adrenalin500 - AdrenaliN_

RU / ENG / ES. Artist (as a hobby), sometimes do other types of art. Long-term TMNT fan

5 posts

Adrenalin500 - AdrenaliN_ - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Hi Again, Fans Of Rise And TMNT Overall! I Am Back!

Hi again, fans of Rise and TMNT overall! I am back!

After some time spent and ideas used, I already know what characters I want to see as my set of Queens.

Today you get the first one of them - Cassandra Jones as a Queen of Diamonds ♦Q! Here she is older then in the movie, but since we don't exactly know her look nor her age in the future, this became my choice of her design.

I hope you like this as there are many more!

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6 months ago
Oye Todos! My Work Has Been Taking A Bit More Time Lately, But I Still Continue My 'RotTMNT Playing Cards

¡Oye todos! My work has been taking a bit more time lately, but I still continue my 'RotTMNT Playing Cards Set' thing.

Today I present you good future Raphael Hamato as a King of Diamonds ♦K!

I adore F!Raph design from the 40th anniversary comic, especially eyeband and metal arm. However, for me his shell in comic looks totally different to present version of Raph ('spikiness' is cool though). Thus, I came up with a bit of both.

With this card, the set of Kings is complete. Huge 'Thank you' to everybody who liked and supported my art! Stay tuned for more designs soon!

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6 months ago
Good Morning/afternoon/evening, Amigos!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, amigos!

Another card has arrived!

I really loved original design of F!Mikey from the movie and from 40th anniversary comic, however I am not a fan of "old man Mikey". So I had to improvise.

Thus, good future Michelangelo Hamato as King of Hearts ♥K (because, you know, he really is a man turtle with a big heart).

Have a good one!

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6 months ago
Happy Flat F Friday The 13th Everyone!

Happy Flat F Friday the 13th everyone!

Did you know that in many card games, King has a value of 13 points? And which turtle brother is 'flat'?

Would be a total coincidence if it was Donatello Hamato (good future) as a King of Clubs ♣K!

Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!

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6 months ago
Hola, Dearest Fans Of TMNT And RotTMNT In Particular! Im So Excited To Share My First Design For My Custom

¡Hola, dearest fans of TMNT and RotTMNT in particular! I’m so excited to share my first design for my custom deck of RotTMNT-inspired playing cards! For a long time I've carried this idea and debated if I wanted to share it, so here I am! Thus, shall I present my first card - Leonardo Hamato (good future timeline) as a King of Spades ♠K. As you probably guessed, four turtles - four kings! There are more designs to come (no schedule though). Thanks for checking out my work, and I want to know your opinion on this! 💚🐢

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