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A lil doodle bcz I miss my bf 🩷


I love the fall. Especially after classes. Barely keeping my eyes open, backpack slung over my shoulders hair lose and catching in the wind. My fleece hoodie and my boyfriends hoodie over that and I’m still chilly.

I’m walking back to my sorority house when Trevor catches up to me, jogging slowly, “damn you walk fast for sleep deprived collage student” he laughs slinging his arm over my shoulder and pulling me close to him, “I missed you”

“Ive missed you too” I tell him wrapping my arm around his waist, “are you allowed to spend the night with me?” I ask him, “it’s cold… and my sheets are nice and cleann” I tease a little, “plus I think most of the girls will be at that party tonight. But I’m not feeling up for going” I tell him as we go left and keep walking until we reach the house.

I unlock the door and lead him to the kitchen, “I’m gonna make a fruit bowl can you fill my water up please?” I ask as we unlink from each other, he adds ice into my water bottle, then the cold water.

“What movie do we want to watch” He asks as he takes my bag and we go upstairs. I’ve been lucky enough to have my own room even if it’s a little small and I share a bathroom with some of the other girls. I have a twin xl bed that just barely fits Trevor’s frame onto it comfortably.

“Can I shower and you can watch something please?”

When I ask these questions he never says no. I try not to take long just enough to be clean and smell good after my classes. Trevor sometimes showers after me, having a small section of clothes in my dresser. I start eating my fruits and once I finish that I set the bowl away and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

“Hi handsome” I grin seeing Trevor step out of the shower. He kisses my cheek and puts some shorts on.

We finally gather up into my bed, my computer facing the wall and Trevor behind me. His arm resting over me and his hand drawing little doodles on my exposed stomach.

He puts on ‘Ten things I hate about you’ the movie I said I wouldn’t date him until he’d watched it.

The movie ends and he’s the one to get up and plug it to charge, he lays next to me, we face eachother. And embrace in a soft hug, I tuck my fingers into his hair and gently massage his head. He does this thing where he brings his head to my chest and tugs me as close as he possibly can.

He leaves soft kisses against my neck and collarbone. I live for the moments like these, quiet house. The soft hum of the heater. Rustle of our legs interlocking, “your skin is my favorite” he whispers against my collar.

He always gets a little silly when he’s tired, after a game he always gets a little clingy. Now is one of those moments. His hands glide underneath my shirt thumb caressing the crease of my back.

I slink down into the thick covers resting my head on his chest, I lay on top of him and we shift positions a few times before I finally feel the coziness of sleep.

“I think I’m falling in love with you”

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More Posts from Abilouwrites

1 year ago


Trevor Zegras


“Trev this feels like such a bad idea” I whine softly as he gently ties the skates onto my feet. Making sure that my fuzzy socks aren’t tucked under eat the skates. He gently rubs my knee and pulls at my leggings to get me to stand, “if I fall you can’t laugh at me” I instruct as he lets me hold onto his biceps for support.

“I would never, I would make a tik tok first then make sure you’re alright” He replies as he backs out onto the little ice rink he’d made in my parents backyard. He’s confidently backing up and sliding backwards onto the ice as my knees buckle and I dig my fingers into his baggy hoodie. We’re matching; somewhat me with my leggings and one of his Ducks hoodie and he’s in black sweats and he’s in a hoodie that has my collage logo on it.

“You’re evil, you know that right?” I admit as he brings me out to the center of the rink. I’m wobbly like a newborn deer while he’s confident and certain that he can teach me to skate, “nononono where are you going?” I rapidly ask as he starts backing away from me; dropping my hands and leaving me.

“Come’ere” He grins at me and my misery, patting his thighs like I’m a dog and will come running to him at his call, “it’s like walking”

“Says the guy who plays in the NHL” I complain; sticking my arms out for balance as I slowly glide towards him, “oh my god oh my god” I gasp out as I walk along the ice.

“Look at you!” He laughs and smiles; cackling even more as I trip and grab onto him and drag him down after catching myself on the ice, “ouh!” He grunts put, dramatically flopping down and as I try to stand and he drags me down with him.

“Trev!” I gasp out; clutching my chest for air as I act winded to mock him.

