Hisirdoux Casperan - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I love this so much

Out of context angst things... 👀

"We have to stop them," Aja breathed, her voice riddled with fear. "They're going to kill eachother."

"J-Jim!" Toby yelled, gripping Warhammer so tightly his knuckles turned white. "Jim stop!" He finally managed to move his legs and started sprinting down the hill towards them just as Douxie was thrown halfway across the field.

Jim had lost his sword, Excalibur embedded in the dirt a few yards away. He caught Douxie by the wrist as the wizard came at him with another spell and flipped him over his shoulder. He pressed his knee to Douxie’s chest, holding his wrist at a certain angle, kneeling on his other arm so he couldn't move. He had one of his glaives at Douxie’s throat.

"Jim!" Toby screamed. He was still running. "Jim stop, you're gonna kill him!"

But it was like Jim hadn't even heard him.

"You and I both know," Jim said lowly, breathing hard. "That you can't beat me. Why are you trying so hard to save her?"

Douxie glared at him, blood spilling down from the gash in his forehead, and from the corner of his mouth. "It's not about her, Jim." His eyes held a glassy look, and Jim realized with a punch of guilt to his gut that he probably gave Douxie a concussion. "It's about you."

"What- OOF!"

Toby tackled Jim off of Douxie and onto the ground, holding his best friend down by the shoulders. The others weren't far behind.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Claire demanded, helping Douxie sit up.

"What the fuck, Jim!" Toby screeched. "You could've killed him!"

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Au de relatos de arcadia: la vida es caótica..

se llama así porque no se como llamarlo, acepto recomendaciones para el nombre del au.

Este Au toma todo como canónico pero nada a la vez porque.. bueno Jim reseteó las líneas del tiempo.

En esta historia en realidad cuando Jim vuelve en el tiempo todos los que afectaron directamente a vencer a los malos recuerdan al mismo tiempo su historia , significa todos los trollhunters, los trolls importantes, los cambiantes, aliens etc.

Cuando todos y digo todos, recuerdan deciden reunirse aunque no encuentran a Douxie como una semana después, también Merlín despierta de su tumba recordando que murió y todo y deciden que vencerán a todos los malos pero necesitan estar seguros para seguir teniendo su vida normal por lo cual todos se mudan al castillo de Camelot.

Al inicio todo es fácil casi nunca pierden contra Bular , Barbara y Striker están planeando casarse, Morgana un buen día aparece se disculpa por lo de la otra línea temporal y la aceptan y se vuelve como la hermana rebelde de Douxie , los padres de Kreel y Aja se están recuperando y vencer todo lo que la línea pasada les dio es pan comido.

Pero entonces comienzan los cazadores de trolls e incluso los tarrons a notar que hay cambios que antes no existían y que son antes de lo que se supone que la línea de tiempo se restableció incluida la relación de hermanos que Douxie y Morgana tienen y que antes parecía inexistente.

Luego comienzan a notar que aunque Douxie no tiene que pagar cuentas por una casa sigue trabajando mucho y conoce mas magia (incluyendo curativa) que en la otra línea temporal.

Intentan no tomarle relevancia hasta que de repente una noche en que los chicos hacían una pijamada Douxie llega al castillos sangrando con un traje tipo armadura , Douxie no sabia que ellos estaban despiertos así que cuando se da cuenta intenta evitarlos y va a su habitación por objetos , todos intentan detener que se vaya , incluyendo Merlin y Morgana pero no funciona por abre un portal y se va, algo que antes por lo que recuerdan todos no podía hacer.

Al inicio todos están confundidos pero todo comienza a aclararse cuando Morgana hace el comentario que sabia de los cambios pero no creyó que fueran tantos.

Al parecer toda la línea del tiempo fue rehecha gracias a que el viaje en el tiempo no pasó (todos los eventos de wizards), pero también se dieron ondas del poder del viaje en el tiempo y todos los magos del medievo tuvieron al mismo tiempo , el día que se suponía que se dio el viaje en el tiempo, una visión de nuestro futuro, donde no asesinados, donde no había Arturo, donde las luces iluminaban todo y por primera vez en siglos los magos tuvieron esperanza.

Con la esperanza de vivir para ver ese futuro brillante los mago s se organizaron para sobrevivir enfrentaron como grupo las dificultades sin afectar la historia humana, algunos magos del medievo no vieron este futuro porque estaban muertos en la línea temporal pasada pero por la unión y organización y creación de entidades para magos estos mago sobrevivieron.

