I do mostly BSD writing! Requests are open LVL : 19
12 posts
Ace325 - Ace - Tumblr Blog
Hey I saw request are open. I was wondering if i could have what it’s like being friends with Sigma (if you write for him), dazai, and chuuya (separately please) idc if it’s headcanons or s scenario whatever is easiest for you to write. Thank you 💕
Summary : Being best friends with bsd men :D

○ Being Sigma's best friend would be amazing. He owns a sky casino for fucks sake, it comes with it's perks.
○ You cannot tell me that one of this mans love languages is gift giving (he just seems like that kinda guy ok?)
○ Would totally go on spa days with you if he has a day off
○He has all of the best hair and skincare tips, after you got close to him he let you in on all of his secrets!!
○ Has definitely rigged to casino games once or twice if you were having a bad day
○ Ok first of all, why would you do this? Are you ok? Are you being held hostage against your will?/j
○ All jokes aside, he would be a pretty great best friend
○ You two hang out in the weirdest places, and it constantly gets on Kunikida's nerves because he's always losing track of you.
○ Speaking of Kunikida, he calls the both of you partners in crime, (depending if you knew him during his dark era, this could be actually true) Always doing the most you can to annoy Kunikida together.
○ You both have the dumbest conversations, like sometimes people wonder how he was the demon prodigy when he's with you.
○ Constantly have to stop his ass from jumping in a river or off a building. Both you and Yosano, make sure to keep an eye on her office.
○ Would definitely have karaoke nights with you, (bonus, if you're legal drinking age, he would do drunken karaoke with you at bars)
"Come on, it'll be fun!" Dazai said, holding up a flyer for a bar. It was a karaoke bar that had allowed any drunken person to grab the mic and make everyone listen to their terrible singing.
Thinking for a moment, you ponder if it would be a good idea to go or not. Fuck it. "Fine, let's go", you sigh, letting a slight smile rest on your lips. Dazai's face beams, grinning from ear to ear. Hastily he grabs your hand, already dragging you halfway out the door, yelling on the way out, "KUNIKIDA, WE'RE LEAVING FOR THE DAY!"
All you hear is an angry Kunikida, screaming words you can't quite make out. Well, you're in for it tomorrow. Both of you.
(I'll do a Chuuya later, I just had this still sitting in my asks box and remembered it)
headcanon that 15!skk were those teenagers who just stole shopping carts and left them in random places. Dazai would convince Chuuya to ride in the cart then repeatedly run the cart into walls.
Actually, they wouldn't stop at just taking the cart from the store and leaving, they'd do this shit in the store.
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you ! get to know your mutuals and followers !
My friends
Hearing about interests people are passionate about
Bonding with people over mutual interests
physical touch
This made me really happy and I'm so happy I have the chance to pass this around to more people :D

(I have no title for this)
A/N: This is something that I've just been working on for a while, it is not similar to my usual posts. This is also only the first part of it and there will be a continuation.
Where was he? Liam had been sitting on a bench, fast asleep. The bench had been overgrown, covered in vines and dead leaves that had once grown on the tall trees. The trees provided a small amount of shade from the bright, overhanging sun.
There was a soft breeze that swept through the warm summer air, lightly blowing the green leaves in the tree above. Liam looked around at the unfamiliar scenery. He was in a forest with tall trees all around him, small beams of light shining through their leaves. Looking up, he noticed a path in front of him, the bench he was sitting on was at the side of a narrow dirt path. Liam stood up from the bench, holding a hand out above his eyes, trying to adjust to the beaming light.
Liam slowly stepped toward the pathway, hearing the soft grass crumple beneath his feet. His short hair swayed in the gentle wind as he arrived at the path. Liam took a careful step onto it, hearing the soft crunch of dry dirt.
Step by step, he walked along the path, taking in the forest surroundings in a cautious manner. Everything around him looked unfamiliar. Not a single tree twisted in a way he had seen before, clustered and weird in unruly ways. The more he looked in the forest, the more he seemed to take notice of the odd plants. Plants full of colour, bright pinks and blinding yellows. Even the stem was peculiar, a soft shade of blue or purple, seeming to gleam up at him. Liam stopped for a moment, staring at the plants. He wondered how these kinds of plants could possibly grow like that, wondered where he could possibly be.
