Whumpee - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

hai how are you . for the drawing prompt umm a person looking out into the nice sky through the bars of a cage

Hai How Are You . For The Drawing Prompt Umm A Person Looking Out Into The Nice Sky Through The Bars

I finally got around to doing the caged Whumpee looking up at the night sky. I’ve been a little stressed with finals, and I was too tired to color him so he’s just kind of grey lol.

Kind of just imagining this Whumpee being trapped in a bird cage tied to a tree and some giant is keeping him locked away or something. I was going to draw almost like fairy or dragon fly type of wings on him, but I got burnt out, so just imagine they’re there tucked away. Or don’t, maybe the giant ripped his wings off already 😈.

Anyways, thank you for the prompt, I appreciate it and I found it fun to try to come up with this. I almost wanted to make a small comic page out of it, but maybe that’ll be a future project.


Date: May 8, 2024

Tags :
8 months ago

So, I just got a really bad sunburn at the beach recently. It’s been a long time since I’ve been burned that badly, and it made me think about whump OBVIOUSLY. I think I have a problem, lol.

Imagining a Whumpee getting a punishment where they have to be strapped down or tied up outside in the direct sunlight so that they get burned all day long until the sun goes down. Especially with how hot it’s been recently, being stuck in 100+ degree weather is not fun. Of course that’s whumpy enough, but what got me thinking about it so much was the recovery.

You have to deal with your hot skin and feeling sore all over. Especially if Whumper is merciless and doesn’t allow you to have creams and lotions to care for the burns. Your skin peeling everywhere, it might even be painful to peel if Whumpee has open wounds or scabs. Feeling very itchy within the first week of recovery and having to fight the urge to scratch otherwise your skin will burn and sting. Imagining Whumper yanking on Whumpees hair when their scalp is burned and sensitive.

Maybe it wasn’t a normal world like Earth either, or a non-human/immortal Whumpee. Having a world that has two suns could make it worse. Maybe Whumpee is highly sensitive to sunlight and their skin is capable of burning off their body. What if that planet on very specific days gets exposed to flares from the sun that can actually get past the atmosphere layers. Just a scorching hot planet where if you walk on your bare feet, your skin will melt and peel away.

Whumper might actually appreciate the recovery process because it gives them chances to develop a bond with Whumpee through rewards and gentle care that they only get after taking punishments. Or they can use it as a way to inflict more pain. Taking Whumpee a cold ice bath or even a steaming hot one can hurt their skin a lot. Scrubbing away at the dead skin with a harsh scrubber or a file of some sort.

Is it obvious I hate sunburns?

- 🪻

Date: July 8, 2024

Tags :
8 months ago
Did I Make A Comic Snippet Of @oddsconvert A Taste Of Your Own Medicine Because Im Desperate For More

Did I make a comic snippet of @oddsconvert a taste of your own medicine because I’m desperate for more Izaak whump and I’m waiting patiently for more chapters… yes. I’ve also never drawn in a comic style before so that was fun. Also the first panel with a grin is a reference from Pinterest, but I can’t find the source, it’s somewhere there.

(P.S.: Realized I didn’t add his stubble 🫣 its there now)

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Date: July 12, 2024

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7 months ago

Back to Random Sorrow Thoughts and Shenanigans. I’ve been thinking about getting my hair dyed lately and I’ve never done it before. I know it’s a lot of maintenance and work to keep it up and if you don’t then eventually it fades out. You thought this was going to be a normal conversation about dyed hair? Yah no. This blog doesn’t do that 😌.

Hair changes your appearance a lot. Whether it’s dying it a new color, getting a hair cut, or some professional service. So imagine a Whumpee with anything like that. Like some flashy rainbow kind of dye or even just going from brunette to blonde. Maybe getting a perm, getting corn rows, braids in general. Just anything that disguises your original, natural hair color, shape, and texture.

Then, think about Whumper only ever seeing Whumpee in that appearance. So gradually throughout captivity Whumper starts to notice changes in their hair. The dye fading out, their hair growing longer, their perm relaxing, their braids starting to loosen or grow out. What do you think their reaction would be?

They could get a little obsessed with seeing whumpee’s original hair. Maybe going on about how it’s way better than what they did with their hair before. It might make them look more attractive and whumper might even want to start taking care of their hair just so that they can have another part of Whumpee to control.

Maybe they’re a little upset about not having Whumpee in the perfect image they saw them in the very first time they saw them. It’s the reason they chose them after all so they should look the way they want them to. So they could take them to the salon to get their hair re-dyed, cut, altered in whatever way it was before. This could even be the only time Whumpee is allowed in public where they’re treated like a normal person by a nice stylist.

Hair could also be a sore spot for Whumpee. Maybe they had some trauma with having long hair being tugged on, so they keep it short. Maybe they died it as a symbol of independence from controlling people in their lives. Maybe it’s a cultural/ identity thing. Whumper finds out, and out of good old whumper sadistic pleasure, they exploit it. Forcing them to grow their hair out, maybe shaving their hair off, putting too much bleach in their hair to purposefully burn it off so it doesn’t grow back the same for a long time.

I didn’t realize there was so much to talk about on this topic, but I really think hair is important to everyone. It holds memories and feelings. It’s fun to play with in story telling, and it’s a hell of a lot of fun for whumper to use against Whumpee.

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Date: August 4, 2024

Tags :
7 months ago

Pleasure In Pain 🩸

A young and somewhat ignorant vampire is captured, tortured, and experimented on by sadistic humans who find joy in hurting and killing vampires. Cordova must find a way to escape Rojan and Lilith and get back home. That is, if home is any better. He might just find himself wanting a better life when an unexpected person comes along and shows him just how comfortable it can be.

