MATCHING PFP WITH MY INCREDIBLE WIFE @zukoromantic, BRO I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!!!!💕 She/Her 💕 23 💕 Respect Bentina Beakley or die by my sword. 💕Mostly fangirling about Ducktales2017 24/7 bc the show might be over but it still lives rent-free in my head. Also precure!! 💕 Inuyasha side blog -> @kagura-the-wind-tamer
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From somewhere in the land of the UK, “2, 22, 68, AND 69” is chanted over and over and over, please answer the questions before humanity can hear nothing but these numbers in their heads for all eternity
My my, we can't have that, can we?
2: Age
18 :3
22: Eye color
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
Hell no.
I try to ignore it, but if it's strong it makes me feel kinda dizzy and sick
69: Do I have any nicknames?
If we're talking about my real name, a friend sometimes calls me "Juanny" ( it's longer than saying my name lmao ) but my name doesn't give many variants to play with.
And I guess Ai if we're also talking about usernames
*whispers* It's perfect QwQ đź’•
Probably less shippy than you wanted
I've spent the past hours looking for a specific number of a Mickey magazine because (if my french is not as rusty as I feared) apparently there's like 6 pages of a Fake Married canon comic where Quackfaster acts as Mrs McDuck so Scrooge can get a business deal with a guy who only wants to deal with married men in it.
Yeah, idk what I'm doing with my life either, but tbh my first thought was "Fake Married AU became canon lmao" and now I need to read it.
Anyone knows where I can find french Disney comics online?
It’s headcanon time :)