Liam turned to the path, thinking for a moment before choosing to continue walking. While he kept walking, Liam looked up into the trees. He found it odd that there weren’t any birds, creating an absence of noise in the forest. The only thing that could be heard was the wind, gently sweeping through the trees. A clear absence of any creature. Getting lost in his thoughts, he hadn't realized that he reached the end of the path. The dirt had ended, rounded and worn at the end from its use. Beyond, all that seemed to lie ahead was tall grass. It reached up to his waist, leaving whatever may lay beneath it a complete mystery.
Liam reached out a tentative hand, blades of grass brushing his fingertips. He took a deep breath, and stepped into the field. The first thing he noticed was a sinking sensation, his foot falling through into mud. At least he thought it was mud, his foot had only sunk enough to know his shoes would be dirty. He took two steps, then three, before long making it to the middle of the field. He looked out across the field, carefully running his hand over the grass.
Liam looked up from the grass, his eyes falling on a figure a far distance away. A person. There was a girl, standing at the forest’s edge, gazing at her surroundings thoughtfully. She wore a white dress that touched just past her knees, a matching sunhat positioned atop her head. For a moment, Liam only stared at her, pondering who she was.
He was snapped out of his thoughts when they made eye contact. The girl only smiled at him before walking through the trees and into the forest, leaving Liam to sway in the wind like a scarecrow.

i dont hate you guys i swear i just have really shitty memory
Dazai would do the weirdest things on a daily basis and the rest of the agency would just be divided in two groups
1: The people who are trying to fix whatever he fucked up.
2: The people laughing their asses off at the fight between Dazai and the people trying to stop his bullshit.
(Lil chaotic drabble of Dazai being a dumbass)
It was a quiet afternoon in the agency office, since it was the start of October, there was a slight chill in the air. Some people had already started setting up for Halloween, even thought it was still fairly early in the month. Yosano walked back into the office, holding a tray of pumpkin spice latte's she had gotten for her and her co-workers during her break (With a additional hot chocolate for Ranpo). People walked over, gratefully thanking her for the drinks.
After handing out the drinks to everyone in the room, she got quite confused. Had she bought too many drinks? Yosano still had 3 drinks on the tray, one of them being for herself. Almost as if some other worldly being had heard her thoughts; there was a scream that came from another room in the office.
Everyone lifted their heads from the paperwork stacked on their desk, looking at each other on concern before jumping out of their seats. Kunikida was the first one there, already fuming at the fact someone had made such a loud noise it disrupted his workflow.
The first thing you saw was the blood. It was spilling out into the hallway, a dark crimson slowly coating each of the tiles on the floor. The second thing they noticed, was a terrified looking Atsushi. He looked to had fallen backwards, right infront of the supply closet. Atsushi looked at the inside of the closet in pure shock and terror in his eyes, making everyone fear for what might lie inside.
As the seconds go by with everyone staring, they start to hear. . . laughing? An almost evil sounding cackle was coming from inside the closet, thats when Kunikida stalked over to see what may be there.
The moment he looked inside, all he saw was Dazai. Dazai had dressed in a half-assed excuse for a Halloween costume and covered himself in fake blood. All of the other agency members moved to get a better look at Dazai, he had now wrapped his arms around his stomach, presumably from laughing so hard. The longer Dazai laughed, the more red Kunikida's face got, about ready to beat the shit out of Dazai.
In no time, Kunikida started telling off Dazai (who didnt seem to be listening), about how that was a stupid prank to pull. Meanwhile, all of the other agency members had join Dazai in his cackling fit, Yosano and Kyoka, helping Atsushi off the floor while laughing. Needless to say, nothing much got done after that.
Atsushi: Fuck Kunikida: Language! Yosano: Shit! Kunikida: Language! Dazai: Who the fuck do you think you're calling a bitch, you ass? Kunikida: Language! Ranpo: What the frick frack tickity tic tac snik snak, bro? Kunikida: Kunikida: What the fuck.
The Apple.
Summary : You go to a store with Dazai, Atsushi, and Ranpo. Dazai chooses to be a dumbass.
TW : Crack
A/N: I saw something on Pinterest and got a really stupid idea, please forgive me for this.
It was a typical day in your daily life, you had some plans with your co-workers to go shopping. All of you had just exited a shop, trying to be fast about it too. Just a few moments earlier Dazai, your co-worker, the Demon Prodigy, former Port Mafia Executive, the forever pain in Kunikida's side, had just taken a bite out of a display apple.