[Currently rewriting and adjusting]

Contents: Defiant Whumpee, Vampire Whump, Sadistic/ Creepy Whumpers, Vague Revenge

⛔️Trigger warning: Gore, Torture, Violence, Captivity, Vivisection, Emotional/ Physical Torment⛔️


Main arc

#1: Day 1 🔪

#2: Scrapbooking 📖

#3: The Duo

#4: Panic Attack ☀️

#5: Get Some Rest

#6: Hold Still 🩸

#7: Needle 💉

#8: Escape Attempt 🏃

#9: Hope is Fleeting


Forge Master



Rojan Silfur



Tags :
7 months ago
Rojan Can Be A Little Creepy Sometimes. He Kind Of Gives Me Like Intimate Creepy Whumper Vibes, But He

Rojan can be a little creepy sometimes. He kind of gives me like intimate creepy whumper vibes, but he doesn’t do anything sexual. He just gets in your personal space and loves pet names too. He thinks it’s funny to make people uncomfortable sometimes. [Specifically Vampires]

He loves reminding Cordova how much smaller he is compared to him. So you’ll find him towering over him on purpose just for the hell of it. It’s also convenient for him to carry Lilith around without any effort. He’s a pretty good cuddle partner too ;)

Some of the scars you can see in this shot are all basically from the vampires he’s hunted and caught. Although, some of the ones on his hands are from him being stupid as a kid and playing with butterfly knives. He loves a good knife.

Side note: My art style changing every other week should be a sin. [Pinterest Reference. I think it’s by Maho]

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6 months ago

I eat this shit up.

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A Whumper who has been captured by Whumpee for revenge. And they can't take it. They break. They beg, plead, try to bargain, cry, scream, but nothing helps.

And the worst part is that they know nothing helps. Because they didn't show Whumpee mercy either. They know nothing they do will stop this, because nothing Whumpee could do would've made them stop.

They get exactly what they gave Whumpee.

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6 months ago

Tell me why I’m just now learning about the Box Boy Universe?! I mean, I’ve been lurking around pet whump sometimes, but today I just saw a lot of BBU hit my dashboard and got sucked into a rabbit hole.

I’m still new to it, but my general understanding of it is that people are conditioned and trained, like pets, to be obedient and act in accordance to what their future owners will want. People get these boys in a box like mail and just have an adorably obedient whumpee at their doorstep. Like… omg how convenient and brilliant is that?!

You can focus on just the story aspect of the boy being dropped off at the door and then whatever happens after that with their new owner. Whether they’re really kind owners or sick and twisted ones. Or you can even go back to when they were first captured and forced to participate in the training programs to become a box boy/ pet.

Imagine if the box boy only behaved just to get out of the program and get a chance of freedom when they were shipped out. So when they get to their owners house, they either immediately book it, attack them, or are just incredibly disobedient and have to be sent back to endure more advanced training.

I’m so excited to read stories about this now, I feel like I just found a new fixation and I already have a few. I might even put my characters into an AU like this just for the hell of it because it sounds so fun to do.

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Tags :
6 months ago
Me When I Find A New Whump Trope And Put My Characters Through It Immediately After. Poor Cordova. Excuse

Me when I find a new whump trope and put my characters through it immediately after. Poor Cordova. Excuse me, No. 100613. [613 came from his birthday]

They kind of gave him some drugs to help him sleep before travel because he was feeling claustrophobic and being a bit reluctant. He was shipped safely in the end.

This would probably be an AU where Rojan and Lilith are coping with the loss of their daughter and figure that getting a box boy might help them. I’m not too familiar on roles or positions for box boys, but based on the three I’ve seen the most [Domestic, Platonic, Romantic]. I think Cordova would be a mix of domestic and platonic.

If he needed any discipline, which he definitely would, Rojan would most likely be the one doing most of the punishing while Lilith is more of the carewhumper type. Cordova would definitely be a little biased towards who he feels more comfortable with, but it’s not like he has a choice in the end anyway >:)

[p.s.: realized I forgot to put holes in his box… he totally doesn’t need oxygen.]

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6 months ago
So, Theres A Trend On Tik Tok For A Song And Its Basically The Words You See Here. I Thought It Fit These

So, there’s a trend on tik tok for a song and it’s basically the words you see here. I thought it fit these two perfectly, so here’s a little comic for shits and giggles.

Presenting Josh and Felix from @oddsconvert Play Pretend.

And here’s a little aftermath too.

So, Theres A Trend On Tik Tok For A Song And Its Basically The Words You See Here. I Thought It Fit These

Poor baby blue 😅 sorry not sorry.

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Tags :
6 months ago

I forgot to wish everyone a happy whump day yesterday (September 12th), so here’s an extra special thank you to everyone in the community for making this genre such a wonderful experience for all of our whumpers, whumpees, caretakers and those in between.

I wish you a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rest of your whump year. Happy whumping!

- 🪻

Tags :
6 months ago

I’m very quickly realizing that I struggle with making a hateable character. Or even just a character you’re kind of annoyed with in general, because then I get annoyed with them and I want to make them say something nicer or have a more kind minded perspective of everything. It’s such a bad habit, like NO, make the character who they are, they’ll grow later if they ever get the chance to.

Malik is supposed to be this arrogant, kind of cocky Captain, don’t get me wrong he’s not incapable of being kind or respectful, but I still want that attitude to be even subtly given off. Like you just feel that, “you’re still beneath me but I guess you’re not so bad so I’ll play nice”, kind of attitude. I just haven’t written enough I think, so I’m rewriting lines and inside thoughts differently every time I think it’s “too much” when it should be okay that it’s too much.

I don’t know if there’s tips on how to do that or if I just have to keep writing until it sounds right. “Practice makes perfect”, but I don’t want to practice, lol.

