
On account of being utterly clueless of just about everything, Aiden’s uncertainty around him has always soared over Winnie’s head. He thinks they’re friends – despite the ever so small issue of him not being able to remember Aiden’s name. He hadn’t been listening when Gray introduced them, and it’s gone on for too long now that he doesn’t feel he can ask. For all he knows, his name could actually be Santa. Maybe his parents were just really jazzed about Christmas. “Hello, my sweet summer child!” He greets cheerfully when he opens the door, giving Aiden an affectionate cheek pat. “Gray isn’t here. If you can believe it, he’s actually left the house, so I’m decorating. Can you give me a hand to get that–” he points at a hideous inflatable Santa, “–up into his room? I just think he’ll really appreciate it.”
Aiden laughed at the greeting, unsure of the nickname that Winnie had given him. Though the two had met briefly, Aiden always thought Winnie was a little - off. He didn’t mind the nicknames and carried along. “Hi, Winnie, how are you?” he smiled, giving a warm response. “He left the house? What did you do to him? Did you chase him out with your little gerbil or whatever it is?” he chuckled. “Um - should I put gloves on in case he tries to track fingerprints? This stays between us. I had no part in moving this Santa,” Aiden grabbed the Santa and headed up the stairs. He had become accustomed to the house in the few times he had been there. “So, I see you guys are going all out for this Christmas.”

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🐰 🥇🧦
🐰 a goofy text.
Aiden: Has anyone that’s liked you ever considered calling you Winnie the Boo?
Aiden: Honestly, I’m considering setting that as your contact name now.
🧦 a half-asleep text
Aiden: Why did you decide that it was a good idea to put the Santa in my room?
Aiden: Oh, sorry, that was just my nightmare. I’m not fully awake right now,
🥇 a supportive text.
Aiden: I hope you know that I think you’re one of the funniest people in the world.
Aiden: You make me laugh harder than most people can (please don’t tell Grayson this).
Aiden: I think you have an amazing craft at comedy and I can’t wait until you have a Netflix special, Winnie the Boo.
“I mean, you’re bein’ a little gross…” Grayson teased, a stern expression on his face. He’d always felt a little behind the times when it came to girl talk, especially now. However; it had a sort of familiarity to it. He and Aiden used to talk so much about crushes, relationships, their hopes and stuff… as more formed adults, or whatever they were, it seemed fitting still. Gray hit Aiden back, only with partial force.
Instinctively, Grayson winced at the summary. “I- no, well, not on purpose,” He mumbled, waving it off and hoping Aiden didn’t push further. He felt bad enough, and Abby’s willingness to accept him back in his life had only hurt more. The last thing he needed was Aiden giving him shit for it. “And you think me, Grayson the forever alone, is the best person to act for romantic help? I mean, you wouldn’t be wrong to ask me, but… really, you got no one else?”

“Do I hear a little jealousy?” Aiden teased back. Sure, Aiden had a crush on someone, but he was so comfortable with Grayson that he flirted endlessly with the other. He recalled late night study sessions where the two ended up falling asleep and Aiden would wake up being cuddled up to Gray. There weren’t any feelings involved, but it was nice to be that comfortable with someone else.
“Oh man, Gray, you’re better than that,” Aiden probably sounded more disapproving than he intended to. “It’s okay, we all make mistakes. As long as you try and make it right, that’s all that matters.” He laughed at Gray’s comment. “You’re a hot ticket, I’m sure any person would be happy to have you in their life. I mean, you’re my brother, I trust you more than I would trust my own blood.”

