Rottmnt Cassandra Jones - Tumblr Posts
Imagine that is his first word
Casey Jones Jr. [Past] (1/3)
![Casey Jones Jr. [Past] (1/3)](
![Casey Jones Jr. [Past] (1/3)](
![Casey Jones Jr. [Past] (1/3)](
![Casey Jones Jr. [Past] (1/3)](
Well her plan backfired
Since everybody liked this so much

Have a bonus

I don't know if Cassandra is mad/laughing/crying/whatever, but she would have totally set the whole thing up to see if baby Casey would like throw up on Leo or something.


How about you, @reed-draws ?
how would a fandom treat you lol

unrelated, but my 3 moods:
@wordsofwizdumb, @ghostkingdiangelo429 >:D
shout out to dr. delicate touch, my bean and favourite ninja turtle:

i too feel nothing XD
These ❤️

i picked 3 random hcs from my list and drew em as comics! i love them sm, and sorry the art is a bit low quality, i did this while watching dhmis video essays.
they ended up being mostly abt donnie which was not intended but he's super fun to draw so.

Casey:you ever get so tired you start seeing Spiders?
April:me when i 17 benadryl and start seeing the Hat Man.
Casey: the WHO?!
April:oh… this not a safe place suddenly?

day 7‼️ the theme was bud so i drew raph and cass cuz i think they would be best buds(wink wink, u get it buds)(i js didnt wanna draw another flower 😞)
bro the fact that i drew cass before april smh 😔
edit: omg i forgot cass's lil red eye things 😭😭😭
edit 2: omg and i forgot raphs snaggle tooth smh 🤦♀️
Before You Go | Future Leo X GN!Reader (Part I)

