Wizards - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

literally why do guys even trim their beards let alone cut them. keep that shit. cherish your goddamn beard, not everyone has the opportunity to become a wizard and cast spells without going through hrt

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5 months ago

I'm a big fan of wizards-as-programmers, but I think it's so much better when you lean into programming tropes.

A spell the wizard uses to light the group's campfire has an error somewhere in its depths, and sometimes it doesn't work at all. The wizard spends a lot of his time trying to track down the exact conditions that cause the failure.

The wizard is attempting to create a new spell that marries two older spells together, but while they were both written within the context of Zephyrus the Starweaver's foundational work, they each used a slightly different version, and untangling the collisions make a short project take months of work.

The wizard has grown too comfortable reusing old spells, and in particular, his teleportation spell keeps finding its components rearranged and remixed, its parts copied into a dozen different places in the spellbook. This is overall not actually a problem per se, but the party's rogue grows a bit concerned when the wizard's "drying spell" seems to just be a special case of teleportation where you teleport five feet to the left and leave the wetness behind.

A wizard is constantly fiddling with his spells, making minor tweaks and changes, getting them easier to cast, with better effects, adding bells and whistles. The "shelter for the night" spell includes a tea kettle that brings itself to a boil at dawn, which the wizard is inordinately pleased with. He reports on efficiency improvements to the indifference of anyone listening.

A different wizard immediately forgets all details of his spells after he's written them. He could not begin to tell you how any of it works, at least not without sitting down for a few hours or days to figure out how he set things up. The point is that it works, and once it does, the wizard can safely stop thinking about it.

Wizards enjoy each other's company, but you must be circumspect about spellwork. Having another wizard look through your spellbook makes you aware of every minor flaw, and you might not be able to answer questions about why a spell was written in a certain way, if you remember at all.

Wizards all have their own preferences as far as which scripts they write in, the formatting of their spellbook, its dimensions and material quality, and of course which famous wizards they've taken the most foundational knowledge from. The enlightened view is that all approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, but this has never stopped anyone from getting into a protracted argument.

Sometimes a wizard will sit down with an ancient tome attempting to find answers to a complicated problem, and finally find someone from across time who was trying to do the same thing, only for the final note to be "nevermind, fixed it".

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1 year ago
Dagger: "Hey Don't You Think Some Of Vivi's Children Feel... Eerily Familiar?"

Dagger: "Hey don't you think some of Vivi's children feel... eerily familiar?"

Zidane: "... Nah it's probably fine."

I've seen the concept of Vivi being a Black Waltz, but what if the Waltz were Vivi-fied?

*Ahem*, excuse me while I briefly obsess over an AU for minor characters who only show up like once from a 20+ year old game:

So anyhoo, I present an FF9 epilogue AU where Vivi accidently and unknowingly reincarnated the Black Waltz alongside his other sons. Assuming that Vivi used traces of mist to make his kiddos, I suppose it could be possible for the Waltzes' mist/souls be recycled back into life again by the same method. Made more likely by the fact they all originally perished during a time when Gaia's souls weren't properly passing on... (Hopefully I'm understanding ff9 lore right)

Neither of the 3 can fully remember their past lives, though they still subconsciously retain their memories. It's enough to influence their personalities, but you know, since they are no longer living weapons their violent tendencies get toned-down a lot and they properly get the chance to develop morals and stuff. At worst they probably just act like typical spoiled brats or trouble makers. I'd think they surprisingly get along well with Zidane too.

They're unofficially known as the Encore Trio, and get actual names now, from left to right: Waldren, Walter, and Wallace.

(The names just sort of came natural to them, I wonder why lol)

I can't help but feel the original trio deserved so much better, and couldn't pass up the idea of them getting a second-chance to live life and pursue non-evil and non-princess capturing related interests.

And despite what had happened in the past, I'd think Vivi would be happy for them too…

Ok ramble over for now!

