aharlemlovestory - A Harlem Love Story
A Harlem Love Story

When vibes between two infinite souls collide… HVRLEM

829 posts

Wading In The Oceans Waves But Im Done Waiting For You. Full Of Regrets Wasting Time When I Know Its

Wading In The Oceans Waves But Im Done Waiting For You. Full Of Regrets Wasting Time When I Know Its

Wading in the oceans waves but I’m done waiting for you. Full of regrets wasting time when I know it’s only of the essence but I’ve invested more than a couple of seconds on you. We’re you wading and waiting for me? Maybe the connection isn’t connecting because your lost at sea. Sailing away while I’m wasting away wasting yet another day. I’m all souled out because for you I sold out. Morals and values gone doing things I can’t go home and be proud of. Fornication while on vacation when I know I deserved the jewel of a diamond before I unleashed my jewel, my precious pearl. Cold nights and you shattered my world but I can’t let you be the last thing on my mind and I’m a fool expressing my passion and pain in poetry all for you nah this time it’s for me. I’m more than that ordinary love and I can’t be taken for granted but why must your waves reverberate leaving me tossing and turning in the heat of the night it’s another ambien night.

Ambien Night’s part 2

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