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Sleepy PrincessX3
Scrapped Pokemon Anime AU
In light of Friday's episode, I decided to post these AU ideas I made a few (checks notes) HOLY SHIT I made these HOW LONG AGO? Welp here is some notes for the Teammates AU!
Ash's pokemon, in order of who got caught fisrt
Pikachu---Gmax Pikachu
Grookey---Thwakey---Rillaboom---Gmax Rillaboom
Galarian Meowth---Perrserker
Milcery---Blueberry Matcha Alcrieme
Melmetal---Gmax Melmetal
Egg---Riolu---Lucario---Mega Lucario
Goh's Team
Scorbunny---Raboot---Cinderace--- Gmax Cinderace
Scyther--Scizor--Mega Scizor
Mime Jr.---Galarian Mr Mime---Mr Rime
Chloe's Team would've been
Gengar---Gmax Gengar/Mega Gengar
Eevee--Gmax Eevee
Galarian Ponyta--Galarian Rapidash
I know where this AU would've ended up, I just don't know how it would've gotten there. One of the biggest hurdles that made me give up on this project was pairing Ash, Bede, and Marnie in an OT3. there was going to be a lot of values dissonance, along with everyone being LGBTQ (Marnie was a Trans woman). I even planned a prison arc! But life, a lack of ways to make certain ideas stick without being flamed to death, and Journeys not sucking as much. These factors basically killed my motivation. I might post more, but it will probably never be a full project.

Im pretty dead right now But more important: I’VE RISED A CHILD.......(he still cries himself to sleep sometimes, but shh)

Galar Pokemon Starters
Acrylic canvas paintings I did of the new starters as I really like their designs. Scorbunny is my favourite so far but I’ll wait till their final evolutions are out before deciding


well. that was one heck of a (pokemon) day

Hey has anyone done shiny predictions yet?

“You sure you want this?”
Scorbunny does not understand the love you have for this timid lil’ lizard
Bonus Grookey because why not

“You sure you want this?”
Scorbunny does not understand the love you have for this timid lil’ lizard

I like the colors it’s looks like an early summer
you're a 10 but...
what's your favourite Pokémon game?

Drew them new Pokemons >:D