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i hate it when able bodied people I only met that day have the audacity to tell me about my disability and how i experience it ....sorry, are you the one stuck in this body?

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Agatha all Along has an intimacy coordinator credited for episodes six and eight?????

Rio x Agatha?? Confirmed????? Implied???

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Rest in peace season 2 and 3 of Kaos. You will be missed as the fans are forever left on a cliffhanger.

Can we ask Disney+ to finish what Netflix didn't have the guts to do?

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..being denied puberty blockers pre puperty because i was "too young" as if they do any lasting damage if you change your mind? not letting me have them was more damaging???? :(

theres a reason lots of kids develop gender dysphoria around 10-14 and its not because its a social contagion but its because puberty is really fucking distressing when you’re trans, and thats when it becomes too much to handle.

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Having a character you really relate to in appearance and then finding out your personalities very little in common is such a trip, like, yes she looks a lot like how I appear in the inner world, but nooooo we're not very alike in anything else

Having A Character You Really Relate To In Appearance And Then Finding Out Your Personalities Very Little

What is with me and relating to red-headed druids, specifically DND characters?!? This is the second time????

Doric being the first. Except I might as well be a slightly more brash copy of Doric in appearance, personality and powers (internal world).... but her film came out after I split lol, I already looked like her (or she looked like me?) and it was REALLY funny how the friend I went with went "oh it's you?"

Having A Character You Really Relate To In Appearance And Then Finding Out Your Personalities Very Little

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Petition to change "hit me right in the relatables/right in the feels" to "kneed me in the relat-a-balls"

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk, and have a good life.

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Yep! We have everything from platonic best friends who go back to childhood, dedicated romantic relationships in all fonts and shapes (wlw, mlm, straight, idgaf-ur-cute, enby x whatever, polyam etc), parent/child, older siblings with younger siblings, mentor type relationships, siblings, twins, adopted siblings, parents with adoptive kids, kids who adopted themselves (this happens a lot, "ur my mum now" say the syskids to anyone who cares), pets, and a lot more

we have lots of in sys families, by blood or just because they felt like adopting a stray - a lot of it boils down to "I'd defend you with my life" whether or not that's stated.

one of these days im going to map our system relationships and see how cobweb-y it gets loll

17: Do you have any in-system relationships and if so what are the dynamics between them?

(submitted by anon)

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me, opening tumblr: remember, don't police how other systems decide to do things. it's okay if they do things differently to how I would.

also me, seeing a minor with their full trauma in their alter intro: ....... okay, soooo some things can be bent cuz this isn't safe on a public platform-

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we're a DID sys, and here are some things we don't see talked about much:

somatic symptoms, especially in younger alters

general PTSD symptoms affecting main fronters as well as the more traumatised parts

age regression that isn't all cute and butterflies and rainbows

under age-of-consent alters holding sexual trauma (how is that still considered taboo in a space where so many of us have sexual trauma that falls way too young?)

blurriness & not being able to differentiate where one alter ends and the next one starts

amnesia within one alter, bro; i forget what i was doing 5 mins ago we didn't switch, I'm just forget all the time

memories sliding to another alter and knowing something's off/missing but not knowing what

Internal relationships being unhealthy (espec abusive alters or ones who lash out when they're afraid)

NPCs and system members who aren't fully aware of themselves, their system and autonomy, same with headspace pets/animals

for protectors: the guilt of not being able to stop something bad from happening? the guilt of knowing you could've done something differently and kept your system safe? yeah, that sucks fucking ass

disagreeing with something someone in your system said but not being able to explain why you 'changed your mind'

How conditioning can affect a system

Sexual relationships. Between systems, systems and singlets and within systems. We stopped talking about it after someone said 'headspace sex is a sign of faking' like… huh?? tell that to my therapist.

adding to the sexual conversation: differing kinks and boundaries between alters; this is such a big one in our system to a literal issue level

emotional processing delays - give us 5-10 working days and we'll get back to you on that

the way grief trickles through alters, and how someone who died many, many, years ago can still feel like it was only yesterday if someone comes out who didn't know

politics. bro we can't agree on who to vote for, how are we expected to agree on syscourse?


not being able to hug your system when they're feeling down

how isolating it is

how disabilities and systems intersect

yeah, honestly, the fear. the bad bits. the mental illness bits. the injuries and wounds and pain and seizures. sometimes we faint and switch, which is even more disorientating than your average switch. the nightmares and flashbacks and waking up caked in sweat and struggling to breathe and panic attacks, the missing something you never had, the... yeah, the shit.

question 8: do you have any plural experiences you dont feel are talked about often, or are ignored by the community at all?

