Bojack Horseman - Tumblr Posts

The view from halfway down
Sorry for being dead for a while, but I’ve come back from the grave to say

Corn musical. Corn Musical. Corn Musical. Corn Musical. Corn musical. Corn musical.
This is such a Gina Cazador moment

fiona and bojack?!
"17 minutes, Bojack."

There is NOTHING funnier than the voice actor for Bojack Horseman narrating Reese's commercials

Before he was a super hero, he worked at the stock market doing a business

Fandoms I’m in part 5: Animated shows
(I know the Madness logo is from project nexus but they’re the only Madness logos I could find in good quality)
nothing, everywhere and nowhere all at once
I've never really felt anything that deeply, but I thought it was because I was lacking stuff in my life. I thought maybe if I just go to real school, if I get clothes I actually like wearing, and if I socialise that hole in my heart would be filled. At the time I couldn't do these things I would distract myself with video games, video calling my online friends and watch TV shows.
When I finally managed to get those first things I thought that hole would be full. But it wasn't. Those little distractions were slowly not helping as much and now I'm stuck.
While watching season 2 episode 1 of Bojack Horseman (Brand New Couch) Bojack Horseman (the main character)'s mother keeps trying to call him, but he keeps declining the calls. At the end he finally picks up. His mother apologises for the fact he can never feel happy, she begins to say "You were born broken, that's your birth-right, and now you can fill your life with projects, your books, and your movies, and your little girlfriends, but that won't make you whole, you're Bojack Horseman, there's no cure for that". And that just stuck with me, will I ever be able to feel whole? I've got a great mother, great friends, great life, but I will never feel whole. That sort of makes me sound like I take my blessings for granted, but it's true. I will never feel whole, I will always feel things surface level. I will always feel like a robot mimicking what people feel. All because I'm Elleni.
Bojack Horseman: Media review of the day
Bojack Horseman is a very interesting show originally the show may entice you into believing its a comedy however around the penultimate episode of season 3 you begin to see the story the show is trying to tell. The show is semi-episodic however there are some episodes a completely new viewer would not find enjoyable.
Without giving away any spoilers the shows comedy aspects are top notch and and have high levels of replayability. The show has a very active community who still regularly posts content. The deeper aspects of the show are very realistic and easily make you feel emotions.
I would not recommend this show for someone looking for a comedy or sitcom experience however.
First season: 7/10
Second season 9/10
Third season 9.2/10
Fourth season 8/10
Fifth season 8/10
Sixth season 9.3/10
Pacing 9/10
Writing/plot 10/10
Comedy 9/10
Characters 9/10
Replayabilty 10/10
Average score 8.85
Best episodes:
6x 15 or the view from halfway down
2. 3x 11 or That's too much man
3. 5x 6 or the free churro episode.
Overall rating 95/100
5x10 Bojack (horseman, obviously)
When most people look back on season 5 they think of the penultimate episode.(5x11). But Episode 11 acts a part 2 two for episode 10. As Schaffrillas retrospective shows us the penultimates are always a severing of a relationship for Bojack. And some keen viewers might notice Diane is pretty fed up with Bojacks shit, and does dump him.
The episode doesn't have the titular F-bomb however The relationship that is being severed is arguably more important than Gina. Diane has been there from the beginning while Gina feels like a "Wanda 2" of sorts.
As the episode begins, were greeted by Bojack dying on the floor. We are prompted to prepare from a dark episode but the show, but the episode seems fairly light lots of comedy and cute-ish gina moments. sure Bojacks drug habits sneak through the comedic aspects but don't they always.
around 8 minutes in to the episode Diane and Bojack bump into each other in the first time in months. But nothing extreme comes out of it. Until Bojack gives a speech about how being a shitty person is okay because were all shitty. Which Is a direct call out to the viewers, but also really shows how this is still the same Bojack who killed Sarah lynn.
After this speech Diane is rightfully upset with Bojack and fighting peruses. And Bojack is a fucking asshole but I assumed they would mend after Bojack came clean about the "escape from L.A" incident. At least on my first watch through , but than Bojack says he suffered more than Sarah lynn and I want to strangle him. I want Diane to Use the seasons F-bomb I want this to be penultimate of season 5.
Diane says she's done with the relationship But Bojack Doesn't seem to care he has severed his last relationship with someone who would actually help him, He is a lost cause.
The scene is followed by Bojack forcing Bogina into the public eye by making out with her live on camera unconsentually. But Gina responds happily and for a moment you forget about the last scene and you forget about all the shitty things bojack has done and you have hope for Bogina.
And than you remember.
Im going to talk about about the introduction of Mr Jelly's storyline next time because him fucking Diane was not something I expected. (on my first watch through I'm on my like 39th/hj)
Just watched tvfwhd for my birthday 🎂. Time to cry because I can't stop myself from romanticizing Sarah Lynn.

I'll put this in my locker
Alright time to watch BoJack horseman again
I think this is number 738?

What is this? A crossover episode?