people who would miss her, wouldn't they? "Fuck." She muttered as one of her old scars opened up at the picking and grabbed a dishtowel to wrap around it.

Sighing, she began to search through the cupboards again for what was available. She might not be able to make him the stupid pie that he was talking about but she'd be able to make something else as a peace offering. Grabbing the biggest mug she could find, she mixed some basic ingredients that she was able to find and mixed it together. It was the first recipe she and Orion learned, she had been afraid to let him near the oven at first. A cake in a mug via microwave was a good middle ground. The two had perfected it after many attempts, finding the perfect balance to make a completely cooked cake that was still moist.

Once it was done, she checked the bag in the freezer to find it was ready. It wasn't completely frozen, the alcohol making sure that it didn't freeze completely over and it was malleable, able to shape and contour however was needed. Taking another moment or two to think over what she would say, she took the ice back in one hand, the mug in the other and headed back up with a sigh.

Knocking on the door, she called out softly before entering. "Hey Wally." Only to find that the room was empty. Of course, it was. Walking over to the nightstand, she sat on the edge of the bed for a beat, placing the mug and the ice pack down, before sighing.

"Oh, Yeah," Elizabeth Laughed. "Charlie Would Kick Your Ass. You Only Learn Through Pain." Which Was

His not being here meant that he didn't want to be here. He didn't want to see her and she couldn't blame him, not after how she acted. So leaving the things there for him to find whenever he returned, she left the room. Closing the door behind her, she headed to her room and grabbed the book she got at the airport before heading up to the roof.This all just reminded her that she needed to stop thinking about Wally as her friend and more of her boss right now. It was his lead that she needed to take. It was his objectives she needed to complete. The sooner that clicked in her head the sooner they could leave.

Under the night sky, she'd feel better, and she knew there was a lighthouse somewhere out here, maybe she'd be able to spot it from up there. She might even be able to sneak away the next day to see it, she convinced herself. Grabbing a sheet in case it was cold, she made her way up, sheet in one hand, book in the other. Once she got up to the roof, she settled cross-legged comfortably, back against one of the edges of the roof. Taking a deep breath, catching the smell of salt coming in with the cool breeze. She wanted to take a picture for Orion of the view from up there but knew if she did Charlie would know something was up, so she didn't.

Instead used her phone to light up her book as she read and listened to the new sounds around her. Things she needed to get used to before being able to sleep comfortably here, she wasn't going to be able to sleep this night. Tomorrow maybe, but for now, she let her mind wander with the words in the book and her ears take in the sounds that they needed to remember as safe so she could sleep.

"Oh, Yeah," Elizabeth Laughed. "Charlie Would Kick Your Ass. You Only Learn Through Pain." Which Was

He shrugged in an maybe gesture. It truly just depended on his family and what they wanted. He didn't take vacation days unless it was for family. He'd absolutely do anything for them.

Hmm was all she had? This was telling him there was something more in there. Though he didn't ask. But that hmm was odd to him. "Me too honestly. They don't think women can knock them down several pegs. Their mistake." It was his turn to hum now. "Scouts honor?" Did it even count if he wasn't one but saw his sisters be one. Sure. It made sense. "Charlie would kick my ass worse than at Quantico."

Eyebrows furrowed as he tried to figure out what had happened in the span of seconds. Well, he had a good idea but still he didn't react. Whether that was good or bad he just let her lash out in not so many words. He knew better than to interrupt or try to make it better when she didn't seem like she'd listen to a word he'd say. Instead he got quiet, looked at her with a steady stare. One that wasn't filled with judgment just understanding. His ears burned slightly and felt his jaw hurt when he tried to bite down on it when she throw that dig about his family. Noted he thought. Hilariously, he was now the yapper.

His training had nothing to do with how calm he was as she went on. Long ago he had learned not to react harshly and leaned to think through it before he even gave himself the chance to speak. Something people didn't realize about him until he actually let them see it. He nodded at her explanation of the ice and figured whenever she had it ready she'd bring it or have someone else bring it. Without uttering a word he watched her for another second before he dropped his gaze and continued eating. Things he noticed where her fingers pressed against her palms but didn't acknowledge that out loud. A tick. He knew those well.

He had finished half of his food before he couldn't stand his side. He knew it was more than fractured so he sighed and called the only doctor he knew wouldn't ask questions. After getting an earful he sent them the coordinates to the villa and gave them the code for the back gate. They were set to meet somewhere in the second story balcony.

