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Spell Archive #2
Spell Archive #2
Wish i had an image, but the page is written in some very cryptic runes and I'd hate for someone to butt-call some eldritch entity.
"Delayed Inner Monolouge: I ts looud, oww. o HNO DONTT HINK MUSICNO ONONONO."
Kind of happy there's no casting instruction, I'm already feeling the residual effects just reading this.
a-sentient-penrose-triangle liked this · 1 year ago
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i actually really enjoy when people leave random objects in art galleries and people start treating them as if they're art. I think it puts people into a headspace where they start looking at normal objects differently and its an opportunity for them to realize that they can do this too outside of a gallery setting. You're not dumb or tricked for seeing something on the floor of a gallery and trying to figure it out or appreciating it as an art object. The world is full of beautiful and interesting objects even some random garbage on the street is worthy of that same level of examination. Theres art everywhere if you're primed to see it.
my computer was coughing so i gathered herbs to fashion a poultice
I have become a regular at the local cafe. I sit at the lunch counter with my laptop to write. The workers keep me updated on all the tea.
Barista: Oh god here he comes.
Me: who?
Barista: White Ferrari guy. Hes banned from the other cafe. All he ever does is tell the same stories about the pyramids. Or ghosts. Or his car. Don't make eye contact with him. If he talks to you he won't leave you alone- Hi hello welcome!

Terrarium wings Brittle things My imaginary Sanctuary Part of my Glass Wings Series

Cant cast spells cause allergies ate a bitch