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especially if you have a dom who's nervous about hurting you or pushing you too far!!!! this is so important!

For the love of god, praise and reassure your Dom after sex. I cannot tell you the amount of times I’ve told a Dom they did a good job after sex and they’re like “???? Why are you saying that???” It’s INSANE. Aftercare goes both ways! Praise! Your! Dom! Tell them the specific things you liked! Tell them how hot they were! Tell them that you appreciate them taking control! It goes such a long way, trust me.

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certain fictives make me suspicious. i wont believe you're a system if you have a dream fictive, or anyone from hazbin hotel, or if you have the entire cast of one of those super popular shows. sorry. that's just how we work.

Interesting take and I do see where you're coming from, however this is essentially fake claiming an entire group of people, including those who have diagnosed systems who happen to have introjects from popular media.

There are a lot of reasons people split introjects, including stress and overwhelming experiences, and people with DID can split even after the brain has finished the majority of it's development, especially if they remain in an unsafe environment or they are stressed and already have a system caused by disassociation. Introjects are just another way that the brain choses to process trauma, albeit..a complicated one.

Some "introjects" are simply alters who feel they connect with a character, rather than someone they believe they are.

However, holding that in mind; systems online often chose to share alters, and experiences that they feel others may connect with, who wish to speak or who want to speak/post. We have many alters who don't post for various reasons, and experiences we don't talk about because they're too personal/too triggering etc, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist or didn't happen.

If someone states they have a lot of introjects from a recent popular show/film/fandom/book, and don't show other symptoms then I may become suspicious but flat out stating they can't be a system if they happen to have x character in their head is just... anyway-

Anon, unless you happen to be a psychologist, you don't have the right to entirely say that someone cannot have DID.

I hope I worded this okay. :)

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I swear I try so damn hard to be nice to everyone and then there's the list of people who I will mentally side eye and attempt to be nice and empathetic with anyway

....this may be directed at some of my anons, yikes

"you can't have DID because you read" - how- what do these two things have to do with one another?

"DID doesn't exist" - sigh, I have so much evidence that says otherwise.

"if you're really suicidal, show me" - no. Absolutely not.

"you're just LARPing" - unfortunately not, I wish I was lol. Our psych says otherwise, and LARPing is very much conscious, the brain limpets aren't conscious.

"faker" - cool, because faking having x-number of people in my head for multiple years is doable? yeah, no. Too much effort, same with the disabilities, sorry bub. We wish we were faking.

"it's your fault for wearing a skirt!" - buddy, I was 7. Okay? Seven? Not our fault. plus, why are you assuming I was in a skirt?

"Gay" - that one at least is true

Someone called us endogenic bc we like Zelda? pardon? where is the link between those two things (apart from in the game) 🤣

istg my anons are the funniest things, we don't reply to most of the trolls because, well, that just feeds them.

I Swear I Try So Damn Hard To Be Nice To Everyone And Then There's The List Of People Who I Will Mentally

I'm laughing so hard at some of the things ppl come up with

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no, we dislike using PK generally

if we're on discord we may use tupperbox, on any other platform we'll sign off with our initials, emoji or name, or just trust our friends to get our sp front notifications or check, or to ask who's fronting..

besides, most of our friends can recognise us based on conversation topics and typing style

question 10: do you use pluralkit? if not, how else does your system prefer communicating to the outerworld?

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iss meee and Wild 💕💕

[Text ID: This Alter/part/headmate Is Dating A Fictive]
[Text ID: This Alter/part/headmate Is Dating A Fictive]
[Text ID: This Alter/part/headmate Is Dating A Fictive]

[Text ID: This alter/part/headmate is dating a fictive]

Feel free to use it with or without credit, but reblogs and likes if used are very appreciated!!

