aa-ronpa - aaaaaroooonnnn-par

22 yrs old. Native American. Apsáalooke (CROW)/ chippewa cree

493 posts

They Frickin Killed It In This Video.. Who Hurt Y'all?? Jk But Fr I Can Feel The Emotions Through The

they frickin killed it in this video.. who hurt y'all?? jk but fr i can feel the emotions through the screen 💜💜💜 especially Hoseok 🤯🤯

More Posts from Aa-ronpa

4 years ago


I was happy as the next Indigenous person at Taika Waititi's oscar win, as well as his dedication to indigenous children.

But, I need you all to recognize something.

He is the SECOND indigenous to win an Oscar.

The first winner is my Man Wes Studi who won just last year.


Yes he is cherokee and not Māori. But you gotta understand. We all consider ourselves to be kin.

Indigenous peoples around the world. Sami, Maori, Native Australians, Inuit, First Nations (including mexicans.) Indigenous is an all encompassing term for us.

So I am ASKING you to take that into consideration before spreading misinformation.

And yes, feel free to reblog this post.

-Sincerely, a tired Native American.



I need to inform you that the og herself, Miss Buffy St. Marie WAS in fact the first ever Oscar Recepient. So that's four legends we have (including Miss Yalitza)!! Go indigenous!!

Go Jewish, Go Māori, Go First Nations, Go Indigenous!!

5 years ago
One More Young Fighter. May God Bless These Beautiful Souls

One more young fighter. May God bless these beautiful souls 

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5 years ago

oh shit. finally found a fic with a native character!! lol yes.

Pumpkin Patch Hearts: Part 1

a/n: I did it. Fratboy!Shawn falling in love during the fall. I know I don’t need to start another series but *lips on mic* I’m doing it, y’all.

Pumpkin Patch Hearts: Part 1

He sits down next to her the first day of class.

Jolie knows who he is. Shawn’s got a reputation across campus and it’s not a flattering one unless you’re a frat boy. Which he is. She’s seen other boys clap him on the back, call him Big Guy and she’s always wondered if that’s in reference to his stature, tall and broad shouldered as he is, or if they’re referencing the fact that girls talk in groups about him, holding their hands t h i s far apart like they’re old men telling fish tales instead of college girls talking about some guy who dicked them down the night before.

He looks a little tired, probably hung over because his frat had hosted a back to school party last night which was the dumbest thing Jolie had ever heard of. Who gets drunk the night before class starts?

Apparently the guy with the dark honey colored eyes who leans across their shared table and says, “Weird question but do you have anything for a headache? I kinda feel like death.”

“You kinda look like death,” she agrees, digging in her bag. She finds a little travel size tube of Tylenol, hands them over. “I think there’s 4 in there. You can just keep it.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want to take the last of your Tylenol.”

She waves him off. “I have more in my room and I’m not the one dying right now. Cheers.”

He swallows them down with no water, stares straight ahead like he’s contemplating life or maybe leaving but then he turns abruptly towards her again. “I know you from somewhere. Are you in Alpha Delta Pi?”

As if. As if a sorority that had never let in any women of color would let a First Nations woman join their ranks. As if she would ever want to join a sorority. “Nope.”

“Well, I know you didn’t come to the party last night because I would have remembered you.”

What a line, she thought.

They had taken World History together last semester. That’s where he knew her from. If he even actually remembered her from anywhere. Everything about him sort of felt like a cheap pick up line and he wondered how many other girls he’d said the same thing to and how many times it had worked.

She shrugs up a shoulder, gives him a tight lipped smile. “Maybe around campus somewhere.”

He fiddles with his laptop, with his book, and just before the teacher walks in, he says, “World History 212. Dr. Field’s class, the 10 a.m. one. You argued with Dr. Field about the whitewashing of history. It was the most badass thing I’d ever witnessed.”

It throws her off guard. She looks over at him and he smiles, easy and confident.

“I don’t know why I acted like I didn’t remember you from that class. Smart, pretty girls make me nervous and stupid.”

