And They Adopted The Little Angel ^-^ (Later The Angel Managed To Steal MC From Jake Though >

And they adopted the little angel ^-^ (Later the angel managed to steal MC from Jake though ><)
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I'd like to try this out too🥺 Please do send me a request/prompt🥺🥺🥺(Awkwardly pleading cz I've never done this before😅)💖
ive seen a lot of ppl asking their followers to give them prompts and stuff, so i wanna try and do that too ehe
when sending me a prompt, list at least one (or more) character(s) from duskwood
then give me a prompt (lmao duh) and also state whther u want to see it as a oneshot, chatfic, series, etc etc.
send me a prompt here!
stay healthy and safe loves <33
ive seen a lot of ppl asking their followers to give them prompts and stuff, so i wanna try and do that too ehe
when sending me a prompt, list at least one (or more) character(s) from duskwood
then give me a prompt (lmao duh) and also state whther u want to see it as a oneshot, chatfic, series, etc etc.
send me a prompt here!
stay healthy and safe loves <33
Your Dream…
Chapter 8
English is not my first language so please spare me the grammar mistakes. 🙈
You can read the previous chapters from here.
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Hope you like it 👉👈
Chapter 8 - You, in my life…
“Then what am I supposed to say? Oshi, how am I supposed to look at you?”
She paused for a moment, amused that he really did surrender that easily. Then she wrapped both arms around his shoulders, rubbing her nose bridge on his neck, inhaling his scent. She closed her eyes, feeling Jake’s body stiffening. She spoke calmly, not before kissing his lips sweetly, not to keep him waiting for too long. “Hm…I love you? Thank you? Or I’m pleased to be with you? Anything that shows that you enjoy life with me instead of feeling guilty? Of course, only if you feel that way.”
He gently hugged her waist, hiding his pale face in her ebony hair. “There’s no way I wouldn’t enjoy it. But I am indeed the cause of all your sufferings.”
She felt his body stiffening again as her lips touched his nape. “If that’s what you think, you’re wrong. Right now, I can bet anything that I am the happiest woman on Earth.”
As soon as those words escaped her lips, Jake abruptly moved her to face him. Her eyes widened as she witnessed the reddened eyes. Millions of emotions passed through his gentle blue eyes. He hugged her tightly as he could. “And I can bet anything that I am even happier than you.”
A smile escaped her mouth as she stroked his hair, with her chest tightening pleasantly as he continued still burying his face in her hair. “Meeting you was the best thing that happened to me in my entire life. And you falling in love with me was the only miracle that happened to me. I…really can’t lose you.”
“You won’t lose me, Jake. Never.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Jake.”
. . .
As she was cuddling on his lap, she remembered trying to imagine what Jake would look like. A peal of laughter escaped her mouth as she stroked his hair. He looked at her, puzzled.
“Huh? I just remembered something funny.”
“What is it?”
She continued smiling softly as she massaged his shoulders, which had the opposite effect, albeit her motive was to relax him. “In the past, when I didn’t know what you look like, I used to imagine you know. Honestly, I thought you’d be on the chubby side. I was certainly not expecting a pot belly, but I was surprised to see you so fit.”
“Why is that?”
“Haha. Well…since I imagined you sitting in front of the computer for the whole day, I thought you possibly won’t have time for exercise?”
He looked a bit shy as he ran his fingers through her hair, “Well. I always took care of my health earnestly though I lost my membership in the gym five years ago.”
“Well, that’s good.” Grazing her slender fingers on his abdomen, she grinned. “It’s nice to have a sexy boyfriend.”
Oshi gathered everyone in the group at the Aurora later at night. Jessy, Dan, Hannah, Thomas, Cleo and Lily were all waiting for her to break her ‘surprise’ news. Jessy, who already knew what the news was, hardly containing herself not to spill the beans.
“Why at Aurora?”
Jake asked as he stroked her hair in the backseat of the cab. They were on their way to Phil’s workplace, bar Aurora.
She softly giggled at his question, “Who knows?” When Jake looked at her disapprovingly, she answered seriously. “Otherwise, Dan can’t be there. He works there, you know?”
