Hi! I am Aisereth. She/They I love Pokémon!! :]I am OBSESSED with Ingo & Emmet (They’re so silly omg) Blankshippers DNII like to draw (both digital and traditional)

31 posts

Im Curious About Your Pokmon Drawings That You Did And Would Love To See Them, Only If Your Willing To

I’m curious about your Pokémon drawings that you did and would love to see them, only if your willing to share :)

Your support means a lot to me, thank you!! I mean it. ^_^

Drawings under cut

Drawings of Pokémon characters Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle and Pikachu. There's a Chibi/ Silly version of Aisereththeprinces OC in the far right.
Drawings of Pokémon characters Hisuan Zorua, Rowlet, Mudkip, Piplup, Torchic, Cyndaquil, Gengar, Guardevoir and Delphox.
Drawings of Pokémon characters Noivern and Lucario.
Drawings of Pokémon characters Scolipede and Joltik.

Tap on the images for better quality :]

I usually tend to pick fire type starters I noticed but if I have to be honest? I can’t choose which I prefer. And how about you guys?

If anyone wants to suggest/ request (preferably pokemon or submas related) stuff for me to draw: the ask box is open ^^

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More Posts from Aisereththeprince

6 months ago

Akari in the Crimson Mirelands…

Drawing of Pokémon character Akari looking scared due to a pokémon targeting her by Aisereththeprince

More under the cut

Girl, whatchu lookin at me like that fo?? /j

Gave her yellow eyes cuz giving her the same eyecolor as her hair is B-B-BORINGG >:0

Added/Changed other lil things to her design like: the blueish purple end of her scarf, bangs and longer sleeves.

Was thinking she may be chased by the alpha Ursaring in the Mirelands. Ursarings are SCARY (when angry).

Also: thanks for all the compliments in the reblogs!! It means a lot :]

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6 months ago

Can you draw Emmet interacting with the pokemon Jirachi? I think that’d be silly! :D

Thank you for the ask! I think it’d be silly too. >:]

[Drawing of Pokémon character Emmet looking confused at Jirachi. Jirachi wonders about the similarity in shape of Emmets hair and its head.]

Small paragraph under cut

Since Jirachi is a local legend of Hoenn, I imagine Unovan folks don’t really know about it (unless they went to specific places and people in Hoenn). Queue Emmet not understanding that there’s currently an extremely rare Pokémon in front of him.

If you have any requests (pokémon/ submas): the ask box is open! ^_^

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6 months ago

Submas reunion!!

my personal opinion? Angst with no happy ending SUCKS! Thanks for coming to my ted talk

[Traditional art of Pokémon characters Emmet and Ingo reuniting and hugging while crying. Emmet (breaking down in tears): "INGO! Ingo- Ingo!" Ingo (face hidden): "Oh... Emmet! I... I remember you again..." Chibi Emmet (far right): "where tf were you!?" Chibi Ingo (left next to Emmet): "Ancient Japan."

Text under cut

Man… I want them reunited 😞

This isn’t part of any comic or anything. Just wanted to draw them happy to see each other again.

I’ve been practicing how to draw pokémon ^_^ been going well so far. Made me realize how complex some of the designs are. Smaller pokémon are easier to remember but… Scolipede for example was a bit difficult. Even with ref.

If you want me to talk more abt my opinions on diff. tropes… I’d be happy to

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6 months ago

can you draw ORAS Tabitha 👁👁

Thanks for the ask, anon!!

And yes, I can 0-0

Drawing of Pokémon character Tabhita. He has a unamused facial expression and is leaning his arms on a table.

Text under cut

I’m still learning how to draw plus- sized folks but I think I did alright! Constructive Criticism allowed.

Omega Ruby was my first ever game so this was a pleasure.

If you have any requests or suggestions for me to draw: the ask box is open!! (Pokémon or Submas related)

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