Then class starts. She’s so thrown off that she misses half of what the professor says, glad he’s just going over the syllabus. Smart, pretty girls- what a line. Smart, she would take. She was smart. The first person to go to university in her family. She made the Dean’s List, had an academic scholarship. Pretty was debatable. It wasn’t that she thought she was ugly, she was just plain. She’d never be glitzy, didn’t know how to put on makeup or style her curly hair (despite the fact that she had desperately tried to learn how), and she would never, ever shed what her mom called baby fat. At 20, she was pretty sure it was just fat now.

She glances over at him once, catches him staring at her. His cheeks go red and he smiles before turning his head back to his paper. It was unsettling.

When the professor announces the end of class, Shawn’s out of his seat, backpack slung over his shoulder before she can even get her laptop in hers.

“Later, Jolie.”

He remembered her and her name, but it’s not something she thinks about until the end of a busy first day when she’s in the dining hall with her friends, comparing schedules and classes and fussing over ridiculous syllabi, and Shawn walks by and says hi.

Conversation dies on lips, eyebrows knit in confusion. “Did Shawn Mendes just say hi to you?” Alexie asks.

Jolie shrugs, doesn’t meet their eyes and she stirs her soup. “I guess. He sat by me in class this morning. No biggie.”

“Except his biggie,” Marcy wiggles her eyebrows. She was the wild child of their group, had been very vocal about the fact that she would hook up with Shawn in a heartbeat. “Hey, get in good with him and introduce us!”

“Or stay the fuck away from him,” Shay, Jolie’s best friend, gives Marcy an exasperated look. “He’s a walking STD. We don’t want him anywhere near our girl.”

“Well, he can come near or on me anytime he wants. Have you seen him shirtless? He makes God weep with joy.”

“You’re disgusting,” Alexie wrinkles her nose. “Sleep with who you want but I can’t imagine letting any guy with a reputation like that in my bed. He’s trashy.”

“I don’t think that’s fair,” Jolie finally cuts in. “If we’re moving past saying women are sluts for sleeping with multiple men, we shouldn’t foist that on to men, you know? Just let people do what they want as long as they’re not hurting anyone.”

She makes the mistake of telling them what he said to her. The whole thing. Even the pretending to not know where he knew her from.

“Ugh, what a line! He’s such a fuck boy.” Alexie shakes her head. “Thank God you’re too smart to fall for a dumbass line like that. Pretty, smart girls make nervous,” she mocks while the other two laugh.

Jolie knows her friend doesn’t mean anything by it, that she’s mocking Shawn, not Jolie, but it almost feels like part of the incredulousness comes from the fact that anyone would call her pretty and smart. She wasn’t gorgeous like her friends, she knew that, but sometimes they said little cutting things without realizing it and despite the fact that she wanted to laugh over this whole situation, she was a little hurt.

She picks up her trash to throw away. “I’ve got to get some work done in the library. See y’all later.”

She’s almost out of the building when she hears her name being called. She turns around, watches Shawn dodge past a group of freshman. “Hey!”

“Hi?” She knows her face is confused and his mouth pulls up in a weird mix of delight and uncertainty.

“Hey. Uh… where are you going?”

“The library?”

“Oh, cool. Me, too.” He adjusts the straps on his bag, hooking his thumbs between the padding and his body. When she stands there a moment too long, he springs into action and opens the door. “Here. We can walk together.”

Jolie can’t find anything to say but that’s ok because apparently Shawn has no filter and he’s chatty. He talks about the sunset, the smoothie he tried earlier, how Professor Parson reminded him of that Christmas song and kind of looked like Santa Claus. He slips out of his shoes at one point, walks barefoot through the grass at the edge of the sidewalk. When Jolie points out the stay off the grass sign, he smiles in a devil-may-care sort of way. “If I’m paying 50 grand a year to go here, I can walk on the grass whenever I want.”

“Those are temporary signs. They probably just sprayed the grass with insecticide.”

He shrugs, raises both hands up in a what can you do? gesture. “If I die, would you please, please show up at my funeral dressed as a grieving widow. My mom is forever thinking I’m up to weird things and I just… I just want to give her one last thing to speculate about. Like, don’t talk to anyone. Just sit in the back with a veil on and dab at your tears,” he makes the motion, his face struck with a grievous look. “And throw a rose on top of my coffin. But then like walk away.”

“That’s very… Poe of you.”

