Louiseabilenewrites - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Lil meet-cute w Luke Hughes :))


Mornings have never been my strength; but I still make it to the office every morning. I’m barely making it on time before some jackass slams into me knocking my drink into me and onto the ground, “ugh you prick!” I grunt in annoyance staring at the guy. Beanie over his hair and a ‘New Jersey devils’ crewneck with the number 43 on it. He looks a little apologetic, “the fuck is wrong with you; don’t look where you’re going or something” I question; there’s a slight accent to my voice. Even if I’ve been living in Jersey for three years the south still follows me around.

“Ah shit— Look im so sorry” he apologizes, “did you get burnt are you alright?” He asks, “can I repay you? Or oh let me take you out to coffee! And I’ll try not to spill it over you” he tries to make a joke but I stare him down. Lips pursed and he looks intimidated. I puff a sigh and nod slowly.

“Uh ya ya ok lemme give you my number” I nod and take a pen out of my purse and write my name and number onto his forearm, “Just text me. Don’t call that’s weird”

He nods— slightly then takes his hoodie off and hands it to me, “uh if you want it— your blouse is-“ he stutters a little, “it’s ruined I’m sorry again” he apologizes. I give him half a smile and take the hoodie.

“Thank you.. uh you owe me a coffee don’t forget”

“I couldn’t forget you.. even if I tried” He smiles and I nod slowly.

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1 year ago


Zuko bcz we’re actually married 😻😻

Also I love this song it’s by The academic and it’s so good


I will show him the worst parts of myself; my aggressions and bear claws I have worked so hard to build. I will be ugly in front of him; I will be mean and rude because how could I fall for someone as callous as he. Someone who would’ve burned and killed to find some 12 year old boy.

I don’t understand how Aang and Sokka found it so easy to forgive, maybe I can forgive but I could never forget. How could I forget when he had me against a tree, “tell me why I shouldn’t kill you” he spoke

“Because you’re too weak to do it” I retorted; too brave for my own skin. He was cocky but I was bold. A fuel to his flame; but as much as I was confident I was still this scared little girl. Terrified of the unknown.

I’ve changed, grown into my own skin. Cut my hair short but I’ve never forgotten. I shut down when he arrives, I quiet and still. As many times as he’s sat next to me I stay still, hands in my lap unmoving and quiet. Fighting the fire that claws at my stomach and the butterflies that thrash.

It’s not until late night when he asks, “why do you still hate me! How are we supposed to take down Firelord Ozai if we can’t get along” he questions me. His hands are clenched at his sides yet he doesn’t look angry. More sad than anything.

“We can get along. This.” I stomp my foot and gesture to the tents, “this is me getting along with you Zuko” I snap. I want to stall closer to him; jab him in the chest and scream at him, tell him how I really feel. How I hate being ugly and mean to him, “do you really want to know why I hate you?”

“Yes” he whispers, there’s no reasoning why he wants my explanation. He just wants it.

“Because after everything you’ve put me through, I still like you. And I like you more than I want too” I explain, “I’ve never liked someone as much as I like you Zuko. And it terrifies me. Everything about loving you scares me” I whisper shout; tears boiling in my eyes, tears begging to be let go. I take a breath again trying to shove my feelings deep into my gut but they won’t move. From the lump in my throat to the fire burning in my stomach, “I thought I was ok with the unknown; but I’m not. I’m not ok because the thought of not knowing— not being with you terrifies me more than anything ever could” when I finally finish he just stares at me. Blinking as he rubs his hands together, “there.” I exhale, “that is why I’ve shut you out. Because I feel so much for you I don’t ever want to not feel this way again”

“I have lost everyone I’ve ever loved” he says; his voice so slow and quiet I can barely hear it against the wind, “and I am terrified of losing you. But you” he sighs against the wind and throws his head back in a show of frustration before he walks up to me. No matter how many claws and walls I throw at him; they come down just as easily, “you” he says my name so sweetly and the way it rolls off his tongue makes me weak in the knees, “are irresistible”

We’re inches apart before the gap closes, he kisses me with a passion no one has ever touched me with. His hand cupping my cheek and the other one on the small of my back deepening the kiss. My hands glide into his hair and the fire in my stomach ignites. Shoving itself into my heart where I’m scared it might never die. Maybe I’ll be ok with lowered walls; maybe I’ll retract my bear claws.

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1 year ago

Hihi I was hoping I could request enemies to lovers Zuko x fem!reader?

The reader is a traitor to the fire nation and can bend fire (also a street peformer before she joined the gaang? 👀) 💕💕

Omg getting a request just made my day I love these!!!

I hope you like it 🫶🫶🫶


Hihi I Was Hoping I Could Request Enemies To Lovers Zuko X Fem!reader?

Id like to say that my life is good, that I’m happy where I am but I’m not. I’m upset and frustrated; but most of all I’m living on the street, preforming stupid acrobatic tricks just to feed myself. I’ve left everything behind. My family and wealth but most importantly someone I never wanted to live without.

I’m upside down when I see them; soft flames coming from the soles of my bare feet. Resting on my forearms and twisting and contorting my body.

“You.” A teenaged girl approaches me and I turn right side up, “you’re a fire bender aren’t you!” She says, “what’s your name?”

“Uh” I stare at her and smile nervously, “y/n Huǒ” I repeat slowly, and quietly. People of the fire nation know the traitor I’ve become outside the walls of the fire nation. Meeting the avatar, going against my friends for his life. All because I believed in something greater than all of this.

“I know you” a boy says, bandana around his forehead, “your grandpa, Yújìn. I know- or knew him” He says

“Oh.” Realization hits my face, “you’re the avatar!” A short girl slaps me.

“Wow way to tell everyone!” She retorts, god are little kids sassy.

“You could teach Aang firebending” Katara says, it’s hard not to know someone’s name when there’s wanted posters all over town.

“I’m good at fire bending but I’m no master” I say, “I thought Prince Zuko abandoned the throne to teach you” I ask

“Well he’s uh.. learning a new way to firebend” Toph laughs a little and I smile awkwardly.

“I don’t bend very traditionally” I reply, “but if it will get me off the streets I guess why not” I stand up straighter and brush my hair out of my face.