- 🪻

Tags :
6 months ago
What The Tide Brought In
What The Tide Brought In

What The Tide Brought In

[Next] — {Masterlist}

Contents: TW Restraints, TW Choking/ Strangling, TW Venomous Injury, TW Threats, Siren Whump, Pirate Whump, Sadistic Whumper, Defiant/ Stoic Whumpee


“Captain, we’re going to need to make a port stop sooner than we expected. Our food supply is a little low.”

Looking off towards the distance of the endless sea, Malik was leaning against the wooden railing along the side of the vast ship. A deep internal sigh escaping him from the calmness of the morning. The waves were docile today, clear skies, and perfect winds. Glancing over his shoulder to acknowledge his first mate, Jovey. His signature side smirk that was as charming as ever.

“Means the lads are all eating well. Maybe too well, but we’ll tackle that later.” The deep rumble in his chest resonates through his chuckle, coming out a bit course from the early morning air. “Set a course for Port Royal, should be the nearest one to us.” 

Rising from his hunched position, his arms reach to the amber sky and soft huff escapes him. It had been a long month on the waters of the Atlantic, but shifting to the warmer tides of the Caribbean always reminded him where home was. It wouldn’t be more than a day now when he’d be able to collapse in a bed that doesn’t sway with the waves, in a warm tavern with a bottle of rum all to himself, and a bowl of stew from anything that wasn’t pescado. Possibly partaking in a little stealing, sabotaging, or cheating just to pass the time. Not having to be a captain for at least a week was a break he couldn’t wait for. The crew he inherited only knew how to follow orders when his voice was harsh as the winds, otherwise they’d slack off or get too comfortable. Not that he minded putting them in their place, it boosted his ego and there was a satisfaction in seeing the yielding in their eyes as they adjusted their tone and fixed their posture. Intimidation and strength. The qualities he believed was required of a captain, especially one as successful as he was. 

Unfortunately for him, because of his imposing presence on both the waters and the shores, it was now a rare occurrence for his ship to be attempted to be commandeered or attacked by other occupants of the sea. Even on land, most steered clear of him or were careful with their words. It made his exhibitions boring to say the least, no challenges, no competition. There hasn't even been ruthless storms as of late, the type to make experienced sailors soil themselves, the ones that threaten to sink you with your ship until you come out victorious. Even now as he turns to grip the wheel in his hands and his eyes scan the deck a flight below him where his men work, he doesn’t feel that thrill of adventure that used to drive him. He didn’t know if he would anytime soon with his reputation being as strong as it is.

His luck was akin to that of being at the mercy of a coin toss at times, whether today was a virtuous luck sent by the gods or a vicious one, he couldn’t care when his wishes were granted. Of course they were, he always got everything he wanted eventually.

“Captain! We caught something!”

His heads whips over towards port side, his men hoisting up large net that swung and twisted violently. Setting Jovey to steady the wheel, he quickly glides down the railing of the stairs before hopping to his feet on the deck. Trotting over to the commotion as his crew surround the catch. They part away to forge a path for him as he approaches and what he see’s makes his whole world light up in flurry of excitement. A siren. 

“Captain... is that the creature from the legends?”

Malik can’t help but let out a hearty laugh, not just at the question, but also out of astonishment at his luck. His eyes glued to the young male siren thrashing about in the thick rope, hissing and growling like a wild animal.

“That’s right lads! Look what the tide brought us, a siren from the tales of the sea.”

He gets down on one knee beside the tangled fishy creature. The strong scent of seawater mixed with an all too familiar rotten fish odor. Reaching down to grab the main rope line and tugging on it, the net tightens around the specimen and constricts its movements. A protesting growl leaving the siren as it glares through the rope straight at him. He can’t help grin a little maddeningly. Realizing just how amazing this turn of events was. Seeing this sirens unwavering aggression and defiance even from only being on board a few minutes sparked a fire in Malik.

“You’re far from home, aren’t you bilge rat? These aren't your waters.”

The siren, seemingly frantic and panicked from its predicament squirms in the net. Its tail thudding against the boards of the deck. Maliks chuckles overpowering the sirens protesting sounds. The crew that surrounded them watching in a mix of curiosity and caution. Taking the time to admire such rare creature in their waters. Its contrasting palette of blue hues and white accents. His finned tail pointed at the ends, three appendages along each side of his fish body with cerata extended out from each. His upper body resembling that of a normal young man, but scattered with a light blue vitiligo-esque pattern along his skin. Medium length dark blue hair damp and cascading over his shoulders. His fingers pointed like claws and his fangs baring. And those, oh so, captivating golden eyes.

“Alright lads, quit gawking. Why don’t we make our guest more... comfortable?”

Malik stands up as his crew get to work, knowing the protocol underlining his words. A few of the men dragging the siren towards the largest mast in the middle of the top deck. When they start to extract him from the net, he proves to be nothing if not aggressive and hostile. Using his sharpened nails to dig into the crews arms and legs, making them bleed. Biting hands and forearms when they try to lift him up. It took 5 sizable men just to get him up off the floor, but nobody was ready when one of the men got hit with one of the large appendages flapping around erratically through his struggle. The man stumbling back and falling down onto the wooden boards with a hard thud as he grips his chest. The crew managing to tie the siren up against the mast and restrain him. Everyone turns to look to their crew mate on the floor, struggling to breath. Malik rushes to his side and crouches down, inspecting the man and tugging his shirt down to see a hue of red amongst the inflammation quickly building on his chest. 

“Hey… hey, lad, keep your eyes on me, alright? You better fucking stay awake, you hear me?”

Malik slapping the mans cheek a few times to keep his attention when he notices his eyes lolling around with no intention. He looked sick, almost nauseous. His hands clawing at his own chest as if there was a pain that he fruitlessly attempted to dig out of himself. Malik having to grab the mans hands to keep him from hurting himself.