He smiles and slowly gets back up then helping me up, “hold my hand really tight. Ok?” He instructs gripping onto my hands

“What are you doing” I inquire gripping on as tight as I can, “TREVOR ZEGRAS” I shout out as he quickly starts sliding backwards, crossing his legs and gliding around the arena with ease, “Stop stop stop stop!” I cry out; shutting my eyes. He halts quickly and wraps his arm around my waist

“are you ok?” He asks, “what’s wrong sweetheart” his eyes fill with worry and anxiety as he brings me closer to him

“I’m ok, it was just really fast and the wind caught in my eyes” I exclaim, “I know we’ve only been skating for twenty minutes but I’m ready to go inside now” I express

“Ok, comon” he guides me back, slowly and reassuringly. He helps me take my skates off and we hurry into the shower.

There’s nothing sexual about this; simply two people in love washing eachothers hair and sharing sweet kisses under the hot rain of a shower.

We share soft kisses and he runs his fingers through my hair tugging at the knots and gently brushing through them.

The bathroom is steamy when we get out and we’re entangled in eachother; kisses and gentle groping. His hands wrapped around my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck.

He lets me get tucked into our bed as he goes downstairs and makes hot coco for the two of us, even though I won’t finish mine and he will. He never gets frustrated at that.

I’m so wholly addicted to him, the tv playing ‘Princess and the frog’ as his leg is tucked between mine and my leg is thrown over his thigh. We’re in this comfortable knot of limbs; his head resting against a pillow and his eyes slowly fluttering asleep as I run my fingers through his hair and gently massage his scalp.

He does this thing just as he falls asleep where he has this giant whole body twitch, at first it would catch me by surprise but as his legs shuffle and arms suddenly squeeze around me then relax he feels content and safe in my embrace.

I scoot a little closer to him and lay on my back; his head resting on my chest and he’s wrapped around me.

“I think I love you”

“I know”

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1 year ago


Mat Barzal x fem!oc reader

Series Masterlist



I dont like when guys ask me out, because the answer is always no. And the answer never changes; and I doubt it ever will. My coworkers are all married or in a relationship with someone even at the bookstores. Hell, the sixteen-year old has had a boyfriend longer than I've been working there.

For a time I believed it to be asexuality, but thats not what it was. I still think; dream and hope for someone to love me, but thats just what I don't want. I used to be able to see myself getting married to someone; when I was nine and didn't know how horrible my parents marriage was to each other.

When I was nineteen I thought something was wrong with me, I was stuck in the thought that I was unloveable. I want to date; dating would be fun. But dating leads to marriage and to me. Marriage means being trapped, and I don’t do being trapped.

The guy from last week comes in again, a little more flushed and with a friend this time. He’s nervously chewing his lip and looking over at his friend for reassurance, “no dude, chicks dig Romeo and Juliet, I’m sure that’ll get you a yes” I overhear a tall bald guy say as he assuringly pats or slaps the brunettes back.

His hands are shaking as he gently places the hardback copy of Romeo and Juliet, “just this” he quietly mumbles looking down at the cover, “have you read it?”

“Yeah, a few times but I’ve never been to fond of that kinda romance” I reply as what I assume his friend shakes his shoulder in a brocode way I have yet to understand.

“Really?” His voice pitches up, “w-what you uh— uh why?” He frantically questions his entire face pales

“Uh oh, I really hope you’re not setting a date on Romeo and Juliet for christs sake” I murmur, “not speaking for every girl but, it felt too quick. How can you know if you really love someone in just barely a week” I clarify, “I just” I shrug not finishing my thought, “do you still want to get it?”

“Uh.. maybe” he looks down and taps his thumbs against the counter, “what romance books do you recommend?”

I grin, wide and toothy because this is my favorite question and thing to ever talk about, “oh boy am I glad you asked. Liz, will you cover me?” I request and she nods.

I take his hand and lead him to the classics, Jane Austen, Emily Brönte, Charles Dickens. “A lot of these are like classic books but Jane Austen is really the one you want to woo a girl”

“I’m very positive no one says ‘woo’ anymore” his friend juts in and Mat as I remember faintly; gives him a dirty look.

“Whatever. Pride and prejudice is my all time favorite” I say; gently pulling my baby out of her shelf.

“Wow.. I think my sister’s made me see the movie” He faintly says; I can barely hear anything over the beat of my heart.