While all of you were roaming the store, looking at the different items on display, Dazai picked up an apple in a basket. As he inspected the apple he thought to himself how it seemed a bit lighter than normal. Shaking off the thought, he shrugged slightly opening up his mouth and taking a large bite out of it.
"DAZAI, WAIT-!" Atsushi screamed, startling the other customers in the store as well as yourself. You flinched slightly at the loud noise, turning around to see Atsushi trying (and failing) to take the apple away from Dazai. Ranpo stood beside you, chuckling at the scene of the two. The staff did not share his enjoyment.
It could be said, in a way, that Dazai won. Atsushi did manage to get the apple away from him, but not after he had already taken a large bite. The little menace even swallowed it, going on about how it might finally be the thing to kill him. Atsushi was looking awfully worried about the situation, where as Ranpo was simply entertained, happily licking his lollypop.
The four of you walked out of the store, right before the staff had the chance to kick you out.
"So where do we-" Atsushi was suddenly cut off by Dazai, right before he could ask where they would go.
"I say we go to an art gallery!" Dazai yelled, smacking is hand in Atsushi's face. The tiger boy tried to pry his hand off, letting out a quiet "mph-!" as he struggled.
"Why? So you can eat more display props?" Ranpo replied, looking at Dazai almost dumbfounded.
"It didn't taste that bad..."
A/N : This was just a lil drabble I thought about so here you go :>
♡ ˚Day Off With Ranpo˚ ♡

Summary : Both you and Ranpo get a day off from work :D
A/N : Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, school hit me like a truck. There may be spelling/grammar mistakes, I was kinda tired while writing this. If there are any mistakes, please feel free to let me know! I also take any constructive criticism! :D
Working at the ADA took up a lot of time. With either being in the office or out on missions, people there rarely got time off. Although, luck for you it was one of those days. Both you and Ranpo had gotten the day off of work and came to a mutual decision to stay home, eat snacks, and play games all day.
There was sunlight spilling through the window, stating to get brighter as the the sun rose. Signaling the beginning of a new day, the bright light that found it's way into your room, washing over your face. The golden light brought you out of your slumber, your eyes blinking a few times to adjust to the room. As you blinked to sleep from your eyes, bringing a hand to your face and gently massaging your eyelids in n attempt to wake yourself up. As the seconds passed, you looked around the room, quickly growing confused. The night prior, you had gone to sleep holding our raven haired boyfriend in your arms. But as you no looked around, the was nothing Infront of you. Growing somewhat worried, you try to roll over, wondering if he got up and moved. Only to find out you couldn't get up, something holding you down by your waist. Tentatively, you lifted up the blanket infront of you, hearing a whine from the culprit trapping you.
"Heyy, It's cold!" Ranpo complains, pulling himself closer to you. The raven haired man had his eyes shut tightly, squeezing your mid-section tightly as he tried to cling to any warmth he could find. His hair had grown messy from being under the blanket, the tangles falling over his face.
"Why didn't you just change into something warmer?" You say letting out a half hearted grumble struggling to escape from his grip. You didnt want to admit it, but you really had to go to the bathroom. And the more time it took to get out of his hold, the more you had to go. Almost like he could read your mind, Ranpo mumbled in a sleepy voice,
"You can last a few more minutes... Just let me stay here a little longer.." Now growing annoyed, you lifted up the blanket to see his face again, causing another whine and half hearted complaint to come from him.
"How dare you bring this much disrespect to the worlds greatest detective..." Ranpo grumbled out, peering up at you trough half lidded eyes.
"Yeah, well I have to pee. So, the world's greatest detective better move before I force him to." You demand, glaring at him while he continues to cling to you. Ranpo only pauses for a moment, seemingly thinking it over. Only to tighten his arms around your waist, and look up at you with piercing green eyes.
"Make me." That was the final straw. Putting your hands on top of his head you try to shove him off, but to your dismay he doesn't move in the slightest. The shoving continues for a while, until eventually you manage to slip from Ranpo's grasp.
Letting out a triumphant, "Aha!" You stand next to the bed, breathing heavily after the tussle of trying to get up. The detective on the other hand, was now laying sprawled out on the bed, his bottom lip pushed out in a pout.
