69constellationsinatrenchcoat - misadventures of a queer disabled DID system
misadventures of a queer disabled DID system

No, there are not 69 of us but we are hiding in a trenchcoat.. medically recognised adult DID system studying to become a clinical psych. We are aware we make mistakes, we know we make mistakes, we're open to kind discussion!!!! 🇳🇿🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ Please remember, there is a person behind almost every post on the internet, including syscourse. Be kind.

1611 posts




That's weird

can y'all still send anons or are you stuck for eternity having to be honest /t

Well so someone was so kind as to reply to my anons question with this

Well So Someone Was So Kind As To Reply To My Anons Question With This

I THINK I know who it was but I'm not certain and their blog doesn't allow replies

if not I just blocked someone for good

oops 😭💀

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More Posts from 69constellationsinatrenchcoat

A kid will only remember the pain/fear that comes with a hit, not why they got hit. All the parent is teaching is fear.

If the child is old enough to understand why they're being hit, they should never be hit. That is when you teach them the lesson without violence or pain.

Never, ever, hit a child. They don't remember why you hurt them, only that they were hurt, and that shatters trust.

If your parents hit you but it was only once in a while, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but never left a mark, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but never with a closed fist, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but never in the face, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but never with an object, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but said they were sorry after, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but only when you were really acting out, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but it was only spanking, that was abuse.

If your parents hit you but stopped once you got to a certain age, that was abuse.

If your parents never hit you but they shoved you, grabbed you roughly, scratched you or dug their nails into your skin, pulled your hair, or otherwise put hands on you out of anger, that was abuse.

If an adult did any of those things to another adult they were arguing with at the grocery store, it would be considered assault. If an adult did any of those things to their romantic partner it would be considered domestic violence. It's not any more okay when a parent does it to a defenseless child.

I spent most of my life not realizing I was abused because I wasn't being beaten, and I spent even longer thinking the abuse was only emotional.

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we’re all gonna be sixty posting shit like: cranberry juice…


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REMEMBER: your online fun is your responsibility!

A loading-screen tip style pop up. it has angel wings and a halo attached to it, and the text reads "Tip! You can curate your online experience using the block and filter buttons."

Sometimes DID will have you doing stupid things like trying to clarify where someone's from just because they share a name with a past abusive relationship 💀

Spicy PSTD, chill tf out.

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