fanart and nonsense multifandom I need a hobby other than tumblr
19 posts
Almost-plutos-orbit - You.wish.i.cared - Tumblr Blog

Sorry if I’m a bit of a weirdo freak that’s kinda my whole thing

there should be saw traps but it makes you cum instead of die
i’m in a good place (my room) but i’m also not in a good place (deep physical and psychological suffering)
only thing that stands between me and going to bed is the entire internet that fits in the palm of my hand
we could be having weird thoughts in the same room rn
Rick being in therapy and UNITY T-T. I'm knawing my fingers off
What do you want to see happen in season seven?
Honestly I want to see Rick Prime doing his own thing before we see anything with C-137. I mean I also hope there's more screening with some characters, more or less "background" characters because it's fun. But overall I just hope they don't muck up the flow from previous seasons
Hello please reblog this if you're okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
Shitty picture but a WIP that idk what I'm gonna do with yet

I'm working on like 5 projects right now because I cannot do one thing at a time hopefully I'll be able to post some of it here if I ever finish it 😀

My first peice of fanart that I'm comfortable sharing to the internet. I literally was drawing this for 7 hours straight because I needed it to be perfect (and took some side quest drawings along the way as you do) but blah here it is
I honestly need to start consuming content for other things/shows that I enjoy instead of absolutely drowning myself in one Fandom and then being sad when I've seen all of the media
Who else finds a peice of media they like and then that is the only media they consume for months on end? Is this another autism thing...