Story Time - Tumblr Posts
One time when I was in like 1st grade I did an April fools prank on my teacher by telling them I was moving away. That’s all fun and good ya? Well it turns out we moved away that summer…
I’ve never done an April fools joke sense
In the last few months things have been more abnormal, than normal for me. It’s pretty interesting to say that I find myself operating at a level of chaos that I shouldn’t be. Hectic situations are like being able to see the sun clearly. Where others only see purple storm clouds. I have always been grown. My youth was stolen from me. Ripped from the cage in my chest that holds my little beating heart. The adults around me forged a weapon against one another fom my little remains. Mother and child against father with son. Kin against kin.
Since the age of 7 years, adults have questioned me! Told me! Volun-told me what I should think and what I should do.
From there I was told how I should feel about my mother and ill fitting she was. And I was told about how much a loser my father was. Nothing, was fair for me. No experience of greatness thrusted for me to experiment of what I had come from. Only what I supposedly lacked.
By the ones we call family. On both sides, are the ones that create situations that ultimately have nothing to do with them. It’s always when the shoe is placed on the other foot they see how it feels.. …With no regret, I practice my bitch craft and I practice it fiercely. No hold bars. And anyone can catch a sift blade of my palatial sword. Burn from my relentless gaze.
I. Still angry because no one want to hear me speak. Vent, let out all of that anger. Tell my truth. I need to have the. Own up to what they have done. Admit that you were wrong and that I cost me emotionally type venting. In the end everything feels as it doesn’t matter because I was not planned more wanted in the first place. The shadows of there faces linger on my thought because I have been on my own for a very long while. I have been creating my own families. And still nothing ever compares. In one way or another I am, in the subtlest of ways. Reminded of my place in these places. In these groups, in these homes. I think that I will feel at ease. And at home, when I create my own organic family. Find my partner. Build a home. Create a stable life. And have babies.
I think that I’m ready to do this and never look back at those who I have come from. To never let my children and partner know what foolery, ignorance and contemptuous people that I birth from. “Now Is the time. Now is the hour. Now is the magic. Now is the power!”
oookay so todays the day where i had to spit in a glass in front of the whole class and i dont wanna talk about it
Misery reprieve today brought to you by Chi Nguyen, her inseparable bowls, and the people on Twitter trying to help her separate them:

Featuring an array of helpful suggestions, such as this, from Vladimir Pukin:

The house spouse's favourite, duct tape:

And probably the most helpful:

And did you know that if you just paste a Twitter link in, on mobile, Tumblr now just displays the friggin' tweet? Awesome!
I have to talk about Chester Arthur. His story makes me go crazy. A mediocre president from the 1880s who's completely forgotten today has one of the best redemption stories I've ever heard and I need to make people understand just how cool his story is.
So, like, he starts out as this idealist, okay? He's the son of an abolitionist minister and becomes famous as a New York lawyer who defends the North's version of Rosa Parks whose story desegregates New York City's trolley system.
Then he starts getting pulled into politics and becomes one of the grimiest pieces of the political machine. He wants money, power, prestige, and he gets it. He becomes the right-hand man of Roscoe Conkling, the most feared political boss in the nation, a guy who will throw his weight around and do the most ruthless things imaginable to keep his friends in power and destroy his enemies.
Because Arthur's this guy's top lackey, he gets to be Controller of the Port of New York--the best-paying political appointment in the country, because that port brings in, like, 70% of the federal government's funds in tariffs. He gets a huge salary plus a percentage of all the fines they levy on lawbreakers, and because he's not afraid to make up infractions to fine people over, he is absolutely raking in the dough. Making the rough equivalent of $1.3 million a year--absolutely insane amounts of money for a government position. He's spending ridiculous sums on clothes, buying huge amounts of alcohol and cigars to share with people as part of his job recruiting supporters to the party, going out nearly every night to wine and dine people as part of his work in the political machine. He's living the high life. Even when President Hayes pulls him from his position on suspicions of fraud, he's still living a great life of wealth, power, and prestige.
Then in 1880, his beloved wife dies. While he's out of town working for a political campaign. And he can't get back in time to say goodbye before she dies. Because he's a guy who has big emotions, it absolutely tears him up inside, especially because Nell resented how much his political work kept him away from home. He has huge regrets, but he just moves in with Roscoe Conkling and keeps working for the political machine.
