Nico Hischier X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Nico Hischier my beloved


I know the win was a tough one, fighting for the puck, when the horns blow. I’m jumping out of my seat grasping onto Jacks girlfriend as we scream at eachother in excitement, “LETS FUCKING GO!!” I shout out as lilly and I shake eachothers shoulders in pure joy.

The two of us excitedly wait by the locker rooms; Nico comes our first. Sweeping his hair out of his eyes as we lock eyes, “you played so well baby” I grin excitedly speed walking over to him but he jogs over to me and scoops me into his arms.

My legs instinctively wrap around his waist as he smothers me in kisses and affection, “you’re the only voice I could hear” he admits. We don’t pay attention to Jack and Lilly as they share a sweet kiss.

The media manager takes a little photo of us to celebrate the win, we do this silly thing where we hide my face with a glove; Nico’s arm wrapped around my shoulders. His hand covering my face because I like my privacy as a nurse.

When we finally get home we celebrate in the same ways; popping a bottle of wine and watching the NJD highlights. My legs tossed over his lap as he fidgets with the skin around my knee.

Usually he stops drinking halfway through his glass so I pour it into mine and he gets into the shower after I bug him about smelling like sweat and grossness.

Nico lays in bed; arms stretched over his head as I clean up the Mcdonalds we had ordered as a post game dinner.

“Is your alarm off?” I ask as I walk back into the bedroom and shimmy out of my leggings and croptop. Sometimes I walk around the bedroom half naked like this as I leave my bra on the floor looking around for a shirt to wear.

It’s always one of Nicos shirts that I throw over my head and shimmy into, then I crawl into the fluffy duvet and scootch over to Nicos warmth.

He wraps his arms around me as I throw my leg over his waist, “you did so well today neeks” I smile kissing his cheek and laying my head on the crevice to his neck and shoulder.

“It was such a tough play” he confesses; sliding his hands underneath the shirt and starts drawing circles on my shoulder blades, “I’m glad you were finally able to come and watch a game” he whispers into my ear, “I love you so much”

“I love you too, I’m sorry it took me so long.. I’m just scared that someone will recognize me and— I just don’t want to seem like a bad girlfriend” I admit against his skin. His hands coarse over my tough skin and the little bumps that pepper across my back.

“You could never be a bad girlfriend, ever. You’re the best for so many reasons.. our post game rituals, the ice baths you set up after practice. Jesus you learned German for me” We laugh a little at that admission as he rolls onto his side instead of his back, “you are the best thing, that’s ever been mine”

If you liked this lmk if you’d want a part 2!

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1 year ago


Nico Hischier insta edit 😋😋😋



*my love mine all mine - Mitski


Liked by; trevorzegras jamiedrysdale nhl jackhuges newjerseydevils lukehuges y/nbooks

Liebe meine libens


Trevorzegras - I’m going to be alone forever :(

Y/nbooks - sorry bubs

Newjerseydevils - Mr. Captain and Mrs. Captain

Nicohischier - It’ll be official soon 😉

Y/nbooks - loml ❤️

Nicohischier - I love you infinity more

Jackhuges - the cutest


*I can see you (Taylor’s version) - Taylor Swift


Liked by ; Nicohischier jamiedrysdale nhl newjerseydevils lukehuges Jackhuges

Always and forever


Jamiedrysdale - coolest couple

Y/nbooks - luv ya Jammie

Trevorzegras - set me up w ur mom plz

Y/nbooks - im blocking you

Trevorzegras - NO PLEASE IM SORRY

Nicohischier - love you to the moon and back

Y/nbooks - love u too bubbas

Newjerseydevils - cap needs to wife u up

Y/nbooks - facts!!

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1 year ago


My baby Nico my poor baby 🥲🥲🥲

(Throw back to when neeks got hit in the junk:| )


I flinch against my seat as I watch Nico go down, “that was a dirty shot” I tell Emma as she nods, “am I allowed to go see if he’s ok?”

“Yea, comon- I’ll take you to him” She says taking my hand and leading me to the lockers. Nico is laying on the ground with an ice pack on his junk, “I’m gonna go save our seats” she tells me brushing her short blonde hair behind her ears and closing the door.

“Hi handsome” I whisper softly as I go and sit next to him

“Can I put my head on your lap?” He asks sheepishly and I nod and he moves to put his head on my thighs, “that really hurt” he groans out.

“I know baby; do you want some pain killers?” I ask him, threading my fingers through his hair

“No, I can’t. Unfair advantage or something like that. I’d be benched for the rest of the game” he defeatedly sighs rolling slightly and burying his head in my thighs

“Bubs maybe you should. You seem like you’re in pain” I tell him; shrugging softly. He sighs against my skin

“Maybe, but I should also go to a doctor probably”

“Yes. You should”


Driving Nico home after he goes to the doctor is always fun; because he’s either really happy or sometimes. Like today really high. He didn’t go in-depth about what they had to do and I’m a little nervous.