“Get this boy below deck! Don’t let him fall asleep and keep a bucket near in case he vomits.” When his crew just stare at the both of them with nervous and distant expressions after what they witnessed, Malik let go of the mans hands and stood up with a threatening posture. “NOW!” That woke the crew from their paralysis as they quickly made their way to the injured man and helped carry him below deck to be treated and supervised.

Malik turning towards the mast where the siren was left restrained and desperately fighting at the thick rope. His hands clenching at his sides, a fury in his eyes that would make most crumble at his feet. He walks over to the creature with steady strides until he’s standing before him. The siren glaring right back up at him, a smirk twitching onto his face, expressing his satisfaction.

“Whoops, sorry cap. Didn’t realize how weak your me—”

The siren chokes on his words as Maliks hand wraps completely around his throat. An iron grip, unyielding as he leans down closer to the sirens face. A cold fury brewing behind his gaze while the creature flails and gasps for air. His tail beating against the mast frantically. 

“If you dare to speak another word with that vile tongue fo yours, I will personally slice it out and force it down your throat. If that’s not enough to shut you up, I’ll cut off that tail of yours and feed you to the sharks. Got it, caviar?”

His voice was almost hushed, but didn’t lack the venom behind every word. Naturally making the siren tense as his glare falters from the combined threat and lack of oxygen. Maliks hand tightening around his neck hard enough to cause him to see stars and he reluctantly relented with a subtle nod. Enough for the hand to quickly retract and allow him to cough violently and heave for air. Maliks foreboding stance towering the fish creature while he watched with a sense of triumph that blossomed into pride as his grin plastered onto his face one more. For the first time in a long time, Malik found a thrill, something that made his heart race, something that made him tick. This siren, who had just backed down not even a few seconds ago, now scowling at him with a passion that was contagious.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for something like you to come along, little sea dragon.”


Date: September 16, 2024

Tags :
6 months ago


An arrogant Pirate Captain with the world at his feet wishes for something different to happen in his life. Hoping for a challenge to arise to entertain him. He ends up crossing paths with a Siren Prince. At first it’s all fun and games being able to manhandle and torment such a rare creature, but things take a turn. Having to learn the hard way that he’s not invincible, and can very much bleed.

Contents: Whumper turned Whumpee, Revenge, Sadistic/ Creepy Whumper, Defiant Whumpee, Pet Whumpee if You Squint.

⛔️TW: Torture, Violence, Captivity, Degredation, Restrained/Gagged, Fear, Suggestive Non-Con, Venom/ Poison, Threats⛔️


Caspian's Suffering Arc

#1: What The Tide Brought In 🌊

#2: Two Sides of The Same Coin

#3: (soon)



Art & About

Malik De Lir

Caspian Glaucus

We’re going to ATTEMPT to post once a week. Go easy on me.

Tags :
6 months ago
What The Tide Brought In
What The Tide Brought In

What The Tide Brought In


Contents: TW Restraints, TW Choking/ Strangling, TW Venomous Injury, TW Threats, Siren Whump, Pirate Whump, Sadistic Whumper, Defiant/ Stoic Whumpee


“Captain, we’re going to need to make a port stop sooner than we expected. Our food supply is a little low.”

Looking off towards the distance of the endless sea, Malik was leaning against the wooden railing along the side of the vast ship. A deep internal sigh escaping him from the calmness of the morning. The waves were docile today, clear skies, and perfect winds. Glancing over his shoulder to acknowledge his first mate, Jovey. His signature side smirk that was as charming as ever.

“Means the lads are all eating well. Maybe too well, but we’ll tackle that later.” The deep rumble in his chest resonates through his chuckle, coming out a bit course from the early morning air. “Set a course for Port Royal, should be the nearest one to us.” 

Rising from his hunched position, his arms reach to the amber sky and soft huff escapes him. It had been a long month on the waters of the Atlantic, but shifting to the warmer tides of the Caribbean always reminded him where home was. It wouldn’t be more than a day now when he’d be able to collapse in a bed that doesn’t sway with the waves, in a warm tavern with a bottle of rum all to himself, and a bowl of stew from anything that wasn’t pescado. Possibly partaking in a little stealing, sabotaging, or cheating just to pass the time. Not having to be a captain for at least a week was a break he couldn’t wait for. The crew he inherited only knew how to follow orders when his voice was harsh as the winds, otherwise they’d slack off or get too comfortable. Not that he minded putting them in their place, it boosted his ego and there was a satisfaction in seeing the yielding in their eyes as they adjusted their tone and fixed their posture. Intimidation and strength. The qualities he believed was required of a captain, especially one as successful as he was. 

Unfortunately for him, because of his imposing presence on both the waters and the shores, it was now a rare occurrence for his ship to be attempted to be commandeered or attacked by other occupants of the sea. Even on land, most steered clear of him or were careful with their words. It made his exhibitions boring to say the least, no challenges, no competition. There hasn't even been ruthless storms as of late, the type to make experienced sailors soil themselves, the ones that threaten to sink you with your ship until you come out victorious. Even now as he turns to grip the wheel in his hands and his eyes scan the deck a flight below him where his men work, he doesn’t feel that thrill of adventure that used to drive him. He didn’t know if he would anytime soon with his reputation being as strong as it is.

His luck was akin to that of being at the mercy of a coin toss at times, whether today was a virtuous luck sent by the gods or a vicious one, he couldn’t care when his wishes were granted. Of course they were, he always got everything he wanted eventually.

“Captain! We caught something!”

His heads whips over towards port side, his men hoisting up large net that swung and twisted violently. Setting Jovey to steady the wheel, he quickly glides down the railing of the stairs before hopping to his feet on the deck. Trotting over to the commotion as his crew surround the catch. They part away to forge a path for him as he approaches and what he see’s makes his whole world light up in flurry of excitement. A siren. 

“Captain... is that the creature from the legends?”

Malik can’t help but let out a hearty laugh, not just at the question, but also out of astonishment at his luck. His eyes glued to the young male siren thrashing about in the thick rope, hissing and growling like a wild animal.

