Whump Angst - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago


okok bear with me please just imagine a two-Whumpee, one-Whumper situation where Whumpee A does everything out of self preservation— even if it means throwing Whumpee B under the bus.

Whumpee A ratting Whumpee B out for snooping in Whumper's stuff, talking bad about Whumper, trying to escape— just for extra attention from Whumper

A stealing extra rations of food from B

A begging/manipulating B into taking punishments for them

A sabotaging B so that A can be treated as the "good" one

PLEASE add more if you have some!!

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10 months ago

Whump Idea

Yes I know this is my first time posting whump (or really posting on this acc) but I had an idea!

A Whumpee who loves colors, rainbows 🌈

And a whumper who wears different colors depending on how they’re going to torture Whumpee that day.

Red means whumper is going to cut Whumpee

Orange means fire

Yellow means electricity

Green means they’re going to be drugged

Blue means waterboarding/ water torture

Purple means they’re going to be tied in uncomfortable positions (leaving purple bruises where they’ve been tied) and left all day.

Pink is Whumper’s favorite, it means they’re mixing a bit of multiple.

Black is Whumpee’s favorite. It means Whumper is ignoring them that day. Sure it also means no food or water, but that’s surely better than having Whumper’s attention.

Grey means Whumper is feeling nice, and they’re going to cuddle.

Whumper never wears white, that’s for Whumpee to wear so Whumper can see all their blood and scars beneath the fabric.

Just imagine the recovery for Whumpee after all this, someone who once loved having every color in their room needing everything to be black or white. Panicking when they see colors they used to love. Going outside is a nightmare.

How is Caretaker going to get rid of this kind of conditioning?

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10 months ago

I’ll come back to this in the morning, but I’m diabetic and oh god the whump potential

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9 months ago

Small Drabble whump thoughts

Whumpee loved dogs. That was the first thing they told Caretaker when they met, they first time they went out together (hangout or date), caretaker was practically holding whumpee back from petting every dog they saw.

One day, Whumpee told Caretaker that they always felt their life would be better if they were a dog. They’d be fluffy and happy and life would be easier.

Whumper overheard.

And they take everything Whumpee says very seriously.

Part two

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9 months ago

When a whumpee who’s usually always laughing and joking can’t laugh or joke at THIS.

Everyone thinks whumpee can handle any pain because they always laugh or joke through it, looking on the bright side, keeping everyone else in good moods.

Whumpee who finally experiences the horrors and can’t laugh at it. Or a team who experiences a huge loss and turns to Whumpee to make them feel better and they just have… nothing. No jokes, no hope.

Hard to tell who’s more freaked out in that moment, Whumpee, or Whumpee’s friends

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9 months ago

“I’m here about the lost dog?” Caretaker narrowed their eyes at the stranger on their doorstep. They figured they’d seen them before but weren’t sure from where.

“I don’t have a lost dog.” Caretaker responded.

“Really? Because you’ve been putting posters up everywhere, and I found them. By the way, you did a terrible job training it.”

What were they talking about? Caretaker never had a dog, they were allergic, though Whumpee always wanted one. They’d put up missing posters for them though…

“What…?” Dread pooled in their stomach. No, it couldn’t be. How could it be?

“It’s okay though, I took some time myself to give the little puppy some proper training. Now it doesn’t bark and whine all the time, or try to get up on the furniture. It even uses the doggy door!”

“What are you talking about? Who are you?”

“The posters said the police gave up looking right? I mean it’s a little silly, of course they gave up, I don’t even know why cops would waste their time looking for some lost dog anyway. There wasn’t any advertised reward, but I figured ‘oh well,’ I mean I had fun. It was like fostering! I bet you want to see it now, right? I just have it in a crate in my car. I hope it hasn’t peed on the way here, I did forget to car train it.”

Caretaker could do nothing but follow silently after the stranger to their car, feeling like they were trudging through thick mud, the air around them cold and light blue, a tight hand gripping their lungs and keeping them from breathing as the stranger opened the car’s back door to reveal a large cage… with a person inside of it.

Whumpee, naked and trembling, wearing a brightly colored collar.

Caretaker had never punched someone so hard before.

@parasiticwhumpee @sunglasses-in-the-bentley


Part One

When a whumpee who’s usually always laughing and joking can’t laugh or joke at THIS.

Everyone thinks whumpee can handle any pain because they always laugh or joke through it, looking on the bright side, keeping everyone else in good moods.

Whumpee who finally experiences the horrors and can’t laugh at it. Or a team who experiences a huge loss and turns to Whumpee to make them feel better and they just have… nothing. No jokes, no hope.

Hard to tell who’s more freaked out in that moment, Whumpee, or Whumpee’s friends

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9 months ago

I love it when Caretaker breaks Whumpee’s trust. Maybe they have to drug them, or restrain them, or lie to them to get them to do something or go somewhere.

I love it more when Whumpee begins to distrust and fear Caretaker because of it. And if they can’t trust Caretaker… they can’t trust anyone. Not even themselves.