He slips his shoes back on when they reach the library and he jogs ahead to open the door for her. There’s a group of pretty girls sitting at a table near the entrance and they call to him, wave him over but he just gives them a cool head nod, ignores them as he trails after Jolie deeper into the library. It’s not what she was expecting. She thought he’d find some of his adoring fans or frat brothers, if frat boys even went to the library, and that would be the end of that but when she picks a table, he sits across from her. He doesn’t pull out any books or his laptop, just watches her unpack her stuff.

“You already have work?” He questions.

“Just some check-in stuff. You do, too. Marshall’s class?”

He shrugged. “I did that earlier. It’s just like an introduction thing.”

“Ah. Well, I have a Latin and a math quiz tomorrow.” Something clicks in her head and when she looks at him, really looks at him, he shrinks in his seat a little. “Why did you have to come to the library if you don’t have anything to do?”

It’s the first time she’s seen his smile be anything less that extraordinarily confident. He’s almost bashful as he runs he thumb down the edge of the desk, not meeting her stare. “I told you… smart, pretty girls make me nervous and stupid.” He checked his watch. “I’m actually late for a fraternity thing but, you know, it’s really not safe for you to walk around campus at night by yourself. My fraternity does the safe walk thing. You know, like, if you’re uncomfortable at a party or you’re scared to walk across campus or whatever, you can call and one of the brothers will come walk you wherever. And it’s not just for girls. You’d be surprised at the amount of gay guys that call because some of the other frats are a bunch of douchebags,” he rolls his eyes, shakes his head. “Some of them give all of us a bad name. But you should call me when you’re finished here and I’ll come back.”

She takes his number when he offers it and it’s nice when he doesn’t ask for hers back. It makes his offer feel more legit and less I’m actually a superhero come-on line.

It’s a relief when he leaves. She tries not to watch him, but it’s fascinating the way people say hi to him, try to get his attention. He picks and chooses who he responds to and she wonders if he has some sort of checklist a person has to pass before he deigns to acknowledge him. She doesn’t miss that one of the pretty girls that first spoke to him when they walked in, gets up and follows him outside, leaving her friend’s with a mixture of envy and fury plastered over their faces. He’s just a boy, she wants to tell them. You’ll probably all get your chance with him at some point. It’s an unkind thought, one she admonishes herself for before she opens her Latin book to the first exercise.

Not that she’s wrong.

It’s just unkind to think it.

Permanent tag list: @tell-me-when-ur-ready @iloveshawnieboi @ultradreamologistblog @loveylangdon @ilsolee @moonlightmendes22 @shawnsmusical

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4 years ago

holy shit lol i love this! its exciting

Truth or Dare au! - Masterlist

genre: college!au, angst, mystery, fluff; fake texts & scenarios

pairings: seokjin x y/n? taehyung x y/n? Jungkook x y/n?, yoongi x hobi

summary: you’re lucky because you managed to keep a great group of friends during yout time at college. you stay together through everything. To distract yourselves from the monotonous daily student life, you start a game of truth or dare. it all starts in good fun but slowly the game is is getting out of hand, dark secrets are revealed and your group is in danger to drift apart for good, so is your sanity.

inspired by the outcast au!, Nerve movie and other things like that

warnings: mentions of eating disorder, fatshaming, (attempted) sexual abuse, substance abuse, mental illness (read the trigger warnings before every chapter)

































5 years ago

ouch. wtf lmao


6. “there’s nothing you could say that would ever make me stop.”

15. “do you love me?”

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚:


warning: there is lots of swearing in this!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚:

it’s been like this for two months. you would wake up to a cold empty bed and empty apartment. you hate the fact that you’ve gotten used to it. before you’d wake up and he always there. the last thing he wanted to be when he was back home was away from you and lately that seems like its exactly what he wanted. the sad part was you knew why. when you go on and check your phone you see you had a text from shawn. 

“went to the gym! also saw we had no milk to i’ll stop by the store and grab some. love u xx” 

you throw the phone across the bed and laid back down. the gym? you thought to yourself. it’s sunday and they don’t open until 12 o’clock. he wasn’t even trying anymore and you sadly didn’t care enough to confront him about it. 

it took you about 30 minutes to finally get out of bed and do your usual routine. then you ate some toast and proceeded to clean the apartment. anything to keep your mind busy. as you grabbed shawn’s dirty clothes from the bathroom floor you couldn’t help but notice the strong scent coming from it. it was his outfit from last night, you remember, and it reeked of women’s perfume.