“That’s right lads! Look what the tide brought us, a siren from the tales of the sea.”

He gets down on one knee beside the tangled fishy creature. The strong scent of seawater mixed with an all too familiar rotten fish odor. Reaching down to grab the main rope line and tugging on it, the net tightens around the specimen and constricts its movements. A protesting growl leaving the siren as it glares through the rope straight at him. He can’t help grin a little maddeningly. Realizing just how amazing this turn of events was. Seeing this sirens unwavering aggression and defiance even from only being on board a few minutes sparked a fire in Malik.

“You’re far from home, aren’t you bilge rat? These aren't your waters.”

The siren, seemingly frantic and panicked from its predicament squirms in the net. Its tail thudding against the boards of the deck. Maliks chuckles overpowering the sirens protesting sounds. The crew that surrounded them watching in a mix of curiosity and caution. Taking the time to admire such rare creature in their waters. Its contrasting palette of blue hues and white accents. His finned tail pointed at the ends, three appendages along each side of his fish body with cerata extended out from each. His upper body resembling that of a normal young man, but scattered with a light blue vitiligo-esque pattern along his skin. Medium length dark blue hair damp and cascading over his shoulders. His fingers pointed like claws and his fangs baring. And those, oh so, captivating golden eyes.

“Alright lads, quit gawking. Why don’t we make our guest more... comfortable?”

Malik stands up as his crew get to work, knowing the protocol underlining his words. A few of the men dragging the siren towards the largest mast in the middle of the top deck. When they start to extract him from the net, he proves to be nothing if not aggressive and hostile. Using his sharpened nails to dig into the crews arms and legs, making them bleed. Biting hands and forearms when they try to lift him up. It took 5 sizable men just to get him up off the floor, but nobody was ready when one of the men got hit with one of the large appendages flapping around erratically through his struggle. The man stumbling back and falling down onto the wooden boards with a hard thud as he grips his chest. The crew managing to tie the siren up against the mast and restrain him. Everyone turns to look to their crew mate on the floor, struggling to breath. Malik rushes to his side and crouches down, inspecting the man and tugging his shirt down to see a hue of red amongst the inflammation quickly building on his chest. 

“Hey… hey, lad, keep your eyes on me, alright? You better fucking stay awake, you hear me?”

Malik slapping the mans cheek a few times to keep his attention when he notices his eyes lolling around with no intention. He looked sick, almost nauseous. His hands clawing at his own chest as if there was a pain that he fruitlessly attempted to dig out of himself. Malik having to grab the mans hands to keep him from hurting himself.

“Get this boy below deck! Don’t let him fall asleep and keep a bucket near in case he vomits.” When his crew just stare at the both of them with nervous and distant expressions after what they witnessed, Malik let go of the mans hands and stood up with a threatening posture. “NOW!” That woke the crew from their paralysis as they quickly made their way to the injured man and helped carry him below deck to be treated and supervised.

Malik turning towards the mast where the siren was left restrained and desperately fighting at the thick rope. His hands clenching at his sides, a fury in his eyes that would make most crumble at his feet. He walks over to the creature with steady strides until he’s standing before him. The siren glaring right back up at him, a smirk twitching onto his face, expressing his satisfaction.

“Whoops, sorry cap. Didn’t realize how weak your me—”

The siren chokes on his words as Maliks hand wraps completely around his throat. An iron grip, unyielding as he leans down closer to the sirens face. A cold fury brewing behind his gaze while the creature flails and gasps for air. His tail beating against the mast frantically. 

“If you dare to speak another word with that vile tongue fo yours, I will personally slice it out and force it down your throat. If that’s not enough to shut you up, I’ll cut off that tail of yours and feed you to the sharks. Got it, caviar?”

His voice was almost hushed, but didn’t lack the venom behind every word. Naturally making the siren tense as his glare falters from the combined threat and lack of oxygen. Maliks hand tightening around his neck hard enough to cause him to see stars and he reluctantly relented with a subtle nod. Enough for the hand to quickly retract and allow him to cough violently and heave for air. Maliks foreboding stance towering the fish creature while he watched with a sense of triumph that blossomed into pride as his grin plastered onto his face one more. For the first time in a long time, Malik found a thrill, something that made his heart race, something that made him tick. This siren, who had just backed down not even a few seconds ago, now scowling at him with a passion that was contagious.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for something like you to come along, little sea dragon.”


Date: September 16, 2024

Tags :
6 months ago
Character Sheet {Masterlist}

Character Sheet {Masterlist}

Name: Caspian Glaucus

Age: 25

Height: 5’ 11” [Human Form] ; 8’ 5” [Siren Form]

Weight: 175 lbs [Human Form] ; 350 lbs [Siren Form]

Eye Color: Yellow w/ Specs Of Gold

Markings: Vitiligo w/ A Moon Crest On His Back

Scarring: None [Yet]

Sexuality: Bisexual

Family Status:

Siren Royalty

Parents: Mother and Father [Alive]

Sibling(s): Sister [Alive]


Caspian has had a relatively easy life. He’s a siren Prince that lives in an underwater palace along the Mediterranean Sea. He had a good childhood, although some might call him spoiled, because he is. He likes to do whatever he wants when he can. Sometimes sneaking off to play or go on adventures with other sea creatures. Sometimes you’ll catch him messing with fishermen and releasing sea animals that were caught in nets. He’s not very fond of humans, his father hates them too, but his mother tries to keep an optimism that’s fleeting.

Building up to the present day story, Caspian had escaped the palace to go mess around with some dolphins. A vicious storm caught him off guard and the waves ended up forcibly dragging him through the sea away from home. Landing him into the northern Atlantic. That’s how he ended up so far west towards the Caribbean.