“You brought that back?!” Zuko shouts, we’ve had a long history. One that includes a betrothal, and a knife to the gut. He looks at me with disgust which I’m not surprised at.

“I’m a girl. Not a thing!” I cry out, “the only reason I’m here is because Aang needs a firebending teacher because you suck!” I scoff out at him, there’s fire burning in his hands but I never raise mine.

He groans at me, “you’ve always been like this! Even when”

“Zuko I don’t want to talk about that” I warn, there’s a plea in my voice but he accepts that, “it was a long time ago”

“Yeah like it was that long ago” he sasses and I roll my eyes.


It doesn’t take long for things to settle down; I’m essentially useless now that Zuko has gotten his bending back. Even if he did it how I told him to do it all along but whatever.

The bickering still happens, and I want to throw a knife at him but part of me still loves him. I didn’t hate being betrothed to him as much as I thought I did.

“Did you ever miss us?” I ask him, “after you were banished. I refused to Azula to give away your location and then the Avatars when you wrote me” I confess, “so I left”

“I think. At first I did, but I don’t— I don’t think we would’ve worked together. We fight all the time. I hated you at first. And you hated me” He admits, looking down slightly. He sighs heavily

“Yeah. I guess. But I didn’t really hate- hate you” I admit, “I missed you. I liked knowing you”

He nods, “I did like knowing you too, you’ve changed so much. I mean your fire it’s pink” he laughs

“Maybe it’s from my bubbly personality” I tease, he laughs

“You. Have a bubbly personality!” He laughs and it’s so good to hear, “you were so shy, like if I sneezed too hard I would scare you”

I smile softly, “I’ve changed so much sense I was twelve” my hair falls around my face and he tucks the loose strand around my ear

“What now that you’re fourteen?” He teases softly, his hand lingers behind my ear. But he removes himself quickly.

“Zuko. Im fifteen” I remind him, it’s embarrassing when he says he knows how my heart flutters and I feel weak in the knees.

“I remember, once you turned eighteen we would’ve” he looks away with a blush on his cheeks

“Yeah. Gotten married” I laugh, and I keep laughing because the thought of getting married feels so small and childish to the war we’re supposed to be preparing for.

He laughs; rolling laughs that make me keep laughing. My laughs turn short and wheezy before his face straightens, “are you ok? Can you breathe?” His face turns to me and he smiles seeing my smile. It’s a smile that makes my cheeks hurt and heart race.

“As the Prince of the fire nation. I’m supposed to hate you. Because you’ve betrayed our nation. But as Zuko. As your Zuko. In this moment I don’t feel anything but hate. I feel love for you. A fire that I never want to put out” he tells me, scooting closer to me. I let him cradle my face, “I never hated you”

“I never hated you either” a weak laugh escapes me but he kisses me before it truly develops. It’s a kiss that devours me whole, wrapping itself into my heart and soul.

“If we make it through this. Let’s make good on that betrothal”

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1 year ago


Zuko “someone to call mine” part two!

@multifandomedsimp ily bcz u commented and that shit makes my day


It takes me two days before I text the number on the gift card, “hello?” A voice answers, I know that voice, “this is Zuko”

“I know.. it’s y/n from the other day. You gave me your number on the gift card” I nervously say, “um this is so random but would you maybe want to—“


“I haven’t even said the question”

“Just yes” His voice feels so desperate and it makes me feel wanted in a way I’ve never felt for a guy before.

It doesn’t take long for us to meet up, “are you sure it’s not too late?” I ask walking into the locker rooms, “I’ve got lacrosse practice”

“No, I just want to see you that’s all” he replies, “have fun”

I finish up two hours later; shower and drive to the park where we’re going to walk about. I see him; baggy jeans and crewneck which is a contrast to my leggings and hoodie. My damp hair down and scrunched up, “hey” he smiles as I walk up to him; hands tucked into my pockets.

“Hi, it’s cold out tonight. Didn’t the groundhog say it was supposed to be warm now?” I laugh a little, but my joke feels stupid now, “do you have any siblings?” I ask

He sighs, “I have a sister, Azula but she’s not right in the head” he looks down a little disappointed but sighs and looks back up, “what about you”

“I have a little sister, Suki. She’s definitely a character” I smile a little, “she’s annoying to all annoyingness but I would kill for her”

“A little sister seems nice, um how was your practice?” He asks; we’re both a little awkward and it’s nice to feel this way again

“It was good, lots of drills. Especially being Varsity captain there’s a lot of pressure to do well” I ramble, “do you do any sports?” I ask, nervously stuffing my hands into my pockets to fidget and pull at my nails

“No. I just make tea” he laughs a little, it’s a nervous and hoarse thing but it eases me comfort that he feels as I do, “I used to play soccer but I lost the passion for it. You know?” He gives a short smile as we circle around, and we find ourself back at the tea shop, “tea?”

“That..” the wind brushes through my jacket, “would be so nice” I smile as he leads me inside, we don’t take long before we get comfortable with each other. Sitting next to each other, talking about whatever.

“What was your mom like?” I ask, rubbing my hands on the cup of lotus tea to keep warm, “can I ask that?”

“I guess, she was kind, and sweet. The only one who actually tried to help poor Azula. My uncle has stepped up in her place and in my father’s too” he confesses, he looks so sad. I wrap my hand around his loose one that hangs by his side. Twisting my fingers intertwined with his.

“My dad left when I was four. I never really knew why but throughout my parents marriage he..” there’s a long exhale and I lean against him, bunching my knees to my chest, “was cheating on my mom. But she was pregnant with Suki” I pause trying to remember what happened. There was a fight, breaking glass but, “I can’t remember anything else”

“Thank you, for sharing that with me. My father was the same, he never cheated on my mother but he wasn’t a kind man either. I lied before. My scar doesn’t come from a tea pot exploding” he confesses, looking down ashamed at his own lie that doesn’t seem too horrible, “my father burned me. I think it’s a blessing I don’t exactly remember what happened”

“Yes. Maybe it is a good thing. I really like you Zuko” I admit. Maybe it’s the warm tea in my stomach or how talking about things that have hurt me so bad and not crying over it. It makes me feel good in some way

“I really like you too”

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11 months ago

hihi!! can I req a toph x fem!reader where the reader is forced to return to her family in the fire nation and toph calls her a traitor?? thank you!!


