Did System - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

πŸ§… - for your ask game!! we do and it's always curious to hear if other people do as well!!

Omg thank you for the ask!

πŸ§…- Do you have multiple layers?

Yes we do, it's part of the complexity and function of our system, many layers do help in a lot of things to keep the system safe and functional in several ways

In some parts we also have layers who just hold a subsystem or a a place for specific alters to be there

I don't know many of the layers, I'm aware of like... 5 i think? Bt I heard of our mapper that we have like 20 or something like that, he doesn't really like talking about that layers for some reason lmao

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7 months ago

Ask game nomnom, for those who want to answer them yippie: β­πŸŒœπŸŒΏπŸ‰πŸ§­

Here's the ask game link

Brainmade questions answered by the Blumberg subsys, introject questions answered by the Arachnid subsys, headspace + discovery questions answered by Josevosky



⭐ - Do you have a "theme song", or a song you think describes you?

"Cats on Mars" & "Soldier, Poet and King" would be our theme songs 100% sure, tho each of us have our personal theme song lmao

🌜 - Did you form with any pseudo memories, despite not having a direct source?

Kind of, we couldn't call them like having a story, it's more fuzzy and strange memories of "a past life" or something like that, but Silz doesn't have any lol



🌿 - Do you have any pseudo memories? are there any you'd like to share, if so?

We all have pseudomemories of our source, tho most of us don't like them or are conflictuated by them, personally we won't share them because we have a blog to do so


Headspace + Discovery:

πŸ‰ - Has your headspace changed over time, or has it generally stayed the same?

It changes a lot! Our hc keeps growing and so does the inner, also some new areas and layers keep getting created depending on the time and situation we're going trough, it never stays the same

🧭 - Were there any obvious signs that you were a system before your discovery?

Probably the host's project of the persmo, reading his notes you can see a lot of things about in-sys relationship, roles, functions and various things about our system done pre-discovery... Also dissociation and super bad amnesia

Thanks for the asks son of the host!!

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7 months ago

I've been fronstuck for so long I don't remember what's not fronting anymore and it's fucking frustrating, like yeah I'm not all silly and good person, but how people tend to change how they treat me when they know about me being a persecutor is complete shit

You're totally right, treating us different when our role is not our whole fucking personaliy just worse for persecutores and I'm tired of pretending is not

It's like they can't handle the simple idea of... yk... NOT BEING A FUCKING ADULT WHO HATES ALL THE TIME??

Damn, people are really dumb and shit sometimes /nay OP

I find super strange that being a host AND a persecutor is something that can co-exist in a way which I'm liked...

Most people don't even know I'm a persecutor, I'm seen as the "silly host" and it's super strange tbh, yes i'm seen as silly and i don't mind most of the time, but it's strange being a host like this

Then people start seeing me bad or similar shit because when my persecutor nature is more visible now i'm not the silly guy from earlier?? Sorry but I can't mask all fucking day ???

Also being median (if medians means like a teen alter) adds more strangeness to the topic

That sounds hard to front so long your strong for doing that. I agree people are so rude when the find out an alter is a persecutor. We can be as nice as possible and be funny and likable but when they find out its like a switch is flipped and they turn on you. Treating us horribly doesn’t make us want to stop it just makes us hold more resentment. They also get even ruder when they find out your a younger member in the system thats a persecutor they think littles, middles, and similar alters are innocent and when proven wrong they treat you like a mistake

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7 months ago

This is so real because a lot of blogs do those things or too much into syscourse that they forget the rest of struggles that having a CDD encompanse

True DID culture is having to block 90% of system blogs you find, including ones you used to follow, because the blatant misinformation, encouragement of malingering and active promotion of delusional thinking makes you want to shove your head through a fucking wall and you lose all sense of tolerance and benefit of the doubt

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7 months ago

Ask game! πŸ”­β­

Ask game here

πŸ”­- Does your system use neopronouns?

Yes! Actually we have more alters that use neopronouns than alters who use she/her ones, it's something that I find kinda funny

⭐️- Are you out about being a system?

It depends, IRL not really, yeah some people know about it because it's kinda obvious and we don't like the mask as the host most of the time when people say they care about us, but in internet yeah pretty open about it

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7 months ago


Ask game stuffs :3

Ask game here

🌟-Does your system have fairly clear communication?

