WHERE: Tbh anywhere WHO: Open TAGGING: @wilmingtonstarters

“Alright, so…” How did she phrase this so it didn’t come off cheap and offensively? Normally, Halle wouldn’t care, but given the holiday season and for the sake of being in the spirit or whatever she tried. For a few short moments. “How do you go about… alright, what the hell do you gift someone that you don’t really give a shit about but you’re obligated to buy them a present?” The blonde had been doing a light amount of shopping and so far had really only picked up things mostly for herself. She needed to get something for one of the ladies in her office and also that dumbass prick in the copyright department. “Don’t worry… it’s not you,” she clarified, just in case. “I keep seeing this infomercial for this Miracle Spring Water... I know it’s full of shit but… Janet could really use it.”
“Oh, I have a fair share of those people at my school. To be honest, I would just buy them gift cards to Target. You can’t go wrong with Target and then they can pick whatever they want. It saves you time and energy about thinking what they would like or something.” He laughed, hearing about the informercial. “What exactly is this Miracle Spring Water? Are you suggesting that she only deserves bottled water?” He questioned. “I honestly don’t know what to get the other two English teachers at my school. They kind of have a stick up their butt half the time and they’re rude to me because I’m new. Some BS right there.

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More Posts from Aidenjcarter
Aiden was pretty bored at home. Winter break was starting to become a drag and with most of his papers done, there was no reason for Aiden to just sit around all day. It was nice to have reconnected with Gray after all these years. Though the two simply just drifted apart, part of Aiden was still sad about it. Gray was the only person who knew about his parents up until the point that Abby came into the picture. Aiden wanted the three of them to get together, but figured it might take some time because he didn’t want to throw Abby into the deep end of meeting his best friend. Throwing on a hoodie, Aiden quickly made it out of his apartment and into his car. The drive to Gray’s was brief. He hadn’t been over that often, but had already memorized the route there. Once he got there, he didn’t even bother to knock on the door and popped right into the house. “Honeyyyyyy, I’m home,” announcing his entrance to the whole house @abbyrchrds

It simply felt right to be back in Gray’s house, surrounded by the welcome chaos that was he and his roommates. She hadn’t been here very many times, but it already felt way more comfortable than the first few times she was here. The comfortable chaos that was Grayson’s roommates yelling at each other for whatever reason while she and Gray battled over an intense marathon of Mario Kart. After losing the previous round, Abby let out a string of swear words, slamming the switch controller down in her lap. As was custom, whoever lost had to go get the next round of snacks. She stood, setting the controller down and making her way to the kitchen to get another few backs of doritos. Thank goodness the house was kept stocked. It was as she was reaching for the bags that she heard the front door open, and who should she hear call out but Aiden. Funny. She didn’t remember telling him she was going to be here. Still, Abby smiled, taking the doritos into the living room and dropping them next to her controller as she went to greet him. The past few months with him had been really nice. Every time she saw him brought a fresh supply of butterflies in her stomach, and this was no exception. “This is a nice surprise. Did I leave my location on on my phone?” She leaned up on her toes, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. @grayfischer

Most things in Grayson’s life made sense. The things that didn’t, like just about everything Winnie did, he could find a way to explain in a way that wasn’t puzzling. Playing video games with Abby felt as normal as it ever had - and Gray was finally beginning to feel at peace again. He was home, and there would be no more drama, all was settled. Things with Aiden had even improved, and it was like the two never grew apart; thick as thieves once more. Hearing Aiden’s voice made Grayson smile, and he stood from the couch and was headed over to his friend to give him a bro-hug, when Abby beat him to it. Gray stopped short, blinking, his brain stalling as he tried to make sense of the pieces. “Oh, you- you’ve met?” He finally asked, a confused smile on his face. One look at Aiden’s ear-to-ear grin and Grayson realized; ohh. Abby was the girl. “OH,” He said outloud, the pieces clicking in place mentally. “Wow.”