Toph Beifong

Hihi!! Can I Req A Toph X Fem!reader Where The Reader Is Forced To Return To Her Family In The Fire Nation

Maybe I’m a runaway, adopted into the ‘gaang’ and I’m ok with that. But I think I like it because of Toph, “and the trees, they’re so pretty. And uh— god I don’t even know how to describe it” I whisper out, she’s underneath my blanket eyes closed and feet up.

“Do it anyways” she sasses, rolled to face me and I do the same. Smiling even though she can’t see me.

“The pond is always cold, like this chill you to the bone cold— and in the summer it’d get so hot you could burn and I’d always jump in. It’s surrounded by the trees I was telling you about— the ones that reach up to the sky and are so green you could be seeing pink from sensory deprivation” I murmur, I see her slowing down; hands crossed and little twitches, “I miss that, the water was so cold and the air outside was so warm— this kind of stubborn heat that swallows you whole” I finally finish because— the memory escapes me. It brings a longing of melancholy and remorse that I can’t fill anymore.

Toph is fully asleep, her breathing softens and she has one last shudder before she’s still. I don’t know what she likes so much about me, but maybe it’s because I don’t shut up around her. How I’m always describing something.

I allow myself that sleep too, the deep full body sleep that leaves marks on your face when you wake up.

But like always; when I’ve found something good. Something I’m happy doing, Azula comes to ruin it, “I’m so happy to see your face again!” She cheers, encompassing me in an unwanted hug, “come— I’m not here for the avatar- just yet. I’m here for you” she smiles gripping my wrist.

“No!” I stand my ground, “I’m not coming back” I glance over at Toph who is staring at me— even though she can’t see me- she sees right through me.

“Y/n. What’s happening” she inquires, walking over to me

“Yes. You are; end of discussion” Azula asserts, and suddenly I’m five again.. following her every move, doing exactly what she’s asked of me. Fear of doing the opposite, fear of going against her. And I can’t bring myself to do it. I can’t bring myself to tell her no.

“I’m sorry Toph” I apologize, Azulas grip loosens and I let her guide me to the ship.

“NO! YOURE A TRAITOR!” She shouts, she stomps her foot and winces, “ILL NEVER TALK TO YOU AGAIN!” She cries out, pointing at me— I know she can see me. And I hate she can see me.

“I’m sorry” I apologize again.


When she tells me that, when it finally hits me I want to die.

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11 months ago


based on @cashmoneyyysstuff s hcs ab Katsuki taking ur bag

Shaking in my boots rn 😭😭

K. Bakugo


Class ends and I stay later than usual, jotting down the notes on how chemical reactions happen, “are you done yet?” He asks smacking his bag over my desk and I fear he’s going to hit me with it.

“Yeah yeah” I mumble shoving the notebook into my backpack but before I can grab it and throw it over my shoulder he snatches it from my grasp, “hey give it back!” I ask and he walks off and out of the class, leaving me following after him like a lost puppy, “give me my backpack, Katsuki!”

“No. Let’s go. You take fucking forever” he groans, it’s like hes trying to lose me in the hallways, twisting and turning in the hall, “can’t you walk any faster?!” He shouts, irritated at my slow pace.

“I’m going! Slow down!” I pant after him before he finally slows down as we exit the building and walk towards my street, “I can take my bag y’know?” I inform him, even if I’m sure he doesn’t care

“‘S fine” he replies, he falls in step with me as I click on my phone, “did you get your notes? All of them?” He checks and I nod.

“Come’ere” I request pulling out my earbuds, “I made a new playlist” I click it into my phone and press play. Music swells as he puts one of the buds into his ears and I put the other into mine. He leans slightly to accommodate our height difference, “tell me what” he shuts me up

“I’ll tell you if you shut up about it” he grumbles, my bag still slung over his shoulder. We walk like this in silence, hands brushing against each other before I make the move to clasp his in mine. I swing our interlocked arms as we walk, the music ends with strums of a guitar and I look up at him expectedly, “it was good, I mean wasn’t as horrible as it always is. Better. I’ll send you some of the stuff I’ve been listening too”

“M’kay!” I cheer excitedly, he does the thing where he rubs the skin between my thumb and I squeeze his hand a little tighter, “uh yeah. I got the notes. Before you stole my backpack!” I snap out sarcastically, no longer wasting my efforts in trying to grab my backpack back.

“Good,” he grunts out. We’re still holding hands when we reach my house, “here you are” his lips perk a little. And I drop his hand to open the gate, “I’ll see you later”

“Mmhm” I reach for my bag and he allows me to take it, “I’ll see you tomorrow” I grin and he nods at me.


And somehow, after the months of dating and walk homes. I still giggle and blush as I walk in my house.

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11 months ago


K. Bakugo

Bcz @cashmoneyyysstuff did it again!!

And I didn’t wanna do my history essay


I’ve never claimed I was a morning person, I hate mornings. I like them more because I don’t have to wake up super early to get to school. I’m very happily situated in the dormitory system. Getting past my boyfriend is a different story. All sleepy eyed and tired as he sets his arm around my hip and scoots me towards him.

“‘G’mornin” he says gruffly as I stir sugar into my coffee, sleepily yawning into the palm of my hand and rubbing the bags under my eyes, “you drink your coffee so sweet”

“Mmh, it’s good that way” I whisper against the quiet of the morning. I’m only a morning person for these domestic moments. When he isn’t shouting at Todoroki, or throwing a book at Denki. I love the moments which his arms are around me and his head is against my shoulder.

“Yeah, but it’s gross. You’re gonna get cavities” he murmurs into the nape of my neck, pressing soft kisses against my skin. Drinking in the smell of my shampoo.

“I’ll get cavities because I eat a diabetic amount of candy” I respond leaning against him, sipping my coffee, “momo enables me”

His hands stop moving around and twisting my shirt, but they steady across my stomach interlocking between eachother, “it’s creepy that you eat the candy she like makes”

“No. It’s absolutely normal. And before you say I’m abusing her power. I’ve already gotten that from Iida” I hear him sigh and feel him straighten up as footsteps and soft noises are heard from the elevators. He drops his grasp on me and we stand next to each other, his arm flushed against mine.

