alice-apsx - Alice

25 • Anglo-American studies • Ask me something interesting, or don't bother to ask at all 😘

340 posts

I Will Fly High If You Promise Me To Be My Sky! - Swetha Anne

I Will Fly High If You Promise Me To Be My Sky! - Swetha Anne

“‘I will fly high if you promise me to be my sky!’   - Swetha Anne“

photo by @alice-apsx

More Posts from Alice-apsx

4 years ago
Same City In Different Seasons: Rouen, Normandy

“Same city in different seasons: Rouen, Normandy”

fifth pic

photo by @alice-apsx​​​​

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4 years ago
"If You Open Your Eyes A Little Wider, There's Too Much Beauty To Quit."

"If you open your eyes a little wider, there's too much beauty to quit."

fifth pic

photo by @alice-apsx​​​​

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4 years ago
"It Takes Hands To Build A House, But Only Hearts Can Build A Home"

"It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home"

third pic

photo by @alice-apsx​​

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4 years ago
You Could Think Its The Golden Gate Bringe In San Francisco But Its The 25 De Abril (25th April) Bridge

“You could think it’s the Golden Gate Bringe in San Francisco but it’s the 25 de Abril (25th April) Bridge in Lisbon“

photo by @alice-apsx

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