“Which version?” I ask nervously

“I think the 2005 version” and I almost sigh in relief, “is that good”

“Very. Very good”

He smiles at me and his friend nods as I lead them back to the register, “that’s everything right?” I ask scanning the books

“Yes, uh yeah” He smiles nervously and goes back to chewing his lip, “you know how the uh New Jersey Devils are playing against the Islanders tomorrow night?” He asks handing me his card

“Yeah… Why?”

“I uh, I’ve got by the ice tickets and I was gonna have one of my friends come with me but he— his wife just had their baby so you know.. and you like hockey and I like hockey so it might be— nice if you wanted to go with me?” He blabs out, nearly gasping for breath after finishing, then he continues, “you don’t have to come— obviously I know it’s last minute and you probably have plans with someone or uh yeah..”

“No.. I don’t have plans tomorrow night”

“Great— I mean not great that you don’t have plans but great that you can come with me” He nervously chides

I laugh and smile, “I would really, really love to go to the game with you” I confess.

“Yay, just uh do you get breaks?” He asks

“Yeah, I’m just about due for a break”

We stand outside together; his poor friend long forgotten, “what’s going on?” I ask sitting at one of the small tables and drinking some tea.

“Ok uh, I..” He flushed and puts his head in his hands, “I won’t be sitting with you.. I’ll be on the ice…”

“Oh. Wait what?” I ask, looking up at him as he tangles his hands into his hair, “what do you mean you won’t be sitting with me?”

“I’m not just a hockey fan. I play. Hockey I play on the Islanders.. those who have girlfriends or wives get to invite them to games and I know we’re not- I’m not implying that but uh you like hockey and I thought it might be nice” he chokes out

“Ok so— what?” I gasp out, “I didn’t think you were much a joker” I’m fighting back laughter

“I’m serious”


“Its totally fine if you don’t want to come anymore but uh. Yeah” he shrugs rubbing his eyes nervously and chewing his lip cracked.

“I mean.. I haven’t been to a game in a while… so.. yeah that would be nice” I shrug

He sighs a big sigh and nearly flips the table with his weight before righting it.

“Can I get your number then? So I can pick you up.. I’ll bring you a jersey” He requests sliding his phone out

“Yea” I pick his phone up and type my number in, setting my contact name and typing in a hello with his name.

“I will see you.. at 5 thirty ish?” He asks, “and don’t worry about eating before, actually maybe eat a bit but I want to take you out to dinner after”

I smile and brush my hair out of my face, “should I wear leggings? Jeans?”

“Uh.. long pants probably, jeans would look good”

“Thank you, I will see you tomorrow night”

“It’s a date”

And I don’t have the heart to tell him that it’s not.. because I’m too scared to fall in love. Or to even risk it.

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1 year ago




1 year ago


My baby Nico my poor baby 🥲🥲🥲

(Throw back to when neeks got hit in the junk:| )


I flinch against my seat as I watch Nico go down, “that was a dirty shot” I tell Emma as she nods, “am I allowed to go see if he’s ok?”

“Yea, comon- I’ll take you to him” She says taking my hand and leading me to the lockers. Nico is laying on the ground with an ice pack on his junk, “I’m gonna go save our seats” she tells me brushing her short blonde hair behind her ears and closing the door.

“Hi handsome” I whisper softly as I go and sit next to him

“Can I put my head on your lap?” He asks sheepishly and I nod and he moves to put his head on my thighs, “that really hurt” he groans out.

“I know baby; do you want some pain killers?” I ask him, threading my fingers through his hair

“No, I can’t. Unfair advantage or something like that. I’d be benched for the rest of the game” he defeatedly sighs rolling slightly and burying his head in my thighs

“Bubs maybe you should. You seem like you’re in pain” I tell him; shrugging softly. He sighs against my skin

“Maybe, but I should also go to a doctor probably”

“Yes. You should”


Driving Nico home after he goes to the doctor is always fun; because he’s either really happy or sometimes. Like today really high. He didn’t go in-depth about what they had to do and I’m a little nervous.

