“It looks like you’ve lost your memo then──” she giggled, scrunching up her nose, “no capes.” Poppy mimicked her best Edna Mode tone. She brought the book up to her chest after closing and she frowned her eyebrows together, still showing amusement in her expression. “They are fabric samples. For brides. When they have to pick what their dress shout be made off… I design wedding dresses.” She rambled several sentences before she explained how she should have from the very first time. “But soft paint chips? I guess that’s a first for that one. I wouldn’t even say what is that.”

Aiden laughed at the reference, recalling watching that movie during his childhood. “That reminds me that I should definitely watch The Incredibles on Disney Plus. It’s honestly one of the best things that Disney has ever brought out besides High School Musical,” he joked. “Oh, fabric samples. That makes way more sense than soft paint chips. Excuse my ignorance,” he laughed. “Oh, that’s such a cool job though. Do you do the whole process? From drawing to sewing too?”

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More Posts from Aidenjcarter
“Alright, dude, now you’re just bein’ gross,” Grayson laughed, but the bubbly giggle and smile betrayed his genuine happiness and interest. He’d always felt invested in his friend’s lives, sometimes more than he let on. Especially since he personally had accepted the status of forever alone, it would be like living vicariously through Aiden’s own romantic endeavors, with whoever his mystery woman may be. “Ahh… Brie was a weird situation, I still don’t fault you for that whole shit show,” Grayson sighed, knowing it was best not to rehash old wounds.
“You’re probably right. I actually kinda did something like that before I left, probably wasn’t the best idea for me, either,” Grayson vaguely mentioned, trying hard not to allow his mind to keep jumping back to the events with Abby directly leading up to his departure. “Seems like you’re doing everything right. Plus, it’s the holidays. Find some mistletoe when you’re ready and make the magic happen, man. I support it.”

“I’m not being gross,” he jokingly hit Grayson on the shoulder. Aiden knew that he was probably being really gross. This wasn’t like him. Although he found girls in college attractive, Aiden never felt this type of connection to another human being. “You should have seen what I wrote when confessed my feelings, you might vomit a little.” He nodded in agreement about his ex, moving on from that conversation.
“You slept with a girl and then ditched her?!” Aiden couldn’t even hide his surprise in that. The past few years have been kind of a blur with brief mentions about Gray through Gray’s mother. Aiden knew about the few incidents that happened, but waited for his friend to bring it up. “Oh man, someone’s such a romantic. I might need your help, to be honest. I’m not so good with this romantic set up.”

“Well then if you have to write about me,” she began, grinning. “make it something cool. Like, magic and shit. Ooh, put me in some kind of Harry Potter, super hero hybrid.” She let out a wistful sigh. “That would be perfect.” Nodding, Abby waved her hand. “I totally get that, I know that if you stare at a piece of work for long enough it becomes completely insane and you start to think everything makes sense but you just need another set of eyes.” She knew she could get the same way with her dissertation, even though they were two completely different things. “I would love to take a look at it, though. Do I get to know what it’s about beforehand or is it a secret?”
She shook her head. “No, but the ones that are factory made and not good for you just feel…” she shrugged. “More festive. Like its tradition that it’s supposed to make my stomach upset.” She looked over at the food, almost forgetting entirely that it was there. “Oh! Well we can fix that, can’t we?” She stood up, once again conveniently ignoring that Aiden deliberately ignored her (though she didn’t mind) as she went to heat up the french toast. “You can come join me in the kitchen, if you want. Make yourself at home, make yourself a drink. I have those old Batman Begins cups from 90s era McDonalds that used to be my dad’s.”

Aiden grabbed one of the cups, being as careful with it as possible. He was sure that this cup was treasured and the last thing he wanted to do was break it or anything. “Thank you,” he kissed her gently at the top of her head, nearly sending his heart into a frenzy. Besides the hand holding, this was probably the most affection that Aiden had shown Abby. He was surprised at how freaked out he was. “Uh - sorry, I don’t know where that came from,” he was quick and brief.
Aiden leaned against the kitchen counter and moved on from that brief encounter. “Okay, I’ll make sure to think of a cool character for you. Do you have a name preference or anything? Any features of yourself you’d like to change?” Aiden didn’t think she needed to change anything, but he figured he’d extend the question regardless. “Don’t laugh at me, but I’ve never seen one Batman movie. I’m sure that I just lost a bunch of brownie points.” He was hoping that the French toast would survive sitting in the bag for a couple hours. “I also hope I don’t give you food poisoning with my cooking.”

