Whump Idea
Whump Idea
Yes I know this is my first time posting whump (or really posting on this acc) but I had an idea!
A Whumpee who loves colors, rainbows 🌈
And a whumper who wears different colors depending on how they’re going to torture Whumpee that day.
Red means whumper is going to cut Whumpee
Orange means fire
Yellow means electricity
Green means they’re going to be drugged
Blue means waterboarding/ water torture
Purple means they’re going to be tied in uncomfortable positions (leaving purple bruises where they’ve been tied) and left all day.
Pink is Whumper’s favorite, it means they’re mixing a bit of multiple.
Black is Whumpee’s favorite. It means Whumper is ignoring them that day. Sure it also means no food or water, but that’s surely better than having Whumper’s attention.
Grey means Whumper is feeling nice, and they’re going to cuddle.
Whumper never wears white, that’s for Whumpee to wear so Whumper can see all their blood and scars beneath the fabric.
Just imagine the recovery for Whumpee after all this, someone who once loved having every color in their room needing everything to be black or white. Panicking when they see colors they used to love. Going outside is a nightmare.
How is Caretaker going to get rid of this kind of conditioning?
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More Posts from Acer-whumpstuff
Hi! Your an amazing writer and I often stalk your page. I was wonder if you could do a civilian x villain prompt? Have a great day/night!
Thank you! I do have at least a couple 'villain x civilian' snippets around here somewhere, but it's a fun dynamic and I'm happy to do more...
The villain slammed through the front door at full strength, out of breath and just barely shy of panicking. "Leo!" he screamed.
Okay. Maybe he was panicking.
There was a long, horrible moment of silence. And then in a rustle of throw pillows Leo's head poked up over the back of the couch, blinking owlishly as he pulled his headphones off and pushed his laptop aside.
"Mal? What're you doing home at...?" His eyes widened. "What happened to the door?!"
"Oh thank god!" The villain sprang at him to grip him in a hug. Leo made a surprised umph noise as the villain pulled back just as fast. "You have to go. Now. I'll pack your bag." He darted off to the bedroom.
The villain's go bag was under the bed and he cursed himself bitterly for not making Leo one too. "I'll get your clothes!" the villain yelled. "Grab any personal items you want. You've got two minutes -"
He turned from the closet and smashed full speed into Leo. Sweaters went flying and Leo grabbed the villain by the shoulders.
"Malcolm! Slow down," he said in that voice that brooked no nonsense.
The villain grabbed Leo's wrists. He could break the grip. Hell, he could toss Leo across the room and through a couple walls too. But this wasn't an attack. Breath ragged, the villain hung on to his partner's arms and held still.
"Good, babe. Okay." Leo was doing that little stoop in his knees and his back, to bring himself down to eye level with the villain. "Talk to me. What's happening?"
"You..." The villain swallowed. "Have to get out of the city. Like, evacuate. There's gonna be, uh, weather?"
Leo blinked again. "Weather," he repeated, in a carefully neutral voice.
"Fine, not weather, but danger!" the villain snapped. Reluctantly he brushed the warmth and safety of Leo's hands away and bent to pick up clothes. "I can't explain - I'm sorry - but you are in very real danger and I need you to get away."
Slowly, Leo crouched beside the villain, sitting himself on exactly the pair of pants the villain wanted. "Because someone cracked your secret identity?" he asked softly.
"Because someone..." The villain stopped dead. Leo was looking at him sideways, giving him room to not answer. The villain flung down a sweatshirt and sat back on his heels. "You knew. How long have you know?"
"Well, I wasn't completely sure until just now when you smashed in our door like it was balsa wood," Leo said wryly. "But, yeah. I started putting things together after you moved in. How all those work emergencies lined up with cape battles around the city -"
"Technically, work emergencies," the villain could stop themselves from muttering.
"- the many, many grevious training mishaps, at your boxing gym," Leo went on. "And I started thinking how I almost died in thst [hero] on [villain] crossfire, except somehow I was inexplicably transported to an ER 5 miles away." He glanced over, almost shy. "It was you, wasn't it?"