And then he gets a chance to be vice president. The Republican Party has nominated James Garfield, a dark horse candidate who wants to reform the spoils system that has given Conking his power and gave Arthur his position as Port Controller. Conkling is pissed, and he controls New York, and since the party's not going to win the election without New York, they think that appointing Conkling's top lackey as vice-president will pacify him.
They're wrong--Conkling orders Arthur to refuse--but Arthur thinks this sounds like a great opportunity. The only political position he's ever held is Port Controller--a job he wasn't elected to and that he was pulled from in disgrace. Vice President is way more than he could ever have hoped for. It's a position with a lot of political pull and zero actual responsibilities. He'll get to spend four years living in up in Washington high society. It's the perfect job! Of course he accepts, and Conkling comes around when he figures out that he can use this to his advantage.
When Garfield becomes president, Arthur does everything he can to undermine him. He uses every dirty political trick he can think of to block everything that Garfield wants to do. He refuses to let the Senate elect a president pro tempore so he can stay there and influence every bill that comes through. He all but openly boasts of buying votes in the election. He's so much Conkling's lackey that he may as well be the henchman of a cartoon supervillain. On Conkling's orders, he drags one of Garfield's Cabinet members out of bed in the middle of the night--while the guy is ill--to drag him to Conkling's house so he can be forced to resign. He's just absolutely a thorn in the president's side, a henchman doing everything he can to maintain the corrupt spoils system.
Then in July 1881, when Arthur's in New York helping Conkling's campaign, the president gets shot. By a guy who shouts, "Now Arthur will be president!" just after he fires the gun. Arthur has just spent the past four months fighting the president tooth and nail. Everyone thinks he's behind the assassination. There are lynch mobs looking to take out him and Conkling. The papers are tearing him apart.
Arthur is absolutely distraught. He rushes to Washington to speak with the president and assure him of his innocence, but the doctors won't let him in the room. He gets choked up when talking to the First Lady. Reporters find him weeping in his house in Washington. Once again, death has torn his world apart and he's not getting a chance to make amends.
Arthur goes to New York while the president is getting medical treatment, and he refuses to come to Washington and take charge because he doesn't dare to give the impression that he's looking to take over. No one wants Arthur to be president and he doesn't want to be president, and the possibility that this corrupt political lackey is about to ascend to the highest office in the land is absolutely terrifying to everyone.
Then in August, when it's becoming clear that the president is unlikely to recover, he gets a letter. From a 31-year-old invalid from New York named Julia Sand. A woman from a very politically-minded family who has been following Arthur's career for years. And she writes him this astounding letter that takes him to task for his corrupt, conniving ways, and the obsession with worldly power and prestige that has brought him wealth and fame at the cost of his own soul--and she tells him that he can do better. In the midst of a nationwide press that's tearing him apart, this one woman writes to tell him that she believes he has the capacity to be a good president and a good man if he changes his ways.
And then he does. After Garfield dies, people come to Arthur's house and find servants who tell them that Arthur is in his room weeping like a child (I told you he had big emotions), but he takes the oath of office and ascends to the presidency. And he becomes a completely different man. His first speech as president mentions that one of his top priorities is reforming the spoils system so that people will be appointed based on merit rather than getting appointed as political favors with each change in the administration. Even though this system made him president. When Conkling comes to Arthur's office telling him to appoint his people to important government positions, Arthur calls his demands outrageous, throws him out, and keeps Garfield's appointees in the positions. "He's not Chet Arthur anymore," one of his former political friends laments. "He's the president."
He loses all his former political friends. He's never trusted by the other side. Yet he sticks to his guns and continues to support spoils system reform. He prosecutes a postal service corruption case that everyone thought he would drop. He's the one who signs into law the first civil service reform bill, even though presidents have been trying to do this for more than ten years, and he's the person who's gained all his power through the spoils system. He immediately takes action to enforce this bill when he could have just dropped it. He becomes a champion of this issue even though it's the last thing anyone would have expected of him.
He oversees naval reform. He oversees a renovation of the White House. He still prefers the social duties of the presidency, but he's respectable in a way that no one expected. Possibly because Julia Sand keeps sending him letters of encouragement and advice over the next two years. But also because he's dying.