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2 years ago


Original TG Caption by @shadowbornkayla

“A deal’s a deal, Doug. You lost the game, so each of us gets to cast one spell on you.”

I fucking hated wizard school. So many rules and traditions, backwards customs and fucked up games. Joining this fraternity was a mistake. And now I had to subjected to this initiation? I was pissed.

“I didn’t even want to play this stupid game. But go ahead, whatever.” I say in the chair in defeat, hoping they’d finish their humiliation and just be done with it.

Marko cracked his knuckles, going first. “I’ve been waiting to try this one. You probably heard about it, but no one at this school has the balls to actually do it.” He made a complicated hand gesture at me, and shouted the spellword:


Everyone’s eyes widened at this. “Beauty!? What the fuck, but that changes people into— UGH!” My ribs crackled and my body felt like it was on fire. It hurt so much! I could feel my face moving, everything in my body twisting and shrinking and growing simultaneously. I felt like putty, my bones rearranging. My chest erupted into two breasts, my genitals morphed into a womb and vagina. My hair grew long and full, and I became a small, dainty, impossibly beautiful woman. My onlookers watched in horror and arousal as it ended.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” I yelled, my voice carrying a higher pitch, but no less angry than I could manage before.

“Wow, hahaha, that actually worked! I thought you were going to turn into a monster or something, but you are fucking hot, Doug! Looks better this way, doesn’t it?” Marko laughed. So did the others.

I took a sour look at myself in the mirror, seeing my reflection betray me was awkward. I had a complete dissonance with myself, expecting my former male body but instead seeing this incredibly hot girl stare back at me. Our eyes perfectly locked, our movements synchronized. I had to look away, the vertigo from the strangeness of it all was getting too much for me.

“Okay, okay, my turn next!” Diego chimed in. I rolled my eyes, but I was terrified. I didn’t want them to get any weird ideas.

“No weird sex stuff, Diego. We agreed to that much.” Marko reminded him.

“You make a hot girl, Doug, but I think your wardrobe needs a lift, huh? A girl like you needs a good ‘fit to match.” Diego was a master of transmogrification. He made some outlandish hand motions and said the spellword:


I braced for impact. At first nothing happened, I just waited for my clothes to tear themselves apart and be replaced with something fresher, but that didn’t happen. I was a little confused, actually.

“What did you do?” One of the guys asked Diego. I just kept standing there, looking down at my frumpy-looking clothes and waiting.

“How do you feel, Doug?” Diego asked me.

“Uh, okay? I don’t think your spell did anything, I’m still wearing these ugly-ass guy clothes. I thought you’d change them to something more modern and trendy?” I took off the hoodie I was wearing and tied it around my skinny waist, trying to get it to look good on my body. It wasn’t working.

Diego flashed a sly smile. “Oh well, too bad. Hey Wex, do you have any of your girlfriend’s clothes lying around your room our friend here can borrow?” Wexley laughed at that and nodded, then bolted to his room, while the others also laughed thinking it was some kind of dig at me. That was frustrating, but honestly, Chloe’s clothes *would* fit me a lot better, and she always looked so hot...

Michael was next. He was a big guy, kinda slow but well meaning. I think he had been studying sports magic?

“Uh...” he stammered, unsure what to cast. “I guess I could try this one? Might be funny... we usually use it to help ballerinas and stuff...” He made his own set of gestures, maybe a little clumsily, and said the spellword:


The magic penetrated me and I took a step back, my foot catching the ground behind me on my toes. I felt lighter. I brought my slender arms up to look at them, and naturally took a pose that was extraordinarily delicate and feminine. It was undeniably graceful.

“I got the clothes!” Wex burst into the room while I was still getting my bearings. He tossed a few things into the floor at my feet, “Hope you like them, **lady**.”

I rolled my eyes and knelt to pick up the clothes, “I could use some privacy, please.” I spoke softly. My voice sounded even more foreign, it was lovely and polite. I moved to a corner of the room and when I was *almost* sure none of the boys were watching me I casually slipped out of my boy clothes.