"I'll be back in a few minutes" You say with a sigh, almost feeling bad for Ranpo. Never the less, you needed to get up, sauntering over to the bathroom. The latch makes a small click as you shut the door, doing your business and washing your hands after. While you were at the sink, you picked up your cleanser, gently massaging the substance in your hands until it was lathered. As you began putting the soapy white bubbles on your face, you heard a quiet thud on the bathroom door. For a few moments you only stared at the door, waiting to see if the noise would repeat itself. With growing confusion, you washed the soap from your face and dried your hands. You took quick strides toward the door, forcefully opening it. The door swung open, and the moment it did your boyfriend fell on the floor infront of you. You stare down at him, a deadpan expression on your face as you do.
"What are you doing..?" You ask in a questioning voice. He only stares back up at you for a few seconds, his eyes were open from the surprise of the fall.
"I was waiting for you to come back." Ranpo replies, like he had just said the most obvious thing in the world. He sat up, turning himself around so he can look at you while sitting in the doorway. You only stare back at him completely dumbfounded, just deciding to go with it instead of questioning it further and just change the topic instead.
With a sigh you ask, "So what did you want to do today?" When it comes to activities, Ranpo almost always chooses what you do, it's something you've sort of learned to except. Even if you pick what you were both going to do, he somehow always gets his way in the end.
Ranpo puts his hand on his chin, thinking for a few seconds before looking up at you. "What if we just stayed in today? We could just eat snacks and play games all day!" He exclaimed with a wide smile, the contagious smile soon spreading onto your face. You nodded in agreement, the idea of staying in and having fun all day sounded amazing to you.
"I'll get the snacks!" You let out a content sigh, watching as Ranpo jumped up from his spot on the floor, running out of the room. Walking out into the kitchen, you find him holding a pile of snacks in his arms. There were so many snacks cradled in Ranpo's arms, you couldn't even see his face anymore. Only his messy hair was visible, peeking above the array of different packaging.
You let out a chuckle, watching him try to maneuver around the room, not being able to see very well. "I'll set up the games!" You spoke, moving yourself into the living room. When you got there, you turned on the tv, then the controllers. Pressing a few buttons to make sure they were charged, the controllers light up indicating they were on. Just as you set them down, there was a loud rustling behind you. Turning around, all you find is Ranpo who has decided to leave the pile of snacks on the floor in a pile.
"Why not put them on the table?" You ask, thinking that the coffee table in the middle of the room, would be better than the floor beside the couch.
"Because with my ultra deduction, I know that if we put it there we'll spill the drinks!" Ranpo said proudly, resting his hands on his hips. This made you think for a moment, being amazed because you had just been wondering about getting drinks a few seconds earlier. Nodding in agreeance, you respond with a quick "Touché"
You sat down on the couch, getting comfortable as you pulled a blanket over yourself. Ranpo was quickly at your side, sitting down next to you and leaving a kiss on your cheek. A light blush quickly finds its way to your face, a burning sensation making itself known on your cheeks and ears. "What was that for?" You mutter, half embarrassed by the sudden affection. "I just wanted to surprise you! It seems it worked well!" He smiles widely, bringing both of his hands up to cup your cheeks. He begins leaving small kisses all over your face, finally ending up with his lips a few inches away from yours. "You're amazing" He mutters, lips finally connecting with yours. The kiss was soft, you indulged in it, letting your eyes fall closed. Your hands slowly made their way to his hair, gently cradling his head as you kissed him. Before long you pulled away, letting out soft pants while you tried to bring the air back into your lungs.
When you look at him, he's wearing a wide grin. As you sit there looking at him, all you want to do is preserves this moment with him. Loving the way his messy black hair perfectly frames his face, or how his grin seems so happy and genuine. You guys will always bicker over stupid things, but in this moment, you knew without a doubt, you loved him.
Home. Dazai x GN!Reader

A/N : I'm sorry in advance, I have no idea what possessed me to write this
One phone call. It was in that one phone call, that your entire world view seemed to shatter.
You were sitting on the couch watching a movie, only really half paying attention to it. There was a bowl of popcorn in your lap, almost forgotten about as you let your mind wander. Dazai had been in prison for such a long time. He had known this would happen, like always. The day before he left, he had reassured you that he would come back, he would be alive. The phone ringing snapped you out of your thoughts. You placed the bowl of popcorn beside you on the couch, before getting up to grab your phone. Following the sound of the ringing, you picked it up from your dinning room table. The number was unknown, a random number you had never seen. You accepted the call, holding the phone up to your ear, the voice of a man spoke. "Hello, is this Y/n L/n?" You paused for a moment before answering, "Yes, this is Y/n speaking" You started to become nervous, worry pooling in your stomach. "We regret to inform you that Osamu Dazai has been confirmed dead." In that moment, everything stopped. You felt your heart sink as you processed the words, not even noticing when you had dropped the phone. A tear slipped down your cheek, then joined by another. Leaning down, you picked up the phone and hung up. You crouched down, holding your head in your hands, you let out a choked sob, not being able to breath quite right. The entire world seemed to be spinning around you. Nothing made sense. Everything felt wrong.