Not long after ascending to the presidency, he learns he's suffering from a terminal kidney disease. And he tells no one. He keeps going about his daily life, fulfilling his duties as president, and keeps his health problems hidden. Once again, death is upending his life, and this time it's his own death. He's lived a life he's ashamed of, and he doesn't have much time left to change. He enters the presidency as an example of the absolute worst of the political system, and leaves it as a respectable man.
He makes a token effort to seek re-election, but because of his health problems, he doesn't mind at all when someone else gets the nomination. He dies a couple of years after leaving office. The day before his death, he orders most of his papers burned, because he's ashamed of his old life--but among the things that are saved are the letters from Julia Sand, the woman who encouraged him to change his ways.
This is an astounding story full of so many twists and turns and dramatic moments. A man who falls from idealism into the worst kind of corruption and then claws his way back up to decency because of a series of devastating personal losses and unexpected opportunities to do more than he could have ever hoped to do. I just go crazy thinking about it and I need you all to understand just how amazing this story is.
We had to learn cursive in grade school (I think 4th-6th or 7th grades) in my small town school. This was when typing and computers were just starting to replace hand written papers. I hated learning cursive so much. I got finger blisters and such writing fatigue when learning it. I have bad handwriting in general, and the teachers would just hound me on my cursive writing all the time. I found it pointless and pointlessly time consuming, which as a smart little non-diagnosed ADHD kid, made it absolutely infuriating and frustrating. I could be learning science and I had to sit here writing the same sentences in CURSIVE AGAIN AND AGAIN?!
I was SO pissed and SO spiteful that they made me learn this stupid thing for years, and then had the gall to tell me it would only ever be used for my signature, and all high school reports had to be normal, non cursive type. Well fuck that. Every single paper until I moved away was in cursive. Science, social studies, word problems in math, everything. I even found one of the first cursive fonts when they insisted I had to print out work. Every teacher hated it, except the science teacher who was thrilled when I went on my angry, breathless rant about it. Every year I had fights to the principal and school board, who in the end were like "Well, we did teach it to him".
I don't know how much of my time that school district wasted forcing me to use cursive, but I wasted way more of their time forcing them to read it.
Reblog this if you had to learn cursive writing as a child
If you were ever told or were made to learn cursive writing when you were in grade school. I wanna see how many of you suffered like I did.
real life sicknario
there's some kind of cold/flu going around my school and the really cute blonde kid that i sit next to seemed like he caught it. i could see him trying so hard not to fall asleep during class so i let him borrow my notes, just so he could rest. he was muffling coughs into his sweater and he was actually flushed. god help him.
*+.Forgotten Sky.+*
Chapter I :
{Morning Sky}
You haven’t heard , have you? No? It doesn’t really surprise me… after all, you and I are just spectators of this world, able to see it both bloom and wither away. You’ve just got here… so please allow this humble narrator to serve you throughout this lecture and explain this situation.
At Glossopharyngeal Academy Hm? Yes, I am aware it’s a plenty weird name, but who am I to judge? I am merely the narrator… not the author. Complain to her if you can’t remember it later. What was I saying..? Ah yes. At Glossopharyngeal Academy, a name that only a drunk doctor playing darts on a human body could ever give to a school, a rumor has spread like a weed in a flower garden. It was based on the unfortunate death of a first year student by the name of Avery Shiloh, who was killed by a fellow classmate, that pushed her off the school roof in a fit of rage. This incident took place many years prior to our tale and it disappeared like thin strings of smoke in a storms ruthless winds, but somehow someone remembered it. The new rumor slowly began corrupting the whole school until not even a soul was unaware of the name of ‘Caelum’ and her story. Let me see if I can recall it…
Every morning, as the sun begins to arise, the figure of a black haired girl will wonder around the rooftop asking if anyone is there. But beware that if you don’t answer in her favorite language, you will suffer her faith.
Avery was- forget it. I am a respectable narrator, keep on reading for your informations. I shouldn’t chitchat with the reader.