He’s all giggly then suddenly turns nervous like a train wreck, “would you leave me if I can’t have kids?” He asks. Leaning against the head rest, “can we get McDonald’s”

I sigh and tap my fingers against the steering wheel; not sure how I want to answer those questions, “sure baby. Let’s just go home and we can order something” I rub his shoulder and squeeze softly

He stares at me with those big eyes and nods slowly, blinking slowly like a reptile. I let him lean on me as I unlock the door and move him into the kitchen, “bed or sofa?”


And so we march our way to the bedroom, “bathroom?” I ask him and he shakes is head in a no. Laying back down on our bed.

“Can I get an ice pack for my balls?” He asks rubbing his eyes and I put a blanket on him, “pretty please”

“Sure baby, how about some pain killers?”

“Please and thank you” he slurs slightly nodding off. I come back and find him asleep, mostly.

“Neeks, Neeks baby” I whisper, gently shaking his shoulder

“Ja, meine Frau?” He murmurs softly rolling his head over to face me.


He doesn’t say thank you, but nods and tugs at my arm, “I want my girlfriend”

“I know sweetie, I’m here”

He lets me lay with him as he starts to fall asleep, his hand wraps around my back, “that was a mean move”

“It was”

“I love you”

“I love you too”

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1 year ago


Nico Hischier x pregnant wife reader


Nico Hischier who notices the little things about you, like how after this roadie there’s suddenly a bunch of stuffed animals on the bed you two share.

He notices how much you’ve been sleeping and he doesn’t think much of it. He doesn’t want to pry because maybe you’re on your period and he doesn’t want to irritate you. But he asks if you’re ok.

“You ok babe? Jus seem a lil tired lately” He questions softly against her bare skin as she rolls on top of him. She puts her head on his chest and lets him play with her hair.

“I’m just probably about to get my period” she shrugs peppering soft kisses against his pec.

He doesn’t ask anymore questions but wraps his arms around you and rocks a little.

He notices the clinginess and it doesn’t bother him, the desire to be near him. Even if its just holding his hand while he talks with his friends at a bar. He even notices that you’ve stopped drinking. But that’s normal for you.

“You ok sweetie?” He’ll ask and you’ll nod. Claiming to just be tired.

He watches as you grow hot then cold in the middle of the night; how he leaves for a few weeks and all of a sudden you feel weird around him.

“It feels like you’re hiding something” he inquires one morning as she’s slowly eating cereal

“Oh” you’ll mumble into the bowl, “im pregnant” You drop the bomb on him like it’s a quarter in a washing machine, “there’s that”

“Excuse me?” He retorts standing a little straighter

“I’m sorry. I mean I didn’t mean to baby trap you but we’re already getting married so uh yeah. We don’t really use condoms that much” you shrug.

“Yeah. I guess so. Is that why you’ve been so clingy and maternal all of a sudden?” Nico asks as he sits next to you

“Yeah. Im about uh.. three months along? I found out maybe a week or two ago. I mean I felt something was off but I just thought my period was being weird or something” she confesses

“I’m so happy” nico whispers into her cheek as he brings her into a kiss, “we’re not making Jack god dad.” He tells her

“I agree with that statement”




Liked by: Nicohischier, newjerseydevils, trevorzegras, jamiedrysdale, Jackhuges, matbarzal and 2,400 others

Got married and did the whole baby thing

Comments are limited

Jamiedrysdale - what the freak when!

Ynoffical - idk when I got married

Trevorzegras - I love being a god dad

Nicohischier - hes delusional

Ynoffcial - may your delulu come trululu

Newjerseydevils - baby Hischier!

Ynofficial - BABY HISCHIER!!



Liked by: trevorzegras, nhl, newyorkislanders, newjerseydevils, Jackhuges, lukehuges, and 163,462 others

I don’t post a lot but I think I should post that now I have a baby & a wife.

Comments are turned off.

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1 year ago


Mat Barzal

I love writing angst and I haven’t done it in so long


“You pick her every time” I exclaim, throwing my hands in the air from my frustrations, “it will never be me! Will it? It won’t!”

“Would you just listen?” He asks, reaching for my hand and I pull away again, “fucking listen to me!” He shouts, “it is you, but you act so jealous all the god damn time”

“Me? Jealous? Well of fucking corse!” I groan, pacing around the living room, “you’re surrounded by these women who are obviously better than me and Sarah” her name comes out as a whisper against my breath. Like a word that can’t be spoken. A name that shouldn’t be said.

“Sarah? This is all about Sarah?” He doesn’t treat her name with the same weight I do.

“Yes! You didn’t come home until morning because you were busy with her! Not me. Her! You text her good morning not me! On Roadies and shit I feel like is her you talk to not me” I cry out, thick hot tears fall down my face. He reaches for me and I pull away again.

“What the hell does that even mean?” He asks, “you think I should just date her? Instead of you?”

“The way you act right now Mat? Yeah I think you should” I choke out, I don’t wait for his response

“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” He asks, he doesn’t block my path but he tries to

“Im going to Nico’s” I respond dryly as I grab my overnight bag and stuff some clothes in quickly.

“You accuse me of cheating and then you go to Nico’s?” He retorts; scoffing a little

“Don’t start with this right now!” I shout out, “at least I haven’t been caught with him this fucking close to my face like we’re kissing!”