“Alright, brother, I trust your judgement,” Gray chuckled. He knew not many would have a tolerance as high as his by now, and it’s not exactly something he took pride in… just a fact of life. Just there mere mention of his mom made him smile. Reyanne had always been such a special person to Gray, and he was definitely a full-blown momma’s boy. He wasn’t surprised she still sent Aiden gifts; she’d always treasured his friend, especially because he’d done so much to bring Gray out of his shell. “Yeah… she’s gonna be thrilled we hungout. Here, let’s send her a selfie.”
Gray leaned in with his phone held out, getting close to Aiden’s face to snap the pic, listening as Aiden talked about his love life as he sent the text and a brief message to his mom. “Well, you’re already having better luck than most - so the new girl, then, is she… are you guys…?” Gray left it opened ended, smirking to his friend. He hoped to keep the subject focused on Aiden for this part; talking about Alana or Abby right now was not something he felt inclined to do.

Aiden leaned in for the selfie and smiled. “Tell her I miss her good food and her nice hugs,” he mentioned. It was nice to feel like he was still a part of a family. “No, she’s not my girlfriend or anything like that. I’ve barely even had the courage to ask her on a date, to be honest. It’s kind of insane how everything worked out. I told her about my parents and she told me about her dad and it kind of clicked for me that we both went through similar tragedies. Although, we watched Harry Potter and I got triggered and ditched her in a theatre, but she forgave me and understood and honestly, she is an angel on Earth. Her smile pierces through your soul,” he continued on.
“I’m not good with this whole asking girls out or being smooth. She’s like the girl version of me and it’s kind of insane because we’re both messes but in a way it’s nice to have someone else who can understand the pain that I’ve been through. She’s smart, she has ambitions, and I can be vulnerable with her in a way that I haven’t been able to with another girl I’ve had feelings for. I’m trying so hard to be patient. I haven’t even kissed her yet because I want to build a good foundation before jumping into affection.”

With Christmas almost upon Wilmington, Mia was happy. Her university had ended for the winter break and her shift pattern at Bake My Day was all afternoons and evenings, which meant she could have lazy mornings. Today was a late shift, which in itself was a good one, all she had to do was finish making gingerbread Santas and put snowflake sprinkles on cupcakes. The town was not very busy and as it got darker, the bakery got quieter until it was just her and a selection of Christmas songs.
Mia padded around the warm bakery and got it ready for the following morning. Just as she was stocking the drinks fridge, Mariah Carey’s Christmas song came on. Mia swayed along, bent over in the fridge. Singing to herself until she heard the sound of someone nearby. She stood and turned and gave an impish smile. “ Gotta love a bit of Mariah right?” She grinned, freckles showing under a blush. “ What can I get you?”

For the most part, Aiden has been chilling in his apartment in just sweats and a t-shirt with his dogs. Though he did his best to work on his book as much as he could, he was consumed with other thoughts. His best friend came back, he had a crush on someone, and he had to grade papers he assigned to his students. He was questioning why he didn’t think to make the deadline the day after winter break ended.
Bake My Day was Aiden’s go to spot. He was going to visit Reyanne and figured it’d be nice to get her some treats since she was always so kind to him. "I’m not going to lie, this is one of the best Christmas songs ever,” he nodded in agreement. “I’ll take a couple of gingerbread cookies and then just surprise me with the rest. I’m sure she’ll like anything I’m getting.”

texting starters send a symbol for…
🌻 a worried text.
🐰 a goofy text.
🦋 a loving text.
🧦 a half-asleep text.
🌳 a happy text.
🍎 an apologetic text.
⚠️ a text meant for someone else.
🕰️ an early morning text.
💫 a late night text.
🗑️ a text that wasn’t sent.
💡 a scared text.
💀 an urgent text.
🥇 a supportive text.
🔪 a hateful text.
🌊 a sad text.
⚡ an angry text.
🚀 a goodbye text.