Our tale has its beginnings in a chilly early autumn morning. The freezing air painting uncertainty in the students lungs. Strings of aa yet to be identified sensation sewing through their every muscle holding their members tight against their bodies. As much as they yearned to drown themselves in the cold and rigid new uniforms, to hide from that feeling, they didn’t. They couldn’t. It was just an irrational fear; ghosts, legends and monsters are just peoples’ imagination… right? And even if spirits were real, there’s no way they’re as people describe them… “How bad can they possibly be?” A thought that sung in the first years’ minds in unison. Even though the minds of two of the new students, played the same tune. A girl and a boy. And to respect the cliches.. the girl was scared of the possibility of ghosts in the school and the boy was swearing his eternal friendship with her.. or any other things other writers say. But leaving jokes aside, the truth is… the blonde boy with disheveled was the one scared out of his mind, shaking from each and every joint. If he didn’t have human form, he might be mistaken for a jelly during an earthquake. On the other hand, the girl, calm, more than a statue, was trying, not really that much, in all honesty, to make the jelly-human relax.
“Enzo, please, stop it. You look stupid.”
She says without too much emotion, for a few seconds placing her hands on Enzo’s raised shoulder, in a failed attempt to get him to stop shaking. She removes her hands to straighten her clothes some more, if that was even possible. Unlike our scared jelly’s, whose clothes divulged emotions happily, ruffled, his head dug in his shoulders and his pupils as contracted as they get, allowing their azure color to shine through, the girl didn’t show a drop of fear. Hair of the same color as Enzo’s eyes perfectly tied in a ponytail, not a rebellious strand dared to ruin. Neither did her uniform have any wrinkles, even the fibers seemed to be systematically aligned.
“W-W-What!? You’re telling me that you aren’t scared, no, te-terrified that we are… we are going to.. be in the same school with… g-g-ghost…!?”
Cries out Enzo, playing the buttons of his uniform in between his trembling fingers. Pinching the bridge of her nose the girl sighs, but before she’s able to add something, a voice gentle and steady covers the school yard.
“Good morning, my respectable students and parents. I am more than honored to welcome you to our school.”
All of the participants’ eyes dart towards the source of the sudden sound. A stage- it’s not really a stage.. How should I appraise it…? Should I be a polite narrator or.. say my true opinion…? Honesty is always the key.. right…? Anyhow, the cube with stairs that held the place of a stage. Everyone’s eyes dart towards the so called stage, but while doing it the girl’s eyes glide towards the roof by accident. Her blood runs cold, freezing in her veins. On the railing, dangling its legs carelessly, a foggy figure waves at the girl, after it’s saw the figure leaps backwards evaporating on the roof.
The eyes of the shocked girl widen, her eyebrows furrowing and lips parting slightly. A sharp breath, that felt cooler than the one before, cuts into her lungs.
“Are you o-okay…? G-Grace…?”
Hearing her name turns towards Enzo, who, at sight of the shock on her face, starts shaking even more. Grace murmurs a “yes” before turning her attention to the “stage” again.
Ahhh… I don’t feel like talking so much! What a sadistic author; not even having on mercy her poor and ever loyal narrator! Ugh… enough with the complaining.. or else I’m never going to finish this…
To no one’s surprise, the one making the announcement was the principal. A well respected and renowned gentleman, mainly known for his habit of implementing unusual rules, to keep the students in check. Most were reasonable.. some weird.. but some were… questionable… Some were saying he was nuts, while others said he was good and slightly (more) chaotic.
With the legend of Caelum covering the school like the thin layer of ice on shallow a body of water, under the merciless rule of winter, the principal’s punishments became harsher, bit by bit. Of course they were no longer go to the five classes while wearing a fish shaped hat to taking a test with the grade above.
I suppose I will allow you to discover the rest later on, because if I told you everything from the first chapter, I would lose my job, wouldn’t I?
Yay thanks for reading! See you next time!
Guys, two days ago, I was at Hot Topic, I got a bi frog pin (not that that matters-) anyways, as I was purchasing it, Dear Maria Count Me In starting playing, and this cute girl started singing, while she was scanning it. And I started humming along with her singing. And I kid you not, we looked at each other for a while, and I think I got her to smile. (She was probably embarrassed. Wether it was about me humming, or just me noticing her singing. Idk-) this isn’t a very interesting story, but… I just wanted to talk about it. Cause, I’m just like, gay.
Anyways peace- ✌️
Bedbedbebd Story time it is STORYTIME!!!!! TALK TALK!!!!

I once told a group of toddler-aged kids, "You can't go onto the playground without a grownup because there could be an alligator out there." after that whenever I told them they couldn't go someplace by themselves (like the hallway) they'd say, "because there could be an alligator, right?"
