Lisboa - Tumblr Posts

Ɛlɛʋaɖɔr ɖɛ Saŋta Justa
Lisɓɔa / Pɔrtugal 🇵🇹
Ɓɣ ©️LM®️

“You could think it’s the Golden Gate Bringe in San Francisco but it’s the 25 de Abril (25th April) Bridge in Lisbon“
photo by @alice-apsx

“‘Live your life by a compass, not a clock’ - Stephen R. Covey“
photo by @alice-apsx

"A photo a day challenge" - October 1st
a beautiful sunset in Alcochete, Lisbon - second pic
phoyo by @alice-apsx

"A photo a day challenge" - October 1st
a beautiful sunset in Alcochete, Lisbon - last pic
phoyo by @alice-apsx

"A photo a day challenge" - October 2nd
"You can't see the glory of life if you haven't seen the dark side of life." > Bessel Van Der Kolk - third pic
phoyo by @alice-apsx

I simply love my city. Lisbon is #amazing in sunny days but have a new #aura in #rainy days. #lisbon #lisbonne #lisbona #lisboa #cristorei #ponte25deabril #riotejo #tagusriver #tagus #rain #winter #portugal #portugal_em_fotos #portugalalive #portugaldenorteasul (at Lisbon, Portugal)

Freedom to drink a cup of wine at monday!!! #freedom #builtthelifeyouwant #builtthelifeyouwanttolive #wine #winelover #friends #mercardodaribeira #lisboa #lisbonbynight #cupofwine (at Mercado da Ribeira - Lisboa)

Sometimes you have to turn you upside down. Is great for your body but is good to see the world from another perspective to be easier to resolve your problems. Just because you are watching from another angle. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #ypotw #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogabible #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #changeyourlife #changeyourperspective #handstand #yoga #yogaintegral #lisboa #yogaeverywhere (at Miradouro Panorâmico Do Monsanto)

About last night. After 8 hours of work and being awakened for 18 hours I decided to do a handstand. I know I’m crazy and I love it. Photo taken by @artsousa_ #yogalovers #yogatopia #worldofyoga_feature #worldyoga #yogaeverydamnday #ypotw #nitpt #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogabible #yogajournalfrance #badassmovement #yogabrotherhood #yogapractice #myyogalife #yogapose #yogadudes #yogaaddict #mensyogagear #mendoyoga #realmendoyoga #yogamale #borntobeyogi #menatyoga #yogaiscalling #lisbon #lisboa #visitingportugal (at Alcântara, Lisboa, Portugal)

To celebrate friendship, love and happiness. Life is to live full of good things. A dinner with the best view of all with @artsousa_ and @flavi.filipe #25aprilbridge #lisbon #lisbonbynight #cristorei #dinnerwithfriends #livelife #livelifehappy #eatclean #livelifetothefullest #visitingportugal #greatlife #dinnerwithaview #dinner #ponte25deabril #ponte25abril #lisboa #lisbonportugal (at Lisbon, Portugal)

@out_jazz na melhor companhia. Grande música, bons amigos, melhor paisagem. O que se quer mais? #jazz #outjazz #livethelifeyouwant #liveeverydaylikeitsyourlast #profissaoandorinha #bewithfriends #torredebelem #lisboa #festival (at Jardim da Torre de Belém)
É com enorme prazer que nesta época de quarentena continuamos a mudar o mundo. A teamway e o movimento Vitamina-te está a fazer campanhas de solidariedade para ajudar o Hospital Dona Estefânia de Lisboa. E com um contributo a partir de 1€ é possível contribuir com bens essenciais para os profissionais desse hospital. No mês passado contribui-se com 2600€ para o Hospital São José. Que exemplo de equipa.

Lisbon at sunset