Kinda, between frequent fronters we have a fairly good communication because of how much we tend to be together, subsystems have a better communication than the general system

At the end it depends on the alter and subsystem lol

✨️-Do any alters in your system have an accent?

Yes, some have one, but all of them tend to mask their accent around people that don't know we're a system

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7 months ago

🌌πŸͺ :3

(Ask game!!)

Ask game here

🌌-Does your system have little to no amnesia between switches?

Really depends on the reason why the switch happened, when the switches are for protective or very bad triggers we do tend to forget, there's not such thing as a consistent way of amnesia presenting when switching for us, it depends in a lot of factors

πŸͺ-Does your system have Angry or "dangerous" persecutors?

Yes, in fact our main host is considered one of the dangerous persecutors if he's not watched properly in front, we have a lot of persecutors that fall into the dangerous and angre category, but that's not their only trait yk?

Although it's kinda interesting to see how they present themselves lol

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7 months ago

We drew one of our persecutors because he's been feeling pretty sad early so we made this little gif for him

Spoiler, it didn't work to make him feel better T-T

We Drew One Of Our Persecutors Because He's Been Feeling Pretty Sad Early So We Made This Little Gif

I do make lineart different from the host lol, but because the drawing was made by the host in paper and I just did it digitally well it looks kinda mixed for me

Anyways, I liked the drawing so I'm sharing it lol

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7 months ago

Hi, just to make things clear

If you think is ok to assume people's stances in certain discourses based on their boundaries, or think that boundaries and stances are the same thing

Please, respectfully, get out of my blog

I don't like in any kind of way people who start assuming things about others based on boundaries and then claim that their assumption is true when in fact might not be true, boundaries and stances when discourses might be hand in hand but no always and I hate that people think that


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7 months ago

What is I did a syscringe cringe blog… just reposted their posts with the same rhetoric they’re spewing…

β€œThis isn’t real! How dare they say this?” β€œOh my gods look at this idiot”…

(Personally I think it’d be funny)

Bein honest it took me some time and severa re reads to understand what you were saying lol 😭 /nbr

Ok ok if you mean like doing a blog to post the cringe of the r/systemscringe using their own logic and kind of comments to make fun of how stupid they are...

That would be super hilarious honestly, I'll totally followed that blog and see it time to time to laught about them

Also that might encourage or host to do some shitty joke meme about the person who's obsessed with us, they have been posting us and the sillysystem blog several times now lol

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7 months ago

DID can cause delusions, and mild paranoia in about 40-50% of people who have it.

DID does not cause hallucinations.

However, Alters are not delusions or hallucinations.

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7 months ago
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Hello, in this post I'm gonna talk about the new beta from simply plural that was released on August 14, 2024


What are the new futures?

How each feature works

Friends glitch/bug

Custom fields glitch/bug

Buckets glitch/bug

Other noticeable bugs

Extra things

Final thoughts

Now that we know what it's going to be in this post let's dive into it!

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

What are the new features?

This beta provides some new features, most of them suggestions that were previously asked a lot of times that finally got implemented

Privacy buckets which works as a new privacy system for the app

Ability to change the default setting of privacy

Group moving finally implemented

Easier access to read groups descriptions

Ability to cancel editing

Resizing images with markdown

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

How each feature works

Privacy buckets:

The privacy buckets is a new function that was suggested for a long time, with this new privacy system you can create groups that you can customize to have a more specific privacy experience

The customization things that you can add are having an emoji that identifies the bucket, being able to put a name, description and a color on the bucket, specify which ones of your friends can see the alters/groups/fields under that bucket

Bucket example

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

This buckets applies to groups, profiles and fields as you see here

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Your friends won't be able to see the emoji while looking at your profile, this means they don't know in what bucket they are

You can add multiple buckets to the same friend, this is to make a better and more specific privacy customization

All the groups, members and fields that aren't given a bucket would be automatically set to private

For getting access to the buckets settings you have to enter your app settings, go to account, go to privacy buckets and there you go

For more information about how buckets works please check this oficial guide

Change the default privacy setting:

The default privacy settings let you choose what would be the new default setting around privacy buckets when making new things