A/N: Time to make a series! Inspiration is taken from the movie and several fanart. Constructive criticism is appreciated as usual.
Summary: Heartbroken about a death of a dear friend, you and Leonardo debated on whether to co-parent Cassandra’s baby son, Casey.
Reader: Gender-neutral pronouns are used. Second POV.
Pairing: Rise! Future! Leonardo X Reader
Warnings: Blood. Death. Child becoming an orphan.
Word Count: ~1280
Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five / ...
“We’re.. keeping him?”
A wary expression on your face as you met eye-contact with Leonardo. In his arms held a baby boy, wrapped in a soft yet dirty blanket.
“We are,” he confirmed.
“But what about the other camps—.”
“I promised Cass we would take care of him.”
You went silent, wincing at the thought— the memory of your friend dying in that rubble. Leonardo shared the same feeling, replaying Cassandra’s final words in his head.
“You didn’t even ask me for my word!” you snapped. “We’re talking about taking care of a baby in an alien invasion! I want neither of us nor the team to get too attached. He’s going to get in the way and if something happens—.”
“We won’t let anything happen to him.”
Your hands curled. “...How can you be so sure?”
“(Name).” Leonardo stepped closer to you. “Think about it this way: he could be a hope for us. He could be the one to stop the Kraang and this mess.”
“No.” You wanted to yell and force him to look from your view. Except, you can’t risk scaring anyone else in the base. There were other humans, mutants, and yōkai taking refuge to hide from the Kraang.
This was one of the only safe havens in New York City, or the entire world at that rate. You wanted this to be a place of consolation, not panic.
Arms crossed, you turned away. “I was afraid you’d think that.”
“...What do you mean?”
“He’s young, Leo!” You faced him again. “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about forcing the idea of ‘being the chosen hero’ on him!
What if he doesn’t rise to that challenge? What if he didn’t succeed? What would you think of him then?”
Leo’s mouth perked up.
And you realized yourself.
“Sounds like you’re the one with a personal attachment, (Name). I almost thought you don’t care about this little guy,” he teased. “I wasn’t being serious about the whole ‘hero’ thing. Splints threw me on the leader spot myself, remember?”
Your shoulders loosened.
“I remember.” You sighed. “I never said I don’t care. Just worried we won’t be able to give him the childhood he deserves— the life he deserves. I wish that for every child, especially knowing this is the wrong place for them to grow up in.”
You grimmed. “We’ll be busy trying to take out Kraang, Leo.. How are we going to take care him, let alone give him enough love?”
Leo gave no response. But you watched his feet inching closer. Then, he held out the blanket-wrapped baby to you.
“..We’ll find a way,” he assured, “We’ll work it out together.”
You took the baby in your arms. He was snoring away all the problems, a bittersweet moment that warmed your heart.
“The others are going to co-parent too, right?” you asked. That one question making Leo freeze. You spoke again, this time raising an eyebrow. “..Right?”
He cleared his throat. “Well.. the thing is.. they.. probably don’t even know how to take care of a baby.”
“But we’ll be fine on our ownn! Trust me, (Name), nothing’s going to go wrong under our watch.”
“And then you’re going to force all the parental responsibility on me.” You scoffed. “Are you serious? You had me thinking that Raph, Mikey, Donnie, and April will help too!”
“Cass trusted us to do this.”
“Exactly, us.”
“The both of us.”
“Why did she exclude the others out?”