His family name, Glaucus, was true to its origins as the royal family were only ever representative of Glaucus Atlanticus characteristics. As the generation went on, sirens became more powerful and learned how to use their powers and now they can shift to different creatures.

Royalty have distinct features that separate them from their common folk. Their eyes for example, they will always be a variation of gold or purple and they’ll have two freckles diagonal from each other in the iris. One feature that’s rare, but still only presents itself in royal bloodlines is the birthmark of a moon crest. Caspian has one on his back. What’s special about it is that— HA! I’m not going to spoil it until we get to that part 🙈 He couldn’t get the best of both worlds though, because those with the crest aren’t born with a siren song. So his voice doesn’t have an effect on anyone.


You better believe this guy is spoiled. He inherited some entitlement and sadism from his father, while still inheriting some compassion and respect from his mother. He can be really defiant and rebellious, mostly because his parents always tried to keep him cooped up. If anybody defies him or says anything he takes offense to, his immediate thought process tends to result in thinking about hurting them. He doesn’t always go through with it if it’s too dramatic of a response. Mercy doesn’t always come so easy to him, though. That being said, he can be very playful and easy going when he’s alone with people or creatures he likes. When he doesn’t someone, he can get a big ego trip from overpowering them and putting them in their place until they crumble at his feet.


Collecting Sea Glass and Sea Shells

Playing w/ Other Sea Creatures and Animals

Visiting Land to Observe Humans

Tearing Sailors Nets to Save Sea Life

Racing Dolphins

Exploring the Deep Sea

Fun Facts:

Has the Ability to Shift Appearance Like Different Sea Creature Characteristics and Be a Human

Was Born Without His Siren Song 🫢

Twin Sister

He Has a Taste For Human Food

I’ll add more later if I have anything else to say.

- 🪻

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6 months ago
Two Sides Of The Same Coin
Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Two Sides of The Same Coin

[Previous / Next] — {Masterlist}

Content: TW Restraints, TW SA Threat, TW Knifepoint, TW Threats of Violence, TW Fear, Siren Whump, Sadistic Whumper, Defiant Whumpee.


Malik made sure to keep the crew below deck for the night. Not wanting to give the siren any attempts at enchanting his men with his singly voice. He knew his crew could be slightly weak minded compared to his own will, so it wouldn’t take more than a few hypnotic whispers from a siren to get them on their knees like dogs at your heel. That being said, he didn’t trust himself either, not having ever dealt with a siren before. He thought it strange for one to be so far off from the Mediterranean Sea where they are said to dwell.

Despite his caution, his intrigue was stronger. The thrill of having a threat on board and at his mercy. A creature of legend no less, his pride was beaming even under his cool facade while he cataloged in his journal about the days events. The warm light of a lantern softly illuminating the desk he was sitting at while the ship swayed in a lullaby motion. Absently signing his signature on the page before closing the large journal. His thumb ghosting over the golden lettering of the leather cover where it read:

Captains Log of the Sirens Solstice.

He always found that name ironic until today. Given that sirens rarely, if ever, came all the way to the Caribbean unless it was for a reason. On top of that, it was certainly out of place for a siren to be alone when traveling so far. A trinity of knocks at his door broke his thoughts. Sighing and standing up from his chair before he walks over to open the door, his boots softly thumping on the wooden planks with each step. 

When he opens the door, he sees Jovey standing on the other side. Holding a bottle of rum with two chalices in his other hand. He raises them up in his hands as if presenting them.

“Could I bother you with a drink, Captain?” He asked with a softer voice, with it being late in the night and not wanting to stir the crew from their sleep.

Malik smirked slightly at the offer and chuckled lightly under his breath. “I tell you to stay below deck, but you defy my order to offer me a drink? Some first mate you are.” Despite his chiding words, his tone held no bitterness. Even standing aside and allowing Jovey to step into his cabin.

“I didn’t think that order was directed towards me. Must’ve been some miscommunication.” His cheeky tone being accompanied by a playful smile as he took a seat across from the desk. 

Malik rolled his eyes to Joveys’ back while closing the door. Then he made his way back to his seat behind the wooden desk that separated them. Jovey already pouring two glasses of rum for them before offering one of them. Malik taking it gingerly and softly clinking his glass to Joveys’. “So… how is the lad. Cormack, right? He’s not dying or anything, is he?” He asked casually while taking a sip of his drink.

“No, he’s alright. The swellings already going down thankfully. It doesn’t seem like whatever that siren stung him with is lethal. Just knocks you down a peg.”

Malik nods slightly with an unconcerned hum. Tapping his fingers along the side of the chalice while he holds it on the table. It’s not that he didn’t care about his crews’ well-being, their condition just never weighed on his mind. He would internally scold them for being weak enough to get injured or comprised so easily, but he usually put up the persona of a caring captain that was only stern when he needed to be. That didn’t stop him from wanting to strangle his crew himself whenever they made amateur mistakes or found themselves incapacitated. His eyes drifting off towards a window to the side of them that showed the moonlight cascading over the waves. “Why do you think that creature was sent to us?”

Jovey follows his gaze towards the window for a moment before looking back towards him again, noting his almost distant tone as if he was filing through a million thoughts. “I’m not so sure about him being ‘sent’ to us for a reason, Captain, but I’m sure he’s just lost. Probably swam too far away from home.” Taking a sip as he takes a break to organize his own mind. He knew Malik could be ruthless, he’s seen it before even if the newer men in the crew weren’t there to witness it. When the siren came on board, although being at the stern side and taking over the wheel, he could see what was occurring on deck. Noting the way his Captains eyes glinted with a new found fervor, that smile that he knew all too well meant there was a danger brewing. “Why do you believe it was for a reason?”