This setting is applicable to all the things you can change the privacy of, this means:


Custom fronts


Custom fields

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

So depending on what bucket(s) you choose all the new things you create would have that bucket from now on

Important to note that putting a default bucket won't change any of your already existing information, this would only apply for new created things after the bucket was assigned, you still have to manually change the buckets from old things

For getting access to the buckets settings you have to enter your app settings, go to account, go to privacy buckets and click the gear icon next to the question mark one, there you go

Group moving:

As the name implies the group moving feature allows you to move one folder to another one, you don't have to re-do the whole group from scratch anymore

The whole page for editing groups has changed so you'll might get a bit confused. The whole moving folders part can be found now when you edit a group

Visual example of what I mean

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

So you might ask how does the move group work, this is a little example and tutorial on how this function works

We have this test group called "A", as you see A is in the main root, it's not a subfolder of any kind, we're gonna move it to be a subfolder

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

When you click in the already shown "Move group" option it would pop out a new menu (This loading can be a little delayed, at least from my experience, so be patient)

The group who's darker is the one you'll move, you just need to click on the folder you want to put the group on and it would show you this pop out to make sure you're ok with moving it into the folder you chose

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

And there you go, you moved the group

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Groups descriptions:

The groups descriptions were updated to a more easy and friendly way to see them, not only for you but for your friends too

Now all the groups that have a description will have a question mark symbol attached to them, clicking it would show you the description

Visual example of the described:

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

There's no more mystery outside this, this works with your friends groups and your own in both sides

Cancel editing:

Have you ever had the problem that while editing a profile or a custom front you don't want to save the changes so you have to close the app and re open to make sure that doesn't get safe? Well that's why the new beta fixed that issue

Now when you're editing things like profiles, you can decide if you want to cancel or save your changes, it's pretty simple to see it, there's and x and a πŸ’Ύ icon, the x it's for not saving the changes and the πŸ’Ύ for saving them

Visual example

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

This visual not only applies to profiles but also anything that can be changed and/or edited, I just put this for the sake of keeping it simple and not full of pictures of the same thing in different perspectives

Resizing images with markdown:

Using links for images is something that is used since a lot of time, it's normal to see people trying to resize their images directly from the markdown feature but failed, but now you can actually do this

In this image I'm using the same link, just that one is using the resizing markdown and the other isn't, this is to show that the resizing isn't super perfect and it's more based around fitting the picture in the indicated size, it would not stretch out or modify its property, it would just re adjust the size of it

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta
The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

As you might seen the only change you do it's adding the #300x300 after the link, putting the # along with the size that you want will resize your picture, this can work with any kind of numbers you put (#numxnum), but in some cases might look wonky or the picture might not appear/be cut so be sure to know the size and things you want with that to not mess up

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Friends glitch/bug

It has been reported that the friends part might be very glitchy and have some errors, bugs and problems when entering in the moment you're using the beta

Some of the bugs reported are:

Not being able to see the preview of fronters in the main friends page

Not being able to see the custom fields of some friends

Some profiles not being able to bee seen although the friend has the bucket to see it

Menu doesn't work, it shows a gray box

More buckets assigned to a friend than the ones you actually have

Errors while seeing each others profiles when one's on beta and the other isn't

The friend menu it's a bit wonky and buggy with this beta, so don't be shock if you have some issues while seeing it, it's not broken, the beta is still a beta after all, it's to see the errors to fix them for the official release

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Custom fields glitch/bug

The custom fields is one of the part who shows more errors while using it, some common reported bugs are

Friends and/or you can't see your fields information

The changes aren't saved

While offline they might disappear

Errors with the image links (They don't act like images rather than normal links)

Not being able to move them

When tagging (@) alters from another systems appears instead of yours

The custom fields are very delicate in this area, specially because the migration between 1.10 and 1.11, because of this I'm gonna copy paste words of the developers about it

API was further updated to fix the issues of large systems having trouble sharing content with friends and not being able to see custom fields of friends across release and beta versions. Note: The fix for cross-version only works for release if you never opened beta before. If you left or will leave beta you will still have issues seeing custom fields of beta friends. Second note: I just noticed that beta seeing release custom fields is still not fully working. So we'll report back when that is fixed.