Truth be told, you couldn’t understand what made his brothers and April any less qualified to take care of a baby. You knew Leo would be out a lot. You too had responsibilities with keeping resources in check and defending the base. Extra loving hands shouldn’t hurt.
Except, when you found Leo averting his gaze and coughing, a light blush on his face, it clicked for you. He wasn’t being completely serious. He just liked the thought of he and you— did Cassandra tell him?
A chuckle left your lips.
“Look, as much as I’m willing to try for her,” you paused, “I don’t know if I can make a good caretaker, let alone a parent for Casey.”
“And Cass knew you’d doubt yourself,” Leo held your hands, “but she still trusted you. She trusted that you can do it.”
You took a deep breath, tearing up a bit.
“There.. are a lot of responsibilities....”
His arms brought you into a hug from behind. “I know.”
He leaned his head on your shoulder, watching little Casey sleep. “Like I said though, (Name), we will make it work.” Leo reassured. “I’m here right next to you.”
Him being made leader changed him for sure. It was comforting to see him grow less cocky and more consoling, empathetic.
You kind of missed his overconfident, happy, sarcastic side though.
“What are you doing?” A shaky breath. “We’re running the same way. Why are you handing him to me, Cass?” Leonardo felt his heart beating faster.
“Take care of him for me. He needs you all, especially (Name).”
“H-Hold on..” Leonardo taken aback.
He watched a couple of tears pooling up in Cassandra’s eyes. Her hand grasping his arm as they both ran for base.
“Y-You know (Name)’s been eyeing me for a while now.” Emotions caught up in her throat as she spoke. “They’ve always wanted a kid— I didn’t even have to ask them. So.. I-I thought that if I’m ever gone, Casey can be the one for them. (Name) can be the one who will love him just as much as I do.”
“What are you talking about—?!” Leonardo’s breath hitched when the woman let go and ran behind him.
“Please tell ‘em that for me.. before I go..”
“They’re just gonna keep following us if something isn’t done. I have to go distract them!”
You stopped in your tracks the moment you found your best friend turning the other direction. The baby gone from her arms and in Leonardo’s instead.
“Casey? Casey!” you shouted. “Where the hell are you going!?”
She was running towards one of the giant machines. A large rock into the eye with her hockey stick and a loud BOOM blasted from an ignition.
You immediately sprinted after her. “Casey! CASEY, STOP!”
“(NAME)!” Leonardo followed.
Cassandra caught the attention of other nearby mechs, this time using her hyperbeam gun to strike.
You were starting to lose your distance.
“Please! I don’t want to lose you—!” Leonardo yanked you back with his other arm. This was when you felt your eyes burning. This couldn’t be happening, not when you weren’t prepared to lose someone.
Leonardo kept a tight grip on your arm. “(Name)! We have to go back!”
“Casey’s out there! Let go of me—!”
“Yet you’re out here— I’m not gonna lose you too while we’re at it. Listen to me: we have to go back, or you’re putting everyone else at risk. We have to go NOW.”
You took one final glance at Cassandra, so far away.
Suddenly, a bright beam of light shot down on her ground. You watched the dark silhouette in your sight evaporated.
And you screamed.
Leonardo pulled you into his chest, hand over your mouth. He carried you over his shoulder as you sobbed into your own palms. He fled, fled as fast as he could with stinging eyes, not because of the dust this time.
No one back at the base could’ve prepared to see you and Leonardo return with Cassandra’s baby alone.
That ache hurt more when you found a photograph of her and everyone tucked in little Casey’s blanket.
Before You Go | Future Leo X GN!Reader (Part II)

