Loz Sksw - Tumblr Posts

Courage, Wisdom, and Power
You’ve finished your trials, hero
Haha, jk you thought you were done?

Nope, you have another one to do

Courage, Wisdom, and Power
You’ve finished your trials, hero
I just finished Skyward Sword and I’m so happy yet sad at the same time. It was such a fun game and I would say the 55+ hours I spent on it are ones well spent. The story was amazing, the characters were amazing, everything about it was just amazing to me. I love this game so much and it has to be one of my favorite Zelda games, actually one of my favorite games.

The blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero are forever wound in an endless cycle with a incarnation of Demise’s hatred.
You never chose this fate but it will forever follow you.

With the Triforce you may wish for Demise’s end, once he’s gone your Zelda may return.

Ghirahim screenshots because he’s the skrunkly
Can you draw the heroes that have companions with their companions
(I know this might be a lot so no pressure)
Sorry this took so long! I just did some doodles, so they aren't great, but they're something.

The first zelda game didn't have anyone on his adventure so I gave him a fairy.
@skyward-floored tags
Bless your soul I hope you know I adore and appreciate you

do i even need any caption for this.

Linktober Shadow 2024: Day 11 - Demise