Additionally, custom fields from 1.11 are not compatible with 1.10.3 either, if you downgrade back to 1.10.3 you will not be able to save changes to custom fields (neither custom fields settings or member custom fields data).

It's not mandatory but I'll recommend not touching your custom fields if you have the beta because it can have some issues about losing information, but this is a recommendation, this lost bug doesn't happen to everyone so do it at your own risk

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Buckets glitch/bug

Because of the new future it was expected that it would have bugs and errors while testing it

The feature isn't 100% polish and it's being fixed, but this isn't stopping you from using it because it is workable

Some common bugs are:

Selecting a friend while creating a bucket doesn't work, you have to make the bucket and then edit it again to add the friend

Scrolling being difficult to almost impossible while editing buckets to assign friends

Don't adding the selected people (can also add people who's not selected)

Bucket count showing incorrectly as a visual error (previously mentioned in friends bugs)

Multiple visual errores in different areas

Also adding a note said by the developers to keep in mind

Important note: If you open the app in beta version you will no longer be able to go back to the old privacy system, even if you downgrade your app back to 1.10.3. We suggest you stay on 1.11 once you used the app in 1.11. Critical bugs found within the Beta will be resolved swiftly.

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Other noticeable bugs

As is expected this bet has a lot of bugs going on, I'm not going to name all the bugs because this would be more long than it has to be, but I will list some common bugs that don't fall into any of the other two previous categories I mentioned

While offline all things appear as private even with different bucket

Editing colors isn't saving (profiles, groups, custom fronts, buckets)

While making a description you can't use the enter button

The lines to easy select text isn't showing up

Somo areas flicker when selecting/touching them

Getting front notifications of people you didn't select to have them

Bugs with pop outs about deleting members/groups

All of this errors and some more are being fixed for the proper release

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Extra things

While it might be kinda obvious if you see the pictures I presented, the layout of the app it's kinda different, it didn't have an incredible mega change but various things about how it works were changed to fit better the new functions that were added

This betta has more bugs than previous betas but this isn't because it was bad designed, it functions pretty well and the bugs are being fixed, after all a beta it's for test out, report bugs, glitches and errors to make sure the final and official release it's the best product we can have, so maybe wait for the official release if you don't want that many bugs

Also as it was mentioned, if you already get the beta don't quit it, it can broke your simply plural and won't reverse the changes made in beta, you'll have to stick with the beta till the update it's public if you don't want to have more bugs and broke your app

For the people who might not know this, the beta testing isn't available on the web version, only the app

Little explanation on how to get the beta if you want:

Android: Go the the Play Store, search for Simply Plural and scroll down to join the beta Apple: https://testflight.apple.com/join/DzPX698w

If you need more help with the download of the beta on android you can send me questions and I'll answer them

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

Final thoughts

Though it's not the best of the betas in terms of not being glitchy it's incredible how great this beta update was, and taking in mind that this errors will be fixed looks to have a very good and promising final result

I might say it's better not to get the beta if you really lay to much in SP and can't handle that many bugs and errors, but if you're willing to give it a try it can be a goofy and great experience at the same time

This update is more based on fulfilling already wished suggestions so it's pretty exciting to see it

For being a beta I give it a solid 7.5/10, maybe too buggy but a great preview of what it comes for the new update

If you have more questions about the beta, non beta or anything related to simply plural please send asks about it, I love to talk about SP so feel free to ask about it ^^

The bugs/glitches reports, the link fo the buckets and the basic information about the beta were taken from the official simply plural server, I really recommend checking it out if you want to ask questions about it, see inspiration, see third party tools or report bugs, also there you can see server status, announcements and updates. It's important to clarify that it's not a social server so have that in mind

Simply Plural Discord Server Link

If you read all this I have to really thank you very much for giving me that much of a time to talk about this, simply plural is one of my special interests and hyperfixation and I'm so glad I get to talk about it, I didn't expect that much people being interested on seeing me talk about this new update, sorry if it took me some time but I was kinda in a bad moment of my life, but writing this really cheered me up and I hope people can find this useful

Please reblog and like if you find it useful in some way and to make sure more people get to know this information about the new update cause it has a lot of important things! /nf

The Simply Plural 1.11 Beta

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6 months ago

I just made two emojis and I'm kinda wanting to do a blog for emojis now...