As he nodded, enlightened, she cuddled in his arms before the taxi stopped at its destination. When the two arrived, everyone else who had already gathered there looked bewildered.
The bar was packed with people as it was just seven, thus very noisy. Yet her six friends had gone entirely mute. They all knew that their friend had been missing for some time as she supposedly met someone she knew. And they all had a hunch who the ‘someone’ could be. Also, they were all worried about the possibility of her following anyone.
But now, she was with a guy who was entirely out of their expectations. A black-haired young man with deep blue eyes, slightly tanned skin and an obvious fit body, wearing a long-sleeved black shirt, neatly tucked under black trousers. He did not appear the least like a government-wanted cold-hearted hacker on the run.
Dan was the first to break the silence, “Who the hell is this Oshi?”
She grinned widely, akin to a fool. “Four guesses?”
Jessy gasped. “Jake?!” Albeit knowing that Oshi definitely met him and had been with him since last night, she was amazed by how neat and polite he appeared. Not to mention how handsome. She recalled Oshi drunk talking that Jake was very kind, considerate, and even courteous. She did not believe her drunkard friend at all; how could Oshi know that? She had never met him personally. But she was right in the end. Oshi was truly amazing indeed. Her perceiving skills were on a whole different level.
Oshi giggled, her eyes sparkling. This was the first time she looked this happy ever since they met her. Oshi’s smile out of pure happiness, without a hint of sadness, was something that could light up a world. A smile escaped through Jessy’s face as she watched her friend overflowing with happiness. Though she never understood why Oshi loved the hacker so much, she could finally see how much bliss he could give her by merely standing next to her. Jessy was happy for her friend, genuinely.
Dan was the one to step in front again, “Dude, you work out? I could swear you were obese. Oshi and Jessy broke into laughter while Jake scratched the back of his hair awkwardly. The others were still, like stones.
Lilly finally snapped out of it, “Hello, Jake.” He greeted back awkwardly. Lilly had already told Hannah that Jake was their half-brother, but Oshi convinced them not to confront their father. Jake did not want their family to fall apart; she tried so hard to stop them, albeit it was not her place to. For Jake, Oshi could do that much. It wasn’t even close to what more she could do for him. It was inevitable that Jake would not receive a warm welcome. And she did not want him to go through such a thing. Especially when he was not the one at fault.
Soon, Hannah followed then Thomas and Cleo. Though Jake was not one to talk a lot, he was even quieter. It seemed that he was a little talkative around her. However, that didn’t matter. Jake blended into the group quite well, despite her worries. And the group had so many questions for him, and unlike before, Jake answered without much resistance.
. . .
“He is nicer than I thought,” Jessy said as they walked out of the restroom. Oshi giggled in response, “See? I told you.”
Jessy shrugged, “Well if you think about how he was to us with all the hacking our phones and threatening, how could I believe you?”
“Well, that was him being on guard. And not to mention, he changed a lot over the time.”
“What are they talking about?” Oshi looked up as Jessy was staring at the counter, “Who?”
“My brother and Jake.”
-To be Continued.
Next Chapter
OMG I'm crying🥺 You're the best as always❤️️
💀 , 😭
ofc if it doesn't bother u😊
"Death Butterflies."
❄A/N: Not sure if this is okay...It's been A WHILE the last time I did something like this so...Eh...Well, this isn't canon from my story, like an little AU (?).
💖Character(s): Summer (My MC) & Jake
🕊Paring: Summer (MC) & Jake
👑Genre: Sad, angst
🖤Type: Mini-fanfiction/Little AU [1/1]
✍Request: "💀saying goodbye to dying lover" & "😭Unrequited love" from THIS.
💞Summary: Summer and Jake are in the FBI, Jake really loved Summer but she don't love him for real but she's just using him. On a mission Summer is about to die…Not before Jake finds out that she has been cheating on him with Phil.
-> !TW: Bad words, blood, shooting!
-"I already told you…We can't be together." Summer mumbles, clearly destroyed by all the complicated emotions Jake created for something so mundane.
Jake has a lump in his mouth, as if mucus is stuck in his neck and prevents him from expressing his feelings in words. It just swallows some saliva.
They are here, in Summer's office, a serious place and he, an adult, cannot afford to cry in such a dignified place.
