ahanarhorse - Part time artist, full time freak
Part time artist, full time freak

I go by Erea/Ahanar | She/her | Christian | Non-judgemental, I'll always be a safe spot for anyone.

69 posts

Enjoy A Low Quality Meme I Made

Enjoy A Low Quality Meme I Made

Enjoy a low quality meme I made

Sorry if someone already did this, I just though of it and had to draw

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More Posts from Ahanarhorse

5 months ago

What am I if not your guard? Chapter 3

Wild risks his life(again) to save one of his brothers.

First Chapter -- Previous -- Next

AO3 Link

Warnings: Wild fell down a hill

Chapter 3: Fall down three times, get up Four

It was the day after the last incident. No one was badly injured, a potion had been forced down Wild's throat so his arm healed the rest of the way. All the others had been helped by Hyrule or drank a potion.

They were all exhausted. After the knights had left the group of heroes decided to stay and camp for the night. Mats were unrolled, a fire was set up and Wild had started cooking.

Legend came back from the forest with an armful of sticks for the fire and Twilight emerged from a perimeter check. Several of the group were sharpening swords, polishing armor or getting blood stains out of clothes.

Wild's head shot up, looking towards a spot on the far side of their camp.

"Uh... guys?" Wild asked. Suddenly, with swirling purple and black, a portal spun open, looming beyond the group intimidating and menacing.

"Nooo! Why do we have to go now?" Wind whined, throwing a stick at the portal and looking angrily at where it had been.

Legend grumbled under his breath, muttering something about heroes' luck.

With grumbling and complaining, from certain heroes more than others, they packed up camp. Mats were rolled back up, supplies were stuffed in bags and the half made soup was transferred to Wild's slate.

The group was finally packed up and ready to leave. The portal started to pull at them, a little shift towards the dark swirling mass that would turn into a full on vacuum if they waited much longer. Hylia had plans for them, and they had to go along with it.

Two by two, they entered the portal. First Warriors and Legend, to clear out any monsters on the other side. Then it was Sky and Twilight, then Four and Wind, Hyrule and Wild, and finally Time.

On the other side, instead of the cool dark atmosphere of night, it was bright and warm.

Most of the heroes started to complain as soon as they could see again. They had wanted to sleep, and now didn't have the chance. Setting up camp again was tempting, but they needed to figure out where they were, move, and get to a safe spot by nightfall.

The trees around them were dark and twisted, the air heavy, yet holding a special magical quality to it.

"Welcome to my Hyrule!" Hyrule said when he looked up from helping Four. The smithy was hunched over, having a bout of travel sickness from the portal.

Some of the group looked excited, being in one of the more rarely visited Hyrules, others looked uneasy, glancing at the rotting trees and dark vegetation around them.

Four's arm was looped around Wind's shoulder and the group set off. Hyrule was in the lead with Legend and Wild next to him. Normally he was quite self conscious about the state his Hyrule was in, but currently he was pointing out to his party members the healing that was occurring all around them.

Green shoots poked out of blackened stumps, white and gold flowers littered the ground in some places and every now and then a bird or squirrel call could be heard. Hyrule's land was healing, and as the defender of it, he was proud.

Eventually they came up on a drop off. Behind them were trees and dense forested land, before them was the vast expanse of sky, overlooking a rough rock field and then more forest. It was obvious that the cliff had been through erosion, the brink sharp and cracked while below it mounds of rock and rubble lay where more cliff had once sat.

The sun was beginning to go down, clouds gathered in the skies showing off an array of reds, pinks golds and blues. As they set up their camp and prepared for nightfall stories were told around the campfire.

Sky told stories of his home in Skyloft, detailing many sunsets just like the one they were watching. Warriors told tales of sunsets, glowing over a golden city and bathing battlefields in the deepest of reds. Wind talked about sunsets over the great ocean, where the sun met the sea and the world lay still in the moment of peace. Twilight told of the most magnificent sunsets, where day met night, and dusk ruled the world. Where magic unknown to the land would begin to creep through the stillness and turn one beautiful moment into the story of a lifetime.

The group listened and ate as the sun went down. As darkness came upon them sleeping mats were rolled out and tired marchers climbed in to rest their weary heads.

First watch was given to Four, who sat near the fire and looked upon both the sleepers and the surroundings. Most of the group lay down and seemed to fall asleep fairly quickly. For others, sleep didn't come so quickly but they still lay down, exhausted limbs pulling them to stay still.

An hour passed, then another. Most, if not all of the group was asleep, except for one. Wild climbed out of his bedroll and quietly moved to sit by the fire with Four.

"What are you doing awake?" Four asked quietly.

"Couldn't sleep. Thinking too much," Wild answered, staring straight ahead, beyond the cliff and into the night.

"Would talking help?" Four asked. If Wild wasn't up to it, he wouldn't pry but if it helped, he would listen to anything.

"Probably not, it's all in the past now." Wild sighed and looked up into the stars.

Four didn't answer, just looked to spot the same stars Wild was so intently looking at. He quietly stood up and offered a hand to Wild. The champion took it and both stood up, Four leading them over to the edge of the cliff. Four sat down and Wild followed, kicking his feet off the cliff and staring into the expanse of forest below him.

"I just get so confused sometimes," Wild started, taking Four by surprise, "at one time I was told to do something, and now it seems frowned upon.

"Something I was expected to do is now not okay."

"Have you talked to Time about it? Make sure you know what you are supposed to do and work out why you aren't?" Four asked, seeking peace for the young boy's troubled heart.

"I don't feel like I can," Wild looked down at his hanging feet sadly.