It was times like these he loved that the villa had secret passages, after Elizabeth went off on him he didn't think he'd want to see that at the moment. It was better if she didn't see him for a bit. At least this way she wouldn't actually hear how bad it was. Getting himself around proved to be a little difficult but still made it. His eyes downcast as wordlessly he got checked over. Small hisses and grunts were heard as he felt prickly fingers dig into his wound. Okay, maybe he deserved that. He got pain medication that he could take and a water bottle that had him swallow it harshly. No one knew that the barbie doll as was their nickname was actually in a deep undercover op and was a trauma surgeon. "How's that wife of yours?" The brusk voice asked as they wrapped Wally's arm to check his blood pressure.

"Fine," he answered back looking anywhere but at the offending object blowing up with air. "What's the news in house?"

A deep sigh came from the other, "Your reward has gone up by a quarter mil. Word is the sheriff is offering up that bounty to anyone who's got sights on you. Well, Lennox. Word spread there's a federal agent in their midst. They don't suspect you per se with that little show of your drunk ass at the club. No one thinks Lennox is that fucking clever. But," they trailed off not wanting to finish that sentence.

Wally didn't need anymore details. That trailed off sentence he knew what was to be said. "They think it's her." He hummed as he stretched himself out on the patio chair. "I see." He didn't give away to any fear. Elizabeth could take care of herself, clearly she had a plan or the beginning of one.

"You'll live." They patted his leg and smiled at him. Wally acknowledged it with a head nod of his own and hummed. "Thanks. For the meds too. Get back and be safe. I'll check in when I'm back in the office. If we can pull you out before they come raid their operations in the city, the better."

With that Wally saw them leave. Thoughts had invaded his mind as he started to draw up exit strategies. Finding a notepad in between the cushions he began to draw out random thoughts. He thought being out in the patio would serve for a nice little break between everyone in the house and him. His head had started to hurt a little but he didn't actually want to leave and go back inside. In his unfocused state of mind he started to draw mushrooms with swords. There was no rhyme or reason for them. It just happened every time he took meds that took off the pain edge. With his right arm in a make shift sling, he used his left arm to do his doodling. He did slightly wonder what the fuck had gotten Elizabeth so fired up. The psycho babble did run through his mind and snorted at the abusrdness of him psycho analyzing anyone. Some people he just could read easily.

He Shrugged In An Maybe Gesture. It Truly Just Depended On His Family And What They Wanted. He Didn't

Memo had gotten back to tinkering with the TV and didn't even hear a peep out of the entire house and he found that weird but then remembered the secret passages and went out to look outside. Seeing Wally at the far end of the patio made him calm down. If he had to go chase him down again he shook his head. He wanted to sleep at a reasonable time. Time being relatively irrelevant here.

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7 months ago
She Wanted To Agree With Him, To Say That A Wedding By A Lake Sounded Beautiful. It Sounded Perfect,

She wanted to agree with him, to say that a wedding by a lake sounded beautiful. It sounded perfect, but it was all replaced by moans as he continued to thrust into her. Her hands held onto his shoulders, as she pressed her forehead against his. Sweat began to bead on her body as they continued. "Anyone." She moaned out. "Anyone you want to marry us. I don't care."

Her hair began to stick to the side of her face as she smiled at the thought of Rafe in a suit, like the one he had worn the day they met. Her in a dress. Getting married. God, they were going to get married. A small hmm of pleasure came at his warm touch and slowly settled on him again so that she took all of him. Breathing heavy, giving her body a small rest, she added. "Are you going to be Mr. Johansson or I'm going to be Mrs. Adler, my husband?" Then she began to lift her hips up and down in a steady pace, the sounds of her moan and their skin against each other filling the space.

She Wanted To Agree With Him, To Say That A Wedding By A Lake Sounded Beautiful. It Sounded Perfect,

Hands gliding to her hips, fingers kneading the soft skin as he held her in place and slowly thrust up into her. "A wedding by a lake, just you, me, and the others. An officiant unless you're about to tell me, Charlie can marry us." A soft grunt left him at how tight she was around him.

"I'll wear a suit, you in a beautiful dress or your own suit if you'd prefer, but I'd" a moan left him breaking his train of thought for a moment, hands gliding up her body to cup her breasts and allow her the freedom to set her own pace. "I'd love you in a dress, my beautiful bride walking down aisle to me."

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7 months ago
Literally Michael And Ros From 'The Gentlemen'

Literally Michael and Ros from 'The Gentlemen'

"I'm not emotional about the money. But I am emotional about the fact someone laid their hands on my wife..my wife! No amount of money on God's green earth can pay for that transgression, Matthew, no. For that I want a pound of flesh."

One of the best scenes, I enjoyed this movie

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7 months ago

“monsters don’t live happily ever after, but when your lips brushed against his, you almost believed you could.”

— k.s.  (via holtbekah)

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