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Have some drawings of Emmet !!

So 1st one is based off a screenshot from the anime, I just thought he looked adorable. He looks so serious ! It was interesting to see him with that kind of expression ! (And very very cute too !)

Last one is based on a thought I had while watching the anime about the fact that Eelektross worked really hard to help the twins and the protags and I thought Emmet would definitely be bery proud of him and give him a lot of treats afterward !
Aaand that's all for today, it seems I tend to draw him a little more than Ingo. I don't have favorite tho, I'm just addicted to Emmet's smile and I absolutely love to draw it !
Btw I just found the screenshot I mentionned earlier


Nimbasa trio Nimbasa trio Nimbasa trio
Day 1 : Siblings antics/Humor

Okay this one is kind of a mix between siblings antics and humor, dunno if it really fits the theme but the idea of them doing the fusion dance was so silly that I just had to do it !
Day 2 : Spooky

I didn't plan to make a lil comic like this, just wanted to do spooky submas with their spooky pokemons but the idea that the twins seem more scary than the pokemons wouldn't leave my head so I made this XD
Idk how many prompts I'll make, my laptop died so I can only do traditional pieces but I hope you'll enjoy the art just as much !

Event: The Fae Brothers’ Fury 💖
Outfits from the the Magma Sygna Suit Event by @choochooboss and @beastkonohaworld, I ended up adding Cilan to the pair~ It was really fun designing their outfits! I came up with a silly storyline for their outfits.
The boys have been casted in a short play about two fighting princes! They both have a petty fight over the kind servant as the servant is their favorite worker. It is a comedy play as the two brothers bicker then battle. The show is similar to Pokémon contest where they do a combination of moves to create sparkling affects in the play~ I like to think the boys research their roles and really put their all into their performances. Cilan did his best too~

Hesitated to draw Emmet with two pair of sunglasses, it would've been really silly !
OKAY I'M LATE BUT HERE'S NOVEMBMAS FROM DAY 4 TO 11 (gonna be a long post haha)
Actually let's start with day 5 (Stars/Outdoor) 'cuz it's the only digital one :

Now day 4 and all the next days !

That's a lot of sketches, I wonder which one's your favorite ! Spent more time on some days than others 😅

It's been a while but have drawings I made of @cupcakestreets marvelous designs for Ingo, Emmet and Cilan ! I love them dearly 💖

(and here's all in one page, also alt colors)

Tried making a lil comic and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out ! The submas being unable to wink headcanon was rotating in my mind for too long, now I finally gave it life and I'm loving it 😂
It's Rin and Len's birthday today !! Perfect time for....A SUBMAS DRAWING OF COURSE

Ingo and Emmet wearing kagamine outfits was an obvious choice ! Initially forgot Rin wears a short and not a skirt so I made silly sketches + rambling about submas wearing skirts hc below cut if you're curious

Playing with headcanon is fun, imagining Ingo be totally fine wearing a skirt and rocking it like a king while Emmet feels uncomfortable wearing it is funny to me XD I think even Ingo wouldn't normally wear those but if he had to for some reason he wouldn't mind ! If Emmet had to wear one he would get used to it eventually but would always find it less comfortable than pants.
Okay hear me out I just got a funny thought. Imagine Akari in PLA wearing a skirt one day and Ingo sees it and is like "This skirt...I remember wearing one like this once", and Akari would just be flabbergasted, picturing warden Ingo with a skirt sure is something haha XD
Now I could also imagine the opposite with Emmet being fine with a skirt while Ingo is uncomfortable ! Or both being uncomfortable. Or both being fine... tbh I think all the headcanon regarding that are fun to play with XD
I DON'T KNOW why I talked so much about that, it ain't serious at all just silly ideas for fun but my brain seems to be interested in exploring headcanons on this particular subject today haha, I love submas headcanons, I don't imagine my own hc that much (often absorb other people's hc that I like) but yeah I love the diversity you can have with submas hc (btw if you have submas headcanons you wanna share feel free to do so, I will gladly CONSUME any submas headcanon haha)
Ahem...I never talked that much in a post haha, anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk

They're dancing ! 🕺 (close up and alt expression below cut)

Aren't they the cutest ?? ✨️✨️ I used to find Eelektross scary but it's impossible to see him as scary anymore after looking at these two having fun together !

Casually dropping all my unfinished digital submas pieces (+1 bonus traditionnal sketch of wurmple and staraptor)
Dropping submas sketches from months ago

Only now discovering the 10 pictures limit... U_U It's okay, I'll post the rest another day !

Dumping pokemon stuff once again ! Much variety this time, some are months old, some are from a recent magma session with friends (@embbu drew the very cute drifloon next to my Flint and drifblim drawing btw !)
Here's a mix of new and old submas doodles !

The 2nd one is @choochooboss Cha!Ingo, if you're not familiar with him PLEASE CHECK THIS SHORT COMIC, you won't regret

This one is OLD and UNFINISHED but it's Ingo and @nartothelar Josh (poor guy he's the unfinished one I didn't do him justice), I....I just wanted to draw them after reading THIS OOOGH, it's what made me invested in every of Ingo and Josh's interactions (lowkey shipping them now alslkd XDD)

Alriiight that's all for nooow (technically didn't ask for permission to draw Cha!Ingo and Josh, I figured it was okay since I saw other people do it ?? But ! If not PLEASE TELL ME PLEASE)

Today I offer you Elesa sketches 🤲

emmet horse real

Where can I buy these coats I also desire a high collar and long mantle

Haze in my mind, grief in my heart
Holy FUCK I just woke up and immediately realized an incredibley dumb AU idea for submas.
hear me out:
Somehow Ingo instead of being ebee deebied to Hisui is kidnapped for the main star role of the show.
Of course he doesn’t remember, whoever runs the show probably keeps Ingo on some kind of drug or something that has them not notice the cameras (yo drugs maybe also double as memory suppression)
Other people on the show include more fallers like Looker, Abigail, Dawn, etc.
People are slowly becoming immune to the drug so they see the cameras and other weirdness happening.
Ingo is the last to see and everyone tries to help him escape, sadly watching him deteriorate as he remembers his old life.
The show is being recorded/shot in the distortion world to stop outside influences
Volo is the director because why not, he makes sure everything runs smoothly
All the Pokémon are controlled unwillingly by Giratina? Or maybe aren’t real??? Lmao idk
Everyone on the outside of the distortion world is freaking out about the show, not knowing where these missing people could be.
Emmet is horrified by his brother’s treatment of course and watches as Ingo sinks further into despair about his returning memory and realizing he’s just a plaything.
Giratina is befriended and decides to help them get out, realizing Volo is a bad friend or something
Reunions are had because of the end of the movie ends happily and the boys are reunited
Uh. Wow.
Submas brainrot got hands man