I took a moment to admire my naked body. It was smooth and perfect, my hips rounded nicely and my butt was pert and nice. My every movement was like a dancer, as I put on Chloe’s panties and bra I was surprised to find they fit so well. Her dress was very classy and went well with my hair and eye color, I thought. Taking another glance in the mirror I was pleased with the look. Maybe later I could apply some makeup for the finishing touch.

“It’ll do.” I finally said, spinning back to the boys triumphantly.

“Uh, Doug, is that still you in there? You’re fucking hot, man.”

“Of course it’s me!” I retorted gently, brushing my hair back over my ear. “Don’t get any funny ideas, I’m still just as much a boy as you guys are. Just finish your silly spells.”

Barry was next, a twinkle in his eye. “Haha, if you say so. This is too much fun. I learned this one from my uncle, who has access to ask sorts of off limit spells these days.” He crosses his arms in front of him, forming an X, and said the spellword:


“Censor?” I hadn’t heard of that one before, “What the hell does that do?”

“Here’s an example, you’re not allowed to say you’re a guy anymore.”

I scoffed. “That’s preposterous. I’m a... I’m a...” I coughed. The word kept catching in my throat. “I’m a...!! ... girl? No! Fudge. How are you doing that?!”

Barry laughed. “The look on your face! You look so cute when you’re frustrated. I can add more restrictions for the next few minutes, like — you’re not allowed to say your real name, or where you’re from, or who your family is.”

“What!? You can’t do that! My name is... ugh! I’m a... From... errrrr.... “

I was freaking out a bit. Here I was, an incredibly hot girl, surrounded by frat wizards, now unable to even defend myself verbally! No one would believe me, I had to just hope they’d end their game soon and change me back.

Some of the guys joined in, adding dozens of restrictions.

“You can only say your name is Felicia.”

“You can only say you’re from Columbus, Ohio.”

“You can only say you’re attracted to guys.”

“You can only say you love sucking cock.”

“You can’t say you like anything remotely masculine.”

And on and on...

I tugged at my hair. Of course these things I could say didn’t make them true, but after enough suggestions they made me sound like some sex-crazed, soft-spoken party girl.

“This has been SO much fun, boys, but I really want to go see my boyfriend!” I said with a whimper. I didn’t want to say any of that! What boyfriend?!

“Aw, she says she has a boyfriend, fellas. That’s too bad. What did you say your name was again?” Barry goaded me.

I rolled my eyes and just gave him what he wanted, not like I had a choice anyway. “I’m Felicia, silly. You already *knew* that, because you are making me say it!”

“Oh, whoops. You’re also not allowed to say that you’re being forced to do anything by us. There, better?”

“Forced to do what? My name really IS Felicia!” I said, flummoxed and pissed on the inside but bright and cheery on the outside.

“Okay guys, I have a really wicked idea for the last spell. You know that forbidden spell Mrs. Lundgren talked about the other day?”

“Uh... the ‘forget’ one? That seems a little advanced, even for me.” Marko shrugged. “Have you even tried it before?”

“No, but that’s why we have a guinea pig, right ‘Felicia’?” He looked at me, dangerously aroused. “I’m gonna do it. I know that you’re just saying these things, but just one level down, you still know who you really are. I wonder if I can change that.”

“Um, like, that sounds like a bad idea, Wex...” I cautioned him. I didn’t know what lay on the other side of this one.

“Nonsense, you’ll be just fine. A happy, sexy, slutty girl. Isn’t that better?” He started some hand motions, big and exaggerated. A little uncontrolled. It looked sloppy to me, but I didn’t know the spell. The other guys seemed unconvinced as well, maybe even a little nervous. Then he said the spellword:


A blinding light passed over me and everyone else in the room. I closed my eyes in fear, shielding my face as best I could, but I knew it was useless against actual magic.