"Civilians aren't supposed to get hurt," the villain said automatically. It was a Rule. He felt himself going shaky again, remembering the feel of the lanky body half buried in the rubble beside him, the terror that this poor rando was going to die because he, the villain, hadn't ducked hero's heat blast fast enough...
Hesitantly he looked up. To his shock, Leo was still looking at him with love and understanding in his eyes. "You're not... mad?"
Leo shrugged. "It was obvious why you'd guard that secret. I figured you would tell me when you were ready." He threaded his fingers through the villain's. "I'm here for you. Or..." Leo looked up sharply, as if remembering what started this. "I guess I'm gone for you."
"I'm sorry," the villain started. "But he knows who am I... "
Leo waved him off, started gathering up clothes. There was just the slightest tremor in his hands. "And if he knows you then he'll find me and I'm an obvious leverage point. I get it. I can go upstate, stay with Javi and Kay a few days..."
"Leo -" Leo glanced up. The villain grabbed his hands, stared into his soft eyes. "I won't let him hurt you again. I'll burn the world before I let that happen."
"Oh babe." Leo swallowed, smiled so bravely. "I know."
The villain pulled his lover closer and Leo pressed against him, solid and gorgeous and so unbelievably real. "I trust you," he whispered in the villain's ear. "I'm proud of you. I love you so so much, [hero]."
"Oh," was all the villain said, as Leo buried his face trustingly against the villain's shoulder, right next to where the villain's heart had just shattered.
Slowly, the villain brought up his arms around Leo's back, careful not to squeeze too tight around all those delicate nerve endings and internal organs and spinal columns. "Love you too," he whispered, "Angel."
When a whumpee who’s usually always laughing and joking can’t laugh or joke at THIS.
Everyone thinks whumpee can handle any pain because they always laugh or joke through it, looking on the bright side, keeping everyone else in good moods.
Whumpee who finally experiences the horrors and can’t laugh at it. Or a team who experiences a huge loss and turns to Whumpee to make them feel better and they just have… nothing. No jokes, no hope.
Hard to tell who’s more freaked out in that moment, Whumpee, or Whumpee’s friends
Being diabetic this inspires less ‘get whumpee addicted’ thoughts and more ‘if you want your medicine then you’d better do as I say’ / ‘oh did I give you too much? That’s so sad… beg me for sugar.’
Of course whumper doesn’t give whumpee a glass of sugar water or a mint or apple juice to save them from hypoglycemia, they’ll give one of those orange pills that the doctors give us diabetics that none of us like because they’re disgusting and vomit-inducing.
whumpee with a device embedded in their body that has the ability to produce a certain drug. it releases a dose of it whenever whumper presses a button on the remote connected to it, then fills right back up again. whumpee has zero control over it. whenever they act out, they get hit with a dose of sedatives. they grow to fear the click of the button itself...
and then. and then. what if it malfunctions. what if it starts leaking and releasing drugs Constantly. what if it has to be taken out and reinserted. what if.. what if..
Hehe- been a while since I’ve been in Tumblr (can’t access my old account, but I swear this is @gaysimpsstuff and @tiny-ghost-boi I’m now super into Trigun and I posted this a bit ago but want it to reach more people so here’s some Tristamp KV with noncon and some gore!
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture
Smallest Teammate huddled in the cell. It was cold and damp in the dark cell. But it was better than the alternative. Whumper had kidnapped them days ago with the promise of pain and suffering. And Whumper had made good on that promise, holding Smallest Teammate prisoner and torturing them.
Being alone in their cell was a reprieve from the pain. They could tolerate being alone. As long as Whumper stayed away from them, Smallest Teammate would be happy to sit alone in the dark, chained to the damp stone wall of the cell. They could live with that.
They knew the team would be looking for them. Knew that Team Leader wouldn't sleep until they were found. But they also couldn't hold out hope that the torture would stop soon. To do that would be a lie and break Smallest Teammate all the faster.
And so they sat, alone in the dark, trying to shake the memories of pain and suffering at Whumper's hand. Hoping that the team would find them soon, but knowing their existence would be pain-filled until then.