“Because the tides strike with purpose…” Malik said matter-of-factly. Averting his eyes from the window and turning his attention back to Jovey. Noticing how he seemed to be almost analyzing him, trying to figure out his intentions. “… the sea does not act randomly as one might believe. Everything happens for a reason out on these waters, whether it be to our benefit or disadvantage.” Malik can’t help but smile faintly with a soft scoff as he glances down at his drink. “I’m starting to sound like that old quack Azure.”

Joveys’ smile mirrored Maliks’, his head shaking back and forth in an amused manner. “You sound more like him everyday. In a good way… it’s why he chose you.” Studying his expression, Malik had a gaze of longing, almost nostalgic. A soft smile that was rarely seen, if ever, only when they were alone. “You know, I remember when I first got pulled onto this ship. We were around the same age… not that we still aren’t obviously, but for some reason I always felt like you were older than me. You always knew what you were doing, and you were one of the few people in the crew who gave me a chance.”

Malik redirected his gaze to Jovey once again, a bit taken aback by the sudden throwback and vulnerability, but he tried not to soften his features out of habit of being stoic. “Trust me, I never knew what I was doing. I only ever acted like I knew everything because that’s the only way to get people to respect you.” He swished his rum in his cup absently before taking another sip. “You’re a good man, Jovey. For once, I might even admit to feeling a bit jealous of you. The crew loves you, and we’re all lucky to have you. But if you tell them I said that, then I’ll skin you and toss you off the plank myself.” He couldn’t help but give that teasing threat with a smug smile.

That drew out a soft snort from Jovey as he smiled a bit wider from the playful threat he knew had no real malice behind it. Not when it came to him. He leaned back in his chair as he took his own glass from the table to hold it on his lap. “Who’s to say I’ll give you the chance, Captain? I might just throw myself overboard before you can catch me.” He counters back jokingly.

“If you do that, lad, I’ll jump into the raging tides to fish you out just so I can have the pleasure of pushing you off myself.” 

“Maybe I’ll tie a cannon ball to my foot so I sink faster and you won’t be able to pull me up.”

“Maybe I’ll just shoot a harpoon into your leg and force the crew to hoist you out of the water.”

“You’d go through all that trouble just to feed me to the sharks yourself?”

“For you, Jovey, you better believe I would.”

They both stare at each other in silence for a few seconds that seemed to stretch on before they both began to laugh and heartily chuckle. Joveys indistinguishable snorts between breaths always made his laugh contagious to Malik. For a moment, he couldn’t help but just watch Jovey, seeing his smile and how bright he looked even in the dim lit quarters. He had to mentally scold himself for staring and allowing himself to find a sense of attachment towards him. He lightly cleared his throat before chugging down the rest of his rum and setting his cup to the side. “Alright, that’s enough banter for one night. Leave me be you scoundrel.” He said lightheartedly.

Jovey rolled his eyes slightly with a small smile and stood up from his chair. Grabbing the rum bottle from the table and collecting the other chalice. “Whatever you say, De Lir, sir.” A hint of sass escaping him, knowing he could get away with it. He turns and heads for the door, cracking it open slightly before turning back to look at Malik. “If I may, Captain. What are you planning to do with the siren?”

A soft tch leaves Malik as he smiles from Joveys sass. When he turns back to inquire about the siren, his smile fades. His cold and aloof demeanor resurfacing. “Good night, Jovey.” 


The tides were still calm the next morning. Uneventful, at least, it normally would be. Malik stood before the siren, the crew crowding around in a crescent formation behind him. It was still tied up tightly to the mast. Although it was apparently obvious that it struggled for most of the night based on the claw marks that were carved into the wood of the pillar. Even some of the rope looked shredded and loosened but it wasn’t enough to free itself. It looked like he was asleep. Limp in the restraints and head looked down with his chin touching his chest. They knew better, but that wasn’t what caught all of their attention though.

His tail was gone, or rather, replaced by a pair of legs. His fishy ears reduced to normal human ones. The gills along his ribs replaced by smooth skin. The dark blue claws at the tips of his fingers were now short and trimmed. It was an enigma to both the crew and Malik. The siren they brought aboard was now a seemingly normal young man. They knew it was him, but appearance-wise, it threw them for a loop.

Malik stepped up to the siren and gripped a chunk of the back of his hair before yanking his head back. Seeing the siren wince and let out a hiss of discomfort from his grip. He grinned as he stared down at the siren. Analyzing its features, seeing the marks of light blue along his skin. It’s golden eyes, now being up close, noting the two spots of gold in each of them. “What happened to you, little dragon? Lost your tail?”

The siren glares up at him with a fiery rage. He was frustrated having to be at the mercy of a pirate. He’d bite his hand off and claw that smug smile off his face if he could just loosen the rope enough to get one of his hands free. “I’m dried out you fucking assh—.” 

Malik dug his fingers into the sirens scalp and tugged on his hair harder. Ripping a few hairs out in the process, extracting a groan from him that cuts off his words. He leans down closer to the siren to loom over him. “Your tongue is still as vile as yesterday. Someone wasn’t taught manners growing up…” Malik shoots a quick and hard jab to the sirens gut, the wind being knocked out of him as he tries to double over but the ropes keep him up. “… then again, neither was I.” Malik yanks on his hair and pulls his head back to slam against the mast before releasing his grip. Letting the siren deal with the aching sting in the back of his head. He takes a step back to take in the sirens human form. Observing him with a fascination that was anything but innocent or kind. “What is your name, siren?”

A hiss escapes the man as he tugs at the ropes out of frustration. His eyes scanning the crowd of pirates behind their captain. All of them pathetic and weak in his eyes. How dare any of them even get the privilege of seeing me? They were filthy, pungent, cowards that had no right to be in my presence, let alone hold me captive like this. “Fuck you, fuck all of you!”

Malik simply smiles, not his usual cocky smirk, an eerily sweet smile that was too calm. "We can have that arranged, after all, it's not everyday the lads get to let off a little steam on this ship..." He turns to face his crew. Gesturing with his hand towards the siren, as if offering him. "... isn't that right, boys?"