“It’s still weird” he grumbles, rolling his eyes as I sip my now cold coffee, “you want me to heat it up?” He offers, I shake my head and rid my face of my disgusted expression.

“Last time you did that. It didn’t end well” I mumble as he presses his lips against my cheek.

“Gross! It’s so early why are you making out!” I hear Denkis exasperated sigh from the shared table

“You wanna see Makin out?!” Katsuki sharpens his tone, directed at our classmates, his hand grabs into my waist and I push off him.

“I’m not gonna make out with you. It’s so early in the morning” I groan against Katsukis lips, slowly pushing him away.

“It’s bad that this is the like.. tenth time I’ve seen you two kissing” Kirishima groans, rubbing his eyes with his the heel of his palm.

Katsuki groans even louder and I take my coffee he was holding, “oh it’s warm now” I notice sipping on the hot coffee once again.

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11 months ago


I. Midoriya

No thots js him being in love w his assistant/ manager




Liked by, dynamight, prodeku, shototodoroki, redriot! and 1M others

Y/nisthebestmanager— girlbossed real hard!

Y/nisthebestmanager mentioned @ prodeku @ dynamight @ propinks @ redriot!


Dynamight- concert wasn’t ass

Iheartdynamight - HELP HES NICE??

Y/nisthebestmanager- it’s all a lie shhh

Prodeku- literally my fav person ever!!

Yukinoka- he likes her smmm

Dekufan- he wants her so bad!!

Y/nisthebestmanager - ily2 baby boo!!

Shototodoroki - looks like you had a fun time

Y/nisthebestmanager - so bummed you couldnt make it :(


Y/nisthebestmanager - we’re the cutest!!



Liked by; y/nisthebestmanager, shototodorki, dynamight, redriot! propinks and 3M others

Prodeku- had the best week off w my best girl

Prodeku mentioned @ y/nisthebestmanager


Y/nisthebestmanager - I got so sunburnt omgg

Prodeku- I did bring sunscreen

Y/nisthebestmanager- whatever 🫤

Dekusbiggestfan- R WE GONNA IGNORE BEST GIRL??

Sukisuns- WE ARE NOT!!

Y/nisthebestmanager- 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Dynamight - imagine taking ur manager on vacay

Prodeku- ikr, we had sm fun

Y/nisthebestmanager- it’s cuz I’m the best

Shototodoroki- the food looks great

Y/nisthebestmanager POSTED


Liked by, prodeku, shototodoroki, dynamight, redriot! propinks, suneater, and 4M others

Y/nisthebestmanager - bf reveal!

Y/nisthebestmanger mentioned @ prodeku


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10 months ago


Pro hero! K. Bakugo

I ❤️ laufey


It happens each time, but I fall for it each time. That he truly loves me, love through the soft glances, lingering touches and sleepless nights intertwined. His hands brushing through my hair as my chest presses against his. His stubble scratches against the bareness of my neck. A soft groan emits itself from him, “do you have to leave so soon?” I ask, I hear him huff as we split apart.

“Yeah. It’s the job” I hear him groan as he stands. He’s covered in scars. Some small some large, but there’s one; a large jagged edge that goes from the base of his ribs to his pelvis. It spreads and shrinks as he moves. Walking himself to my bathroom as I slowly check my phone before I get up and walk to my fridge. I find a shirt, lazily thrown on the ground. It’s mine, the pink silk button up. I button it up and open my fridge.

I leave for work before I see him again.

It happens more often than I like, that post concert haze. Silky dress and hair curled to perfection, it’s true that I look like something out of this world. That I look like a goddess in that light, I’m not surprised he took me home, nor am I that he left. When he saw the frizzy hair and tired eyes.

I go to the studio as I always do, guilty as always. Guilty of everything, of how my friends hair was ruined by the wind, but most of all I feel guilty of him. How I treated him, how that night was supposed to end. How maybe I did deceive him, how I’m not the beautiful creature he thinks I am. Surrounded by lights and violins, chellos and wind instruments. When the sun rises I am human again, with puffy cheeks and crazy hair.

I went from Goddess to Human in a night. I’ve risen, jumping to the light. Grasping at the sun, and somehow. In my naivety I grasped onto him. I let him in only for him to bring me down again. My anger fueled by his own, I let him shoot me down. Like a shooting star, somehow; I found myself letting him drain the life out of me.

I found myself waiting for his text, as I sit on the couch; every notification could be been his. Slowly sucking the soul out of me, out of my passion and my work. Waiting every minute for him, just a simple night out and I’m perfecting my makeup to be his goddess, to be the perfect one for him. The one the media doesn’t criticize; the one who’s past relationships get leaked over the media.

But now his number is blocked, and I finally let him go. I’m a goddess on stage but I’m not his. And in the confines of my home, the plant littered, messy apartment I’ve called my own, I’m no goddess. I may be one on stage. But alone.. alone. Im no goddess.

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10 months ago


Zuko (back on the grind again. Let’s see if this one makes it out of the drafts)


I’m from the water tribe, the north side instead of the south. Aang and I have become somewhat close; and I’ve found inner peace and acceptance of my sisters death. Coping and managing through deep breaths. But I’ve never been out like this. Hands on my knees and taking deep breaths. Trying to calm the racing of my heart.

I’m nervous, we attack Firelord Sozin tomorrow. But I’m too nervous to sleep. To antsy and pacy to think. So I’ve come out of my tent. To sit and think as Aang has advised. It’s Zuko who brings me from my spiral, “y/n” he murmurs my name so slightly I nearly jump out of my skin. I emit a soft gasp and he jumps a little too, “I’m sorry” he apologizes quickly before sitting next to me.

We overlook the sea, and how the pale moonlight reflects onto us, “did I wake you?” I ask after a minute of silence. He shakes his head and leans back.

“No. I was already awake. I saw you come out of your tent. I wanted to make sure you’re ok” he replies, our voices are hushed. Like silent secret whispers that’ll fade into the night. Like words that’ll never be spoken again. Even if we’re together.

“I just needed to clear my head, I’m like nervous about tomorrow but relived because maybe it’ll be over? But then.. I don’t know what I’ll do when it’s over. Or if it ever is” I confide, looking over at him. Pushing my damp hair over my shoulder to get a better look at him.