He has never been able to really express his feelings, Summer knows it well and for this reason she has always managed to justify herself with excuses as much as rediculous. It's as if she slaps him in the face every time for how much it is rediculous that he believes it but can't answer.
Summer can't even her as he is unconscious, she has been shaking hands with Phil for a few years now. But he keeps looking for her, maybe because he loves her a lot or maybe because he doesn't know it yet.
Summer lets out a sigh of frustration, she knows she feels something for Jake but it's irrelevant. As if she still has butterflies in her stomach but they are dead for him for a long time and he doesn't want them to come out, no, on the contrary, she leaves them inside and pretends that she doesn't care about him. She wants to use him, not love.
-"Even if I have feelings for you, it's not going anywhere.” She folds her arms tightly across her chest and looks at him with eyes half shut in frustration.
He's had his head down the whole time, but with some force pulled who knows where…He raises his head a little to look at her with broken eyes. -"And you think I haven't noticed it?" He asks, his voice sounded like that of an abandoned puppy looking for a family or someone to love.
-"Then why do you continue? You know that I cannot and do not want to love you." She says, her voice seemed to hide a scream of frustration.
He seems to cry. He seems to cry, like a motherless child, lost in the streets of a city but in this case he is lost in his soul because he knew she would never love him.
No. Crying gets nowhere, and Summer said so. Like his sisters, whom he hated and now they hate him. He's just…Just because he's afraid of loving someone.
Then why he is loving Summer so much?
-"I love you...But you make me feel like you don't even care about me..." The only thing he can say. Also, he's choked in pain and she knows it.
-"I never said I loved you." She said, she too felt choked with melancholy.
Even though she said it flat and dry, she's right. She never said she loves him…He's the one looking for her. Jake doesn't answer, what would he say?
Summer is there, perched on her office chair.
Soon they go on a mission.
She cannot be distracted by this baby.
Summer's office is extraordinarily quiet, voices bouncing. But in the field where they are…You hear only the desperate screams of the people, the police and only a lot of sadness.
Yet Jake's soul is...Desperate and sad. But he accepted it, he can't cry over spilled milk.
She used him, as if he were her personal trophy to clean and put back and reuse when she wishes. What if it's different for once?
Jake is there, hidden behind a box while the noise of the guns never stops.
-"I thought I could show you my love for you...But you just used me. Now it's my turn for make you pain...Bitch." Jake chuckles in frustration and quickly put a shot in his gun.
Summer is hiding next to a box like Jake, and it seems unreal...Jake shoots her.
A flat, fast and violent blow to the belly. Like her saying those words to him…An invisible arrow in Jake's belly.
-"Goodbye." He says, and runs away as if nothing had happened.
Love also has no limits with karma.
This is a work done together with @03patrickstar ^^
⚠️ This story takes after the final episode of Duskwood. So if you haven't finished the game first, this story contains heavy spoilers.
Summary: It has been almost three years since Jake disappeared without a trace. Everyone went back to their normal lives, and so did Faye. She did her best to forget about him, forget her love for him. But it all changes when Jake comes back. How was he suddenly able to come back to her? What secrets was he keeping from her?
⚠️Warnings: None for this chapter :)
Chapter 2- Ira
- Hello Faye:)
Detached eyes stared at the screen. Was this not what she waited for so long? Strangely, she felt nothing. Faye shoved the phone back inside the handbag indifferently.
Her head numbed; Faye walked back to the office. She would continue the ordinary day again. An uncomfortable fire bubbled somewhere deep inside her. Ignoring it as well, Faye joined Alora, her longtime friend as well as a colleague.
“What’s the matter, Faye?” Alora exclaimed; her hazel eyes widening.
She frowned. What got her friend so worried? “What do you mean?”
“You’re crying!”
She was? Faye stared at her, puzzled. Faye gasped as her slender hand touched her face. Her cheeks were soaked. Now that she thought back, her vision was blurred as well.
Faye just stood still; her feet numb. What was the meaning of these tears?
She never waited for Jake. So why would she feel touched when he finally reached her? That was all nonsense. Maybe that strange nightmare was to blame.
Yes. It was all because of that nightmare.
