aerbiscuit - I'm Lurkin' Ova Here!
I'm Lurkin' Ova Here!

Don't mind me. This is just a blog I made to look at fart stuff. (I'm over the age of 20)

200 posts

Aerbiscuit - I'm Lurkin' Ova Here! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Loudest farts you'll hear today coming from my bathroom

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5 months ago

First Post starts with a 💥💨 hoping tumblr is a good place for big farty boys with rumbly tummies

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5 months ago

can't express how viscerally I want to be insanely gassy. truly and honestly. I wanna eat a meal and have to stop every few swallows to let out a deep growl of a burp between my teeth. I wanna fart myself awake each morning with a jolt. I wanna struggle to hold back on public transport and immediately rip ass the second I get off at my stop. I wanna be cropdusting the aisles while shopping and muffle burps with my hands. I want everything I eat to set off hours of gas that bloats up my belly and leaves me breathless. fuck 😩

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5 months ago

One of the things I absolutely love is when someone is obviously bloated real bad and has been trying to hold it in for a good while. They rub their grumbling stomach, hoping to calm it down, but instead, it makes it worse. The bloat is start to strain their pants zipper as it feels like a bomb is about to go off. They're clenching for dear life. "I'm gonna blow!" They whimper to themselves. A loud pop is heard as their zipper collapses from the orb coming through. It's unbearable until they give up. The bomb has blown between their plump cheeks. After about a minute or two, they wave the air and place a hand on their flat stomach. A dazed but relief expression is left on their face. Strangely, their pants fit them again.

One Of The Things I Absolutely Love Is When Someone Is Obviously Bloated Real Bad And Has Been Trying


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6 months ago

God, was just reminded of how much I love centaurs for fart kink stuff.

I think it’s because when you see a centaur’s horse half, you can’t help but think of it doing just regular horse stuff. It doesn’t matter how well-dressed or well-mannered or regularly clothed the human half is. You just have to imagine that centaur helplessly ripping a thick, loud horse fart.

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6 months ago

18+ Minors DNI

I keep thinking about this time I was having sex with this guy and he just sort of paused to fart and then kept going but would fart as he thrusted and he was lactose intolerant so they were some of the nastiest farts I’ve ever heard omg. 😭 He did not know I was into it and apologized and I got so flustered I never said anything about it but UGHHH pls I need that again.

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7 months ago

I wanna know what people assume about me because of my tumblr.

Put an assumption in my ask. I’ll confirm or dispute it. I’m not gonna be mean or anything, I’m just very interested.

7 months ago

12, 15 for ask game

12. Is having a partner who can fart well important to you?

Ooh… yes and no. No, because if I fall in love with someone in a “typical” way (we meet through a hobby, job, etc.), I’ll love ‘em for all sorts of non-fart reasons, and I won’t consider dropping them just because they can’t fart. Maybe I’ll try and get em to experiment and see if anything causes gas, but it won’t be a dealbreaker.

…. but also yes, because ALL of my fantasies about future partners involve them being able to blast ass. >:3 And if anyone I have a crush on reveals that they get gassy in any way, then ooh boy, that gets me going.

15. Is there any media that you enjoy specifically for farts in it?

Hmmm… that’s a tricky question. Honestly, my favorite stuff are the more “indie” fart art and animations that fetishists make themselves. Stuff that’s by people with a fart kink FOR people with a fart kink, you know? But I know the question probably didn’t intend for this.

The hard part is, fart scenes in media are more sources of inspiration for me. The scenarios are hot, but I usually want to separate them from the existing characters/shows/movies. So it’s hard to say I enjoy them specifically for the farts.

This will make me sound pretentious, but the last existing piece of media I remember returning to and specifically thinking “Hehe yes, I will enjoy this specific fart scene in this specific piece of media” is when I was rereading “The Miller’s Tale” from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. One of the characters thinks he’s going to kiss a woman he’s attracted to, but he gets tricked into kissing the ass of a man who then farts in his face.

Thanks for asking!

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7 months ago

2 11 14 25 if you will (thnk you for turning on anonymous, now i can be freaky in hidden😼)

2. How did you figure out you were into farts?

I can’t really pinpoint it, honestly. I think I started getting into farts in earnest when I applied fart scenarios to my OCs. It was when I started seeking out and enjoying fetish material that it actually clicked in my head: “Ohhhh, I’m into this."