Idk, maybe I'll do it , depends if someone likes the emojis, here's the two ones that I just made

I Just Made Two Emojis And I'm Kinda Wanting To Do A Blog For Emojis Now...
I Just Made Two Emojis And I'm Kinda Wanting To Do A Blog For Emojis Now...

Idk, thanks for voting guys :3

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6 months ago

I was bored a couple days ago so I made a silly little drawing of me, the main host of the system and our systemsona and I feel like sharing it with you guys

I Was Bored A Couple Days Ago So I Made A Silly Little Drawing Of Me, The Main Host Of The System And

I think is insane how much of a difference is between me and the collective avatar we have, it's so fun and silly

This was just a little practice to get use to drawing with my new phone so it's not as detail and well done as I'd like it to be, but is still cute in my opinion lol

Well that's all see ya

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6 months ago

The thing is we have two sysonas, one that represents us like we normally are and one that's an internal joke between close friends, more like a meme sysona

So I was bored and decided to draw the two sysonas meeting, here it is, a random sysonas drawing

The Thing Is We Have Two Sysonas, One That Represents Us Like We Normally Are And One That's An Internal

Yeah I bet you can guess which one is the joke one and which one is the one that represents us always lmao

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5 months ago


Have you ever heard about the famous inktober thing that happens all years? Well I like the idea but not the list, so while I was thinking I decided I'll do my own inktober with a special theme, system!

This is done just for fun, a creative and random activity for all the systems out there that want to join, if you think this is dumb, cringe or something like that well just scroll and don't do it lmao

Although inktober is for artists you don't have to draw to participate, if you want to make collages or write about it go ahead and do it, tho it's true that the challenge is more aligned to drawing

You don't know what systober is? Well it's a challenge consisting on drawing each day of october one thing that will depend of the challenge you choose to do, in this case, would be about your system

Here's the list


If you have a question about what means something you can ask us and we'll happily answer your questions

If you're gonna participate in this it would be highly appreciated if you use one of this two hashtags for your posts #systober #systober 2024

Important note, this challenge is not for endos, endos DNI with us, this post or the systober

That's all I have to say, I hope to see at least one system besides me participating in this activity, see ya and thanks, have a fantastic day/night!

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5 months ago

how do i make custom fields, i only have the basic fields and i wanna make my own custom ones

This question is more appropriate for @syspport so I answered there in a post that dives in all the important info about cystom fields

Here's the link of the post for easy access

Sorry for the long wait lmao

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5 months ago

Our syscourse code

Just to make sure, we're open about asks about this and maybe some debates, but if you're not respectful we're just gonna delete it, and if you feel our stances bad or shit like that you're free to block us and unfollow our sideblogs, we're just doing this because we feel like and so the answers are gonna have some more in depth explantion

This is not meant to be a place for attacks, any kind of comment about that would be deleted and reblogs doing with that kind of thing I will block the account without hessitation

Also, endos DNI, don't care if this is tagged with the syscourse tag, it's just because it has to do not because I want you to interact, I gift free blocks yk?

[Syscourse code link]

Question one - Do you believe in endogenic plurality

🀚(NA) - I believe in it but am against it / πŸ‘‡(NU) - Other

To dive a bit better I do believe in the possibility of experiencing something similar to plurality without the disorder, does this means it would be the same kind of plurality than systems with CDD? Of course not because they're not the same thing, even some people with the disorder don't consider themselves plurals/systems so saying is an only CDD experience it's kinda wonky

I don't believe there's such a thing like "endo system" because system in the context of plurality has been use to explain the CDDs so using it for another types of internal experience that has nothing to do is straight up ableist

I'm also against the endo community because of the way the present and handle thing

It's more like, shit the non CDD "plurals" ruined themselves LMAO /vneg

Question two - Opinion on tulpas

πŸ’› (TC) - I think it is cultural appropriation, and other terms are better

Like if you practice that for real good use it, but many people that use the term tulpa is straight up appropriation and they can find better terms for that :/

Question three - Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma

πŸ“˜(NETR) - People sometimes misunderstand their identity, it doesn't mean everyone is misunderstanding / not remembering.

