Ahanar's Art - Tumblr Posts
Guardian of the Sky

Look! My first art piece! This is a Zelda AU called Linked Universe, go look at it, it's amazing! I like to think the chain watches over each other on their adventures, guarding them.
Anyway, I'm really proud of this, and hopefully will do more with the other members of the chain.
Other Guardians: Wind, Four

Look, he's finally happy!
Here's a WIP of the next piece I'm working on. It'll take a while, but I'm hoping to post it as soon as I can.
If you like these(you probably don't, but I'm hopeful), you're in luck. I have 19 more planned. Hopefully I'll go through the LU Chain, then the Champions, then the New Champions.
Anyway, I'll stop blabbing, just though someone would like a sneak peak!
Guardian of the Winds

Here it is, the second one in the series! I wasn't as happy with this one as I was with the first one, but decided to post it anyway.
Any ideas on who the next one should be? And what they should do? I have some ideas, but I'm completely open to new ones!
Other Guardians: Sky, Four

Here's a little bit of a bigger peice I'm working on.
You would not believe how hard it is to draw this, I even drew it on top of the picture in BOTW.

I finally finished it! Took me way too long, but now I have 1000% more respect for people who draw comics.

Y'all, check this out!
This is based off of @kholnt and @eponatheestallion 's fic lost link (who are you?) (and kholnt's whole Lost AU in general) where Wild came out of the shrine of resurrection with his memories and is known as Lost.
It's such a good idea and an AMAZING fic, please please please go check it out!
And thanks to you two who made it!

Enjoy a low quality meme I made
Sorry if someone already did this, I just though of it and had to draw
Can you draw the heroes that have companions with their companions
(I know this might be a lot so no pressure)
Sorry this took so long! I just did some doodles, so they aren't great, but they're something.

The first zelda game didn't have anyone on his adventure so I gave him a fairy.

Drawing practice! Decided to draw the chain to practice eyes, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.
Also put makeup on them for umm.... more practice... yeah...

they're beautiful your honor also reasoning for each of them
Sky- It's Crimson's wing! Sky loves his birdie
Twilight- this one was harder for me to think of an idea, ended up just going with plain grey that reminded me a little of a wolf
Warriors- yeah, it's his scarf. Pretty boy loves his scarf
Wild- It's the standard makeup the Gerudo have in his world, look at that, no wonder he could sneak into the town.
Legend- Looked a little magic like with the thick lines and red stars
Hyrule- He's a fairy!!! I love his freckles, he's so cute
Four- Eyehadow for each of the colors
Wind- he has the ocean waves crashing over his eye, also he rocks that eyeliner
Time- music notes for his ocarina
Thanks! If you have any more ideas I would love to hear them!

look at that, another art thing
This is The Hero of Winter(also known as Winter)! She's inspired by @gaylactic-fire's Cursed Link Generator.
i've already sold my heart to her I love Winter a normal amount
please ask questions about her I love her so much
Guardian of Men

Finally finished this one! I'm actually really happy with how this turned out, I also realized that I love drawing both Koroks and Minish.
Other Guardians: Sky, Wind
In case anyone is wondering about my username, here's an explanation, provided to you by Winter:

Ahanar is what I named my giant horse in botw and I named myself after him.
(Winter's not that tall, she's just standing on something)
Drew the chain getting ready for Halloween!

And Winter, because why not

I really like the style I used for these ones, seems much simpler and easier.
Rebloging some of my old artwork because I'm really proud of it and want to show it off again!
This was my second post on here and probably my favorite art piece, so happy with how the figures, colors and everything turned out(especially Wild's paraglider, doesn't it look great?)
Guardian of the Sky

Look! My first art piece! This is a Zelda AU called Linked Universe, go look at it, it's amazing! I like to think the chain watches over each other on their adventures, guarding them.
Anyway, I'm really proud of this, and hopefully will do more with the other members of the chain.
Other Guardians: Wind, Four

Guardian of Men

Finally finished this one! I'm actually really happy with how this turned out, I also realized that I love drawing both Koroks and Minish.
Other Guardians: Sky, Wind