Douxie se volvió parte de un grupo que se encarga de grupos de seres malvados, de magos que amenazaban con el apocalipsis, espíritus malignos y cazadores de brujas que gracias a que los magos se organizaron también los cazadores que aun en el presenten siguen vivos.

Morgana adelanto sus planes de derrotar a su hermano pero intento proteger a moppet Douxie para que viera ese futuro pero ella termina huyendo cuando su plan sale mal y creando su propia tumba para despertar en el futuro brillante.

Merlin hace lo mismo que en el canon pero ahora teniendo en cuenta que Douxie es como su hijo y Morgana es una valiosa aprendiz


La historia sigue todo el asunto al inicio como una serie fácil sobre los personajes de arcadia teniendo una vida normal en un castillo volador para de repente explicar la sociedad de los magos , los nuevos traumas y marcas que lleva Douxie ,Morgana y el mundo oculto de los magos , que los personajes adolecentes verán pronto.

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Tales of Arcadia au: life is chaotic.

it's called like that because I don't know what to call it, I accept recommendations for au names

This Au takes everything canon but nothing at the same time because ... well Jim reset the timelines.

In this story actually when Jim goes back in time everyone who directly affected to beat the bad guys remember his story at the same time, it means all the trollhunters, the important trolls, the changelings, aliens etc.

When everyone and I say everyone, they remember they decide to meet even though they do not find Douxie like a week later, Merlin also wakes up from his grave remembering that he died and everything and they decide that they will defeat all the bad guys but they need to be sure to continue having their normal life so which all move to Camelot Castle.

At the beginning everything is easy they almost never lose against Bular, Barbara and Striker are planning to get married, Morgana one day appears apologizes for the other timeline and they accept her and becomes the rebellious sister of Douxie, the parents of Kreel and Aja are recovering and beating everything that the last line time gave them is really easy.

But then the troll hunters and even the Aliens begin to notice that there are changes that did not exist before and that are before what the timeline is supposed to be reset including the sibling relationship that Douxie and Morgana have and that previously seemed non-existent.

Then they begin to notice that although Douxie doesn't have to pay bills for a house, he still works a lot, and kwon more magic (including healing) than Douxie do in the other timeline.

They try not to take relevance until suddenly one night when the boys were having a sleepover, Douxie arrives at the castles bleeding with an armor-type suit, Douxie did not know that they were awake so when he realizes he tries to avoid them and goes to his room for objects , everyone tries to stop him from leaving, including Merlin and Morgana but it does not work because he opens a portal and leaves, something that before, as far as everyone remembers, he could not do.

At the beginning everyone is confused but everything begins to clear up when Morgana makes the comment that she knew about the changes but did not think there were so many.

Apparently the entire timeline was redone thanks to the fact that time travel did not pass (all wizards events), but there were also waves of the power of time travel and all medieval wizards had at the same time, the day that time travel was supposed to take place, a vision of our future, where they were not killed, where there was no Arthur, where the lights illuminated everything and for the first time in centuries the wizards had hope.

Hoping to live to see that bright future the wizards organized to survive as a group faced difficulties without affecting human history, some wizards of the medieval did not see this future because they were dead in the past timeline but for union and organization and creation of entities for wizards they survived.

Douxie became part of a group that takes care of groups of evil beings, wizards who threatened the apocalypse, evil spirits and witch hunters that thanks to the wizards organized also the hunters who are still alive today.

Morgana anticipated her plans to defeat her brother but tried to protect Moppet Douxie from seeing that future but she ends up running away when her plan goes wrong and creating her own grave to awaken in the bright future.

Merlin does the same as in the canon but now considering that Douxie is like his son and Morgana is a valuable apprentice


The story follows the whole thing at the beginning as an easy series about the characters of arcadia having a normal life in a flying castle to suddenly explain the society of wizards, the new traumas and marks that Douxie, Morgana and the hidden world of the wizards have and that the teenage characters will see soon.

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4 years ago

Me:I don’t want to get grandpa sick.

Parent: grandpa wants to die.

Me: oh shit!

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1 year ago

Aighty then, these might be my last sheets so im going to make them count!

Aighty Then, These Might Be My Last Sheets So Im Going To Make Them Count!

First up we have Zoe and Douxie. I made Douxie a little darker since he spends most of his time outside(especially during his stay in Camelot). A did redesign Zoe a lot, especially her uniform. We don’t see any looks on the uniform except for one scene. And I wanted to make em look more punk since they just look emo smh.

