I Could Have Made This Into A Submas Reunion Thing But - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Can you draw Emmet interacting with the pokemon Jirachi? I think that’d be silly! :D

Thank you for the ask! I think it’d be silly too. >:]

[Drawing of Pokémon character Emmet looking confused at Jirachi. Jirachi wonders about the similarity in shape of Emmets hair and its head.]

Small paragraph under cut

Since Jirachi is a local legend of Hoenn, I imagine Unovan folks don’t really know about it (unless they went to specific places and people in Hoenn). Queue Emmet not understanding that there’s currently an extremely rare Pokémon in front of him.

If you have any requests (pokémon/ submas): the ask box is open! ^_^

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