How foolish she was…
Faye clicked her tongue, facing Alora with now clear eyes, “I’ll be back in a minute.” Alora nodded, worry still evident on her face. Faye wanted to wipe away the stupid tears at once. Though she couldn’t, Faye didn’t want to ruin her make-up at midday.
Burning, reddened eyes. Still glistening with suppressed tears. Faye could recall a day or two she had seen them. Fifteen years ago, when her parents died, Faye cried her heart out. The worst was, that she was the only survivor of the vehicle accident. Ten-year-old Faye could do nothing but cry.
Soon she realized that tears couldn’t bring her anywhere. The ten-year-old Faye had cried for her entire life. After she was put in an orphanage, Faye never cried. She learned how to suppress her tears, and how to hide away her emotions. To keep a poker face and not let useless emotions get in her way.
Faye planned every detail of her future and acted accordingly. Never once did she act on impulse in fear of ruining her newly found future. The innocent naive little Faye died that day, along with her parents.
Or so she thought.
Until she got tangled in a kidnapping case unexpectedly. Faye was still a university student back then. Somehow, she ended up helping a group of strangers and even ended up befriending them. For the first time after her parent’s death, Faye got attached to someone.
A strange woman stared into her from the other side of the mirror. The eyes of this woman felt especially strange. Why did those emerald eyes look so…foreign?
Faye wanted to break the mirror into pieces. Then only the woman would disappear. Taking a deep breath, Faye closed her eyes.
Another notification arrived.
-I am sorry I took so long Faye.
-I’m sorry.
Oh really? Faye wanted to slap him. Yes. Maybe she should meet him and end everything at once. End everything with this man who lived in her heart rent-free. Faye was determined, to kick him out for sure this time.
This time.
She would definitely end this all for good.
-Sorry. I was busy.
-Hello Jake.
Would she have done something differently if wrath did not take over her that day?
Would she be regretting less if she did something differently?
“Meeting someone?” Alora frowned. First Faye was crying then she decided to meet someone? She looked a little excited as well. If she told her that, Faye would never admit to it. For some reason, Alora was worried for her friend.
“Yeah. He’s someone I must see. I’ll go now. Take care, Lora!” She waved before turning her back and walking ahead.
“You take care! Call me if anything happens, Faye!”
She walked without looking back. That was so much like her. Alora sighed, shaking her head side to side.
Getting on the bus, Faye looked for her destination. A French restaurant. It seemed like he had forgotten his manners over time as well.
-It would be rude to invite you to a restaurant where you do not like the food.
‘He’s going against his own words.’ She sighed. To be honest, if she had to choose, Faye would prefer Chinese food over French. She was not given a chance around this time anyway.
Why did that leave a bitter taste? Maybe because she was about to end everything today. Maybe she would have to eat something she didn’t like much on their first and last date.
First and last date…
Her heart stung. How foolish.
Faye mulled over on her way, whether to inform Lily or not. Hannah was still under therapy; thus it would be better not to startle her. Lily always reminded Faye to let her know if Jake comes in contact, as she seemed to be sure that Jake would come back.
This person she was going to meet up with…
Was that really Jake?
No. Either way, it did not matter. Jake and Faye would never share the same future.
Amidst such contradiction in her heart, Faye reached the restaurant.
A fancy restaurant.
Faye recalled what she imagined Jake would be like on their first date. He would definitely come to pick her up. Would probably be a little nervous, adorably nervous.
She used to love his adorable awkwardness. Her dreams seemed to crumble, one by one, little by little. Well, it was nothing new anyway.
-I’m sorry Faye.
-Would you like to meet up?
-Yes. Let’s do that.
-Tell me a place and time.
-Thanks :)
Walking in, a waitress politely welcomed her. Faye smiled at her, and then passed through the artfully arranged tables, one by one. Maybe due to the time of the day, the place was less crowded.
In the far right corner, a hooded figure was already sitting. She could only see the back of the man as he was facing away from her.
Faye could tell. Her calm demeanor was getting disturbed. Her frozen heart seemed to beat again, at a ridiculously high speed.
The moment her lips opened; the man turned around. None of the words left her trembling lips in the end.
The man’s gaze felt…foreign to Faye.
-To be Continued.