I thought hard about my past as a guy, growing up as a boy. About the circumstances that brought me to the school. Changing into a girl because of this stupid game. But... nothing changed. My memories seemed to stay intact!

I opened my eyes and saw all of the guys holding their heads.

“What... what did you do?” I asked, my eyes were dilated and my vision was returning.

“Huh? What do you mean what did I do? Who are you?” Wex asked me.

“What the... what the fuck?” I asked. “Did you make yourself forget what happened? Did you mess up the spell??”

“What spell? What’s going on, and why are you in our living room?” Diego asked me.

Oh no. Did they ALL forget? Except me???

“Wex, do you seriously not remember?” I heard Barry ask, intrigued. “Hahaha! Wow, that’s rich. You fucked up the spell!”

Oh shit, Barry still remembers...??

“WHAT SPELL!?” Wex asked again, frustrated.

“Don’t worry about it, man. What matters is we’re all here, having a good time. Isn’t that right, *Felicia*?” He eyed me, seeing what I also recognized was a tantalizing opportunity. I made a sour face, saying nothing. I knew that when I talked only bad things could happen here.

“Then who is the hot chick?”

“My girlfriend, obviously. Felicia, you *have* to say you’re my girlfriend!” Barry said, adding yet another speech restriction for me. I said nothing, trying to keep quiet might help me out here.

“Whoa, is that true? Where are you from, Felicia?”

I made an awkward face, as awkward as my pretty face would allow. Should I run? What would happen then???

“You’re being awfully quiet, **babe**. Tell them!” Barry smiles, and I saw him make some discreet hand gestures. Was he casting another spell!?


I felt it instantly. A love spell? But those were forbidden! It couldn’t work on me, right? It felt like an intense heat, moving up through my body, creating goosebumps on my soft skin and tingling sensations everywhere. I clamped my eyes shut and tried to fight it, tried to think of a way out of this mess.

Before long, the intensity just simmered away to a general feeling of warmth. It calmed me down, and I was breathing easier. That was part of the spell, I rationalized. But I was still me, I could still control myself, even if my words still betrayed me.

I gently opened my eyes after what felt like an eternity, and looked at Barry who was still waiting for me to say something. He had this sly smile on his face, he must be feeling sooo cocky. Ugh. If only he wasn’t so damn cute.

“Well?” He smiled a handsome smile at me. It was disarming... I’ve never thought about another guy like this before. “Tell them what you really think about me.”

It was devilish of him, but just looking at his toned body made me feel woozy inside. I could feel my loins heating up, embarrassed from being put on the spot. Knowing that I wanted him just as much as he wanted me. Maybe even more.

“I... I love you.” I stammered, my voice catching in my throat. Did I really just say that?? I really loved this guy???

He walked over to me, confidently placing his arm around my little waistline. It felt... nice. Him touching me sent another round of feelings through my smaller female body. It was all so foreign, but I couldn’t deny it’s authenticity. I really LIKED this guy!! What’s wrong with that?

“Then maybe you wouldn’t mind us getting some privacy, huh?” He stared me straight in the eyes. His eyes were a brilliant hazel color. His stubble made him look manly. More manly than me, for sure. Maybe it would be okay, living as a woman, if I could be with him.

“Okay, okay, we get it. Jeez, get a room already.” Wex turned to the others and shook his head, and the small crowd of guys just dispersed, completely forgetting who I used to be. Leaving me completely in the hands of this hunk of a man, Barry. Who knew full well what I used to be, but wanted me anyway.

Barry slipped his big hand down the back of my pants and squeezed my plump little butt. “I’m going to make you a very happy girl, Felicia.” He whispered, menacingly. I would have been worried about this situation, had I not been so completely enthralled by his machismo. He slipped a thick finger into my new wet pussy, causing me to squeal.

“Ah...!” His fingers were rough with my virgin clit, but it pushed shockwaves through my body and I felt like putty. This felt amazing!