11. Have you ever acted on your desires IRL in an explicitly kinky manner?

I want to. I really do. But the closest I ever got was intentionally farting around someone I was dating. He wasn’t into the kink himself, but he knew I was, and he knew that I was doing it because it was intimate to me and that it made me feel good. That’s the most I’ve done up until now: farting around someone freely. I hope to go further one day.

14. Has anyone ever noticed/suspected your kink without you telling them about it?

That’s really specific. Um…. I don’t think so. I don’t really discuss fart stuff with people who don’t already know I have the kink.

25. What’s your biggest fantasy involving farting?

Definitely to have a romantic partner who is A) super gassy themself and B) also into farting. I know that’s broad, but honestly, I just want sexy fart stuff to be a constant, normal, and loving part of my life.

Thanks for asking! Don’t worry, you can be freaky in secret as much as you want. :3

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7 months ago

5, 20, 22 for the ask game? 🤗

5. What about farting do you find most appealing?

The sound and the vibrations! I love em when they’re nice, loud, and rumbly. :3 I also love the inherent intimacy of them. It’s something that people don’t generally do openly, so witnessing someone farting is all that more exciting.

20. Do you prefer farting yourself or hearing others fart?

I’d probably prefer farting myself if my farts were impressive. The relief of a satisfying fart is such a good feeling. Sadly, my guts don’t make big farts often, so I love hearing others fart more.

22. Have you ever gotten turned on by farting in an inconvenient place or situation?

This happens when my guts DO manage to finally make some good farts, but when I’m in public. I get torn between exerting all my energy to let the gas out silently, or (if I’m walking out on the street) just throwing caution to the wind and seeing if it can get loud enough to be overheard. This is more exciting to me than it should be.

Thanks for asking!

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7 months ago

Its really hot when people are being kissed and embraced while they fart. They're being comforted and rewarded in the best way possible, while feeling a lot of relief at the same time. It's just so intimate. A million times better if they're not embarrassed at all, just farting because they need to, but their partner is kinky and thinks they're beautiful no matter how gross they are.

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7 months ago

To the person who accidentally sent me non-anon asks, I just turned anon asks back on! So feel free to ask again. :3 (Also, I deleted your previous messages, so no need to worry about that.)

7 months ago

fart kink asks

1. When did you realize you were into farts?

2. How did you figure out you were into farts?

3. What’s your favorite type of fart?

4. Are there any types of fart you don’t like?

5. What about farting do you find most appealing?

6. Do you have a preferred length or volume for farts?

7. Does farting turn you on on its own or do you need to already be in the mood?

8. Do you have any other digestion-related kinks?

9. Do you have any other kinks that you enjoy being paired with farting?

10. Is farting a must in sexual situations or is it more of a bonus?

11. Have you ever acted on your desires IRL in an explicitly kinky manner?

12. Is having a partner who can fart well important to you?

13. Does anyone you personally know know about your kink?

14. Has anyone ever noticed/suspected your kink without you telling them about it?

15. Is there any media that you enjoy specifically for farts in it?

16. Do you have a favorite farting-related content creator (on tumblr or otherwise)?

17. Would you ever consider recording your farts?

18. Are you a shy farter or do you fart freely?

19. Are you good at farting?

20. Do you prefer farting yourself or hearing others fart?

21. Have you ever gotten into trouble for farting in a place or situation where you shouldn’t have?

22. Have you ever gotten turned on by farting in an inconvenient place or situation?

23. Have you ever tried to make yourself gassy in order to fart?

24. Do you have any favorite foods or drinks for encouraging farting?

25. What’s your biggest fantasy involving farting?

reblog if you’re curious about what people want to know about your kink!

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7 months ago

I’ve been getting so much encouragement and been so bloated this weekend. I’m thankful to everyone who’s been liking my stuff and following my gaining journey so far. I’ve never felt better about myself since I’ve started posting and made some wonderful friends and mutuals and I’m beyond grateful for all of you. Here’s to more of me in the near future.

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7 months ago

what if it was burping and farting night at the gay bar

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7 months ago

holy shit, i am ridiculously gassy rn 🤤

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8 months ago

Thinking.. thinking more about soft eprocto scenarios. Just the pure intimacy and cuteness of it.

