Don't mind me. This is just a blog I made to look at fart stuff. (I'm over the age of 20)
200 posts
To The Person Who Accidentally Sent Me Non-anon Asks, I Just Turned Anon Asks Back On! So Feel Free To
To the person who accidentally sent me non-anon asks, I just turned anon asks back on! So feel free to ask again. :3 (Also, I deleted your previous messages, so no need to worry about that.)
More Posts from Aerbiscuit
Loudest farts you'll hear today coming from my bathroom
I got a request earlier this month for an audio where I play up the moans, sighs, and whimpers when I belch. Turns out stuffing my face with an entire pizza was a really easy way of making that happen! I didn't have to try very hard to get all those extra noises coming, and when they started, they simply couldn't stop. Listen to me belch, pant, and moan my way through enough food for at least two people, with some belly slaps in there for good measure!
Please consider leaving a tip if you enjoy!
One of the things I absolutely love is when someone is obviously bloated real bad and has been trying to hold it in for a good while. They rub their grumbling stomach, hoping to calm it down, but instead, it makes it worse. The bloat is start to strain their pants zipper as it feels like a bomb is about to go off. They're clenching for dear life. "I'm gonna blow!" They whimper to themselves. A loud pop is heard as their zipper collapses from the orb coming through. It's unbearable until they give up. The bomb has blown between their plump cheeks. After about a minute or two, they wave the air and place a hand on their flat stomach. A dazed but relief expression is left on their face. Strangely, their pants fit them again.

fart kink asks
1. When did you realize you were into farts?
2. How did you figure out you were into farts?
3. What’s your favorite type of fart?
4. Are there any types of fart you don’t like?
5. What about farting do you find most appealing?
6. Do you have a preferred length or volume for farts?
7. Does farting turn you on on its own or do you need to already be in the mood?
8. Do you have any other digestion-related kinks?
9. Do you have any other kinks that you enjoy being paired with farting?
10. Is farting a must in sexual situations or is it more of a bonus?
11. Have you ever acted on your desires IRL in an explicitly kinky manner?
12. Is having a partner who can fart well important to you?
13. Does anyone you personally know know about your kink?
14. Has anyone ever noticed/suspected your kink without you telling them about it?
15. Is there any media that you enjoy specifically for farts in it?
16. Do you have a favorite farting-related content creator (on tumblr or otherwise)?
17. Would you ever consider recording your farts?
18. Are you a shy farter or do you fart freely?
19. Are you good at farting?
20. Do you prefer farting yourself or hearing others fart?
21. Have you ever gotten into trouble for farting in a place or situation where you shouldn’t have?
22. Have you ever gotten turned on by farting in an inconvenient place or situation?
23. Have you ever tried to make yourself gassy in order to fart?
24. Do you have any favorite foods or drinks for encouraging farting?
25. What’s your biggest fantasy involving farting?
reblog if you’re curious about what people want to know about your kink!
Thinking.. thinking more about soft eprocto scenarios. Just the pure intimacy and cuteness of it.