59 posts
You Lied And I Died

“You lied and I died”
Wizard AU where Douxie died instead of Morgana, and what we are seeing here is Douxie haunting Merlins dream. He feels guilty, not only did he lose his apprentice but he lost his son.You know that scene for IT part two, with Gregory, yeah I love that scene.
techiefreak217 liked this · 4 years ago
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Ninjago aesthetic


Onxy and Jade quickly hurried through the forest.”Jade slow down,where are we even going any way?” Onxy asked.”Hold on we are almost there.”Jade said.They soon got to a clearing on top of a hill. Looking down he saw a dozen of park cars in front of a huge screen.”They are playing a movie here tonight”Jade said with a smile on his face.”A movie, cool what is it about?”Onxy asked.”Don’t know, but it looks like it’s starting”They both sat down as the movie began to play. Half way through the movie Onxy heard something the caught his attention, one of the characters told the main character that they love them, what is love, wait has he felt that before? But was those feelings towards Jade feelings of love? After a while of thinking Onxy concluded that the feelings he was feeling were love. Onxy loves Jade, he truly loves him.”Wow, this movie is going gre-“ Onxy cut Jade off with a kiss, Jades face heated up, then a flash of white light engulfed them. The light faded away,Onxy head was spinning. “Ugh what happened?” He asked, but there was something wrong with his voice, it was different. Looking around he saw that Jade was gone. Feeling panicked he tried to stand up only to fall down. “Jade, Jade where are you?!” Onxy yelled.” What are you talking about Onxy I’m right here”. That was Jade, but he wasn’t talking , his mouth was moving on it’s own. What is going on, looking down he noticed that he was wearing Jades shirt as well as his underneath and his scarf. He went to touch his faces and was shocked to feel not two, but FOUR eyes. Onxy let out a scream,” What happened to us?!” Jaded asked. Was Jade in his body or were they sharing the same body. They tried to stand up, their legs wobbled while doing it. They both didn’t realize that they were tall now, not tall, like huge tall around 14 feet. “ Jade are we sharing the same body?” Onxy asked. “ It looks like it” Jades voice trembled” Th-this is- is, this is so-“, So cool!!” Onxy interrupted”WHAT!!!” Suddenly they felt their bodies spit and they both fell to the ground. Onxy rubbed his head and saw Jade crying. Thinking quick he ran over to him and embraced him.” What- What was that?” Jade asked with a shaky voice. Onxy looked at him with worried eyes”I don’t know, but let’s agree to never do that again”Onxy replied.”Yeah good idea, let’s just finish this movie”.Onxy nodded his head in agreement. They both sat down and Onxy wrapped his arm around Jades waist and they finished watching the movie.
Why do I keep forgetting the the voice of Cadence also voices Harumi. So because of that I decided to make this.