He sucked on my neck, pressing his scratchy stubble against my soft skin, drinking me in as I drank in him. Feeling womanly with my quick breathing. Normally I’d get so horny in the heat of passion and feel an erection, but now that his dick pushed against my thigh I just felt a complete wanting. A need to be satisfied. I grabbed his face between my hands and kissed him with everything I had.

As he lay me on the hard floor on my back, still kissing, lifting my legs as he tore my pants from them, I thought nothing of my former life.

His dick emerged from his pants and I knew I should repulse but I just leaned into the fear. He groped my breasts and slid his cock into me.

He was not gentle. I didn’t mind.

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4 years ago

Random HP Headcanon (Cuz I felt like it)

Anyways, so I have this headcanon that EVERY SINGLE TIME it's the start of the school year and Harry is going to send his kids off to Hogwarts, he's going to pull a Molly and be like "What's the platform again dear?" real loudly just in case a Muggleborn doesn't know what to do and Ginny, knowing what her husband is doing would just reply with "Platform 9¾, dear" cuz Harry knows how it felt when he first came to Kong's Cross and didn't know what to do so he wanted to help any Muggleborns or just general wizard/witches that doesn't know how to get to the platform in any way possible

I dunno - just thought about it last night and yeah

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3 years ago

I don't think so cause in Unbecoming Draal was there at the right place and right time but he like ROYALLY SCREWED UP I think its more about the amulet (aka merlin) knowing that no one could stop the arcane order the first time, without causing total destruction, so it chose the person it knew who would get it right the first time but also have the courage to go back in time cause Jim and everyone he knew would know any of this yet he still went back cause of the small chance that they would be able to save everyone

And also unlike Draal Jim knew and also didn't want to do any of it alone Draal messed up cause he refused to tell people he was the trollhunter and that caused Gunmar to be released but Jim would welcome anyone who wanted to help thus the first part being called Trollhunters and not Trollhunter eventhough everyone kept saying how only the trollhunter could help.

Eventhough in the end Jim had to go alone he made it that far because of the help he got from everyone he met.

Also people need to stop hating on the directors like dude come on they worked hard on it and to THEM this is a good ending, the ending the show deserves.

// ROTT spoilers //




... So are they implying that the amulet was never really looking for Jim specifically? That it was less about being worthy and more about being at the right place at the right time? Cause like. C'mon.

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3 years ago

Tales of Arcadia did Steve dirty by turning him into a complete idiot I mean he wasn't thaaaaaat smart to begin with 😒 but atleast he had SOME brain cells.

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3 years ago

Will there be anything after the Rise of the titans movie? Cause I know the creators said that the movie was like the last thing to end the whole trilogy but I am hearing rumors of spinoff shows.

Also when Jim went back in time did he reset his timeline or create a new one, cause some are saying he created a new timeline and that the one he left is still continuing just without him.

This would mean that in the original timeline Jim is gone, eli Jr. exists and that stickler, Toby and Nomura are dead along with nari.

Ugh I kind don't want it to continue cause I like the movie's ending since it allows for the fans to write what happens next, but at the same time I do wanna see what will actually happen and also it would be really funny seeing toby train with draal. Ugh this is too unnecessarily complicated 😑.

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i don't think anyone that has ever wronged me in my life did a worse offense than Tales of Arcadia's Rise of the Titans movie ending

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6 years ago
I Finally Finished Drawing These Guys!

I finally finished drawing these guys!

I’m sorry for their monotonous appearance, poses and light sources in the picture. But I’m proud that they faces don’t look the same. 

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1 year ago
Wtf Drinking Is Cool Again
Wtf Drinking Is Cool Again
Wtf Drinking Is Cool Again

wtf drinking is cool again

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1 year ago

What is the missing piece?

This is gonna drive me insane. Ok. So. In Trollhunters part 3 episode 8: For the glory of Merlin, I have been wondering about what piece of the amulet was missing when merlin was rebuilding it (since Jim smashed it in episode 7 to get to Merlin’s cave). When Merlin had “finished” reconstructing the amulet, he said there was a piece of the amulet missing. But the amulet looked like it had all its parts to me.