[Please read pinned post before interacting]

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heyo mate !! js wondering - the book ur reading rn (the body keeps the score) did yall buy it or was it a part of the kindle unlimited thingy?? /gq /nfta tysm if u do answer :3

It's not on Kindle Unlimited, as much as I wish it was! We do own a paper copy (as of ten minutes ago), but the version were reading on Kindle was found as a PDF free online, just dropped it onto our kindle. (Do that safety though, please. Make sure you have an antivirus and scan all your downloads, a lot of torrent sites are a one way street to getting a virus).

Audible has it and it can be purchased with audible credits.

My broke ass can't afford psych textbooks lolll - 🏴‍☠️🦜

happy to flick the PDF version through to anyone via discord/email or a sending a link on Tumblr :) same goes for the PDF version and link to The Haunted Self: Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatization (2006) written by the author who coined the Structural Disassociation theory and surrounding termology.

[this applies to anyone, just flick me a message]

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The sad thing about being chronically ill, especially as a teen: how many of your own boundaries you have to jump over to gain support.

I had my first invasive pelvic exam done by a gynecologist at the age of 13. Age of consent is 16 here. I wasn't old enough to consent to having sex but I had no choice but to accept the pelvic exam, including a transvaginal ultrasound, if I wanted any kind of further treatment - I didn't want to let a random stranger feel around inside my body but to for them to continue to testing, I had to. They gave me the illusion of free choice, but realistically, I only had one option if I wanted my pain to go away.

The Sad Thing About Being Chronically Ill, Especially As A Teen: How Many Of Your Own Boundaries You

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I had the exams when I did, and that they meant I got diagnosed with endometriosis in four years rather than the usual seven.. but that's not to say they haven't affected me in the long run.

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Without sounding like a creep: if there are any adult (18+) systems who follow us and want to be friends, please just message. I keep a super close eye on our activity, and chances are I've probably already seen your account if you've commented/reblogged/liked lol.

The same goes for age regressors - espec syskids who want an external friend/cg and are safe to do so. I totally get that system kids have just as much autonomy as other members of their systems, but I'm much more comfortable doing so if I know a grown up in your sys knows about u talking to you - totally happy to get to know your sys a bit and work something out :)

~ amber (🔥)

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Ohh my gosh, all of this.

"just a me thing" was my excuse for everything

don't remember yesterday? forgot to eat? randomly got anxious without a clear trigger? forgot our bff's name? feel disconnected from everyone around me? can't remember my name? suddenly like foods that'd normally make me sick? desire to change gender and name change after stress? age regress and forget what happened when i regressed? randomly behave like a completely different person? have panic attacks after our ex had breakdowns and switched themselves (and then forget later)?

"Haha, sorry. It's just a me thing" I'd say with a smile.

Oh, how wrong I was.... that was an ✨ us ✨thing.

Overcompensation is a massive thing; especially when it came to friend interactions. There are pages and pages of notes where I'd leave reminders for later because 'haha, I'm super forgetful, oopsie! 😅' and the kinds of things were so mundane, like reminding myself I'd already put the rubbish out, or fed the cat or had my medication bc otherwise I wouldn't know it had been done in 1-2 hours.

Frankly, my dual autism and ADHD diagnosis the month before my 17th birthday didn't help — I had a new reason to say I was forgetting things. Without addressing all the underlying disassociation, depersonalisation, derealisation, blacking out/waking up and hearing voices, I could grin and say 'sorry, it's just the ADHD, lemme write that down or I'll forget'. The psych who did the assessment didn't go into trauma stuff and bc me being an oblivious dumbass host, I didn't remember anything and the only way she could explain the symptoms I experienced were AuDHD. I do think the diagnosis was correct though, I've always been autistic and ADHD, which worsened my trauma, just.. didn't have the words nor the memories to give her context for why I got angry and irritable at loud noises, panicked when someone touched my shoulders etc... the context I had was AuDHD.


thanks to the parts for that lil challenge.

A lot of people think "Wouldn't you easily notice if you had DID?" and even without accounting for amnesia, it's probably harder than you'd think.

Since DID is formed in development and prevents the integration of your personality, you have never lived as a singlet. You have no idea what it's like. Your symptoms are just generally "your normal", as well.

People can also naturally accommodate their own symptoms without realizing by simple trial and error. I used to write my math notes in heavy, near-excessive detail, since I knew there was a chance I wouldn't understand what I meant later.

Finally, a lot of people pre-realization just write off DID symptoms as "just a me thing" or a quirk.

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