ahanarhorse - Part time artist, full time freak
Part time artist, full time freak

I go by Erea/Ahanar | She/her | Christian | Non-judgemental, I'll always be a safe spot for anyone.

69 posts

How Was Your Day? Keep Up The Good Work!

How was your day? Keep up the good work!

(Also I adore the companion art! Thank you!)

My day was okay, just tiring, thanks for asking! How was yours? Are you okay after the hurricane?

I'm so glad you like it!! Thanks for asking me to do it!

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More Posts from Ahanarhorse

5 months ago

Guardian of Men

Guardian Of Men

Finally finished this one! I'm actually really happy with how this turned out, I also realized that I love drawing both Koroks and Minish.

Other Guardians: Sky, Wind

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5 months ago

Whumptober day 1: race against the clock

Search party | Panic attack | "if only we could hold on"

We're hurting Hyrule today!

Warnings: Our boy has a bit of a panic attack, but I'm pretty sure that's a given by now.

AO3 Link

He was running, but never fast enough. His feet hurt with every thump against the hard ground. He dodged around trees, whipped around bushes and swung under branches, but it was never enough. His pursuer was always just as fast as he was.

He had woken up with a gasp, his first mistake. The noise must have alerted whatever monster group was nearby, because they took off after him as soon as he started to run.

And run he did.

The night was dark, but he could see well enough. He naturally put off the slightest bit of a glow, only helpful for situations like this. But whoever was behind him was just as good at navigating in the dark.

He could hear the panting of someone behind him, not far away enough. There were shouts, calling indistinguishable words, mixing nouns and names together in a babble of nothing.

An especially loud shout, calling something, a name? Was that his name? He didn't care enough to listen.

The panting of his breath was loud in his ears, mixing with the sob in his throat and the whirling thoughts in his head. Someone had found him, what had he done this time?

The monsters were after him, that much he knew, but wasn't he safe enough? Didn't he check every campsite and every path? Wasn't he as careful as a mouse in a hawk's nest?

Evidently not.

His breathing got louder, his chest beat faster, though he couldn't tell if it was from running or the panic racing through his head.

He was sweating, but felt cold and numb. He was trembling, but whether it was from running or not, he didn't know.

His breath didn't come, he was fighting for air in the most crucial race of his life.

His vision swirled and he had to abruptly duck to avoid hitting a tree. He had to keep his momentum up, or he would fall victim to the monsters chasing him.

At this point, the best thing he could do was hide.

Looking through the inky darkness he spotted a fallen log. Stopping abruptly, he turned and made his way towards it, taking care not to leave any tracks or make any noises.

The log wasn't big, but it was something. He couldn't run anymore, he was shaking too badly. He had just better stay still and hope whoever was chasing him didn't spot the barely glowing boy among the leaves.

Something raced past, a blur of blue and red before it disappeared. His thoughts jumbled around in his brain, trying to think of the mistake that led him to this.

Something had happened, and he didn't know what. The monsters wanted his blood, but if they were in the same camp, why didn't they take it already?

The thoughts were disoriented and unclear, mixing and merging with different incoherent thoughts. He had to close his eyes to keep from hyperventilating.

That was his final mistake.

A soft noise alerted his sensitive ears and his eyes opened with a flash. Above him, bright and menacing, was a wolf.

He didn't even have time to look at the wolf before he was off again. He couldn't stay, he couldn't fight, he didn't even have his sword.

He darted back between the trees, his abused legs protesting as his lungs tried to expand, to get all the oxygen he could.

It didn't work.

Something blue crashed into him and down he went.

He tried to dart up again, but it grabbed him, holding him tight. He didn't want to be here, he would be killed, Ganon would be resurrected and it would all be his fault.

Blue eyes and blond hair held him in place, looking into unseeing and scared brown eyes.

"Hyrule? It's me, Wild," the voice said.

That was all he heard before he finally did pass out.

I finished it on time! Thanks for reading! It's my first time doing whumptober, so if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!!

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5 months ago
.....might Just Be Accurate.....

.....might just be accurate.....

just a little

This quiz helps you figure out how the fandom would see you if you were a fictional character in a piece of media.
@individualperson8756 @skyward-floored @treasure-goblin @ahanarhorse

@individualperson8756 @skyward-floored @treasure-goblin @ahanarhorse​

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5 months ago
Yep, That's Me.
Yep, That's Me.

Yep, that's me.

(don't tell anyone, but I do not plan out stories at all)

I don't usually take quizzes but I did do this one. It's a writer test that I felt was spot on. Here's my result:

I Don't Usually Take Quizzes But I Did Do This One. It's A Writer Test That I Felt Was Spot On. Here's
I Don't Usually Take Quizzes But I Did Do This One. It's A Writer Test That I Felt Was Spot On. Here's

I'm in line with C.S Lewis, and now that I think of it, it tracks. My current project shows me that.

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5 months ago
Drawing Practice! Decided To Draw The Chain To Practice Eyes, And I'm Pretty Happy With How It Turned

Drawing practice! Decided to draw the chain to practice eyes, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Also put makeup on them for umm.... more practice... yeah...

Drawing Practice! Decided To Draw The Chain To Practice Eyes, And I'm Pretty Happy With How It Turned

they're beautiful your honor also reasoning for each of them

Sky- It's Crimson's wing! Sky loves his birdie

Twilight- this one was harder for me to think of an idea, ended up just going with plain grey that reminded me a little of a wolf

Warriors- yeah, it's his scarf. Pretty boy loves his scarf

Wild- It's the standard makeup the Gerudo have in his world, look at that, no wonder he could sneak into the town.

Legend- Looked a little magic like with the thick lines and red stars

Hyrule- He's a fairy!!! I love his freckles, he's so cute

Four- Eyehadow for each of the colors

Wind- he has the ocean waves crashing over his eye, also he rocks that eyeliner

Time- music notes for his ocarina

Thanks! If you have any more ideas I would love to hear them!

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