A/N: Constuctive criticism is appreciated.
Summary: You’re both adopting-parents of Casey. Leonardo was all exhausted from handling a flustered Casey.
Reader: Gender-neutral pronouns are used. Second POV.
Pairing: Rise! Future! Leonardo X Reader
Warning(s): None.
Word Count: ~1140
Parts: One / Two / Three / Four / Five / ...
Leonardo heaved when the baby in his arms continued to cry. The headaches from his last time dealing with Casey returned. "Come on now, tell me what is it.."
He gave him what he could offer: the attempt to feed the boy, pat his back to release any gas, and even spin him around for trial-and-error’s sake. Yet for a long while, Leo hadn’t been able to stop those tears.
And already were there other worries in mind.
He muttered, "Don't you embarrass me in front of (Name).. or anyone else for that matter.."
Out of nowhere, Casey cried much louder and thrashed around in Leo’s arms. His eyes widened upon the commotion. The turtle hushed. “Hey hey! Calm down a bit.. Everything’s alright."
God, how hypocritical.
He had dark circles underneath his eyes, half-lidded from lack of sleep and much worry. He dragged his palm across his face and muttered, "God, what was the song they sang to those kids..?"
Leo promised you this time, he would take care of the baby, while you would be busy gathering food and patrolling. It was practically switching shifts, but you seemed a bit too excited about it. The problem? Well.. he understood why and realized he'd probably have an easier time dealing with kids much older than two years old.
"If you're not hungry, or lonely, or—." He grimaced and groaned. "Ohh man.. don't tell me it's about the diaper—."
"I changed it when you went to take a quick breather outside," you spoke.
Leo jumped. Tired eyes widening again. “(Name)! What are you— you shouldn’t be back so soon. I had....” He yawned. “I had everything under control.”
You raised an eyebrow.
He was exhausted. It was obvious.
Even then, you played along. He was the one who suggested for you to take that day out after all. He wanted to spend time with Casey too. And you wouldn’t dare discourage Leo like that.
“I know, I know. Sometimes, it doesn’t hurt for the either of us to check in though.” You gave him a peck. “Besides, you haven’t gotten enough sleep lately.”
He grunted. “I’m fine. A little less sleep’s not gonna kill me.”
“It tells me something when you chose to leave Casey in Donnie’s hands while you were away for a second.”
“Y-You were here when that happened too?”
Leonardo cleared his throat. "No, no. Everything's under control, (Name)," he proclaimed, lying through his teeth. "Casey and I are doing just fine..!"
Unfortunately, the baby's teary expression said the complete opposite.
"You're having trouble with him, aren't you?"
He scoffed. "Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Did you get the sack of potatoes from Todd?"
"Yeah." You deadpanned. "I did. They’re gonna get sick of eating them, but we don’t have much of an option— don't go changing the subject on me! Leo, you look dead! You didn’t even get some rest before taking on Casey!”
Leo huffed. “Why are you making him sound like some video game boss?”
“Let’s get you some sleep.” You tugged him towards a small dugout. It was supposed to be your bedroom, but seeing how much had collasped in this underground base from battles, it wasn’t nice nor clean.
“No, I can’t sleep.. I can’t—.”
You took the baby from his arms, and while he was confused, shoved him onto a shaped pile of dirt called a bed. Face on the “mattress” and a long sigh out.
Leo gave in.
“Okay.. okay. You win, (Name).”
“Good, you can stay here for an hour and I’ll—.” You yelped when his arms wrapped around you and yanked you back onto the bed with him. “Leo!” Casey started to giggle.
The turtle froze.
“Agh! So all this time he was crying for no reason?!”
“I told you before that babies can be dramatic!”
“I didn’t think he’d be dramatic enough to cry,” Leo scoffed. “He was loud at that too.” His arms went to cover his eyes, facing the ceiling.
“The experience was much different than you realize, huh?” you murmured, laying your head next to his. Casey still in your arms, biting on them.
“..I thought I could do it.”
“Hm? But you were already doing it. You kept track of feeding him, releasing his gas, playing with him.. You considered changing his diaper too.. They’re all exactly what you needed to do for him.”
“But you took care of it in the end, as always.”
“..Took care of what?”
“He was crying just now, (Name). Don’t try to pretend like it didn’t happen.. I know I’m not the best father-figure to him.”
“Seriously?” you chuckled. “That was you too. He didn’t stop having that upset look on his face until you pulled me down. He.. probably enjoys surprises.”
“..Huh.. now you mentioned it..”
You sat up, turning your face to Leo. Your hand trailed along his jawline.
“Where’s the overconfident guy I know and love?” you hummed. “It’s not like you to put yourself down like that. You trying your best makes you the best father to Casey.”
Leo’s eyes gazed up at you.
“You’ve helped me a lot by covering a turn for him.”
“(Name), please. Whenever it’s my turn, things always get messy.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Leon.”
“You never noticed your pattern of taking Casey out of my hands before you get some rest? We do these switches after your patrol too.”
His mind clicked.
You scoffed. “Yeah. You always look dead when I come back from my trip outside.”
You stared at his lying form. Your fingers creeped underneath his head to signal him, and Leo adjusted. His head resting on your thighs.
“Leo,” you whispered. “Do you love me?”
Breath hitched. “When have I not?” he responded in a groggy voice. “..Why do you ask?”
“Do you love Casey?”
Said-boy babbled upon hearing some familiar syllables. He gave a soft kick on Leo’s arm, while playing with your fingers.
“...Even though he’s kind of exhausting, I’d give the world to the little guy.” He smiled, remembering the small moments when Casey would crawl over to his large feet and hand him a dead bird. “..Why?”
“Because you can’t help the both of us if you can’t help yourself.”
Hand trailing Leo’s jawline again. You spoke softly, “I don’t want you to kill yourself. Losing sleep is only going to do that, and I can’t risk losing you.
So promise me.. you’ll take care of yourself.”
“...I promise.” Leo slowly shut his eyes.
“Can you.. Remember that lullaby?”
“The one to the kids at the orphanage?”
“Yeah.. can I hear you.. sing it again?”
That night.. was one of the few when everyone managed to sleep without being woken up by a baby’s cries.