He sighs and I drop my ring by the key bowl, “I need to get out”

New Jersey isn’t much of a drive but I end up there in morning. “What’s wrong?” Nico asks as he lets me inside

“Mat. He I think he’s cheating on me and I asked him about it and he kept denying it and then he accused me of cheating on him with you” I hiccup out

“I told you he was an ass” Nico says as I flop onto his couch, “but I don’t know.. why would he go through the trouble of proposing then cheating on you?” He reasons

“I just…” I lay down, “why am I so insecure? Why does it always feel that he picks her?” I ask

“Because he does”

I sigh, and roll onto my back, “I want to keep loving him. I want to always love him. But each time I keep getting hurt”

“Maybe you’re not meant to be”

Another tear sheds, “don’t say that Nico”

“Ok” he sighs softly

I spend the weekend there and the door rings and I really don’t want to answer it, “mat” I whisper

“I’m sorry, don’t let this be the end of us. I fucked up and I’m sorry I cheated”

The words barely register in my brain, “so you did cheat”

“I did”




“Get the fuck out right now”

“She told you to leave mat”

“Stay out of this Hischier!”

“Get out of my house Barzal”

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1 year ago


Nico Hishchier Angst


Why is it so hard to tell someone I love them? How do I love without being hurt? Why can’t I love him like he loves me? Sometimes I feel like somethings wrong with me; like I’ve been broken and I can’t be fixed. No amount of glue or tape could let me love.

“I’m afraid” I whisper one night; it’s scarier admitting my fear out loud instead of allowing it to circle in my head, “I’m scared that if I tell you I love you. You’ll walk out the door with a piece of my heart you cannot give back”

He shifts a little in bed, “how could anyone not be afraid? To love is to be changed— and to be changed is to be permanent” he replies, his hands tuck around my body, “you cannot reverse a change like love”

I want to cry; because how can he be so poetically beautiful and love me as I break his heart? How could anyone still love me? Choking on ‘I love you’ and any shreds of affection. I don’t know how to love. It’s not how I was raised; to love was to watch momma and pap bicker in the office. To love was to be in pain for the agony of another.

“I can’t love you. I physically.. I can’t— like I want to love you. I need to love you. Everything in me tells me to love you but when I look at you. And I try to love you I’m terrified” I confess, there’s a sadness that looms in the air and haunts our room, “if I love you. You’re going to leave me. Like everyone else”

He sits up, leaving me laying in bed, “Nico?”

“I don’t want you to leave me either. Everyone I have loved has either abandoned me or left me” He admits quietly, “I have been loved and I have been hurt. But so have you”

I want to curl up and die; the realization that I hurt him hurts more than him hurting me, “I’m sorry…” my voice trails off and I roll onto my side, “I shelter from people. When someone gets close, close enough where I could see myself being in love I run. I avoid and I hurt them before they can hurt me”

“I’m not letting you leave because you’re afraid. When I told you I loved you I meant it. That I wouldn’t leave you no matter what”

“You don’t mean that”

“I do. Until my dying breath or you realize how you’re so out of my league” he teases a little and he lays down again, his arm going around my shoulders and propping me up

“You’re too amazing”

“Then let me love you” He replies; pulling away just to face me again.

“You know I—“ I want to say I can’t, because I truly can’t love him like he wants and needs me to love him

“Hey, you’re ok. We’re ok. You’re not your mom and I am not your father”

“But what if” I try to reason

“What if we’re completely different. What if we’re meant to be?”

“Can I try?” I request, “let me try to love you like you love me”

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1 year ago


Nico Hischier

(Forgive my German it’s been so long sense I’ve spoken the language)


“You know I don’t know how to skate..” I trail off slightly as I look around; Nico on his knees tying my laces, “right? I think I’m gonna make a fool of myself” I try to back out of this but he holds my hand and hoists me up and I wobble, “I’m gonna fall”

“I’ll catch you if you fall, just breathe. Don’t worry” he reassures as I slowly walk my way to the ice; I take the guards off and walk onto the ice. Immediately tripping over myself and landing on my ass.

“So much about that catching thing” I retort as he glides over and helps me up once again

“I wasn’t ready!” He laughs, taking my glove off to hold my hand, “I don’t think you’re going to need these meine Leibe” I stare at him and nod as I let him lead me around the rink.

“Uh huh… hold my hand tighter I’m scared” I laugh suddenly- a quite and short burst of laughter that makes Nico look up from his focus on others back to me, “you ok?” I ask as he nods slowly. His finger feels around my engagement ring and he relaxes slightly.

“Just nervous, people are gonna see the ring on your finger and— I want them to like you. I mean I know they are but it’s still” he takes a breath and puts an arm around my shoulder and skates next to me

“I know, I’ll love you even if they hate me. I promise” I laugh a bit as he glides me into a smooth kiss, “oh it’s Jack and his girlfriend.. are they dating?” I question after question

“You know what.. I’m not too sure” he shrugs, “you wanna try a spin?” He asks and I stare him down

“Do you want to kill your future wife?”

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