So, I decided to try and figure out what was missing from the amulet by cross-referencing a screenshot of the broken amulet with images of the amulet.

First, I decided to use the concept art of the amulet that is in pieces and put some colored-coded dots, lines, circles, and boxes on the pieces. And sure enough, nothing was missing.

What Is The Missing Piece?

Initially I thought it might have been the small plate that connects the wheel to the ridge of the amulet. But that couldn’t be it because the rectangular piece of metal was already on the small wheel.

What Is The Missing Piece?

Well, ok. Maybe the concept art of the pieces might not be ideal, since some of the shapes and pieces look different. Then let’s take a look at the pieces of the amulet on Merlin’s blueprint found in Tales of Arcadia's third instalment: Wizards.

What Is The Missing Piece?

More color-coding later. Looking back and forth at the blue print and the pieces in the episode. Yeah, nothing's missing.

So yeah, I really don't think anything was missing from the amulet, as far as I could tell. But apparently, the show says otherwise and now I am stumped.

Also, let’s talk about what was used to replace this mysterious missing piece. Remember what it was that replaced the missing piece? Well, I'll tell you.

It’s one of Claire’s hair clips.

A hair clip…

That’s what used to replace the missing piece.

And Merlin just slips it in the amulet like there’s no problem with this idea.

What Is The Missing Piece?

Just look at it! Look at it and tell me that hair clip wouldn’t have caused any problems with the amulet’s gears.

What Is The Missing Piece?

Seriously that hair clip would have either made the amulet pop, jammed the gears, or have been crushed. But nope.

What Is The Missing Piece?

And would you look at that, it worked. Shoving a hair clip into a powerful, magical amulet made it work.

Merlin’s just like: “Wait, that worked?”

Yeah, I’d be confused to if shoving a small hair piece into a mystical device that gives the wearer a suit of armor, complete with a sword made of daylight, fixed the thing.

Welp, this has been my post about something that is so useless that I tried to figure out.

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4 years ago
 You Lied And I Died

“You lied and I died”

Wizard AU where Douxie died instead of Morgana, and what we are seeing here is Douxie haunting Merlins dream. He feels guilty, not only did he lose his apprentice but he lost his son.You know that scene for IT part two, with Gregory, yeah I love that scene.

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4 years ago
Warning BloodEver Wondered How Douxie Dies In My AU, Well Here You Go, He Falls Off The Cliff Like Morgana

⚠️Warning Blood⚠️Ever wondered how Douxie dies in my AU, well here you go, he falls off the cliff like Morgana and along with his hand getting chopped off when he tried to stop Morgana for hurting her brother. He just wanted to fix his problems and prove to his master that he is not a screw up.

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4 years ago
After Douxie Was Brought Back To Life( Yes He Comes Back To Life In My Au) His Appearance Changes,like

After Douxie was brought back to life( yes he comes back to life in my au) his appearance changes,like his eyes and hair along with black veins under his eyes.

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4 years ago
Invisibility Spell Gone Wrong Au

Invisibility spell gone wrong au

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1 year ago
Oops, All Orko! (and Bonus D.Orko)

Oops, all Orko! (and bonus D.Orko)

Just had to get a bunch of random ideas out of my system. Love this silly guy.

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5 months ago

Wizard but their magical focus is a sword / some weapon important to them. Maybe not even a weapon. Bracelet. Fuck, it magic shoes.

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6 years ago
Two Badge Designs Ive Done For Future Cons. They Are Amortentia And Polyjuice Potion From Harry Potter.
Two Badge Designs Ive Done For Future Cons. They Are Amortentia And Polyjuice Potion From Harry Potter.

Two badge designs I’ve done for future cons. They are Amortentia and Polyjuice potion from Harry Potter. I know for certain my friends like them and want me to do more of the potions so look out for them coming soon. 

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