a-gay-penguin - Something Funny To Enjoy
Something Funny To Enjoy

I reblog and shitpost here enjoyI guess you should know a little about me-I like playing gamesI’m bisexual (Do not send me asks asking for money or Aid I’m broke.)

780 posts

Funny Autism Story-

Funny autism story-

When I first got diagnosed they send me to a professional place I don’t remember much but I do remember them trying to give me a cup that changes the picture on it as you rotate it.

They tried to give me one of these cups as a stim toy and scratched the surface of it as they handed to me. It went from a stim toy to a stimn’t toy I remember them trying to give me more/exposing me to more of them

They had to force me to even touch them and I was clearly uncomfortable. My family knew damn well that these kinds of cups I just cannot handle the noise they made and got rid of them when I expressed my displeasure with the cups

The place did no such thing and I had to tell them repeatedly that those cups “make my brain tingle in the wrong ways”

I honestly haven’t really felt understood until I downloaded tumblr a few months ago so thanks you guys for being someone I can relate to.

  • a-gay-penguin
    a-gay-penguin reblogged this · 9 months ago

More Posts from A-gay-penguin

9 months ago

Ex fucking cuse me?

Y’all weren’t kidding about this homo cannibal show. I’ve seen gay porn tamer than the eye fucking between these two.

Yall Werent Kidding About This Homo Cannibal Show. Ive Seen Gay Porn Tamer Than The Eye Fucking Between
9 months ago

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Krobus Beloved Why Can't It Be Both

Krobus beloved why can't it be Both 🥲

9 months ago

I’ll say it again if it has a lot of math behind it the autism fuelled machines that are editors will absolutely fix anything wrong with it.

a-gay-penguin - Something Funny To Enjoy
9 months ago

Cis people think trans people have this:


Chosen name

But honestly we really have:


Other name


Business name

Old nickname only some people have rights to use

Online name

Extra special secret name you don’t get to know, unless… ;)

9 months ago


a-gay-penguin - Something Funny To Enjoy