The crew look amongst each other, wondering if their captain was being serious, if they really did have full liberty to do as they pleased with such a rare catch. The siren staring blankly, feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach at the realization of what the captain just suggested. That was until Malik put his hand up and chuckled breathily.

"Of course, there's one small problem that I'd like to address before you get started."

Reaching for his hidden dagger tucked between the band of his pants, he unsheathes it and turns back to the siren with a quick step, being directly in front of him once again with the curved dagger swiftly finding itself pressed against the creatures neck. The curve of the blade cupping his throat just beneath his adam's apple. The siren freezing from the sudden threatening position but never faltering with his burning glare into Malik's eyes. The pirate staring back with a cold and foreboding gaze.

"That little voice of yours. I can't let you tempt any of my men with it. As disappointed as I'll be to not hear that foul mouth of yours anymore, its time to cut that pretty little voice box out."

Malik drags the dagger along the sirens neck and tilts it up so the tip of the bade was lightly pressed against the bump in the middle of his throat. "If I carefully cut a line right here...", dragging the dagger down along the sirens throat, making him swallow thickly, "... we'll find your larynx. It encompasses your vocal cord. If we just...", a quick flick of the wrist causes the dagger to slice a light cut just off the side of the apple, making the sirens breath hitch and he growls under his breath, "... you won't be able to sing ever again. Helpless... weak... feeble little sea dragon."

"If you fucking do that I swear you'll regret it."

"I don't think I will. In fact, I think I'll enjoy this more than I should."

Even his crew behind him, watching the scene unfold, felt chills go through them having never seen this side of their captain before. Malik grabs the sirens chin in one hand with an iron grip and tilts his head back against the mast. The creature struggling and trying to squirm in the ropes. The pirate carefully grazing the blade along the center of the mans throat. Agonizingly pressing the tip of the dagger against the curve bulging out under the skin slowly. The sirens breath quickening as he gradually becomes panicked, realizing how serious the captain was. He can't help the words that quickly leave his mouth when a trickle of warm blood escapes him.


Malik stops progressing, but not drawing back either. He tugs on his chin to pull his head back down to look him in the eye. Gazing with a malicious curiosity but a hint of doubt. "Every siren does, why should I believe you don't?"

"I don't you fuckin' psycho. I wasn't born with it, don't you think I would've tried to use it by now if I had it?"

"I'm not buying that for a second, caviar."

Malik pushes his chin back up and continues where he left off. Digging into the siren's neck more. Drawing out blood as he carves a small line along the apple. Making the creature hiss and groan, his hands clenching into fists as he tries to press impossibly further against the mast to get away.

"I'm being serious! Stop!"

Ignoring his protests, Malik cuts deeper. His hearing tuning out as he focuses on cutting to his goal. His heart was beating steadily, he couldn't help the enjoyment he was getting out of seeing the creature struggle fruitlessly. A sadistic smirk plastered on his face. The siren trying not to let fear take over, but it was getting progressively difficult the more blood that cascaded down his skin. The stinging of the blade slicing through layers of skin. Never in his life had he ever experienced pain, let alone having his own blood leave the safety of his body. He was royalty, he should be the one inflicting pain, he should be the one making this pirate cower beneath him.


A soft voice broke both their thought concentrations. Malik stilling in his actions before he turned to glance over his shoulder with a piercing glare that quickly softened. Seeing Jovey standing behind him, his expression one of concern and trepidation. The siren staring at him with a hint of relief and caution. Jovey steps closer, his eyes darting between his captain and the creature. Swallowing his unease.

"I don't think he's lying."

Malik takes a breather, thinking about his first mates words before reluctantly extracting the dagger from the sirens throat. A string of blood staining the tip of the blade as he lets go of the creatures chin and stands up fully. He turns around to face Jovey, a calmer aura exuding from him. He averts his gaze towards the crew still observing the scene. Some looking uncomfortable and uneasy, others indifferent or even seemingly intrigued. "We arrive at Port Royal tomorrow morning. Toss the bilgerat into one of the cells below deck. If he truly doesn't have the gift, then nobody will have a reason to let him out by then."

Malik looks back towards Jovey, holstering his dagger to his side.

"We'll see if your judgement is as sound as it always is, savvy?"


Date: September 22, 2024

Taglist: @paperprinxe , @melpomenelamusa

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7 months ago

After caretaker brought whumpee home, they stayed deathly quiet. They kept their eyes low and the most caretaker could get out of them was tired mumbles and warning sounds when they were nervous.

"Please tell me what happened. I want to know how to help you," Caretaker asked.

Whumpee shook their head and could barely muster eye-contact. "It wasn't as bad as you think," Whumpee muttered, almost as if they wished to not be heard. "I'm okay, really." Whumpee looked down at their bandages and clutched the cloth woven around their hand.

But whumper in their interrogation told a different story.

A detailed, gruesome, cruel and torturous story that sounds hardly survivable. 

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7 months ago

I want to add on that declawing takes a lot more away than just the "nail" part.

I Want To Add On That Declawing Takes A Lot More Away Than Just The "nail" Part.

tw: pet whump and non con body changes

so you know how people de-claw cats? Yeah that but with whumpee's. They would have to start but pulling out the finger and toe nails. After that there would have to be something to make it not grow back, whether you chose little caps that prevent the nail from regrowing or grafting skin onto the nail is up to you.

just imagine how whumpee feels after this. Another means of defense taken away. Feeling even more dehumanized being treated like a cat! What happens when whumper permanently damages whumpee or whumpee gets too old to be fun, does whumper put them down, claiming that it is the same kindness we give our pets?

I like when pet whumpee's are treated like our actual pets bc it really makes you think about what you're doing. It makes you wonder if it is really okay to do this to another living creature. Idk it just eats at me

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