afterlifeincorporated - Afterlife Inc.
Afterlife Inc.

Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Author of "The Point of Magic", Teacher of 6th graders

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5 months ago
Researchers "Translate" Bat Talk. Turns Out, They Argue—A Lot
A machine learning algorithm helped decode the squeaks Egyptian fruit bats make in their roost, revealing that they

They found that the bat noises are not just random, as previously thought, reports Skibba. They were able to classify 60 percent of the calls into four categories. One of the call types indicates the bats are arguing about food. Another indicates a dispute about their positions within the sleeping cluster. A third call is reserved for males making unwanted mating advances and the fourth happens when a bat argues with another bat sitting too close. In fact, the bats make slightly different versions of the calls when speaking to different individuals within the group, similar to a human using a different tone of voice when talking to different people. Skibba points out that besides humans, only dolphins and a handful of other species are known to address individuals rather than making broad communication sounds. The research appears in the journal Scientific Reports.

5 months ago

ppl often (reasonably) dunk on star wars environments for not having proper safety standards but important to note that cloud city very much does have guard rails

Ppl Often (reasonably) Dunk On Star Wars Environments For Not Having Proper Safety Standards But Important

this whole thing has guard rails. the bit Luke jumps from doesn't but i think that's bcos you straight up aren't supposed to climb on it? you also have to go through like a whole long stretch of what seem to be maintenance rooms w lockable doors to get to this area. i think it's fair to say this is supposed to be a trained maintenance workers only zone.

anyway my point w all this is to say, Lando was a responsible city mayor who definitely had safety standards in place to pretent situations like people falling down the giant shaft that dumps stuff directly into the gas giant and was consequently most likely very confused and kinda mad as to how Luke ended up falling down the giant shaft that dumps stuff directly into the gas giant. he signed city ordinances about this and carried out safety inspections personally. ):<

5 months ago

she upgraded her chicken feet house legs

5 months ago

i think all quiet on the western front and the lord of the rings are in direct conversation with each other, as in theyre the retelling of the same war with one saying here’s what happened, we all died, and it did not matter at all and another going hush little boy, of course we won, of course your friends came back

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5 months ago

"I see where you are coming from," the tailor said, "but I fear it would not work."

"Why not?" said the first dragon.

"It works for gnomes," said the second.

"And raccoons," said the third.

"Yes," said the tailor, "but three dragons in a trenchcoat will not look like a human."

5 months ago

Fun fact: by just using imaginary numbers, some Evil Math, and 101 rotating vectors You Can Create a shitty approximation of a fish.