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8 months ago

Farting in your face makes my dick hard.

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8 months ago
8 months ago

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8 months ago


for the emoji prompt?

Owo, What's this? I finally came around to doing these? Oh boy here we go! Btw, I'm gonna try to do one for each emoji:

🤤You introduce your fave to your favorite food. It works out great as they become obsessed with it. Too obsessed, cause now they try to eat it for every meal. It gets to the point where whenever they fart, which they like to do on/near your face, or when they walk past you, it smells just like your favorite food, which gets you salivating every time they fart. It only makes you love your favorite food (and your fave) even more.

🍿Popcorn makes your fave gassy but they don't really care. They pretty much eat it every time you two have a movie night, which is a lot. One day, you two and your friends are invited to the movies, where your fave gets a huge bucket of popcorn all to themself. During the movie, your can't exactly hear their farts but your can smell them. There's not many people in the theater and you're sitting in between your friend group and your fave. So your fave decides to share their amazing popcorn farts by sitting on your lap. You can hardly focus on the movie as your fave blasts hot, bubbly farts onto you.

🥤Your sharing a delicious soda with your fave when you two get an idea. Your fave decides you two should have a burping contest. You think its a little childish but your happy to participate with your fave anyway. Their burps are pretty big and loud, but the soda is helping you keep up with them. That is until you feel a large bubbling sensation in your stomach. Your thumping your chest to try and get the air bubbles out, but nothing's happening. Your fave is a little concerned, that is until you rip a loud fart. You and your fave burst out laughing, even though you feel a little embarrassed, and they announce that you're the winner.

🚗You and your fave are on a road trip. After eating a delicious, yet greasy breakfast at a fast food joint, your tummies aren't feeling so well. But neither of your want to be the first to break wind. The windows don't even roll down, so there's no way to get rid of the smell. Your tummies are in so much pain, but then your fave bends down to get something off the floor board only to rip a wet, bubbly toot into the leather seat. Well, now that they've done it, you rip a long, rumbling fart into your seat. You two decide not to hold anything back, ripping farts left and right. You both take turns, leaning to the side, lifting a let, leaning forward, etc, getting the gas out until you two find a gas station (hah, get it?)

🔥You, your fave, and a few friends are camping together. You try to get a campfire started outside, but it's harder than you initially thought. You step back, frustrated as to why the flame is so small. Your fave, bends over in front of the small flame, whether they notice it or not, and rip a loud, long fart over it, which finally gets the fire to grow. Everyone laughs, and you're glad the fire is finally started (even though it took the smell of rotten eggs to do it).

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8 months ago

I got a request earlier this month for an audio where I play up the moans, sighs, and whimpers when I belch. Turns out stuffing my face with an entire pizza was a really easy way of making that happen! I didn't have to try very hard to get all those extra noises coming, and when they started, they simply couldn't stop. Listen to me belch, pant, and moan my way through enough food for at least two people, with some belly slaps in there for good measure!

Please consider leaving a tip if you enjoy!

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8 months ago

You know, I’ve described Ravi’s farts a bunch, but he’s not a bad belcher!

Like I’ve mentioned before, Ravi’s “I’ll try everything/You gonna finish that?” diet leads to a lot of gas. This includes gas escaping from the top as well as the bottom. He doesn’t burp as constantly as he farts, but they’ll still bubble up after a big meal, or after his stomach gets some strong jostling. He’s also had his fair share of belches interrupting his speech. While his burps never turn into table-shaking roars, they can definitely can loud enough to turn heads, especially since they’re coming from such a cute little face.

Curiously, Ravi’s a lot less shy about belching than he is about farting. He’ll still apologize for it around strangers to be polite, but it’s way different than when he apologizes for his farts.

Ravi apologizing for a burp: Oof, excuse me! :3 (rubs stomach) Lotta air in there today!

Ravi apologizing for a fart: (blushing as he shamefully clutches his stomach) oh my god, I’m so sorry...

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8 months ago
I Didn't Ignore It, And I Got A 5% Raise On My Salary! And Everyone In Town Said I Was Married. Don't

I didn't ignore it, and I got a 5% raise on my salary! And everyone in town said I was married. Don't ignore the golden potato.