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9 months ago

Volunteer whumpee

Why did they volunteer to be whumped?

Could they not handle the idea of someone else getting hurt?

Were they certain they could handle it?

Did they think it would be fun? Exciting? An epic story to tell?

Did they do it to get information on whumper? To get on the inside to rescue another whumpee?

Were they the only one that could survive something specific like a virus or spell?

Is there some kind of personal relationship between them and whumper? Or better, do they hate caretaker so much they’d go to whumper to get away?

Do they crave the pain? Feel like they deserve it, need it?

Or did they do it just because someone else asked them to, and they couldn’t refuse?

If they were asked, who asked them? Whumper? Another whumpee? Or caretaker?

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9 months ago

It started with a lack of tiredness. The whole party takes turns keeping watch during the night, and Whumpee usually dreaded their turn, sometimes accidentally falling asleep during it. But tonight they felt oddly energized, and volunteered for first shift. Then stayed up to chat with second shift, and third…

Then they were oddly hungry that morning. Whumpee was fairly small, and usually didn’t eat much. But this morning they ended up asking for more, and then finishing the Archer’s leftovers as well, and complained they were STILL hungry after that.

It was only after breakfast did Caretaker start to get concerned. Whumpee was a careful person, they didn’t trip, or bump into things, or veer sideways. But as they walked to their next destination they did all of those things and more. Once Caretaker looked back and found Whumpee had stopped walking a while ago, one hand to their forehead and taking shallow breaths.

Caretaker held their hand for the next few hours as they walked.

Even with that, Whumpee kept lagging behind, slowing the whole team down. At one point, the Barbarian started to complain about it. Usually Whumpee would be quick to defend themself, have a snapback harsh enough to shut them up, but they didn’t say anything this time. Just nodded, wiping sweat from their forehead.

A few miles later they vomited.

Caretaker had never seen Whumpee so pale and grey, their hair soaked to their forehead with sweat. Their pupils were blown wide as they gagged and coughed between bouts of vomit. Archer cursed themself for letting Whumpee have so much food, then cursed Barbarian for being mean.

It was Leader who suggested they all take a rest and check Whumpee’s temperature. It was Caretaker who reminded them that Whumpee was the one who checked everyone’s temps, with magic.


“Yes? Whats wrong, does anything hurt? Do you feel better?”

“Why are there three of you?”

Caretaker didn’t have a chance to interpret what they meant before their knees buckled and they fainted, leaving the whole party panicked and confused.

Magic whumpee magic whumpee magic whumpee

Fantasy whump where whumpee is the only magic user of their party, and they focus on healing magic. All their teammates come to them when they’re hurt or sick.

But they’re doing some serious adventures, and whumpee ends up using so much magic they get sick- like really sick.

Like ‘I have no idea who is feeding me soup right now but the soup is too hot too hot and I’m so cold and everything hurts I can’t see I can’t think I can barely breathe it’s too cold out here the soup is too cold get these blankets off me I’m so hot’ kind of sick.

And their teammates can do NOTHING for them because they don’t know anything about magic burnout or basic health skills.

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8 months ago

Caretaker with a whumpee who hates them.

“Why are you doing this?”

“You would do the same for me.”

“No. I wouldn’t.”

And Caretaker keeps helping them anyways.

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8 months ago

I don’t think this is physically possible but…

Whumpee who’s trained not to move. They’re not paralyzed, if Whumper commands they go somewhere, they can. But when whumper tortures them, they’re not allowed to move or make a sound. I mean to the point that their reflexes are completely shut off, if someone pokes their eye they won’t even blink.

They can’t whimper, their breathing can’t change, can’t jerk away or flinch or twitch.

But the long hours of training and punishment don’t just go away once they’ve been rescued. So at first, doctors and even caretaker believe whumpee is fine or can’t feel pain. They perform their operations and procedures without anasthesia because they think whumpee can’t feel any of it.

But then later Whumpee tells Caretaker about one of the procedures and how much it hurt. And Caretaker is horrified!

“Why didn’t you say so? We never wanted to hurt you!”

“I can’t… do anything when it hurts.”

So that becomes Whumpee’s tell. When they’re feeling okay, they talk, they move, but the second something starts hurting they stop everything. Completely shut down.

“Does this hurt?”


“Does this?”

“That tickles a little.”



“Your shoulder?”


“Okay, what about here, on your arm?”

“No, there’s fine.”

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8 months ago

I had eye surgery a few years back. It was so whumpy. Just a brief thing inspired by this experience. Could be whumper, could be Caretaker doing necessary medical care. Whatever

Whumpee: *whimpering*

Other character: *pauses, slows down*

Whumpee: just do it already!

Other character: *continues*

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8 months ago

A documentary about whumpee’s case gets out using the footage of them and now they’re famous! Everyone on the street recognizes them, whispers about them, sometimes someone will say something to them like:

“What did you even do to make Whumper hate/want you so badly?”

“Did Whumper ever do (insert some bad thing Whumper DEFINITELY did) to you?”