It's a big it depends case yk? Understanding yourself it's hard

Question four - Opinion on shared spaces

πŸ”Έ(NSP) - Shared spaces are good but there should also be specific spaces for disordered, traumagenic, endogenic, etc spaces.

It's good to have shared spaces even outside the plural things, but it's' also important to have specific spaces for the ones who don't want to be in more general ones or want to be in a more specific side if they need to, just like any other space it's good to have the general one and the specific one and respect each others boundaries

Question five - Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX

🟒(TXU) - Not unless the person themselves considers their plurality transX

I believe that transX or trans-ID as I called them is one of the worst shits and I can't believe it's possible to be "transplural" in any kind of way, so yeah don't compare something that can happen with a shit thing

Question six - Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma

πŸŒ‘(DTNO) - No

No need to explain myself lol

Question seven - Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body)

🟦(CNNU) - Other

It has been brought to my attention that people don't really understand what a closed culture is and it's really annoying me, they're policing something they don't fully understand and most of the time is for moral superiority or social pressure especially in the system community which is fucking toxic and shit

Names that are really closed it's not ok to keep them if not given as their disrespectful to the culture, but even with some cultures being close that doesn't mean the names will be closed

So it's more of depends on the name context rather than "the name is from x culture?"

Question eight - Opinion on researched self diagnosis

🌳(SDXI) - If the person has done extensive research it's okay / ☘️(SDXNU) - Other

I don't believe one can diagnose oneself as the disorders are very complex and has a lot of things going on, specially when a lot of things go an overlap with symptoms and conduct behavior on the individual, not just when talking about complex dissociative disorders but for any kind of mental health disorder

Just like physical things you can't diagnosis with some body sickness, sure you can have your suspicions and recognize you might have something based on what you know about it but you can be correct or incorrect about your suspicions, the same happens here

I don't believe you can diagnosis yourself, I believe you can self recognize to have a complex dissociative disorder but using medical diagnosis names while it's just a suspicions I think is wrong, doing enough research like a very good one that takes you several reading months I see that the recognizement of the symptoms can be explained by the system phenomena, but don't claim a specific type of CDD please, that's something only the professionals can do

Question nine - Sysmed as a term

πŸ—―(IDN) I do not want to have an opinion on this

I'm still forming my opinion on this one and therefore I don't want to be in the opinion discourse about this

Question ten - Traumascum as a term

πŸ₯–(TSH) - I think it's harmful / πŸ₯§(TSA) - I am against it

This is harmful and ableist as shit, why do people even think this is ok to use? Wtf πŸ’€

Question eleven - Endogenic systems using the term 'system'

🦎(ESD) - If they are diagnosed / 🐲 (ESO) - I think they should use other terms

If they have the diagnosis of a complex dissociative disorder they can use the term system just for describing the alters, if they're gonna describe another part that isn't dissociated and therefore a symptom of the disorder use another term, just like using two different terms at the same time to be respectful with the disorder, yk what I mean?

Question twelve - Endogenic systems using the term 'alter'

πŸ› (EAD) - If they are diagnosed / 🐝 (ESO) - I think they should use other terms

Is the same explanation as the above just change system with alters and that, doesn't have lot of backup explaining outside that

Question thirteen - Xeno-origins

🐬(XEN) - I don't understand their purpose

I genuinely can't understand them

So yea that's all, probably I'll make a blog just for talking about syscourse if I feel like or if I have a lot of asks surrounding this post in my inbox because I don't want this to be a syscourse blog because I'm honestly stressed as fuck when it comes to the stupidity of syscourse talking

That's all byeeee

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5 months ago

Just so you know people doing the systober, I actually go through the tags once in a while and like all the posts I see with it, so if I don't like your systober day it's because you didn't use the tag, that simple

Also I don't have a problem being tagged in your days, actually makes my work of liking al systober content easier lmao

Sorry but all the post with the syspunk tag are gonna be ignored xp

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5 months ago

Ask game! >:p


🐎 - how often do your alters think about the Trojan empire?

Idk what this could mean like a metaphor? But some alters do think about that time to time to have random discussion about the trojan empire lmao

πŸ™„- What's the most annoying thing about being a system?

I'll say probably amnesia, forgetting almost all about yesterday every day it's very annoying because my memory it's pretty shitty and if isn't something my brain see as important I will forget it

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