He’s all giggly then suddenly turns nervous like a train wreck, “would you leave me if I can’t have kids?” He asks. Leaning against the head rest, “can we get McDonald’s”

I sigh and tap my fingers against the steering wheel; not sure how I want to answer those questions, “sure baby. Let’s just go home and we can order something” I rub his shoulder and squeeze softly

He stares at me with those big eyes and nods slowly, blinking slowly like a reptile. I let him lean on me as I unlock the door and move him into the kitchen, “bed or sofa?”


And so we march our way to the bedroom, “bathroom?” I ask him and he shakes is head in a no. Laying back down on our bed.

“Can I get an ice pack for my balls?” He asks rubbing his eyes and I put a blanket on him, “pretty please”

“Sure baby, how about some pain killers?”

“Please and thank you” he slurs slightly nodding off. I come back and find him asleep, mostly.

“Neeks, Neeks baby” I whisper, gently shaking his shoulder

“Ja, meine Frau?” He murmurs softly rolling his head over to face me.


He doesn’t say thank you, but nods and tugs at my arm, “I want my girlfriend”

“I know sweetie, I’m here”

He lets me lay with him as he starts to fall asleep, his hand wraps around my back, “that was a mean move”

“It was”

“I love you”

“I love you too”

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1 year ago


Heavily inspired by @brokenanxiety headcannons of mat barzal dating a vball player ‼️

Mat Barzal x fem reader (volleyball player)


Im a senior in collage. #87 on NYU’s volleyball team for varsity. My boyfriend does his own thing, hockey for the islanders.

Usually our schedules don’t line up, I’ll have a game and he has training. He has a game and I have training. The only time they’ve ever lined up is during training camps. But even then we can barely see each other. And even then our training camps have a no fraternization rule.

The islanders have never been too fond of sharing facilities with a collage v ball team.

“We had a game forfeit so are you still good with me coming to see you play” he whispers into my ear as I rub lotion onto my forearms in preparation for the bruises.

“Mm, if you want too. Usually they make you practice instead right?” I ask as Mat watches me braid my hair and raise it into a ponytail.

“Yeahh.. but I told the guys about this and they wanted me to come.. they’ll probably show up halfway through and bring the team out for pizza” he tells me as his hands rub up and down my thighs.

“Really? You’re willing to feed a group of starved varsity volleyball players after the biggest tournament of the season?” I inquire turning my head around to face him. He’s still all smiles and giggles with his head laid into my neck.

“Is that a bad thing?”


Games are always fairly similar; the same nervous buzz that leads into the locker rooms. We all have matching hair.

“You nervous?” Astrid asks as we stretch out and set and serve eachother for our warmups.

“Always, but mat is here for like the first time ever and I’m so nervous” I grin a little bit

“Isn’t he the one you hooked up with junior year? At the training camp?” She gasps out, “holy shit you’re dating?” She whisper shouts which attracts the attention of our other teammates

I nod, “but Shh. We need to win this tournament”

The blonde nods as she puts on her knee guards.

It always feels cheesy when I say that Mat’s cheers are the only ones I can hear against the roar of the crowd. I feel like I’m gasping for breath as I’m diving and saving.

I’m knocking my head sometimes; scrambling for the ball and using my arms to save it.

We end the game in overtime, winning barely with a 2 to 1 score.

I change back into a baggy shirt instead of my uniform but I don’t have the care to change out of my shorts, “Do y’all want pizza?” I ask as we gather up our bags and let our hair out.

“Yess, but who’s buying?” Ella asks as she cracks her knuckles

“Mat, and his team. They said they were gonna take us out for dinner” I inform and Ella grins before rattling out the most Ella like sentence I’ve ever heard

“Do they now how much we can eat?”

“No. No they do not”

There’s six girls, plus six other 6’+ hockey players. It’s a bit of a feast, “fuck are we starved” Abby smiles as the majority of the girls eat.

I’m happily seated next to mat with his hand on my thigh as we eat, “did you have fun?” I ask him

“Yeah, the moms weren’t too thrilled seeing a hoard of hockey players screaming about volleyball” he laughs softly and I smile at him

“Im still really happy you came”

“Me too”

It’s a laughter seeing the team astonished at how much a group of girls can eat after four games and the final five to win.

Mat drives me home and I’m falling asleep in the car ride home, “you must be tired, huh pretty girl?” He smiles against my skin as he brings me up into our room

“So tired”

(Idk how to end it l o l )

I rly hope you like it

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