He’ll flex his jaw and stare down at his hands, “I guess that makes sense.. I think I’m going to have to kill Azula. My own sister” his voice quiets even more at that depressing thought. I sit up and reach for his hand. Holding it tenderly in my own.

“I couldn’t imagine hurting my siblings. I mean I hate them sometimes but ending their lives…” the hair on the back of my neck raises. The love I still have for my sister haunts me. It scares me.

“She’s just..” he pauses, “not right in the head. I don’t know why, maybe if my mom hadn’t left maybe if” he stops and stares at me, his eyes soften and he looks beautiful as the moon reflects on him. He looks almost angelic in this light. Like a gift from heaven.

“There’s no point in wondering about the ‘if’s’ we can only manage with the now’s” I tell him, pulling myself away from him as he leans in. Just a smidge, “we should go to bed.. sleep up”

His nostrils flare a little but he nods and helps me stand, “thank you. For this talk”

I smile, “of course. It means a lot to me that you shared this with me”

It happens so suddenly. He wraps me into his arms, holding me tightly in this strange hug. But I fall into it, grasping my arms around him too, “thank you again” I hear him murmur as he pulls away from me. He pats my shoulder and we bid each other goodnight.

As he walks into his tent the moonlight recedes away from him, and I’m dropped into the glass pool of moonlight.

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10 months ago


Pro hero! K.Bakugo

Tw: mentions of drinking


She sits there, at the bar as music plays on. Texting on her phone and slowly swirling a glass of wine. She has this frown that seems to follow her as she shuts her phone off and stares at the game that’s happening.

He’d always found hockey boring, a gathering of men who enjoy shoving eachother and hitting sticks. Although, the same could be said for hero work. A gathering of testosterone filled boys who enjoy causing mass destruction. He stalks closer to her, sliding next to her at the bar, “can I take you dancing?” He asks, she looks over her shoulder. Shielding her drink, the rim covered in lipstick stains.

“Mm?” She hums a little, a sultry voice suddenly fills the space, “dancing? You?”

He nods, “yeah, com’on. You waitin for someone?” He asks. His voice is hoarse but a little softer than hers. His blonde hair stumbles in front of his eyes and she makes the move to push it out of his eyes.

She hums again, “I was… but you’re here now” she shrugs a little, downing the rest of her cherry red drink; a small smile perks from her lips and she grasps his hand and locks her fingers with his, “are you married?” She asks, curiosity spikes her voice as she thumbs the silver band.

He gruffly exhales, “divorcing” he lets go of her hand, exhaling as he slips the ring off. Leaving it next to the empty wine glass and 20$.

“Ah” she murmurs, “how old are you again?” She squints her eyes a little to get a look at him. Some fine lines and stress marks. A handful of rough scars divide his features.

“Thirty seven.. you?” He asks. Not too worried he’s been hitting on a minor but as a public figure he should’ve checked first.

A soft grin crosses her face, “twenty three” his eyes widen at the age gap but there’s something so alluring to her. Deep curly hair that falls across her shoulders. Soft eyes that look into his own, “nothin illegal about dancing right?”

A soft smile quirks his lips and he encompasses her hips with his hands, “do you come with a name?” She asks as they sway together on the dance floor

“Mm.. you might’ve heard of me” he whispers into her ear. They’re so close he can feel her chest vibrate. This mystery woman is laughing in his arms. Head thrown back and blouse slumping down her figure, partially unbuttoned and untucked from her jeans.

“Really?” She scoffs, looking back up at him, “what are you? My boss?”

“Mm.. they call me Dynamight” he whispers again, her cheek is pressed against his and he can feel the smile lining her cheeks

“Mm.. Bakugo Katsuki” he hears, “I’ve seen some things about you” she whispers back, “lets lose tonight.. just” theres a heavy sigh she emits as she spins in his arms. In their world, it’s just the two of them. The world ending couldn’t disturb them.

He slowly pulls away from her, hands still on her hips, “how about..” he murmurs, allowing her to lean into him. Allowing her eyes to flick from his lips to his eyes, “I buy you a drink.” He offers

Her eyebrow quirks, “I’d like that very much.. Mr. Dynamight”

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10 months ago


I. Midoriya


I’ve loved him my entire life, from the day we met to the day I die I’ll love him. I loved him even when he confessed he was quirkless. I loved him when we both somehow became hero’s. When he confided that he’d taken All Mights’s quirk. That he would become the last user of it.

I believe he loved me, loved me when I went to his dorm door at two in the morning. Crying through the nightmares, he’d hold me in his arms and rock me back and forth until he felt me relax in his arms. Collapsing into him, “are they back?” He references the nightmares I’ve been plagued with. The ones that keep me from sleep. The ones that make me shoot up and pace.

A feeble nod is all he needs before we lay next to each other. Holding hands as we talk about life. Where we want to intern or work for. Who we want to be.

Im not surprised I ended up here. Laying in his arms. Back against his legs as he holds my hands. Applying pressure against my wounds. Careful at every hiss and wheeze I emit from my cracked and split lips. Looking at the metal rod sticking through my stomach. His eyes are wide, tears messily stick to his cheek and eyelashes. Soft hiccups make me wince as I cry too.

“Just hold on. Just stay with me” he pleads silently as I look up at him, “we have so much to do. So much to live for” he cries out. Hunching over me. Wiping wet tears from my cheeks, “comon.. don’t you wanna work with me one day?”

I smile weakly at him, my body hurts. Pain hasn’t ever felt so raw before. Nothings hurt like this, nothings hurt like being fucking stabbed by a metal pipe. I cough a little as he shakes my head, “comon.. comonnn. Remember what you said when we were little? ‘Birds of a feather? We’re sticking together? No matter what?’ Something like that?” He’s a little frantic trying to remember what I used to talk about.

“Do you love me?” The question spurs, hiding in the back of my mind until it sprouts to my lips. I watch his eyes soften. Green hues that look back into mine. He smiles weakly and my heart lurches.

“Of course I do. How could I not love you?” He says that like it would be stupid of me to think he didn’t, “you’re the love of my life. You have to stay alive for me. Because I want to marry you one day. And grow old with you” he starts talking but I can’t hear him anymore.

