Sea Hawk - Tumblr Posts

The SPOP Creative Flex is doing a Summer SPOPtacular, and this weeks theme was mermaids/pirates. I had a couple of ideas for what I wanted to do but eventually settled on doing a Seamista Little Mermaid AU! This is actually my first time creating content with this couple at the center, and I’m pleased with how it turned out! More importantly, I’m pleased that I didn’t give up and kept working at it even when I felt like I wasn’t good enough, because the only way to get better at something is to practice!
Sea Hawk clearly has ADHD
Which isn't something I've seen people talk about much. So here's a list a list of his ADHD traits I've noticed.
Very impulsive.
Adora: We go on three. Ready? One... Sea Hawk: Forward! Adora: I said on three. Sea Hawk: I got excited.
His tendency to set ships on fire - poor impulse control. Also his love of fire could be connected to visual stimming?
ADHD seems to be common in pyromaniacs. (Sources include Pyromania: fascination with fire - The Diamond Rehab Thailand, Pyromaniac: Meaning, symptoms, and treatment, Pyromania - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics, and others. I went down a rabbit hole trying to get statistics on what percentage of pyromaniacs are diagnosed with ADHD, but found nothing.)
His thing with singing. Vocal stimming.
RSD! His fandom wiki article says he has “a strong desire to be liked due to him being quite far from home”, but rejection sensitive dysphoria also checks out.
Tends to be very loud - trouble controlling volume?
When is he like, actually still?
Randomly starts doing squats. Not just to show off or anything either; just… to move? And what normal neurotypical train of thought would lead to one just randomly doing squats there like that?
There's some other traits I totally imagine him having too, but those are fully in headcanon territory, not things we see in the show, so I'll stop here for now.

mickey quinn’s title cards

And then they never looked at a computer again
I really wanna make some more Entrapta fanart, does anyone have any requests? >:)))
I can do stuff with any other characters aswell!! They may be small doodles or full drawings hehehe, don't be shy to ask!!

Yes, I am just posting all of my art at once; what about it?
_ This is based on that anniversary post Nate made last year

When duty calls,

I deliver.

Late night doodles of baby mista and her parents and baby hawk and his fam<3

They're honeymoonin' 💕

If it's always been your dream to read a fanfic where Mermista and Sea Hawk work a shitty part time job where they sell something that hasn't been popular since 2016-- you're in luck!
If you've always wanted to read about the BFS arguing about Froyo flavors, Really bad flirting, a menacing 11 and three courter year old, a Sea Hawk with no sense of financial responsability and a definetly undiagnosed autistic Mermista-- you're in double luck! (lucky you!)
All this and more in:

My second collab for this years @spopbang is with @lyndexv 🌊🦅
I had so much fun drawing for this, and hope y'all check out the finished piece and fic once they're posted!!
If you wanna read what the fic is about, make sure to read their post about it<3

A humble beginning indeed!
Here's the finished piece for the big bang I did for @lyndexv and their awesome fic 'The Hawk and the Dragon'!

Have you heard the news? Booty shorts are all the rage right now😌
Big bang illustration for 'Riptide' a lovely, seamista modern AU by @madgirlmuahaha

Note to self: If the wife says 'casual date night' it's most definetly not casual.