uhh sorry

Hi again, fans of Rise and TMNT overall! I am back!
After some time spent and ideas used, I already know what characters I want to see as my set of Queens.
Today you get the first one of them - Cassandra Jones as a Queen of Diamonds ♦Q! Here she is older then in the movie, but since we don't exactly know her look nor her age in the future, this became my choice of her design.
I hope you like this as there are many more!

Bro, why does Cassandra call you babygirl?

This is the story of how Raph died-
Another update once more from @somerandomdudelmao !! :)

ok last post but i just yes.. yes >__> ( I am inking the next 3 pages but huasdfudhf help mee)


This is year 2028 in the bad future... My brain needed it out
I decided to make one big post so enjoy... or help me im obsessed help

New update from @somerandomdudelmao!! It's about to get spicy. 😎
And add-ons to some of the other memes I made lol
Im doing a part 2 anyways lmao, here’s part two of my Tmnt hcs!
(And the photos!)

I hope you like them! Feel free to tell me yours :)
Luz Hamato

Name:Luz Hamato
Age:16 years old
Gender: female
Mystic power:Makes Earthquakes with her Hammer

Story:her story begins When Draxum's lab exploted. Luz lived Alone in The Streets of New York FOR almost all her childhood, but When she was on The verge of dead Cassandra Jones, a Foot clan member, Finded her and took her to The Foot clan where she WAS Raiced, Trained and treated like on of them until The Turtles Finded her
Casey's Dad! My AU!
"Happy Father's Day!",Leo tells Splinter. "What's that?"Casey Jr. asks him. "Oh,um. It's like mother's day,but for your dad which you don't um have...",Leo explains. Splinter hits Leo and tells him to stop being insensitive. Casey thinks over what Leo says and gives a determined look. He has just found out that his Dad was Raph from the hard drive in his mask and he decided to go get Raph something. Casey goes up to Donnie and asks him if he can take him shopping. "Why?",He asks. "I just wanted to get something.",Casey Jr. asks. Donnie reluctantly agrees and gets disguised.
They go out to the mall and Casey looks around. Donnie hands him some cash and walks off. Casey gives another determined look and starts looking around for a gift. He spots the gift store he went to for mother's day. He goes in there and starts looking around. He picks out a father's day card for Raph and looks around at the flowers. "Need help with anything?",A worker who saw him asks. "Um,Yeah. Do you have any red flowers?",Casey Jr. asks her. "Yup! Right here. We have a bouquet of red roses and a bouquet of red tulips.",She shows him. "Thank you.",He says shyly. "Who's it for?",She asks curiously. "Oh,well. It's for my Dad, since it's father's day.",Casey awkwardly says. "Oh. Well that's sweet. People don't typically give flowers to their dad.",the worker says. "They- They don't?",Casey asks confused. "But I gave some to my mom on mother's day?",Casey says. "Aww. You can still give him some, sweetheart. Here.",She hands him a bouquet of roses,"The cashier will ring you up at the front." Casey starts to the front and starts getting rung up. As he's doing so,he spots a mug that says "1# Dad". Casey grabs it and asks the cashier,"Can you ring this up too please?". She nods and he pays for the stuff. He leaves the store with the card,mug,and flowers in a plastic bag.
He meets back up with Donnie and they go back to the Sewers. "What'd you get?", Donnie asks Casey Jr. "Oh, nothing much." They don't talk the rest of the way home.
They get to the house, and Donnie hands Splinter a gift. It's a new tea pot. "Thank you, Donatello.", Splinter says as he examines the tea pot. "That's a good gift idea, Donnie. Happy Father's day,pops.",Raph says to Splinter. Cassandra walks in with Mikey,but Casey doesn't notice as he walks nervously up to Raph. "Whatcha got there,Jr.?",Raph asks noticing. "",Casey Jr. stutters awkwardly as he holds up the plastic bag to Raph. "What's this? A present?",Raph asks as he takes the bag from Casey Jr.'s hands. Raph pulls out the mug that says 1# Dad and stares at in confusion. "Wh- Wha-?",Raph asks. Casey avoids eye contact and whispers,"Happy Father's Day." While everyone is processing what Casey Jr is implying. Raph sets down the gifts and picks up Casey Jr in a hug. "Oh. Mi. Gosh. Am I your dad,Casey?!",Raph asks in a happy cry. Casey Jr hugs Raph back and sheds a couple tears.
Cringe Poem;
My name is Raphael, and I have a story to tell.
I was fifteen, and never one to gawk or stare at girls.
I didn't think I was in that stage of life when you start caring about what makes their heads whorls.
I fight and train. I was the leader, self-proclaim.
When I saw her, she looked different.
The way she fought was beyond efficient.
I liked her crooked nose,
and envied her perfect teeth.
I thought humans were soft,
yet things crushed under her foot beneath.
I've never seen a girl with black lips, or hair alike.
When she'd look my way, my heart would spike.
Her one-ear piercings were really cool,
and her weapon was even more cool.
Violence made her gleam,
but she's on the enemy team.
I wish I could find a way to make her disban,
from the foot clan.
I used the Internet to find most rhymes,
I hope I can do it myself one of these times.
Her names repeats in my brain like a mantra.
Her name is Cassandra.
(I tried to make it seem like Raph was writing it.)