All I see is a mouth moving but I can’t hear anything. Just a faint ringing. Like a ping pong ball bouncing off my earlobes. I don’t know what dying feels like. I’ve been surrounded by death my entire life and somehow I don’t know what it feels like.

Maybe it’s different for everyone, “I’m sorry” I apologize, I don’t know if he can hear me. If anyone can. But I feel him. I feel him shift underneath me to support my body, to tug me more into his arms as he rocks me. Slow and gentle. I creep a hand up to his face, feeling at the freckles on his face as light creeps from my eyes.

I’m glad that when I am dying, it’s his face I see. The one I love to look at. The one I’d be happy waking up to in the mornings. Surrounded by our kids. By happiness.

I didn’t want to die like this, but at least im dying in his arms.

I muse a weak smile as he bends down. A soft kiss on my lips as the world leaves me. At least I kept true to my words. I loved him till the day I died.

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9 months ago


My mother was given the curse of a child like her. A stubborn, emotional, and thoughtful child came from her. You told me that I’m just like you, then go on in the same breath to tell me how bratty, sassy and how much flack you gave your parents. Pushing me into the narrative you have so desperately tried to escape. Im you. And when you wished upon me that I would have a daughter like me I hoped.

For maybe one day I’ll have a baby girl, she’ll be stubborn, strong and just like me when I was her age. Except instead of pointing out her flaws, instead of tearing her down to keep her humble I’ll build her up. I’ll teach her to love herself. Because maybe, maybe I can prove to myself that I am loveable. That somewhere, someone loves me. That I can be loved. With the right treatment, with the proper care this curse you have called upon me will become my own blessing. I will tell her stories of my childhood and remind her she is not me. That she will forge her own path in the world unlike any other.

I’ve been told having a daughter is a curse, you’ll get the sass and smack thrown right back at you. And I hope I do, because I want to treat her with love this time. I want her to know she is loved, she will always be loved. That she won’t be tossed away at the first sign of imperfection. I’ll tell her how proud I am of her. But most of all. I won’t tell her I was scared to have her, I won’t tell her I didn’t want her. I won’t make her regret her life like you did.

I’ll tell her she’s enough for me. Because you never did.

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9 months ago

Happy birthday me lol

Last year of my teens 😭🫡

Level 19 lesgo 😀👍🏻

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9 months ago


Ooc Shoto?? I haven’t written in foreva


My friends and I have become no stranger to death, to the limbo between death and life. The strange uncomfortable standing at a funeral. I’ve become comfortable in that strange position. I’ve grown to loathe love, the human need to from an attachment to someone. Something.

I’m standing at my best friends funeral, “Erika was, my best friend. An amazing hero. I’ve known her my entire life.. we lived together, and” I sigh, fighting back tears as I shakily exhale, “y’know I’m gonna miss her so much..” I hastily exit, trying to cover my face and avoid looking at the closed casket as photos are snapped left and right. Pictures of what would’ve been an amazing hero, taken out so young. Photographs of hero’s attending the ceremony.

“Your speech” someone approaches me as the mass of people dispersed, “you and Ignite were close” he doesn’t refer to Erika by her name. I’m not surprised, most people didn’t know her as Erika. Only her hero name, by the sharp precise flames that shoot from her palms. Gifting her the name. Ignite.

Misery has taken my last friend, and I will await for when she takes me, “yes” I respond, I find Shoto behind me. He places a hand on my shoulder. A reach to comfort me, “I uh grew up with her, we had a little group. The four of us, throughout everything. I even went to UA with her..”

I see his eyebrow quirk and quickly add on, “the business corse” I smile a little, memories of chasing the halls and watching her battle.

“Oh. You said you had three other friends.. are they here or”

I shake my head, “Amelia passed two years ago, and Suki three” he frowns, “it’s sad but. I think I’ve come to terms with it”

“I’m sorry anyways, if it’s uh” he looks a little nervous and pushes his hair out of his face. Pulled up for a formal event, “not inappropriate. And you don’t have a partner I’d like to take you for coffee”

I find myself agreeing to coffee. To walking down the street in my black dress and his black shirt, “thank you again” I push my hair out of my face and over my shoulder.

And somehow, like magic I find myself. A year later hopelessly in love with him. His head on my lap, my hands combing through his freshly cut hair, “I think I’m in love with you” he murmurs against the plush of my legs. A soft kiss against the scar on my knee. It hurts my heart, brings a fear to my core. Shakes me. Because I’m supposed to die. All of my friends have, and what stops death from coming for me next? Reuniting me with misery once again.

“I love you too” I murmur, massaging his scalp. Touching him slowly and gently. In a way that will comfort us both, soothe him, “was work good?”

He simply nods, and I’m scared. Terrified I won’t have this ever again. It’s an awareness that looms over me, haunts over my shoulder.

“Yes, the clients are paying which is always good”

“Should we get married?” He asks. I freeze, because I want too. I want to marry him, I want everything with him. But I’m so scared I’ll leave him just as my friends have left their partners.

Selfishly I want too. I want to marry him, even if I’m going to die before thirty. I can’t describe this feeling, a dread that I can’t stop.

“Ok” Those words feel like a death sentence, Suki passed just after her engagement became public to us, and her parents. We die as soon as we find love and affection in someone else. But now, there’s no one left. I’m no longer able to follow my solitude in Erika.

I thought I was ready, I expected it. I never knew when it would happen, I just hoped I wouldn’t have any strings attached and now.. now I have the strongest of strings attached to me. I’ve found someone to love me. And I love him back, I don’t want him to be where I was a year ago.

“What happens if I die?” I ask, looking over at the flowers he’d brought me yesterday.

“I promise to find you in every lifetime”

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8 months ago




He never pictured himself being in love, always saw himself by himself and achieving his father’s goals for him. Lord forbid he picture himself sitting on a girls bed as she curls her hair.

He’s not looking at his phone, staring at her in the mirror. She’s looking at herself, “do I look stupid?” She asks, turning her head to look over at him. In a desperate attempt to be cool he acts like he’s just now looking at her, “it’s my moms curler and I dunno know to work it”

He smiles at her, a strange feeling to his cold face, “it looks like your natural curls” he hears her scoff, “it suits you”

He watches her toss her head back, unplug her curling iron and jump onto her bed. She rolls onto him and sits on him. Leaning and cupping his cheeks to kiss him.