“babe!?” his voice interrupted your thoughts. “y/n!” 

you looked at the clock on the wall and it was already 1pm. the morning went by so fast. 

“yeah!” you walk down the hallway. “what’s up?” you finally say meeting him face to face.

he raises his eyebrows at you before slowly making his way to you. something about this was making you sick, you didn’t even want to be in the same room as him. 

“what do you mean ‘what’s up?’” he wraps his arms around your waist, “you don’t see me all morning and that’s all you say to me?” 

you let out a breathy chuckle, “well who’s fault is that?” 

shawn rolls his eyes, “i wish you could just be sweet and kiss me,” he presses a kiss on your forehead, “like a normal girlfriend would.” 

“yeah? like the girl from last night?” his eyes widened and his arms fell off from your waist, “i bet she was sweet and kissed you all over like you deserve.” you peck his cheek before walking pass him and heading to the kitchen.

shawn didn’t know what to say. he didn’t even know from where that came from.


you look up at him, “where’s the milk?” 

“i-i i must’ve forgotten but can you just sit down and talk to m-”

you shake your head no, “you said you’d get milk.”

“fuck that!” he slams his fists on the counter, “fuck the milk would you just stop being so weird and sit down y/n!” 

“and do what, shawn? what do you wanna talk about with me that i don’t already know?” 

shit! you murmur to yourself as you felt your eyes water. that’s the last thing you wanted to do.

“babe there wasn’t a girl last night,” he began, “i mean there was! but it was brian’s date.”

you chuckle in disbelief. 

“do you think i’m stupid? oh did brian’s date give you that fucking hickey on your neck too?! how thoughtful of her!” you pat his neck a little roughly. 

he quickly made his way to the mirror in the hallway and you wasted no time in following him. he started running his thumb over the bruise. 

“i can explain y/n…”

you cross your arms, “explain what? that you were balls deep in a random girl last night? i rather skip that.”

“jesus!” he exclaims, “y/n just shut up.”

you felt like you were losing your mind at this point. your boyfriend of almost 4 years has been cheating you and you’re cracking jokes. you were surprised.

“why do i have a feeling that it isn’t a random girl?” you admit. “your clothes smell the exact same as the ones you wore last night.”

you start pacing back and forth. mumbling things giving shawn a headache. you were about to make a dent on the floor.

“y/n stop!” he grabbed your arm stopping your movements, “you’re making me anxious!” 

you quickly got out of his grip, “well then just tell me!” you cried. 

you had never felt this much pain or anger in your life. it was consuming you and you hated it. most of all you hated how shawn kept you around forcing to live in this monotony.

“tell you what?!”

you thought your heart could come out of your chest at any second. you were scared of the words that were about to come out of your mouth.

“that you love me.” 

shawn sat down on the couch with his head in his hands. he didn’t know if he could do this anymore, no matter what he did someone always ended up getting hurt. 

“shawn,” you kneel down in front of him and take his hands off his face, “do you love me?”

he started crying. he was really crying.

“no. you don’t get to cry.” you stand up letting go of his hands. 

he stands up after you, he tries to touch you but you keep backing away, “you don’t get to cheat on me for god knows how long and cry to try and make me feel bad.”

he shakes his head no, “y/n listen please!” 

“i’m not going to stand here and listen to you tell me that you don’t fucking love me anymore!”

“of course i love you!” he defends. “i love you so much but i just,”

you motion him to keep talking, “you what? you what, shawn!?

“i love her too! i don’t know how it happened but it just did.”

you didn’t know if you wanted to scream or for the earth to swallow you whole or both.

“and there’s nothing you could say that would ever make me stop…” he admits.

you felt like he’d just stabbed you in the chest. the pain was unbearable and so were the things going through your head right now.

“then this is where we part.” you say. 

shawn brought you in for a hug. wrapping his arm around your body leaving you no choice but to embrace it after all it was probably the last time he’d hold you like this.

he runs his fingers through your hair gently, “i’m sorry.”

“i know.” 

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