I accidentally rewired their brains to think any unsafe place was only dangerous because of potential alligators!
funny how adults will say random things to children without much thought or accuracy, and then a kid will integrate that into a fundamental cornerstone of their understanding of reality and The Way The World Works
Funny anime story
Okay so back when I was in high school the first season of Attack on titan came out and I could only watch the sub cause that's what Netflix had. Now one Saturday I decided to binge the entire season and my mom was the only other person home. She wasn't really watching and had no idea what was happening but would occasionally glance at the screen. Around the last few episodes, she sat down next to me to fold laundry, and I was completely focused on the Eren Jean switcharoo when all of a sudden I hear my mom laugh and go, "Horse face!" So basically, the only thing my mom learned about the series is that Jean has a horse face and I think that's amazing!
Story time
I don’t know how long ago, but, I was in English class and I don’t know how we got to talking about fanfiction and one minute I said I was writing stuff on wattpad and my teacher said you could tell me a little bit about what you put on it and I freaked out.
The moral of history does not talk about your account on wattpad to your teacher
Rolled up to the parking structure exit gate to be greeted by a magnificent nonchalant twink with resplendent wavy brown hair. I handed him my ticket and my debit card and I considered telling him how great his hair looked (currently wishing I had). He handed my card back and said Want a receipt? I said no. He said Want a Thing?
I looked down and taped to the booth counter were a couple folded up pieces of paper labeled Thing 2, which was squarish, and I think Thing 16, which was trianglish.
I said Yes please I would love a thing. He said Go ahead. I took the squarish one. He said Have a good night, I said You too.
I stopped at a red traffic light and opened it up. See attached.

So I'm gonna try to go back the same time next week and see if I can get his number.
fun story time for you guys!
so I was talking with my mom about this random Korn song and I was telling her I was trying to listen to songs other than LWAZ songs and she flat out asked me what LWAZ was..
so of course, I was gonna firstly try and avoid letting her search for the band, but I knew that wasn’t gonna work so I had to give up and play her a snippet of my #1 favorite song by him (HYPERJUMP!!!!!!) and SOMEHOW SHE ACTUALLY SAID SHE LIKED IT AND WAS INTERESTED IN TRYING TO HEAR MORE OF HIS MUSIC
Am I cooked or did I cook I don’t know 😭
I was driving home one Saturday at like 10 pm. Next thing I know my family pulls up to a school bus. Even in the car I can hear the screaming and singing coming out of that bus. Thats when I realized it was a bus full of band kids. Pretty sure band is just banned choir kids. Haha get it "band" choir kids
✨📓Story time📓✨
It’s morning at work which means it’s the prime time for me to have deep psychoanalysis with my coworkers. As one does *twirls hand*
So I lead off into a rant about an English teacher that I’m struggling with which upsets me because English teachers have always been my best friend. This little turd of a teacher won’t let me befriend him and it’s bugging me, so I’m sharing my tales woe when one of my coworkers mentions that his wife is an English teacher, and with a smirk says “So I love English teachers for very different reason.”
And me, ever true to my serendipitously jayus nature, fire off with out even thinking, “ English teacher eh? That means she likes words. You should try this on your wife: My lady if kisses are words, then come here I’m going to give you a speech.”
I’d never see that shade of red on a man before. I literally hit on his wife for him.
Where ever you are in the world today Mrs. Trevor, you’re welcome.😶😅
Anyway, I got all this rizz and no where to go.
Catch y’all next time 😆
✨📓Story time📓✨
Featuring @anobodyinabog
Just a little snippet based off a conversation with me and friend talking about our plans for Spring Break. I had asked for a list of her favorite snacks because ✨RoAdTrIp BaBy✨ and she had mentioned Goldfish.
I looked at her, and she looked at me, and I looked at her, and I could see the moment of realization in her horror filled eyes.
And I, ever true to my Jayus nature, without mercy, looked up with a grin and said without hesitation, “ Yo girl is your name Goldfish? Cuz you’re the snack that smiles back.” 😏😉👉🏼👉🏼
Needless to say the conversation ended shortly thereafter. She started to walk out 😆
Just curious
lawyers who was you dumbest client and why
Are you in need of a story?
Hop into my burrow, I can't wait to read to you!