"It's alright, I know it's hard, but you'll figure a way out, you always do." Four looked at the champion and smiled. After some hesitancy, he received a smile in return.

"Thanks smithy."


Wild stood up, taking one last look at the sky before him and turned to go back to his bedroll. Four took another look and turned to follow him.

Wild was a couple feet ahead of Four when the cliff started to crack. Pebbles showered down the side of the cliff and larger rocks uprooted themselves from under Four's feet.

Wild looked back at the noise and stared in horror as the rocks underneath Four completely gave way. They slid and flung into the air, taking the smithy with them.

"Four!" Wild yelled, already running towards him.

Four was in the air, falling below the cliff too fast for Wild to reach. Without a second thought, Wild dove. He caught up to Four and grabbed the smithy's hand.

"Hang on!" He called before wrapping one arm around Four's waist and whipping out his paraglider with the other.

Without two hands to hold his glider, Wild continued to fall, only slightly slower than before. He panicked, seeing the ground approaching fast and faster every moment.

Wild struggled with his glider before finally hooking his elbow across one strap and grabbing onto the other, right before he hit the ground.

The glider billowed out for only a moment before Wild completely rolled around, placing him between Four and the ground. He landed hard, even though the glider had slowed him down a considerable amount.

His body flopped, hitting the ground hard and snapping his head against the rocks beneath it. Four landed hard on his stomach, winding him and the smithy.

Both lay prone for a moment before Four regained his senses and got off Wild. He looked at his savior, now lying still on the grass. Wild's hair was slowly turning red, the same color as the rocks around it. His body was still, unusual for the energetic teen.

For a moment, Four was scared. Rarely did each of the colors in his head agree, but now they did wholeheartedly. They needed help.

He called, screamed, yelled at the top of the cliff, hoping someone would hear him. His voice was almost raw, but at long last several heads poked over the side of the cliff. He breathed a sigh of relief and waved his arms.

Immediately some of the group jumped towards him, and Four almost had another heart attack before they whipped out leaves, clothes and hook-shots and lowered themselves slowly to the ground.

He was soon the center of a buzzing mass, voices blurring all around him as he struggled to speak.

Thankfully Warriors, who had jumped down with his scarf being used as a parachute, took action. He grabbed Wild and looked at the boy, checking his head and the rest of his body. He said something to Legend, who pulled out a fairy bottle and released her.

The world was a blur as someone lowered Four to the ground and sat with him. It was Sky, checking for injuries and just making sure Four knew that everyone was okay.

More and more people fell from the sky, taking gear with them as they went. It seemed like no one was getting back up the cliff, so they were prepared to stay on the ground for a while.

Wild was patched up, the fairy repairing most of the damage to his head as Warriors wrapped his bruised ribs and Hyrule healed him somewhat.

He was still out cold, and that may have been a good thing, because Four was about to lecture him till he passed out again. Saving someone who was falling off a cliff was one thing, jumping after them with what seemed like very little of a plan was another.

And by the way some other people looked at Wild, it seemed like he wasn't the only one who needed to talk some sense into the boy.

Sweet Hylia, he needed a break.

Thank you everyone who read till the end!(I think these chapters keep getting longer each time I write one) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions I would love to hear them!

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5 months ago

Do you have a favorite member of the lu chain?

For me this isn't fair so if that's impossible which one is your favorite to draw?

My favorite has gotta be Wild. Breath of the Wild was the first Zelda game I ever played and I immediately fell in love with the world and the story. I also really like Warriors, though I haven't played his game yet.

Most fun to draw? Also probably Wild. He's just a silly boy having some fun and giving everyone else heart attacks.(plus I love drawing his long hair)

Thank you so much for asking!

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5 months ago



Y'all, check this out!

This is based off of @kholnt and @eponatheestallion 's fic lost link (who are you?) (and kholnt's whole Lost AU in general) where Wild came out of the shrine of resurrection with his memories and is known as Lost.

It's such a good idea and an AMAZING fic, please please please go check it out!

And thanks to you two who made it!

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5 months ago

I just though about something.

Maybe Time is Team Dad but Warriors is fun older brother/fun uncle/adopted dad.

I completely headcanon that Wars adopted Mask and Tune during the war. Which means he's used to dealing with way too young traumatized energetic kids.

Which is most of the chain.

Wars just adopts the rest of the chain.

Sure, he's the one who plans battles or keeps the group on track, but he's also the one who can prank Wind, talk weapons with Four, be a wonderfully annoying older brother to Legend, help Wild understand his knight training, rest with Sky in companionable silence, sit with Twilight and make sure the kids aren't getting into trouble, teach Hyrule other first aid techniques, and he's the only one who can truly let Time be himself again.

Wars is talking to one of the younger heros and accidentally calls them 'kid'

then he starts doing it on purpose

everyone rolls their eyes and makes fun of him for being such a dad, but they secretly love their new father figure

i love warriors so much, can you tell?

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6 months ago

I love the Sheikah Tech in Breath of the Wild. It's ancient, it's incredible, it's probably magic.

It was made 10,000 years ago then buried till now. No one understands how it works. No one can fathom how they built it.

The average person may see 1 piece of Sheikah tech in their life and it will probably be a guardian. They won't even live to tell people about it because the guardian will then shoot them in the face.

Everyone is astonished at the Sheikah Slate because how in the world does it work and how is it doing that?

All these old things that no one can understand and no one can get close to.

Except Robbie. If you give him some parts his robot will make you your very own Sheikah suit and weapons.

Why are you keeping it all to yourself Robbie?!

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