Aiden was pretty bored at home. Winter break was starting to become a drag and with most of his papers done, there was no reason for Aiden to just sit around all day. It was nice to have reconnected with Gray after all these years. Though the two simply just drifted apart, part of Aiden was still sad about it. Gray was the only person who knew about his parents up until the point that Abby came into the picture. Aiden wanted the three of them to get together, but figured it might take some time because he didn’t want to throw Abby into the deep end of meeting his best friend. Throwing on a hoodie, Aiden quickly made it out of his apartment and into his car. The drive to Gray’s was brief. He hadn’t been over that often, but had already memorized the route there. Once he got there, he didn’t even bother to knock on the door and popped right into the house. “Honeyyyyyy, I’m home,” announcing his entrance to the whole house @abbyrchrds

Abby let out what could only be described as an indelicate snort-giggle, doubling over and grinning impossibly wide at the statement. It was annoying how charming he was. Still thoroughly bashful, Abby lifted her head. “I can assure you, I think you have plenty of more interesting things to write about instead of becoming a cookie cutter romance novelist.” Especially if she was the subject. “I wouldn’t lie to you if it sucked, because I doubt it does. But yeah, if you want me to read it, make some edits. That’s really all I do in my dissertation group meetings. We sort of pass around our drafts of sections and make edits and suggestions. It helps that we’re all writing about different things, so we can look at it objectively.”
“All I need are some of those sugar frosted cookies from the grocery store and I’ll be all set. And like, those pillsbury printed Christmas sugar cookies. And lots of breakfast food.” With another snort, Abby shook her head. “Okay, you have got to stop that. No more talk about how I’m adorable, okay? Shush, case closed, moving on.” She shrugged. “I mean…it’s just not something I think I’m ready for right now. I’m just…I’ve been making so much progress on who I am as a person since I’ve been away that I think that if I go back I’ll just…revert back to who I was.”

Aiden laughed slightly hearing Abby’s mix up of a snort and giggle. It was quite adorable, but Aiden knew better to mention that again. He recalled the times that he called her adorable over text messages. “Okay, fine, but I hope you know I still think that you are equally interesting. It definitely wouldn’t be a cookie cutter romance novel, let’s just say that,” he laughed. The progress of them even getting to their first date was quite slow, but Aiden didn’t mind. He would wait another month if it took her that long to agree on a date. “Thank you. I appreciate that. Yeah, I think I’m going insane rereading the same chapters over and over again so it would be nice to have another set of eyes,” he acknowledged.
“Are you implying that sugar cookies made from scratch aren’t good?” He did his best to sound insulted. “Breakfast food is always a must. I’m sure that French Toast I whipped up must be freezing right now but I’m sure you can pop it on the pan with some butter and reheat it for a few minutes and it’ll be as good as new,” his eyes falling onto the bag on the table. “Okay, so then I’ll just call you cute,” he laughed, joking again. “Yeah, and I totally understand that. And that’s okay. At least you recognize it before jumping the gun. Regardless of what you choose, it’s important to do what’s best for you.”

WHERE: Tbh anywhere WHO: Open TAGGING: @wilmingtonstarters

“Alright, so…” How did she phrase this so it didn’t come off cheap and offensively? Normally, Halle wouldn’t care, but given the holiday season and for the sake of being in the spirit or whatever she tried. For a few short moments. “How do you go about… alright, what the hell do you gift someone that you don’t really give a shit about but you’re obligated to buy them a present?” The blonde had been doing a light amount of shopping and so far had really only picked up things mostly for herself. She needed to get something for one of the ladies in her office and also that dumbass prick in the copyright department. “Don’t worry… it’s not you,” she clarified, just in case. “I keep seeing this infomercial for this Miracle Spring Water... I know it’s full of shit but… Janet could really use it.”
“Oh, I have a fair share of those people at my school. To be honest, I would just buy them gift cards to Target. You can’t go wrong with Target and then they can pick whatever they want. It saves you time and energy about thinking what they would like or something.” He laughed, hearing about the informercial. “What exactly is this Miracle Spring Water? Are you suggesting that she only deserves bottled water?” He questioned. “I honestly don’t know what to get the other two English teachers at my school. They kind of have a stick up their butt half the time and they’re rude to me because I’m new. Some BS right there.