Slowly, you stood up and walked over to your bedroom. You tossed your phone on the bed, not really caring if it fell or not. Letting your body collapse, you fell face first into a pillow. His pillow. The pillow where his scent still lingered. All you could do that night was cry, you did until you passed out, face nestling into his pillow.
Your eyes fluttered open, taking in the world around you. Slowly, you started to process the shuffling noise in the room. You sat up as fast as you could, looking wildly around the room for the source of the noise. Only to find Dazai getting changed. He was stood at the dresser, buttoning up his favorite striped pajamas. All you could do was stare, and after a few moments, he looked over to you. Dazai gave you an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry my love, did I wake you?" He spoke. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Staring at him as a tear fell down your cheek. Dazai sat on the bed, a gentle hand reaching over and softly cupping the side of your face. He used his thumb to wipe the tear off your face, "Don't cry, it's all okay now." He cooed softly, giving you a warm and comforting smile. He leaned in, leaving soft kisses across your face, first your cheek, then you nose, your forehead, and any other spot he could find, leaving one final kiss on your lips. Dazai let the kiss linger for a moment, pulling you in close, letting you feel his warm body against your own. Dazai was the first to pull away, disconnecting your lips but still holding you tight. All Dazai did for that moment, was hold you close. You clung onto him, holding onto the back of his shirt tightly as he held you. Your fists were balled, holding the scrunched up fabric, as if you let go he would be gone forever. Dazai rubbed your back comfortingly, "It's ok, I'm here" He whispered, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. Before long, You were both laying own in each others arms, both of you completely still. All you did was listen to the sounds of his heartbeat and breathing. Telling yourself that he was here. He was alive. You pulled away from him a little, just enough to see his face. When he looked back at you, he had a sleepy smile on his face, the same sleepy smile you used to see every night before you would go to bed. He was right in front of you again, perfectly fine. You smiled back at him, leaning in the kiss him gently on the lips. You let your eyes flutter closed, content with the feeling. It was ok. Dazai slowly pulled away from the kiss, as you felt his warmth leave you, you opened your eyes.
He was gone.
You opened your eyes, only to find an empty bedroom. Your head sunk into the pillow as you realized. It was all a dream. None of it was real.
Dazai was dead.
.・゜゜・Rainy Days・゜゜・.

Genre: Fluff! Summery: What you do with different bsd men on rainy days!
bsd charcters x gn!reader Characters: Atsushi, Dazai, Sigma A/N: I'd been meaning to write this for a while, but got inspired by my favorite writer on here @soysaucefu when I saw they posted! If your seeing this, I love your work a lot, it always entertains me and make me smile after a bad day<3
⎯⎯ ୨ Atsushi ୧ ⎯⎯
Jack Stauber - Rain Instrumental
The day had been slow a foggy, one of those days where everyone seemed to be a little bit sleepy. The drowsiness encasing the city of Yokohama, as the downpour of rain continued to fall. You could hear the droplets fall on your roof, beating down in a constant thrum of sound. From inside your cozy apartment, all you could hear was the sound of Atsushi's soft snores. You had both been laying down for about an hour now, snuggling under the covers, as the sound of soft rain and his scent engulfed your senses.
You smiled to yourself, as the man Infront of you shuffled slightly in his sleep, grabbing your waist in an effort to pull you closer to himself. You went to scoot a little closer to him, tensing a bit when you notice Atsushi had started to stir from your movements. He scrunched his nose, as his eyelids started to flutter open. You mutter a quiet "sorry" as he stares at you with tiredness in his eyes. You watch as he starts to form a drowsy smile, moving closer to you and stuffing his face in your chest. Moving your arms to hug his head, you let out a content sigh, closing your eyes a listening for the steady thump of Atsushi's heartbeat. As you lay there, only the soft noise of rain and beating hearts, you a hear something quiet and muffled.