It’s a quick smothering of love and affection before she calms, resting herself next to him and holding his hand, “I think I like my natural curls better than these ones” she shrugs.

“I never imagined I would be here” he admits to her, arm moving to wrap underneath her neck and move his forearm over her stomach, “but I’m more than happy to be here” he quickly adds. He listens to her hum in agreement, “what?”

“No. I just. Agree with you” she murmurs. Shifting to put her head on his shoulder, “but we’re happy, yes?”


The pair stays like this, him mindlessly scrolling on his phone and her watching the videos for him. Mindless comments about the videos.

It’s a funny feeling, something Shoto Todoroki hasn’t felt in a very long time, love. As strange as this feeling is, something he doesn’t know. Doesn’t understand the affection of someone who’s been given more than enough in her childhood.

She lays on him, putting her leg over his. She stays like this, softening against him and somehow. Now it’s hard to imagine his life without her. He can’t picture a world without her on his chest, curling her hair while he sits behind her. Smiling as he walks her to her business classes.

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8 months ago




I don’t appreciate uncertainty, growing up confident and sure of how my life was going to turn out. That I would become a doctor; or a nurse maybe.

I didn’t expect to fall into a committed relationship with someone I was so sure I wanted to marry at twenty four. I never wanted to date a hero; it’s common within hospitals. Finding a fling with a sexy injured hero. I didn’t except it to be for me.

Yet it was. I fell in love with him, “so you’re leaving?” I ask as he walks out of the shower. Just after dropping the bomb he would be leaving for a secret mission early the next week.

“No” he states, pouring himself a glass of wine and joining me at the stove, “I’m just going on a mission. I dunno when I’ll come back” he restates, but there’s a change. He changed his words.

“No. You said ‘I don’t know if I’ll come back’ Katsuki what does that mean? Are you going to die?” I ask, clicking the stove off and turning to face him, “let me rephrase it” I clarify, “do you think you’re going to die?”

He looks uncertain, damp hair brushes through his eyelashes, it makes me scared. The uncertainty on his face, the way his lips are turned down and sucked against his cheek, “I don’t know” he admits, “I wasn’t told much about it. Just that it was dangerous. But all of my away missions usually are”

I feel like throwing up, “they couldn’t have picked anyone else? Anyone?” I ask, “I don’t like this” I shake my head and take a sip out of my glass. I feel sick to my stomach, like whatever happens it’s not going to end well.

“I’m a hero, it comes with the job. If you can’t deal with that, maybe we shouldn’t” I know where this is going to end. I know he’s going to say we shouldn’t be together.

“No. I’ll.. I’ll be ok” I murmur, I find myself shutting down. Sitting and observing instead of listening. I’m not mad. Scared maybe, “what happens if you don’t come back?” I ask. My knees brought to my chest as I sit in my dining room, watching him pass me the plate of chicken

“I’ll come back” he says, “I promise”

“No. That doesn’t work for me” I tell him, picking at my dinner, “I need to know what happens. If you don’t come home. We’re not married” I explain, “you have no legal ties to me”

“You’re in my will. Im not stupid” he retorts, it’s like the thought never crossed my mind. But he’d never told me.

“But you never told me this, how am I supposed to know when you never told me ‘hey y/n. I put you in my will, hope that’s ok!’” I groan sitting up from the chair, “it’s like when you put me as your emergency contact without talking to me first”

It’s so frustrating when he does this, does something and doesn’t talk to me about his choice. Then gets upset when I become frustrated, it’s a never ending cycle of this, “I’m going to bed. I have to work tomorrow” I mumble grabbing my phone from the counter and walking to the only bedroom in my little apartment.

I feel when the bed dips, his arms instinctively move under and over me. Like a prolonged hug, I don’t want to move. I feel him plaster soft kisses against the nape of my neck, “I love you” I hear him whisper, “and I’m going to come back, and then I’m going to marry you” I listen, allowing the words to soothe me. Comfort me. Allowing myself to imagine me. In a white dress, with a ring on my finger. I want to picture it.

God I wanted it so bad.

It’s been a year, and each night it’s the same dream. Kirishima with a sorrowed look on his face as I walk out of the patients room to where I’ve been called. I knew it when I saw his face, closed eyes and a lip quivering underneath his teeth. My heart sinking into my stomach, “tell me it’s not what it is” I begged, holding onto his wrists as he guides me into an ‘on-call’ room. Sitting me in the chair and gently gripping into the plush of my thighs. Repeated apologies of how he couldn’t have saved him.

Except each time I keep waking up, just as he bows his head at my knees and tells me the love of my life. The only person I ever thought I could marry. Died. And somehow— he keeps thinking it’s his fault. Even if it wasn’t— and as much as I want to blame him. I can’t.

I’m heaving, wailing and crying once again. Four in the morning; crudely awoken from my sleep by the haunting memories. I shake as I pull myself out of bed. Trembling down the hall.

I hate this feeling, so empty even though I feel like I should’ve gotten over it. I should’ve grieved all I had to grieve. But I can’t.

I was stiff and uncomfortable at his funeral, picking at my skin and sitting in the back-row. His mother pleaded I sit with her. I wanted to, but I was just a girlfriend- a girlfriend he wanted to marry.

I knew he wouldn’t come home, deep in my heart I knew he wouldn’t return to my little apartment, no matter how badly I wanted him too.

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8 months ago


Hi, I'm Lou a half german half persian fan fic author :) Im 19 and currently in collage studying pre-med



- please no smut requests, I’m ok to write something steamy but no smut

- I prefer x readers but if you wanted something different please shoot me a dm

- I don’t write male reader

- the fandoms I write for are, MHA, NHL, and TLOU, ATLA, (this list will expand)



Wringing my hand in my lap

Cherry wine


Oh my god!







if you could remind me of

misery and her three friends


Birds of a Feather

Good luck, babe


T. I

Why don’t you sit right down and, stay a while



Pale Moonlight

Are you mine?