When Aiden was greeted with a kiss on the cheek, he was slightly confused until he realized that Abby was at the house too. “Oh - you two know each other?” looking back and forth between Abby and Grayson. Aiden was trying to rack up any reason about how the two knew each other. “How?” His confusion continued on even more. “Grayson and I are old college best friends. We recently reconnected when he moved back in town,” speaking directly to Abby, hoping to explain why he showed up unannounced to Gray’s house. “How do you two know each other?” Though Aiden had spoken to Gray about a girl he liked, he never outwardly said Abby’s name. He wanted the two to meet, but he never thought they had known each other before. “This is trippy.” @abbyrchrds


On account of being utterly clueless of just about everything, Aiden’s uncertainty around him has always soared over Winnie’s head. He thinks they’re friends – despite the ever so small issue of him not being able to remember Aiden’s name. He hadn’t been listening when Gray introduced them, and it’s gone on for too long now that he doesn’t feel he can ask. For all he knows, his name could actually be Santa. Maybe his parents were just really jazzed about Christmas. “Hello, my sweet summer child!” He greets cheerfully when he opens the door, giving Aiden an affectionate cheek pat. “Gray isn’t here. If you can believe it, he’s actually left the house, so I’m decorating. Can you give me a hand to get that–” he points at a hideous inflatable Santa, “–up into his room? I just think he’ll really appreciate it.”
Aiden laughed at the greeting, unsure of the nickname that Winnie had given him. Though the two had met briefly, Aiden always thought Winnie was a little - off. He didn’t mind the nicknames and carried along. “Hi, Winnie, how are you?” he smiled, giving a warm response. “He left the house? What did you do to him? Did you chase him out with your little gerbil or whatever it is?” he chuckled. “Um - should I put gloves on in case he tries to track fingerprints? This stays between us. I had no part in moving this Santa,” Aiden grabbed the Santa and headed up the stairs. He had become accustomed to the house in the few times he had been there. “So, I see you guys are going all out for this Christmas.”

WHEN: december 18. evening. WHERE: aiden’s dog’s house that they allow aiden to share. WHO: @aidenjcarter & emmy.
Emmy was restless, pacing a line into the floor at home until she finally couldn’t take it anymore. Her eyes traveled to the closed door of Winnie’s room, and annoyance danced through her like a flame. There was no reason why it should have stoked such a reaction inside her– at least, not one she felt keen on giving a name– but the longer she was inside the house, the more intensely it burned. So, she stomped off to her room, knowing that, should she be heard, they’d assume she was just in a mood. To be fair, they weren’t wrong.
She stuffed several well-loved DVD cases into her bag– she refused to let time render them obsolete– and gave Noodle a kiss on the head before stomping back through the hallway and out the front door.
Her inexplicable rage had simmered to a moderate annoyance by the time she made it to Aiden’s house and, pulling her keys from the ignition, realized she hadn’t let him know she was coming. Ice-like dread chased away the burning remnants of earlier’s sour mood as she considered the fact that he might not even be home. And she really needed him to be home.
Overwhelming relief washed over her as she stood in front of his door, staring for several long moments until he was pulling it open. Wordlessly, she held up her stack of DVDs and shrugged. “Hi,” she murmured and then sighed. “I brought various versions of Meg Ryan, can I come inside?”

Aiden finally had a day alone, no interruptions, his dogs were happily asleep at his feet. He opened up his laptop and found the unfinished chapter in his book and started word vomiting all over his workspace. Writing came naturally to the boy, but he had encountered writer’s block from time to time. He was thankful for Abby’s advice that he should write something that he would be proud of us regardless of the judgments of other. It gave him motivation to finish his book up.
Aiden heard a knock on the door and immediately closed his laptop. He thought one of his friends had dropped by for a cup of tea or something. To be honest, Aiden was kind of surprised when he saw that it was Emmy. The two had met before, when Aiden was over or when Emmy had walked his dogs. They have never really spent any quality time alone, but it was good to see a familiar face.
His bed hair was quite apparent. Aiden never bothered to get dressed up when he was at home all day. “Hi, um, not sure who Meg Ryan is, but yeah, you can come inside,” moving to the side to allow her to enter.

Although Aiden had plenty of friends in town, most of them were already on their way to another part of the states to visit family or just go on vacation. Aiden wouldn’t really have anywhere to go to. He considered Wilmington his home. Though Aiden didn’t enjoy putting up Christmas decorations anymore, due to the fact that it hurt him too much, he was always more than willing to help out his friends who needed it. They mainly used him for his tall stature, but he was totally okay with that. Aiden drove over to Gray and Winnie’s place. Though Aiden and Gray have known each other for years, it wasn’t the same with Winnie. The two had met here and there, but Aiden wasn’t sure of Winnie. He figured if Gray was living with him, then Winnie must not be a bad guy after all. Aiden got out of his car and hopped on up to the front door, nearly going for the door handle before learning his manners and ringing the doorbell. “Santa’s here!” @winnieblythe