“Wow, you’re so strong and so brave, let me hug you, baby!”

“Can I see your scars?”

documenting whump.

whump that’s documented by the whumper - taking pictures or videos or detailed notes. either to be kept as personal trophies or records or to be used to blackmail whumpee later. maybe not even blackmail - just to torture them further, humiliate them by sending it to their friends, their support system.

whump that’s documented after, NOT by whumper. photos of injuries and interviews about experiences for investigations by authorities or whumpee’s employers or team leads. retraumatizing experiences where the whumpee is being treated coldly by interviewers or investigators, or where even just being made to recount the events, bare their injuries or scars, is devastating no matter how they’re treated.

whump that doesn’t end when the actual torture or abuse or attack ends. whump that lives on in images or video or recordings or notes, voyeuristic or clinical, the preservation and documentation of trauma.

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7 months ago

Whumper has two whumpees. They both keep trying to protect the other, so they come up with a game.

They have to punish themselves, and whoever entertains whumper better gets to be tortured the whole week, and the loser is given a break for the week.

Also works the other way around, for whumpees who hate each other. They have to torture themselves to try to earn a week’s break, or to ensure the other suffers worse.

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7 months ago

Just saw (and subsequently accidentally reset my feed therefore losing) a post about magical item whump (magic euphoria) and remembered a concept I thought about a while back

Magic ring that gives you some kind of amazing power, be it healing or super strength or something. But every time you use it, it eats a little bit of your body. You put it in your finger, and when you wear it, you’ve got a cool looking fake finger, but when you take it off, it’s gone.

You use it more and it becomes a bracelet, slowly eating more and more of your body with each use. And the magic is so good! So helpful, useful, powerful. Especially if the person using it was burdensome in a fight before, but now they can finally protect their loved ones!

How long before they stop taking it off altogether? Do their loved ones know the effects? Or do they hide it with gloves and long sleeves? At what point is it impossible to remove without severe damage to the user? At what point is their body entirely made of magic?

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7 months ago

Perhaps it’s a picture from Before, Before everything changed. And Whumpee looks and FEELS like a different person, and Caretaker knows it.

Whumpee’s trying so hard to be that person again, but they’re just… not. And they knots Careyaker loves them, but they love the OLD them, not them them.

They break the photo out if frustration, in an argument.

“You’re just not acting like yourself!”

“This IS myself now! I’m not your perfect whumpee anymore, this is me now, deal with it!”


Breaking something.

Is it whumpers ceramic pot? Caretakers plate? Their own picture?

Whatever it is, they’re scrambling on the floor to pick up the pieces, sobbing, jagged shards cutting into their hands.

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7 months ago

Caretaker who has no idea what they’re doing.

They pack the wound with dirt

They move the whumpee with the broken bones

They stuff a wallet in the seizing whumpee’s mouth and restrain them

Caretaker who’s trying their damn hardest, but has no idea how to help Whumpee, and they just end up making it worse


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6 months ago

Whumper only takes tattooed whumpees. Sometimes they try to remake the tattoo on them in a new place, with just A single dull needle and ink.

Sometimes they have an artist tattoo whumpee’s tattoos on themselves, so they can flaunt it in front of them, showing them all the tattoos from all their former whumpees.

Eventually, when they’re bored of them, they simply cut the tattoo off of them and preserve it before dumping the bleeding whumpee off somewhere they might be found- might not be. The room they keep all their whumpee’s in is covered in the preserved tattoos of all their victims.

Their newest whumpee is covered head-to-toe


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6 months ago

TW: mentions and references to NSFW whump and drugging

All of Whumper’s victims are objects that serve a purpose.

One serves as a table, walking on hands and knees by Whumper so they can rest their feet or put a book on their back.

One is chained to a punching bag, the punching bag doesn’t crunch when you punch it so this whumpee does a better job.

One whumpee serves as a pet, with a leash and collar, soft beds and too-strong drugs to keep them loopy and needy.

One whumpee does the cleaning and another the cooking. If the cooking whumpee makes a mess, well then it’s just cleaning whumpee’s job to fix it. And cooking whumpee can’t exactly complain if all their tools are in different places.

And cleaning whumpee once told table whumpee that there was another in whumper’s bedroom, where cleaning whumpee was the only other one allowed to go in. The next day, whumper decided that they’d handle cleaning their own room, and cleaninf whumpee got to see what punching bag whumpee’s life was like.

Alrernatively: they switch roles every day, drawing a lottery to see who’s cleaning, cooking, tabling, being the pet, the punching bag, and Whumper’s ‘bedroom buddy’

Does Whumper have favorites for each role? Do they think whumpee A does the best lasagna and Whumpee B can carry the most weight on their back? Does the usual pet Whumpee get stressed when they have to perform other jobs, still shaky and out of it from the drugs?

And at night, do they all huddle together and listen to the sounds of tonight’s bedroom whumpee as they hope it’s not them tomorrow night?

Just a thought- might write it if y’all would be interested


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