Aighty Then, These Might Be My Last Sheets So Im Going To Make Them Count!
Aighty Then, These Might Be My Last Sheets So Im Going To Make Them Count!

Next up is Krel(my bbg). I wanted his future design to incorporate Gaylens Core(since I fucking LOVE that theory). And I was also thinking of giving him longer hair. But so far nothing changed, but the future design has cuz Aja got one and Krel didn’t smh

Aighty Then, These Might Be My Last Sheets So Im Going To Make Them Count!
Aighty Then, These Might Be My Last Sheets So Im Going To Make Them Count!

Finally Aja. Though not really my favorite I didn’t wanna do her dirty unlike the writers. I gave her shorter hair to kinda differentiate with her brothers. And I made her look the same as her brother in the human disguise!!! She looks much better tbh

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10 months ago

Hisirdoux from Tales of Arcadia is like John Constantine for kids

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The Knight, The Witch, And The Master
The Knight, The Witch, And The Master
The Knight, The Witch, And The Master
The Knight, The Witch, And The Master

The Knight, The Witch, and The Master

Aka Claire and her blue bois

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4 years ago
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,
What Can I Say About This Scene? How Computer-generated Pixels Showed And Portrayed So Much Emotion,

What can I say about this scene? How computer-generated pixels showed and portrayed so much emotion, for Merlin, to finally recognize his mistake in not acknowledging Douxie’s potential all along, and for Douxie to unexpectedly get the validation he’d been craving, the lack of which hurt him so much. Because he sacrificed himself to protect his friends and the world, not expecting anything from his master in the afterlife. Yet he gets it, he realizes Merlin sees the real him and recognizes his growth and greatness, and not by any attempt to impress him. It’s real and after Douxie’s adventure, losing his master, sacrificing what was left of him, then sacrificing himself, it’s so fulfilling even though he’s not fully ready to move on. Because despite his bravery, there was still a part of him that was scared. And then he could finally let go of that. And all that is just so wonderfully expressed through the animation, the lighting and soft colouring, which are so amazing and so on point for the context that I didn’t even want to change anything while making those gifs. It’s a moment of redemption, of closure, and it deserved the excellent work done by the creators.

This is just one of the moments in Wizards that will stay with me no matter how much time will pass. And I’m so grateful it exists.

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4 years ago
Sometimes A Family Is A Teenage Wizard And His Cat Familiar...I Love Them Very Much
Sometimes A Family Is A Teenage Wizard And His Cat Familiar...I Love Them Very Much

Sometimes a family is a “teenage” wizard and his “cat” familiar...I love them very much

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1 year ago

Nari: When I touch someone I can feel their feelings. *touches Douxie’s hand*

Nari: You feel… love!

Douxie: Yeah, I guess - Yeah, I feel a general unselfish love for everyone.

Nari: No. Romantic, sexual love…

Douxie: No. No, I don’t. *shakes head*

Nari: *points at Krel* …for him!

Krel: *has surprised and blushing look on face*

Douxie: No! *shakes head frantically*

Toby: *begins laughing hysterically* She just told everyone you deepest, darkest secret! *continues laughing*

Douxie: Dude! Come on! I think you’re overreacting a little bit!

Toby: You must be so embarrassed! *continues cracking up*

Toby: Do me! Do me! Do me!

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6 months ago

How cute! I really like it when he is drawn as a girl🥰🌟

Genderbend De Moppet!douxie

Genderbend de Moppet!douxie


Moppet!douxie genderbend

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10 months ago

Ok but can we just acknowledge the fact that Douxie has literally been alive through an unimaginable amount of world history. Like this guy was surviving and thriving before the creation of America? Through both world wars? Honestly the potential for time travel fics where like.. someone goes back in time and BOOM it's Douxie at a fucking disco club in '74. I mean come ON. I'm genuinely considering making some "Douxie through the decades" type fanart just cus i think it would look neat. Like my guy lived through the RENAISSANCE. the fucking bubonic plague. Like imagine you were friends with an incredibly powerful wizard trained by Merlin Ambrosius himself who's been around longer than your whole bloodline and he's just some fucking lanky ass blue haired emo fag guitarist who looks like he probably smokes weed and sleeps on people's couches. Insane.

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1 year ago
orphetos - Orph's blog (I guess)

Merlin about to show Douxie his DJ skills.

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1 year ago

I'm not exactly proud of this, but I still wanted to share it with the fandom because I LOVE the idea of the Duxie-Claire duo <3

I'm Not Exactly Proud Of This, But I Still Wanted To Share It With The Fandom Because I LOVE The Idea

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