"Pardon?" You asked, looking down as his head, his face still stuffed in your chest. He pulls back a bit to look up at you, a shy smile and light blush dusting his cheeks. "I love you." He repeated, his smile growing wider. Looking down at him, his face still close to your chest, you feel yourself blush as you smile back. The soft rain patters from outside your shared apartment, no but the two of you listening as you whisper those four words to him.
"I love you too."
⎯⎯ ୨ Dazai ୧ ⎯⎯
Landscape With a Fairy - aspidistrafly
It was a rainy day, the skies had been dark all day, making for a pretty drowsy atmosphere. Both you and Dazai had just clocked out of work, sharing an umbrella between the two of you while walking home. You had been talking about random subjects, not really paying too much attention as you walked, simply enjoying each others company. There was a constant pitter, as the rain drummed against the umbrella Dazai held. You had been talking about a cute stuffed animal you had seen while in a shop the other day, when suddenly,
"It was so soft, and had the cutest- Hey-!" Dazai had suddenly thrown the umbrella to the side. Only then had you realized you were passing through the park. The both of you had walked through it so many times everyday, it hadn't even crossed your mind until now where you were. The park had a small water fountain in the center, surrounded with pots of plants. There were gray bricks lining the ground beneath your feet, as you watched the discarded umbrella skid along them, soon coming to a halt. You look up to Dazai, who now had a mischievous grin plastered along his face.
"Care to dance belladonna?" He says, holding his hand out for you to take. For a moment you only stare at him, taking in the way the rain droplets stick to his hair and run down his face. He looks so pretty in this moment, all you can do is nod and take his hand. You position yourself with one hand on his shoulder, and the other in his. Dazai pulls you closer by your waist, looking into your eyes with a wide smile across his face. You both begin to waltz, Dazai lightly humming a tune you cant quite pinpoint. You smile as he gently spins you, pulling you back in after. He continued you dance you around in the rain for who knows how long, people passed by now and then, making judging glances at you. Neither of you cared, only being happy to be with the one you loved most.
Dazai smoothly moved his hand, sliding it from your waist to your back, as he dipped you. You both had been smiling wide, slightly panting as your faces closed in, nearly an inch away. Swiftly, you moved your arm to the back of his neck, closing the distance between you and him. In that moment, nothing else seemed to matter, the world melted away as you kissed Dazai in the rain.
⎯⎯ ୨ Sigma ୧ ⎯⎯
In Two - Will Paquin
It had been one of the few days Sigma had gotten off from work in a while, both of you had just been sitting in your shared bedroom, talking about what you could both do for the day. While Sigma had been talking about some random idea, you found yourself at the grey clouds outside. They looked like rain clouds, it brought you back to happy memories of your childhood. You thought, about when you would go out to play in the rain, how joyful it was. You were pulled away from your thoughts, when you found a hand Infront of your face, Sigma had been snapping his fingers to get your attention.
"Hey, Y/n! Are you even listening" He spoke, having a bit of an annoyed expression on his face. Sigma had sparked an idea in you, you grabbed his hand in both of yours, "We should go play in the rain!" You exclaimed, with a huge smile on your face. Sigma only looked at you like you had gone crazy, "why would we do that?" He questioned nervously. "Because, you didn't get to do that as a child. So now we can do it together!" When you had said that, in such a happy tone at that, who was he to say no to you?
About an hour later, you both found yourselves down in Yokohama. Both of you were dressed in yellow raincoats, with matching rainboots. You began to run around, splashing in puddles, as your boyfriend simply stood there. He looked confused as to what you were doing, you only smiled at him and tried waving him over. "C'mon, Sigma! Come jump in the puddles with me!" You yelled, only to be met with a stare back from him, he walked over to you in a somewhat cautious manner, "What's even the point of this?" He says looking at you skeptically. You try to stifle a laugh, "To have fun! Try just splashing in the puddle?"
Sigma lets out a sigh, lifting up his leg to splash in the puddle. With a slight grumble he brought his leg down, making the water splash and ripple when colliding with his foot. Right after Sigma's foot met the water he seemed to freeze, bringing his leg up again, repeating the action. You saw a small smile brighten his face, as he began jumping around in the puddle, creating bigger splashes each time.
From then on, whenever you would get the chance, both you and Sigma would go out to play in the rain. Of course you never told anyone, it would ruin his manager reputation. It was your little secret, for the both of you to make memories, together.