You're still a traitor

Bear Claws

The after

Someone to call mine



Backstabbing Bloodsucker






Family Skate

the little things

I need my girlfriend

All the love


Suns out funs out


Series (on hiatus) How you get the girl

I ❤️ NY#13

when push comes to shove

love story

Volleyball SZN

Barzal baby fever


Hockey player ❤️ cant skate for shit


Fall nights

Did you see the way he looked at you?



The perfect horse-show boyfriend


The move in

I want you


Last friday night



Invisible string


American Dream



Don’t wait for the tide, just to dip both your feet in

Tags :
8 months ago




Sometimes I wonder if my marriage is worth it, the late nights checking my phone for a text from Ayana telling me that he’s dead. Maybe that would relive me, free me from this marriage I’m clinging too. I know she’d call, but at night I still anxiously await the ring.

I fight for my place beside him at every gala; try to understand what he means but he’ll never try to understand me. I wonder if he knows what I do for work. If he knows how old our daughter is, how she sleeps in my bed the nights he’s away. How Momo sat with me and held my hand at every doctors appointment. I wonder if it would be easier to leave; to walk out the door with no note; no call. Pack my things one day and leave. But it’s easier to stay; stay with those rushed apologies, silent whisper fights in the dead of night. Easier to put my earrings and jewelry on and slip into a dress a size to small and walk next to him like the dream couple we should be.

He’s changed, from the boy I fell in love with. The boy who pushed me to do what I wanted to do, now.. now I don’t know anymore, “you look good” he says gruffly. Fixing the cuffs on his soft orange suit. Complimenting the similar shade I wear. It billows at the waist, and overall looks very flattering on me. Accented by a tin necklace and diamond earrings.

“Thank you” I murmur, pulling my hair out of the straps of the neckline, “are you drinking tonight?” I ask, as he steps closer to me; planting a soft kiss against my cheek. The rarest show of affection, it makes me wish he could be like this all the time. Instead of him waking up in the middle of the night thrashing around. Shaken by nightmares of horrors he’s witnessed.

“No, I’m driving” He says, holding my hand as I slip into my heels, “good to go?”

“Yea, I need to say goodbye to Suki” I tell him, dropping his hand and picking up my daughter from the floor, “I’ll be home late tonight, Ame is watching you tonight” I say, kissing her cheek softly as I set her down again. Thanking Mina’s son again for watching Suki, “there’s money on the counter for pizza and there’s food in the fridge if you’d rather cook; thank you”

“No problem Mrs. Bakugo” My smile falters and I scramble to pick it back up, wishing him a goodbye as I close the door.

I miss my maiden name, I miss myself, the me who dreamed to be a surgeon, now sliced into an ER nurse. I miss who I was before him. Before I met him and was stuck in this relationship.

I love hero galas, I love the people and the networking, sitting next to Momo and drinking our champagne as we smile and talk about our children. Katsuki and I know how to PR, his hand on my waist. Slowly sliding until it reaches the curve of my ass; corrects himself and places it back where it’s supposed to be. The whispers in my ear reminding me what his publicist wants tonight. A soft kiss against my cheek, maybe my lips. A feigned sight of intimacy that I haven’t truly felt in years.

We walk the carpet, and sit. My leg crosses over the other and I lean in to Momo, throughly engaged in our conversation before I admit to her, “I want to leave him” I confide; scooting my chair to her as Katsuki walks onto the stage, “I love him but it’s so draining to love him” I confess.

“The ptsd has been hard, but maybe if you talked to him?” She recommends, “that typically works”

I shake my head, “no. He just apologizes and it doesn’t change” our conversation is halted as the microphone taps silencing the room and bringing attention to the most voted hero.

A moving PR driven speech, I fake a fear and when the cameras are off me I pour another glass of champagne. It annoys me, bores me, I’ve grown resentful. Hateful and angry at him. Leaving me pregnant at eighteen, and now at twenty three I’m trapped with a five year old who hates when her daddy leaves. Asks if he’s dead each night he doesn’t return at the time he promises.

Divorce feels sweet, a comforting day-dream as he prepares his speech. How he ‘couldn’t have done it without my support’ ‘wouldn’t be here with out the girl he met seven years ago’ it becomes all to claustrophobic as the years pass and no change is made. Divorce leaves me with nothing. Trapped by my inability to work full hours.

It leaves me frustrated as I toss and turn, we sleep in separate rooms and I still find myself walking to his room as he’s awoken by another nightmare. Afraid to speak too loud, to cause a racket of pots and pans. I await anxiously for an outburst- a cry of pain, a sob of messy tears and Suki standing in the hall. Her big eyes scared of her father, waiting. And watching.

I sit, dull and empty in my big house. The lights off, Suki asleep. Katsuki preparing for tomorrow, “what’s wrong with you?” He finally asks, he finally speaks to me. Talks to me, it makes me desperate for another word- another grasp to him.

“Nothings wrong with me” I respond, pouring coffee beans into the coffee machine, “I just had too much to drink”

“That’s fucking saying something. Yeah down a whole bottle between you and Yaomomo. You got a problem or somethin?” He pushes, staring at me. His jacket on the couch, tie undone and I see the faint scar peeking from his jaw down to his stomach. I know him too well.

“It’s not your place to be worried about me” I remind him, setting my heels by the door. The sweet relief of flat feet washes the angst Katsuki feels away from me.

“Yeah it is. Im your husband” he asserts, standing cockeyed at the hall. Our voices hushed

“You can be my husband when you act like it, when you be a father to Suki. Y’know she’s terrified of you. She loves her daddy but watching him scream and cry every night scares her. Watching him refuse to get help? That scares me. Katsuki you can’t keep doing this” I tell him, he reaches for my wrist, and I flick away from him, “we haven’t slept in the same bed since the accident. I’m so exhausted from being a single mother but somehow- I’m still married to you”

“Then get a divorce. File for it y/n”

It dawns on me, he doesn’t care if I’m here or not. He doesn’t care he’s married to me. To him. I’m a PR profitable. And I can’t find it in myself to tell him how he’s cut my wings. I don’t have money for lawyers, custody battles let alone a house. I’m truly trapped.

I slink into my room, closing the door and sleep. And when I hear him screaming in the night, I stay there. Glued to my bed. Stuck in place.

(Idk how to end this one)

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