Tmw You're Getting Your Hair Cut Tomorrow And The Only Photos You Have To Show The Hairdresser Are Of
tmw you're getting your hair cut tomorrow and the only photos you have to show the hairdresser are of sea hawk and phil lester
More Posts from A-ghostiee
i have played all of the good endings of blooming panic in less than a week and I no longer want to do the bad endings help
especially not nightowl, xyx and nakedtoaster's
and yes I know thats all of them apart from Quest
Not Teruko and Charles hoarding all the braincells and David trying to steal them like the rat he is.
imagine a spin off for the anime where the entire court case is told from the pov of the defendant.
Ace Attorney is the only series where if they decided to milk the franchise and make a bunch of trivial spin-offs I would genuinely be excited. Give us a rhythm game starring Klavier.
you're a 10 but...
what's your favourite Pokémon game?
Did I read an entire book and then cry myself to sleep?